人教版九年级全册Unit 1How can we become good learners? 同步练习(含答案)

Unit 1 同步练习
1.Could you answer my question ________ I can’t hear you.
A.quietly B.carefully C.aloud D.hardly
2.The firemen didn’t care about the danger and tried their best to put out the fire. Their ________ is what we should learn from!
A.ability B.spirit C.skill D.stress
3.—The________ of learning English well is to use it as often as possible.
—You are right.
A.speed B.business C.secret D.address
4.Miss Li is very ________. She never gets bored when answering her students’ questions.
A.stupid B.confident C.strict D.patient
5.Peter was so ________ that he made a lot of mistakes in this exam.
A.patient B.careless C.necessary D.important
6.Ann can sing well. It seems that she was born ________ a great talent for singing.
A.of B.in C.with D.by
7.When you read English newspapers or magazines, some new words are often found, then you can ________.
A.look at them B.look for them C.look them up D.look them over
8.—________ do you study English
—________ making up conversations with friends.
A.How, With B.How, By C.What, By D.How, In
9.During his stay in Germany, he learned much ________ of local customs and cultures.
A.letter B.knowledge C.idea D.map
10.—I’m not sure what to write about The Secret Garden in the report.
—You should read some ________ about the book before writing.
A.reviews B.reasons C.results D.records
11.2024 is the Year of the Dragon. In Chinese culture, the dragon is a ________ of power, luck and success.
A.secret B.spirit C.symbol D.system
12.—Be ______. Good things come to those who wait and keep working hard.
—I see. Thank you for your advice.
A.careful B.patient C.quiet D.honest
13.—Where is my notebook, mom I can’t find it everywhere.
—Look, it is on the floor. I’ll ________ the notebook for you.
A.pick up B.give up C.look up D.put up
14.Tim, we’re going to Beijing for a vacation, so please ________ some information online.
A.look around B.look out C.look after D.look up
15.Our teacher often tells us to ________ our vocabulary by reading more books.
A.write B.reduce C.enjoy D.increase
16.I called you several times last night, but you didn’t ________.
A.stay up B.look up C.take up D.pick up
17.—Which teacher will you miss most after junior high school, Clara
—Mr. Lee. He is always __________ with me in math class.
A.careful B.patient C.busy D.born
18.It’s necessary for teenagers to learn how to spend their pocket money__________.
A.widely B.comfortably C.wisely D.kindly
19.—Can you give me some advice on how to__________ my reading speed
— Yes, try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. Don’t depend on your dictionary all the time.
A.keep B.increase C.review D.control
20.We can protect ourselves ________ having this medicine.
A.from B.against C.for D.by
21.I can’t hear you clearly. Can you (重复) what you said
22.I can’t find my English (课本) anywhere.
23.How important it is to have a when you work! (好搭档)
24.Kate is good at all her subjects as she uses her free time (明智地).
25.Mike was (punish) by our head teacher for his behavior was against the school rules.
26.Mrs. Smart (warn) her students not to stay out late last night.
27.Many students came to see Tom and brought him some (present) and flowers.
28.They talk with each other through body language and the on their faces. (expression)
29.I think that communicating with your parents about your problems is important. (active)
30.These must be Serena’s. I saw her put them on the desk. (textbook)
31.I often memorize new words by vocabulary lists. (make)
32.We should try to practice the of new words after class. (pronounce)
33.The scientists Pierre Agostini, John F. Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier won the the 2023 Nobel Prize in (物理).
34.Some people a gift for public speaking. That’s what I admire. (天生具有)
35.You should learn pronunciation of these new words first, and then with them. (造句)
36.Sam made lots of . As a result, he got a “C” in the writing exam. (语法错误)
37.Annie has developed a habit of at the meeting, which is very good. (记笔记)
38.—Reading is very important, but I can’t read fast.
—You can read faster by reading . (词组)
39.Mr. Zhang is good at writing and he writes (novel) in his spare time.
40.I asked the police to help me find out who (steal) my wallet.
Do you have any trouble in dealing with (处理) your old books Here are some ways to help you.
Give Away Your Books
You can give your books to the library. They needn’t be popular or useful book, but they must look clean. Most libraries have book sales every year. You can also give them to the charity. Many charities accept old books. They can give these books to children in poor areas.
Sell Your Books
You can choose to sell your books online. But remember to set suitable prices for your books and provide necessary information about the books for people to look through. You can also sell them to the thrift store (旧货店). Most thrift stores need old books. You can walk around your neighborhood to see if there are any thrift stores. The thrift stores will help you a lot.
Exchange (交换) Your Books for Other Things
There are some websites that allow people to exchange old books for new books. For example, you can visit BookMooch, PaperBackSwap, or Title Trader. You can also exchange your old books for other things that you need or you are interested in such as video games or CDs on Swap.
41.If you give away an old book to a library, it should be ________.
A.popular B.useful C.clean D.interesting
42.What does the underlined word “suitable” mean in Chinese
A.公平的 B.适当的 C.透明的 D.完美的
43.What can you do to sell old books
A.Show them online with some of their information.
B.Look through more information online.
C.Open a thrift shop by yourself.
D.Turn to your neighbors for help.
44.Which one is TRUE
A.Libraries give poor children old books every year.
B.Charities have book sales to raise money for poor people.
C.People can exchange old books for new ones on BookMooch.
D.Four ways of dealing with old books are mentioned (提及).
45.This material is probably written for ________.
A.library workers B.charity volunteers
C.shop owners D.book lovers
It is never too late to develop great study habits. However, starting to make some changes is hard. Even if you want to do well enough in school and improve your grades, maybe you’re having trouble getting started in the first place! There are several ways that can help you.
Plan your time carefully. Make a list of your weekly tasks. Make a plan of your time. Then decide on good, regular (有规律的) time for studying. This weekly plan may not solve all of your problems.
Find a good place to study. Choose one place for your study area. It may be a desk or a chair at home or in the school library, but it should be comfortable and quiet. When you begin to work, you should be able to concentrate (集中注意力).
Skim before you read. This means looking over a passage quickly before you begin to read it more carefully. As you preview the material, you get some idea of the passage and how it is organized.
Make good use of your time in class. Listening to what the teacher says in class means less work later. Taking notes helps you remember what the teacher says.
Develop a good attitude (态度) to tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t worry too much about your grade. Tests provide grades, but they also let you know that you need to spend more time studying.
There are other skills that might help you with your study. Share with your classmates some of the skills you have found to be helpful.
46.How many pieces of advice on developing great study habits are there
A.3. B.4. C.5. D.6.
47.What is a good attitude to tests
A.Always think about my grades. B.Seldom spend time studying.
C.Never worry about my grades. D.Always remember to study hard.
48.What does the underlined word mean
A.略读 B.精读 C.快读 D.慢读
49.These actions are helpful to study except ________.
A.finding a chair in the library at the weekend
B.planning to do Maths exercises from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
C.listening carefully to the teachers while taking notes
D.reading the material after the teacher explains it
Having a nosebleed is not comfortable and looks scary. When the 50 of the nosebleed gets worse, it can make you go into shock (休克). But most of the time, if you can 51 it, it is usually not dangerous. Let’s have a look at two examples of 52 a nosebleed.
Frank’s mother tells him to put his head 53 when he has a nosebleed. The reason is that the blood will make his clothes 54 . Many people also don’t like to see blood. But one of the biggest 55 about nosebleeds is to put the head back. In fact, Frank should put his head down. If he 56 or puts his head back, the blood may go down the throat. Then it will go 57 the stomach. Blood may irritate (刺激) the stomach and make Frank vomit suddenly (突然呕吐).
Grace presses the sides of her nose during a nosebleed. The 58 place of pressing is just below the bony bridge (骨桥). 59 she does it in a right way, she should be able to breathe through the nose. And she should keep pressing for at least five minutes. If the nosebleed doesn’t stop after 15 to 20 minutes of pressing, Grace should go to see a doctor.
50.A.break B.situation C.place D.importance
51.A.hurt B.mean C.hit D.control
52.A.stopping B.refusing C.standing D.discussing
53.A.off B.in C.back D.out
54.A.big B.dirty C.clean D.small
55.A.mistakes B.reasons C.accidents D.decisions
56.A.gets into B.lies down C.gives up D.cuts off
57.A.onto B.for C.from D.into
58.A.similar B.serious C.right D.poor
59.A.Though B.If C.Unless D.Until
1. 文中不可以出现真实姓名、学校等信息;
2. 文中需包含所提供的内容要点,并且要适当发挥;
3. 题目和开头已经给出,不计入总词数,字数不少于70词。
How to get on with my family members
As we all know, it’s important to get on well with our family members.
考查副词辨析。quietly安静地;carefully仔细地;aloud大声地;hardly几乎不。根据“I can’t hear you.”可知,说话者要求声音大点。故选C。
考查名词辨析。ability能力;spirit精神;skill技巧;stress压力。根据“The firemen didn’t care about the danger and tried their best to put out the fire.”可知消防员这种精神是值得学习的。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。speed速度;business商业;secret秘诀;address地址。根据“use it as often as possible”可知,这是把英语学好的秘诀。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。stupid愚蠢的;confident自信的;strict严格的;patient耐心的。根据“She never gets bored when answering her students’ questions.”可知她回答学生问题时从不感到厌烦,说明她很有耐心。故选D。
考查形容词辨析。patient耐心的;careless粗心的;necessary必要的;careful小心的。根据“he made a lot of mistakes in this exam.”可知他是粗心的。故选B。
考查介词辨析。of……的;in在……里面;with有;by通过。根据“Ann can sing well. It seems that she was born...a great talent.”可知,此处说的是“天生就有一种天赋”,be born with“天生具有”,故选C。
考查动词短语。look at them看着它们;look for them寻找它们;look them up查阅它们;look them over浏览它们。根据“some new words are often found”可知是查阅新单词。故选C。
考查特殊疑问句和方式介词。根据“making up conversations with friends”可知,此处指学英语的方式,要用特殊疑问词how提问;通过某种手段要用介词by。故选B。
【详解】句意:——我不知道报告里该怎么写有关《秘密花园》的内容。—— 在动笔之前,你应该读一些关于这本书的评论。
考查名词辨析。reviews评论;reasons原因;results结果;records记录。根据“You should read some...about the book before writing.”可知,此处指阅读书评。故选A。
考查名词辨析。secret秘密;spirit精神;symbol象征;system体系。根据“...of power, luck and success”可知,龙是这些的象征。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。careful仔细的;patient耐心的;quiet安静的;honest诚实的。根据“Good things come to those who wait and keep working hard.”可知,好东西总是属于那些等待并努力工作的人,也就是安慰对方要有耐心,故选B。
【详解】句意:——我的笔记本在哪里,妈妈?我到处都找不到。 ——看,它在地板上。我来帮你捡起笔记本。
考查动词短语。pick up捡起;give up放弃;look up向上看;put up张贴。根据“Look, it is on the floor.”可知,妈妈要为孩子捡起掉在地板上的笔记本。pick up符合句意,故选A。
考查动词短语。look around四周看;look out小心;look after照顾;look up查阅。根据“information online.”可知,是指在网上查信息,故选D。
考查动词辨析。write写;reduce减少;enjoy享受;increase增加。根据“our vocabulary by reading more books.”可知,多读书可以增加词汇量。故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。stay up熬夜;look up查阅;take up占据;pick up接电话。根据“but”可知,前后的句子为转折关系,由此可推知,此处表示打了几次电话,但对方都没有接,pick up符合题意。故选D。
考查形容词辨析。careful仔细的,细心的;patient有耐心的;busy忙碌的;born天生的。根据“Which teacher will you miss most after junior high school”可知,想念的老师在数学课上对Clara总是很有耐心,be patient with“对……有耐心”。故选B。
考查副词辨析。widely宽广地,普遍地;comfortably舒服地;wisely机智地;kindly和善地,友善地。根据“how to spend their pocket money…”可知,此处应该填入wisely“明智地”,修饰动词spend,指的是明智地使用零花钱。故选C。
考查动词辨析。keep保持;increase增加,提高;review复习;control控制。根据“my reading speed”和“try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word”可知是要提高阅读速度。故选B。
考查介词词义辨析。from来自;against反对;for为了;by通过。根据“We can protect ourselves ... having this medicine.”可知,此处是指通过吃这种药来保护自己。故选D。
23.good partner
34.are born with
35.make sentences
36.grammar mistakes
37.taking notes
38.word groups
41.C 42.B 43.A 44.C 45.D
46.C 47.D 48.A 49.D
50.B 51.D 52.A 53.C 54.B 55.A 56.B 57.D 58.C 59.B
As we all know, it’s important to get on well with our family members. Due to my busy schedule, I have little time spent with my parents. As their child, I should take responsibility in taking care of my parents. In my spare time, although it is limited, I will do my best to assign these time in talking to my parents, helping them with family matters, getting to know them better. I would also like to spend more time with my grandparents. At weekends, my parents and I usually go to my grandparents’. I enjoy the time that I spend with my grandparents. I also have a very important family member — my sister. We always study and play together. She studies very well. I will learn from her.



