人教版七年级上册(2024)Starter Unit1 Hello组合训练(无答案)

Starter Unit 1 Hello!
Section A
/i / /ɑ / /ju / /si / /d e /
( It's September 1st. The new term begins. Emma meets Fu Xing at the school gate.)
Fu Xing: 1 ! I'm Fu Xing. Nice to meet you.
Emma: Nice to meet you too. What class are you in
Fu Xing: I'm in Class Four. What about you
Emma: Great! We are in the same(相同的) 2 .
Fu Xing: Really ! What's your 3
Emma: I'm Emma.
Fu Xing: Where are you from, Emma
Emma: I'm from Canada. Look! Ms Gao— our class teacher is coming. Let's go into
our 4 .
Fu Xing: Let's go!
( )1. A. Goodbye B. Thanks C. Excuse me D. Hello
( )2. A. grade B. school C. class D. unit
( )3. A. hobby B. name C. habit D. dream
( )4. A. library B. classroom C. dining hall D. club
Section B
1. There are three starter (单元) in our new book.
2. Wake up, Jim! Morning (铃声) are ringing.
3. That's a computer. I can (拼写) it. C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R.
4. The football match (开始) at 8 o’ clock. The players are getting ready for it.
5. I had a (/ k nv 'seI n/) with my pen pal in English yesterday.
6. Do you know how people (/gri t/) each other in China
7. Not (/'evriw n/) likes to go to busy cities. Some families travel to green mountain s or blue seas.
1.中国人民解放军 2.世界卫生组织
3.中华人民共和国 4.联合国
( Sara is a new student in the school. Greg tries to help her...)
Greg: Hi, are you Sara I'm Greg. Welcome to our 1 .
Sara: Thank you. Nice to meet you.
Greg: Nice to meet you too. 2 are you from
Sara: I'm from China.
Greg: It's a big 3 . Is it nice there all year
Sara: Yes, it is. But it's 4 here now! I want to buy a coat.
Greg: What colour do you like
Sara: Red.
Greg: I know a 5 with many beautiful coats. Let's go there.
Sara: That's good. Thank you.
Greg: You are welcome.
( )1. A. school B. park C. cinema D. unit
( )2. A. Why B. When C. Where D. How
( )3. A. city B. country C. village D. section
( )4. A. hot B. busy C. warm D. cool
( )5. A. room B. museum C. shop D. restaurant



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