Unit 1 A new start 提升培优--2024-2025七年级英语上学期单元训练(外研版(2024))(含答案)

Unit 1 A new start 提升培优--2024-2025学年七年级英语上学期单元训练(外研版(2024))(含答案)
Ren Xinmin, a chemistry (化学) teacher at a middle school in Changsha, gives lipsticks (唇膏) to her students. They are different from those in stores, 1 Ren makes them by hand.
“I promise (允诺) to give my students 2 special (特殊的) gift if they do 3 (good) at school. It is usually very dry in winter. That’s why I choose lipsticks as gifts. I also want my students to love chemistry. It is an 4 (interest) subject and people can do many things with it,” Ren says.
There are 49 students in Ren’s class. It 5 (take) Ren a weekend to make all the lipsticks. “It is difficult 6 (make) so many lipsticks, because I must make them one by one,” Ren says. “I make lipsticks with healthy food, 7 they aren’t bad for the students’ health.” Ren also makes some small 8 (card) with English words “Present for You” on them. She gives 9 (they) to her students with the lipsticks.
Ren’s students are very happy with the gifts. They feel 10 (luck) to have such a great teacher.
away, gain, work, without, lucky, because, good, hope, diary, during, problem, really
Dawn Loggins was born in North Carolina, America. She had a hard childhood because of her parents’ 11 . There was never enough (足够的) money for food and living, so the family often lived in buildings 12 power (电) or running water. Dawn 13 wanted to learn, but studying at home was difficult with no lights.
As she got older, Dawn knew that studying was the only way to live a 14 life. After her parents moved 15 to Tennessee, she found herself homeless and had to spend the night on friend’s sofas. 16 , she got help from a kind school bus driver and moved in with her family.
To make money, Dawn took a job as a school cleaner and 17 every day before classes began. With hard work, she always got A 18 her school years. She 19 to get into Harvard University one day.
As the saying goes, “No pain, no 20 .” Her dream came true.
A: Li Ming, why are you here
B: 21
A: Do you want to ask your teacher questions
B: Yes.
A: 22
B: Of course. This morning our English teacher asked us to write down a sentence. 23
A: What’s it
B: She said it is from Confucius, but it is from Mencius.
A: Do you want to tell her the truth
B: Yes. 24 Can you come with me together
A: Sure. Let’s go into the office.
B: 25
A.Can you see the office
B.I talked to my friends.
C.I want to meet our English teacher.
D.But she made a mistake.
E.Can I help you
F.Thank you very much.
G.But I am a little nervous.
Alex is a young boy. He likes music very much. He wants to play the piano and join the school music club. But all these things are difficult for him. Why Because he has no hands.
Alex thinks he can never play the piano and feels very sad. But Alex’s parents always stay with him. They often tell him that where there is a will (意志), there is a way. They find a nice music teacher for Alex. And they take him to music lessons on Tuesday and Thursday. At first, it is really difficult for Alex to play the piano. But now, after about two years, the boy can play it well with arms. He often plays the piano in class. He sometimes goes to the piano match.
“My music teacher and classmates always help me with the lessons. I must thank them. And I must thank my parents, too. They teach me a lesson—Nothing is impossible.”
26.What can we know from the second paragraph (段落)
A.Alex plays the piano for about two years.
B.Alex can’t play the piano very well now.
C.Alex’s music teacher teaches him at home.
D.Alex has music lessons on the weekend.
27.What does “Nothing is impossible.” mean in Chinese
A.活到老,学到老。 B.一切皆有可能。
C.三人行,必有我师焉。 D.亡羊补牢,为时不晚。
28.From the story we can know that Alex is ________.
A.beautiful B.tall C.hard working D.old
29.The story tells us ________.
A.why a boy has no hands
B.what we can do in a music club
C.when a boy can take piano lessons
D.how a boy with no hands plays the piano well
Everyone has his or her dream school life. 30
First of all, the school is very big and beautiful with a lot of trees and flowers. The air is fresh (清新的) and the ground is clean.
31 We can go to the library to read books at any time.
I hope the teachers are fair (公平的) and have much knowledge. 32 We get on well with each other. Then I hope the school has many subjects, such as English, maths, Chinese, history, science, PE and art. 33 I hope we can have more time to study or take part in some activities.
Finally, I hope I can improve all my abilities (能力) at such a school. And I can get on well with my classmates and teachers. 34
A.Besides, I hope we can learn French and German because I think it will be very interesting.
B.My dream school life is perfect and colourful.
C.I can take a lot of school activities such as a running race and a singing competition.
D.And the classmates are clever and friendly.
E.I’m sure my school life will be perfect and colourful.
F.Secondly, it is important to have a big library which has many books.
G.I study hard at school because I want to get good grades.
I’m in my junior high school. I have many teachers now and I love them all, but I think I love my English teacher, Mrs Li, best. Mrs Li is from Guiyang. But she loves Dejiang very much. 35 She loves Dejiang’s people and Dejiang’s food. Do you know what she likes for breakfast every morning Bread and milk No, she doesn’t. 36 She likes fruit and vegetables, too, because they are good for her body.
Mrs Li has a daughter. 37 She is thirteen years old. She is in Class 4, Grade 7 at No.1 Middle School. She studies hard and she can speak English very well.
38 She often runs with us after school. But she can’t play basketball or soccer. She only watches them on TV.
We have English from Monday to Friday. 39 But she is always nice and happy. She helps us with English. All my classmates like her very much.
A.Mrs Li loves sports.
B.She thinks Dejiang is great.
C.Her name is Yangyang.
D.So Mrs Li is very busy.
E.She only has noodles (面条) for breakfast.
F.Her friends and parents are nice.
Here are some important rules for you to become a good student at school.
Go to school on time. 40 If you are late, you will miss some lessons. It’s bad for your study. The teachers will be angry with you, too. So remember to go to school on time.
Follow the school rules. Do not break the school rules. For example, you can’t sleep in class. Don’t fight with your classmates, and you should be friendly to your classmates and your teachers. 41
Prepare for lessons before class. If you want to know what you will learn the next day, you’d better prepare for the new lessons. It is good for your study and it can help you get good grades. 42
43 They are good for your balanced development (均衡发展). For example, playing sports can make you be good with your classmates. It can also make you healthy.
A.You can go to bed early.
B.You mustn’t run in the hallway.
C.Take part in (参加) all kinds of activities at school.
D.As a student, you must go to school on time.
E.Also, it is very important for you to listen carefully.
Dear Tommy,
Happy to get your letter. Thanks for 44 to me. How is everything now I am in junior high school this year. I 45 my new school. Everything is so nice here. You say you start your school day at 7:30. That’s too 46 . We have our first class at 8:30. I usually 47 at 7 in the morning. And we go to school on a school bus. We do morning exercises 48 the first and second classes. We have 6 classes every day. And we have many subjects. I like 49 best because I like colours. I am learning Chinese this year, but I am not good at it. I think it’s very 50 . Maybe you can help me with it. We have many after school 51 such as swimming, singing and playing ball games at school. Sometimes we have trips. We are going to 52 a museum next week. I can’t wait to see the old things there.
Can you write to me in 53 next time I want to learn it better.
44.A.listening B.sending C.writing D.talking
45.A.like B.hate C.want D.practise
46.A.good B.early C.late D.bad
47.A.go to bed B.go to sleep C.get up D.have dinner
48.A.between B.in C.at D.on
49.A.music B.art C.PE D.maths
50.A.difficult B.easy C.interesting D.boring
51.A.games B.classes C.activities D.lessons
52.A.join B.find C.visit D.see
53.A.Chinese B.Japanese C.French D.English
54.假设你是李华,要参加《英语日报》(English Daily)的中学生小记者面试,请根据以下信息写一篇发言稿,介绍你在中学的第一节课。
第一节课 语文
老师 王老师
学习内容 古诗《春晓》(A Spring Morning)
课堂上的突发事件 诗的作者错误
解决方案 举手指正
Hello, my name is Li Hua. Let me tell you something about
1.because 2.a 3.well 4.interesting 5.takes 6.to make 7.so 8.cards 9.them 10.lucky
11.problems 12.without 13.really 14.good 15.away 16.Luckily 17.worked 18.during 19.hoped 20.gain
21.C 22.E 23.D 24.G 25.F
26.A 27.B 28.C 29.D
30.B 31.F 32.D 33.A 34.E
35.B 36.E 37.C 38.A 39.D
40.D 41.B 42.E 43.C
44.C 45.A 46.B 47.C 48.A 49.B 50.A 51.C 52.C 53.A
54.One possible version:
Hello, my name is Li Hua. Let me tell you something about my first lesson at junior high. My first lesson was Chinese. And my Chinese teacher is Mr. Wang. He taught us how to learn Chinese and then wrote the poem A Spring Morning on the blackboard. He said it is from Li Bai. I knew it was wrong. I wanted to tell him but I was a little nervous. My mouth felt dry. In the end I put up my hand and said, “Mr. Wang, the poem is from Meng Haoran, not from Li Bai.” “Well done. In fact, this is my first lesson for all of you. It’s important to think more in your learning,” he said.
That’s really an important lesson!
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:Starter Welcome to junior high! 提升培优 --2024-2025七年级英语上学期单元训练(外研版(2024))(含答案)

下一篇:Unit 7 Happy Birthday!提升培优 --2024-2025七年级英语上学期单元训练(人教版2024)(含答案)