Module 3 Heroes Unit 1 课堂检测题(含答案)2024-2025外研版九年级英语上册

2024—2025学年 九上 Module 3 Unit 1 课堂检测题
1.包含;包括 2.在国外;到国外 3.上(学);出席,参加
4.博士 5.课程;学位 6.惊人的;极好的
7.无论什么;不管什么 8.奖牌;奖章 9.实在;的确
10.成功;胜利 11. 意志;决心
1. 开始做某事 2.stop doing sth
3. 放弃(努力) 4. as well as
5. 上大学 6. a strong will
7. 博士学位 8. 清华大学
9. make …a victory 10. 起初
1. My classmates won the football match. I think they are ( simple) the best.
2. Six people died from the terrible accident, ( include) a two- year- old girl.
3. The show was really ( amazed). Everyone liked it so much.
4. He is one of the greatest ( hero) in China.
5. ( what) you say, I won't believe you anymore.
Zhong Nanshan is my hero he is doctors in the world.
2.别放弃! 或许我们不够聪明,但是我们应该有坚强的意志。
Don't ! Perhaps we aren't , but we should have a
he climbed up Mount Tai five years later.
I think Lucy is better at dancing than
5. 无论你做什么,都不要失去勇气和信心。
Never lose courage and confidence you do.
6.中国运动员在第24 届冬奥会上获得了9 枚金牌。
Chinese players won nine at the 24th Winter Olympic Games.
She has never but she knows a lot about the world with the help of the Internet.
All the players in our team before the final match last week.
Scientists worry that soon there won't be enough water for us, for the animals and plants
( )1. Don't our hope. As long as we pull together, we’ ll make it.
A. give up B. give out
C. give back D. give away
( )2. You can't decide whether or not you like something until you try it. it's important to try something new.
A. But B. Or C. So D. Because
( )3. She has never , but she knows a lot about the world with the help of the Internet.
A. gone to abroad B. gone abroad
C. been to abroad D. been abroad
( )4. He doesn't do his homework although he has .
A. careful enough; enough time
B. enough careful; time enough
C. carefully enough; enough time
D. enough carefully; time enough
( )5. Jack will finish high school next week and he will university in September.
A. manage B. attend C. encourage D. interview
Li Jun: Hi, Wu Jin.
Wu Jin: Hi, Li Jun. 1.
Li Jun: Because three astronauts have been carried into space successfully.
Wu Jin: 2.
Li Jun: They are Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe. They are our heroes. Chinese take pride in them.
Wu Jin: 3. . We should learn from them.
Li Jun: By the way, a new student is coming to our class. Do you know him
Wu Jin: 4. . He is my good friend.
Li Jun: Really 5.
Wu Jin: He is good at swimming.
Li Jun: Great! We can swim together. We will be good friends, too. Let me know him, OK
Wu Jin: No problem.
Li Jun: Thank you very much.
Wu Jin: You' re welcome.
1.including 2.abroad 3.attend 6.amazing
7.whatever 8.medal 9.simply 10.victory 11.will
1.start doing/to do sth 2. 停止做某事 3.give up 4. 也,还
5.attend university 6. 坚强的意志’s degree
8.Tsinghua University 9. 使……胜利 first
1. simply 2. including 3. amazing 4. heroes
5. Whatever
1. because; one of the greatest 2. give up; clever enough; strong will
3. Once again 4. anyone else 5. whatever/ no matter what
6. gold medals 7. attended university ab road 8. trained hard
9. as well as
1. Why are you happy/ excited/ glad
2. Who are they
3. I agree( with you)
4. Yes, I do
5. What is he good at( doing)



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