期中测试卷 Unit1- Unit4 2024-2025译林版(三起)英语五年级上册(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)

考试时间:60分钟 满分:100分 成绩:
听力部分(30 分)
( )1. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there are.
( )2. A. There are many books. B. It's on the third floor.
C. I usually read books there.
( )3. A. They are 24. B. There are 24. C. It's 24.
( )4. A. He is watching films. B. He likes drawing.
C. He likes his animal friends.
( )5. A. It's a desk. B. There is a music room. C. There are some flowers.
( )1. A. It's a dog. B. It's a fish. C. It's a cat.
( )2. A. On the 1st floor. B. On the 2nd floor. C. On the 3rd floor.
( )3. A. It's too soft. B. It's too hard. C. It's just right.
( )4. A. Swimming. B. Drawing. C. Skating.
( )5. A. Two legs. B. Four legs. C. No legs.
五 听两遍录音,填入所缺单词。(10分)
Hello, I am Nancy. I am new here. I a lot of new friends on the day of school. Yang Ling me our school. There are classrooms in our school. My classroom is on the floor. There is a big in the of the classroom. There are some on the teacher's desk. What a classroom!
笔试部分(70 分)
( )1. My cousins have some nice ice creams.
( )2. Mr Horse grows the nice roses.
( )3. Look! There's a beautiful umbrella in the bus.
( )4. This young woman's hobby is wearing yellow dresses.
( )5. Their classroom is on the third floor.
(A) 根据所给首字母提示填空。(5分)
1. That chair is hard, but this one is s .
2. Elephants have big b . They' re very strong.
3. Look! A dog is running after the girl. She is a .
4. Don't play too much(太多) c games. It's bad for our e .
(B) 用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)
1. My friend Tom is good at ( swim).
2. We all like playing with ( they).
3.There ( be) some apple juice and eggs in the fridge.
4. Nancy doesn't like . She can't very well.( skate)
( )1. — Does Mike usually in the park
— Yes. He usually with Tim.
A. draw; drawing B. drawing; draws C. draw; draws
( )2. There any crayons in the box. There some pencils in it.
A. isn't; is B. aren't; are C. are; are
( )3.— Look out! The floor is too . — Ouch!
A. wet B. soft C. hard
( )4. Yang Ling is really good at .
A. playing piano B. play the piano C. playing the piano
( )5. — What in the basket
— There a pear and some grapes.
A. are; is B. is; are C. is; is
( )6. My animal friend eight legs. body is hard.
A. have; Its B. has; Its C. has; It's
( )7. — How many does a chicken have — .
A. foot; Two B. feet; Four C. feet; Two
( )8. People in the US like drinking and they can see in their country.
A. coffee; bald eagles B. tea; pandas C. coffee; polar bears
( )9. My sister likes singing. I like singing. We like singing.
A. also; both B. too; all C. either; don't
( )10. Look at these teachers. teacher is my English teacher.
A. The third; first B. Third; the first C. The third; the first
( )1. What can the bird do A. There's some milk.
( )2. What's in the fridge B. It has four legs.
( )3. How is Bobby C. No, he likes running.
( )4. Where is the toy car D. Yes, there are.
( )5. What does the dog have E. He's thirsty.
( )6. Are there any swings in the park F. It's beside the chair.
( )7. How many books are there in your bag G. There are twelve.
( )8. Do you have any friends H. It can fly high.
( )9. Does Mike like playing table tennis I. I like watching films.
( )10. What do you like doing, Helen J. Yes, I have many.
A: Hi, Jim. It's sunny. Let's go boating. A. We can have picnics.
B: 1. B. That's a great idea!
A: I like spring. Many flowers blossom(开花). They' re beautiful.
B: I like spring too. Trees are green.2. E. I also like winter.
A: Yes.3. When it snows, I can make snowmen. F. Birds sing in the trees.
B: I don't like winter.4. But my mother likes winter.5. She thinks it's very nice.
六 按要求完成句子。(5分)
1. The parrot has two big wings. The owl has two big wings too. (合并为一句)
The parrot and the owl two big wings.
2. Helen carries a big umbrella. (改为否定句)
Helen a big umbrella.
3. There are ten kangaroos in the zoo. (对画线部分提问)
kangaroos there in the zoo
4. My parents like reading storybooks. (对画线部分提问)
your parents like
七 根据中文提示完成下列句子。(10分)
1. 我的动物朋友有长耳朵。
My animal friend has .
2. 你们学校有几间美术室
How many in your school
3. 我的哥哥擅长唱歌跳舞。
My brother and dancing.
4. 溜冰是你的爱好吗
your hobby
5. 我的小妹妹没有玩具小汽车和洋娃娃。
My little sister dolls.
Hello, I'm Tina. I'm nine 1 old. I'm a good student. I like reading stories 2 my friends. And I have a 3 lesson 4 Sunday evening. I usually chat with my e- friend Mary on the Internet after school. Today, I would like 5 you something about Mary.
Mary 6 from the US. But she can speak 7 very well. She is a clever student. She is good at 8 lessons, for example(例如), Art, PE... One of her 9 is singing. Sometimes she goes to the park with her family. At weekends, she usually goes to see her grandparents and 10 them with their housework.
( )1. A. year’s B. year C. years
( )2. A. and B. with C. to
( )3. A. draw B. draws C. drawing
( )4. A. on B. in C. at
( )5. A. telling B. to tell C. tell
( )6. A. is B. come C. are
( )7. A. English B. chinese C. Chinese
( )8. A. both her B. her all C. all her
( )9. A. the hobbies B. hobby C. hobbies
( )10. A. to help B. helps C. helping
A little elephant has a long trunk(象鼻). He is proud of it. He often says to his friends,“ Look at my long trunk. It's great!” One day, a cow and a horse are playing. The elephant sprays(喷射) water at them. The cow and the horse get wet. They are angry(生气的) and shout at the elephant,“ Go away!”
At noon, many animals sleep. The elephant swings(摆动) his long trunk. The noise wakes up the tiger and the monkey. They get away. They don't like to play with the elephant.
The elephant goes home sadly. He asks his mum,“ Why don't they like my long trunk ” His mum says,“I have a long trunk too. But they all love me. Because I often help others with my trunk.”
The elephant begins to help others with his long trunk. He helps the cow water the garden. He helps the horse clean the window. He helps the goat put out a fire. Now they all like his long trunk.
( )1. The little elephant sprays water at the cows.
( )2. The underlined word“ proud” means“骄傲的” in Chinese.
( )3. The little elephant's mum helps others with her trunk.
( )4. The animals don't like him because his trunk is long.
( )5. The title(题目) for the passage can be“A Little Elephant’s Trunk”.
The King family live in a new house now. The house is small. It's beside a park. There
are two bedrooms in it. One is for Mr and Mrs King, and the other is for their daughter Mary. So they want to buy two new beds. Mr and Mrs King go to a shop and pay for two beds. The shop assistant is a green hand. She makes a mistake(错误) and sends four beds to them.
The King family are not happy. They don't have rooms for four beds. They don't know what to do with so many beds. They ask the shop to take back two beds.
( )1. The King family live in a house.
A. big and new B. small and old C. small and new
( )2. There is a park the Kings’ new house.
A. near B. in front of C. behind
( )3. The King family want new beds.
A. four B. three C. two
( )4. The King family are not happy, because .
A. they don't have rooms for four beds B. the shop takes back two beds
C. the beds are not soft
( )5. The underlined phrase(短语)“ green hand” means“ ” in Chinese.
A. 绿色的手 B. 熟练工 C. 新手
假如李明是你的朋友,请根据表格所提供的信息,以“ My friend”为题,写一篇短文介绍一下李明。不少于5句话。
Name Age
Li Ming 12
School Favourite subjects
Sunshine Primary School Art and PE
My friend
1. Look at the short bear. It's in front of the tall bear.
2. The boy has two long legs.
3. There is an art room on the third floor.
4. Peter likes singing. He sings well.
5. Boys often play football at weekends.
1. W: What's your hobby M: I like swimming.
2. M: What do they usually do after school W: They usually play basketball.
3. M: What can you do, Lily W: I can play the piano.
4. Rubber duck carries an umbrella.
5. The bird has two legs and two wings.
1. Are there any chairs in your bedroom
2. Where is the library
3. How many classrooms are there in your school
4. What does Mike like doing
5. What's on the table
1. W: Mike, do you have an animal friend
M: Yes. It has a big body. It has big eyes too.
W: Is it a dog
M: No. It has no legs or arms. And it has a big tail. It can swim well.
Q: What is Mike's animal friend
2. W: Let me show you around our school.
M: Thank you.
W: There are two music rooms. They' re on the first floor. On the second floor, there is a computer room and two art rooms. On the third floor, there is a big reading room.
Q: Where is the reading room
3. W: There are three long sofas in the room.
M: Yes, they are brown, blue and green.
W: Oh, the blue one is too soft. The brown one is too hard.
M: I don't like them. How about the green one
W: Let me try. Oh, it's just right.
Q: How is the blue sofa
4. M: Hello, Nancy. Do you like drawing pictures
W: Yes, I can draw well.
M: Does your sister Lily like drawing too
W: No. She likes skating. She is good at it.
M: That's great! I'm good at skating too. And I also like swimming.
Q: What is Lily good at
5. M: There are so many animals on the farm. Look at the ducks. They are so cute.
W: How many legs does the duck have Four
M: No, only two! Look! The pig has four legs. But the duck and the chicken only have two legs each.
Q: How many legs does the pig have
Hello, I am Nancy. I am new here. I meet a lot of new friends on the first day of school. Yang Ling shows me around our school. There are twenty classrooms in our school. My classroom is on the third floor. There is a big blackboard in the front of the classroom. There are some flowers on the teacher's desk. What a beautiful classroom!
一、 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A
二、2 3 5 1 4
三、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C
四、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B
五、meet, first, shows, around, twenty, third, blackboard, front, flowers, beautiful
一、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C
二、(A) 1. soft 2. bodies 3. afraid 4. computer, eyes
(B) 1. swimming 2. them 3. is 4. skating, skate
三、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. C8. A 9. A 10. A
四、1. H 2. A 3. E 4. F 5. B 6. D 7. G8. J 9. C 10. I
五、1. B 2. F 3. E 4. D 5. C
六、 1. both have 2. doesn't carry 3. How many, are 4. What do, doing
七、 1. long ears 2. art rooms are there 3. is good at singing 4. Is skating 5. has no/ doesn't have toy cars or
八、1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C8. C 9. C 10. B
九、 (A)1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T (B)1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C
My friend
I have a good friend. His name is Li Ming. He is twelve years old. He is a student of Sunshine Primary School. He likes Art and PE best. He likes reading books and flying kites. He also likes playing football.



