
1. What's Tom's favorite sport
A. Football. B. Swimming. C. Running.
2. How does Bob usually go to school
A. On foot. B. By bike C. By bus.
3. Where are the two speakers
A. In a hospital. B. In a restaurant. C. At a bus station.
4. How much are two caps of this kind
A. Thirty yuan B. Forty yuan. C. Sixty yuan.
5. What will the weather be like later
A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny.
6. How does the girl like the film
A. Boring B. Wonderful C. Exciting.
7. Who will give Ann a toy dog
A. Her mother. B. Her father C. Her brother.
8. Where will the man go this summer holiday
A. To Hangzhou. B. To Beijing. C. To Dalian.
9. What will Linda and Mike do this evening
A. They'll study. B. They'll play sports. C. They'll watch a match.
10. What does Linda think of playing basketball
A. Boring. B. Wonderful. C. Tiring.
11. How many people will be at Mike's house this evening
A. One B. Two. C. Three.
12. What are they talking about
A. The weekend. B. The camping C. The math exam.
13. What was the weather like for Tina's weekend
A. Sunny. B. Snowy. C. Rainy.
14. What did Tony do on the weekend afternoon
A. Went for a drive. B. Studied for an exam. C. Helped to clean the yard.
15. Who's Molly's favorite teacher
A. Her math teacher. B. Her English teacher. C. Her science teacher.
16. What does Molly think of Miss Wang
A. Friendly. B. Strict. C. Helpful.
17. What does the boy think of physics
A. Interesting but difficult. B. Boring and difficult. C. Difficult but useful.
18. What are the two speakers going to do this weekend
A. Go camping. B. Go boating. C. Go shopping.
19. How long are they going to stay there
A. For one hour. B. For half a day. C. For one day.
20. How many people in all are going there together
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
My name is Mary. This is a picture of my class. Can you see me
I am talking to my math teacher. I like my math teacher. He has short curly blonde hair and he wears glasses. He is of medium build and he is very smart, His name is Mr. Huang. My English teacher, Mrs. White, is in the middle of the picture. Can you see her in it She has a high nose and a round face. She is tall and beautiful.
Do you think so The girl beside her is my best friend Lily. She has two big eyes. And she is of medium height and thin. She always wears jeans. She can draw very well. She is talking to Peter. Peter is tall and he has a big mouth. He is good at playing basketball. He often plays it after school with his friends. The boy with some books in his hand is Ben. He is fond of reading and singing very much. He often practices singing songs when he is free. He wishes he could be a famous singer when he grows up.
1. What does Mary's math teacher look like
A. He has long hair. B. He is very tall.
C. He has black hair. D. He is of medium build.
2. Who has a round face
A. Mary's math teacher. B. Mary's English teacher.
C. Mary's best friend. D. Mary's young brother.
3. What does the underlined phrase "is fond of" in Paragraph 2 mean
A. Dislike. B. Love. C. Keep. D. Hate.
4. What's the passage mainly about
A. Mary's class. B. A picture of Mary's class.
C. Mary's friends. D. Mary's family.
The birthday is a special day for most people. We may spend much time celebrating it. On the birthday, we may go for a trip, have a party or watch a movie with our parents or friends. We can also enjoy some special food. Do you know what people eat on their birthdays around the world Here are three people from different countries. They tell us what food they eat on their birthdays.
Liu Jing is from Beijing. "The long noodles are a symbol of long life. In China, red is a symbol of luck. We think red eggs bring us good luck. So you can see Chinese eat long noodles and red eggs when they celebrate their birthdays," says Liu Jing.
"I am so happy because today is my birthday. I want to have a birthday party. At the party, we can play games, sing and dance. We can also eat a big birthday cake with fifteen candles. I'm sure we can have a good time at my birthday party," says David from America.
"In Canada, people put a coin(硬币)into the cake. If the birthday person eats the cake with the coin, he or she will be lucky. I am so happy because I often eat the cake with a coin," says Sandy.
5. What does the underlined word "celebrating" mean in Chinese
A.举办 B.庆祝 C.组织 D.担心
6. How old is David
A. 13. B. 14. C. 15. D. 16.
7. According to the first paragraph, people may on their birthdays.
①watch ball games ②go for a trip ③watch a movie ④have a birthday party
A.②③④ B.①③④ C.①②④ D.①②③
8. The passage is mainly about .
A. what to eat on one's birthday in different countries
B. why we celebrate our birthdays
C. three people from different countries
D. how to celebrate one's birthday
People do different things on the weekend. Let's see what these four students did last weekend and how they felt.
David: It was not bad. I went out with my friends. We went to the movies and saw an interesting movie. Then we went to a new restaurant and ate a big meal. The food was good. We talked about our favorite sports happily.
Jill: ▲ It was raining and cold, so I didn't go out. On Sunday morning I just stayed at home and watched Ty. And in the afternoon I did my homework and read some books.
Mark: It was great. My friend and I went dancing. I had a lot of fun. I made some new friends. They were very friendly.
Anna: I thought my weekend was terrible. It was my good friend Leo's birthday last Saturday. I forgot it, so I didn't buy him a present. He called me and invited me to his home. When I got there I found there was a birthday party. All of his friends gave him presents except me. Leo said it was OK, but I felt really bad.
9. " " can be put in the blank.
A. My weekend was not very exciting.
B. What an exciting weekend I had!
C. The sun came out.
D. Spending time with friends was great.
10. What does the underlined word "except" mean in Chinese
A.另外 B.除了 C.包括 D.期待
11. Which of the following is TRUE
A. David didn't like the food in the restaurant.
B. Mark met some classmates last weekend.
C. Anna thought she had a happy weekend.
D. Leo had a birthday party last Saturday.
12. What is the passage mainly about
A. Four students' hobbies(爱好). B. Four students' families.
C. Four students' weekend activities. D. Four students' schools.
The worst tourist in the world may be Mr. Smith in San Francisco.
Once he flew to his hometown in Italy from America to visit his family. The plane made a one-hour stop to get something at the airport in New York. But Mr. Smith mistook(弄错)New York for Rome, so he got off the plane.
When nobody was there to meet him, Mr. Smith thought perhaps they were held up by heavy traffic. While looking for his address, Mr. Smith found that the old "Rome" had changed a lot. Many old buildings were replaced by the high modern ones. He also found that many people spoke English instead of Italian.
Mr. Smith knew very little English, so he asked a policeman the way to the bus station. Luckily, the policeman was also born(出生)in Italy and answered him in the same language.
After six-hour traveling around on a bus, the driver had to take him to a police station. Mr. Smith didn't believe he was still in New York when he was told so. In order to catch a plane back to San Francisco, a policeman drove very fast with sirens(警笛)on to send Mr. Smith to the airport. "Look," said Smith to himself, "I know I'm in Italy. That's how the policeman drives."
13. What did Mr. Smith find while looking for his address
A. He found the old "Rome" had heavy traffic.
B. He found many old buildings.
C. He found that many people spoke Italian.
D. He found the old “Rome" had changed a lot.
14. Why did the policeman drive very fast with sirens on
A. In order to catch a plane back to Rome.
B. In order to catch a plane back to San Francisco.
C. In order to make Mr. Smith know where he was.
D. In order to take Mr. Smith to the police station.
15. Where was the first policeman born
A. In Italy. B. In America C. In Britain. D. In San Francisco.
16. Where was the policeman taking Mr. Smith to
A. Mr. Smith's house. B. Mr. Smith's hometown.
C. The police station. D. The airport.
第二节 根据短文内容,从A-E五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。有一项多余选项。
Hello, I'm a cute sloth(树懒). My family and I live in the forests of Central and South America. All of us have big eyes, small heads and very long arms like monkeys.
I can sleep for about 20 hours a day. When I'm awake(醒着的), I just stay in my tree. 17 But when I eat, I always eat a lot. I usually eat leaves and fruit. They taste so good!
People always think I'm lazy. Well, I don't like walking. 18 I can walk only about 1.8 to 2.4 meters a minute. About once a week, I go down from the tree. 19 It's easy to meet animals like lions and tigers under the tree. I'm afraid of them.
I don't like to take showers. There is always some green algae(藻)on my fur. 20 Other animals can't see me, so the algae can protect(保护)me.
I'm always friendly to people. Do you like me
A. And I don't eat very often.
B. It makes me look like green leaves.
C. Our big eyes give us a sad look.
D It's so difficult for me!
E. It is the most dangerous time for me.
People in different parts of the world eat different things. In south China, people eat rice every day. Sometimes they eat 21 twice or three times a day. And people usually eat rice 22 meat and vegetables.
The Japanese eat 23 , too. They also eat a lot of fish 24 they live near the sea. It's easy for them to 25 fish. Sometimes, they eat raw(生的)fish.
In Western countries 26 Britain, Australia and the U.S., the most important foods are bread and potatoes. People there can cook potatoes 27 many ways. In Britain, the most 28 food is fish and chips. People like eating it very much. Sometimes people cook it at home, but they 29 buy it from the shop. They eat it at home, in the workplace, in the park or even on the road. People 30 it "take-away" food.
21. A. them B. this C. one D.it
22. A. on B. for C. with D. at
23. A. rice B. fish C. meat D. potatoes
24. A. and B. because C. so D. but
25. A. cut B. get C. hold D. carry
26. A. at last B. at first C. such as D. at all
27. A. in B. on C. for D. with
28. A. expensive B. beautiful C. popular D. quiet
29. A. usually B. quickly C. really D. differently
30. A. say B. call C. tell D. speak
第二部分 非选择题(共50分)
Knife-peeled noodles are a kind of food in Shanxi Province, and it has a history of hundreds of years. The name shows the way 31 dish is prepared. A cook holds dough(面团)in one hand, and cuts it 32 pieces with a knife in the other hand. Then they are 33 (direct)thrown into a pot of boiling water. The whole process 34 (look)like an exciting kung fu performance. As one piece of noodle falls into the boiling water, the second is 35 (fly)in the air, and the third has just been peeled off. Within only a minute, 200 pieces of noodles can be cutout. The noodles have a shape of a leaf, with medium thickness 36 thin edges. The noodles are smooth and soft
Knife-peeled noodles are popular with people from different 37 (age). And Shanxi people have a special feeling when having this kind of noodles. On 38 (they)birthdays, a bowl of noodles means long life; at the Spring Festival, people eat noodles for a 39 (luck)new year. Knife-peeled noodles in Shanxi are not 40 (make)just to satisfy a hungry stomach, but a way to express Chinese people's feelings of life.
Jack is a young man. He works in a factory and makes little money. He always feels sad.
One day, he meets his teacher in the street. He says, "Dear teacher, do you remember John He is my best classmate. He was not a good student at school. He never did his homework after school. But now he is a writer."
The teacher answers, "Yes, he is quite different now. He always writes his novels very late at night..."
Jack stops the teacher's words, "And Justin, his body was very weak at school. He was usually in hospital because of his sick legs. He couldn't have PE lessons at all. But now he is a swimmer. I really can't believe it."
"Oh, I hear in the past he always used all his time to practise and..."
"Now," Jack stops him again, "Paul has a big restaurant. You know he had no money to eat beef or chicken at school."
This time the teacher doesn't answer quickly. But Jack asks him, "Why don't you say a word " "Well. Jack, if you always put your two hands in the pockets, and never try, you can't get to the top of success(成功)," the teacher says.
After hearing that, Jack's face turns red. He knows that better late than never.
41. Why does Jack always feel sad
42. How can John be a successful writer
43. Who couldn't have PE lessons at school
44. What can we learn from the story
50.每逢周末,人们都希望做一些开心的事情来放松自己。上周末,彼得一家做了些什么事呢?请根据表格中的内容提示,以“The Weekend of Peter's Family”为题写一篇短文。
Who Where What
Peter's parents 去超市 购买蔬菜
Peter' s sister 去公园 和朋友一起放风筝
Peter 去电影院 和朋友一起看电影
The Weekend of Peter's Family
Peter's family had a happy weekend last week.




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