第26讲 情境交际(练习)(含答案) 2025年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(新教材新高考)

第 26 讲 情境交际
01 模拟基础练
02 真题实战练
题型一 日常交际用语考查
1.(2021·天津北辰·三模)— Oh, I haven’t found an ideal job suitable for me.
— Nor have I. ______.
A.I’ll keep my ears open B.We’re in the same boat
C.You can never tell D.You’ve got to do something
2.(2024·山东·三模)— Your handwriting is very beautiful.
— ________. I have been practicing writing for ten years.
A.Not at all B.Oh, so-so C.Thank you D.It's ugly
3.(2024·山东·三模)—Tom is good at speaking English.
—________. He is always praised by our English teacher.
A.So is he B.Nor he is C.So he is D.Nor is he
4.(2024·山东·三模)— Would you like to do sports with me today
— ________. I have an appointment with my dentist.
A.Excuse me B.I’m afraid not C.Yes, I’d like to D.It’s my pleasure
5.(2024·天津河东·二模)—Dad, will you help me through the work please
A.Come on! B.You have my word.
C.You must be kidding. D.Cheer up!
6.(2024·山东济南·二模)—Alex, I will climb Mountain Tai next month.
— ______.
A.Enjoy yourself B.Don’t mention it C.It’s a pleasure D.That’s all right
7.(2024·山东济南·二模)— Would you please go out for a walk with me
— ______, but I’m too busy at that moment.
A.That’s right B.Of course not C.I’d like to D.With pleasure
8.(2024·天津·模拟预测)—Shall I order a taxi for Sarah to go to the airport tonight
— __________. I’ll drive her there.
A.Help yourself. B.Don’t mention it. C.Don’t bother. D.Go ahead.
9.(2024·天津南开·模拟预测)—I’m going to watch the volleyball game at Tianjin Gymnasium next week.
—Wow, ______! So am I.
A.good for you B.go for it C.what a coincidence D.all the best
10.(2024·天津河西·三模)— I’m leaving for Paris to attend a trade fair tomorrow.
— ______. See you in a couple of weeks.
A.All the same B.All in all
C.All the better D.All the best
11.(2024·天津武清·模拟预测)—What are you going to do on May Day
— ______. If weather permits, I may go mountain-climbing with my friends.
A.Don’t mention it B.It doesn’t matter
C.Forget it D.It depends
12.(23-24 高三·天津·阶段练习)—Cindy’s new dress looks funny on her.
—______ It looks fine to me.
A.You are telling me. B.I wouldn’t say that.
C.What’s wrong D.Who cares
13.(2024·天津和平·三模)—What’s up You look frustrated.
—You know, yesterday I had a big quarrel with my best friend and today all my classmates knew it. ______.
A.Bad news has wings B.A bad workman always blames his tools
C.Actions speak louder than words D.A good medicine tastes bitter
14.(2024·天津南开·模拟预测)— Hey, do you want to go skydiving this weekend
—Oh, skydiving ______.
A.I am on a diet lately B.I’m in no hurry
C.That’s a good point D.That’s not really my cup of tea.
15.(2024·天津滨海新·三模)—You don’t seem to be quite yourself. What’s wrong
—______! I just felt exhausted and sleepy.
A.You got me there B.Take your time C.Nothing serious D.Don’t bother
题型二 高考模拟试题中对情境交际的考查
1.(2024·天津·一模)— Skipping breakfast is a good way to lose weight.
—______. Actually it has the opposite effect.
A.I can’t agree more B.That’s not the case
C.That’s it D.I’m glad to know that
2.(2024·天津·二模)— I’ll never understand physics. It’s so complicated!
— __________. With effort and patience, you can definitely master it!
A.Never say never B.Hard to say C.No wonder D.Never mind
3.(2024·天津河东·二模)—I’m wondering if Linda will agree to our plan.
A.I’m afraid so. B.Leave me alone.
C.It doesn’t hurt to ask. D.Sure, it is!
4.(2024·天津和平·二模)—Should we go hiking in the mountains this weekend
—The weather forecast doesn’t look good. _______ and plan an indoor activity instead.
A.Better play it safe B.It’s better than nothing
C.I can’t agree more D.Take it easy
5.(2024·天津南开·二模)—Tony, you’ve been accepted into our club.
—_________ That’s great.
A.Good idea! B.Congratulations! C.Have I D.Pardon
6.(2024·天津·二模)—Did you have a wonderful time in Hainan last week
—______. It was extremely hot and the food there didn’t suit me.
A.That’s right B.I couldn’t agree more C.Not really D.Very good
7.(2024·天津河北·二模)—We need someone to give the presentation tomorrow. Would you like to do it
—______. I can help prepare the slides, but I’m terrible at public speaking.
A.I’d love to B.Couldn’t be better C.Anything but that D.A piece of cake
8.(2024·山东济南·二模)-- ______
--He is having a skill-training class.
A.What is your brother B.How is your brother
C.What is your brother doing D.How is your brother doing
9.(2024·天津河西·三模)—I’m afraid I can’t pass the English exam.
— ______. It can’t be as difficult as you expected.
A.Not to worry B.Take your time
C.That’s right D.I have no idea
10.(2024·天津和平·三模)—How are you getting on with your classes
—______. It seems that the more explanation the teacher gives, the more puzzled I am.
A.Too bad B.So easy C.Just so-so D.Who knows
11.(2024·天津滨海新·三模)—We made it to the finals after four rounds of competition.
—______! Hard work pays off.
A.Cheer up B.All the best
C.That’s really something D.No offense
12.(2024·天津北辰·三模)—______, Li Ling You look worried.
—I’m facing a difficult decision.
A.What’s up B.Guess what C.How is it going D.Why bother
13.(2024·天津·二模)—Do you think you will be able to finish your term paper by this weekend
—_______. I am occupied with experiments these days.
A.Not a little B.No wonder C.Not a chance D.Not to mention it
14.(2024·天津·二模)—Do you know who designed the mascots of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou
—______. Zhang Wen, a teacher of China Academy of Art.
A.You got me there B.Hold your horses
C.You bet D.You have a point there
15.(2024·天津·模拟预测)—I’m really nervous about the coming competition.
—________. I’m sure you can do it well.
A.I agree with you B.Good idea C.Take it easy D.Forget it
16.(2022·天津·三模)—It was announced that another student in our school had won first prize for China High
School Chemistry Olympiad.
—Oh, really ________. He must have put a lot of work into it.
A.That sounds fine B.That’s quite something C.That’s a good point D.Get a move
17.(2024·天津南开·一模)—Today is my 30th wedding anniversary with Philip.
—Oh, ________!
A.cheer up B.congratulations C.go ahead D.well done
18.(2024·天津南开·一模)—Why don’t we go to a movie
A.I’m game. B.What’s up C.What a relief! D.I really envy you.
19.(2024·天津红桥·一模)—Are you content with your present job
-—______. I prefer one with flexible hours.
A.That all depends B.It’s a pity C.Not in the least D.You can bet on that
20.(2024·天津·一模)—What happened Your boss seems to ______.
—Didn’t you know his secretary leaked the secret report to the press
A.be over the moon B.laugh his head off
C.be all ears D.let off steam
21.(2024·天津·一模)—I couldn’t think too highly of the Spirng Gala, where many advanced and popular
elements are adopted to present the splendid stage effect.
“— ______. I had to stay in hospital the whole night due to a car accident and missed it.
A.Good luck B.I mean it
C.Just my luck D.By all means
22.(2024·天津·一模)-May I borrow this book
- . Just remember to give it back after you read it.
A.Forget it B.That’s right
C.By all means D.Anything but that
23.(2024·天津·一模)-Jenny, You’re so excited.
- I have just finished my project on time!
A.Guess what B.Pardon
C.That’s not the point. D.You must be kidding.
24.(2024·天津河北·一模)—I was thinking we could grab some ice cream at that new shop downtown.
—________. That’s exactly what I was longing for!
A.I didn’t get it B.It’s up to you C.You never know D.You read my mind
25.(2024·天津和平·一模)—Fancy meeting you here, Mary. We’ve not seen each other since we graduated from
—______. We’ve lost contact for almost three and a half years.
A.You bet B.Cheer up C.Good for you D.With pleasure
26.(2023·山东·一模)—What are you going to do this summer vacation
— . If I have enough time, I may go to Europe with my mother.
A.Forget it B.It depends
C.It doesn’t matter D.Don’t mention it
27.(2023·山东·一模)—Excuse me. I want to complain about the skirt I just bought.

A.Can you B.You are right.
C.What’s the problem D.How are you
28.(2024·山东·一模)—The rain has been raining for a night. Do you think it will stop soon
—__________. I like staying at home.
A.It’s nice to say so B.I don’t mind it C.No problem D.Help yourself
29.(2024·天津·二模)—Good news! I will marry Mike next week.
—_______. You have only known him for one month.
A.That’s a good point B.I couldn’t agree more C.You can’t be seriousD.That
sounds great
30.(2024·天津河东·一模)-How do you find this film. John
- ______.
A.I find it at the cinema B.By chance
C.Oh, very interesting D.No wonder
1.(2022·天津·高考真题)—Angela just doesn’t like me. She won’t even say hello.
—________. Actually, she’s very shy.
A.I have no idea B.Don’t jump to conclusions
C.Don’t mention it D.There is no doubt about it
2.(2021·天津·高考真题)—I was trying to place an order on your website, but I failed.
________ .I can take your order over the phone.
A.That’s fine B.No way C.My pleasure D.Of course
3.(2021·天津·高考真题)—Are you done with the book I gave you
— ________. I'm still reading the last chapter.
A.Hard to say B.Not quite C.Of course D.It all depends
4.(2021·天津·高考真题)---How's the project going
--- ________. All we have to do is finish the last bit of work.
A.Easy come easy go B.Far from it
C.By all means D.So far so good
5.(2017·全国·高考真题)---We haven't done very well,have we?
---_______. At least we tried.
A.I'm fine B.Never mind
C.You're welcome D.The same to you
6.(2008·江苏·高考真题)—It shouldn’t take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.
—That’s right. ________.
A.Many hands make light work B.Something is better than nothing
C.The more the merrier D.The sooner begun, the sooner done
7.(2011·安徽·高考真题)—We got here Tuesday afternoon.
—________ Why didn’t you call us earlier
A.Good luck! B.You did
C.It’s no surprise. D.You are welcome
8.(2017·天津·高考真题)—I guess you think I'm too old to go to college
—Not at all. ________, I always say!
A.Better late than never B.The more the better
C.So far so good D.Too good to be true
9.(2020·天津·高考真题)—Shall I order a taxi for Sarah to go to the airport tonight
—______. I’ll drive her there.
A.Have a try B.Don’t mention it C.Don’t bother D.Go ahead
10.(2020·天津·高考真题)—Next time you visit Bob, remember to give him a call in advance.
—______. I will.
A.My pleasure B.No wonder C.Good point D.Never mind
11.(2020·天津·高考真题)—Tim has difficulty in making decisions.
—__________. He's still hesitating about whether to take the job.
A.That’s it B.Give it a try C.It's settled D.You're kidding me
12.(2020·天津·高考真题)—You seem to be in a really good mood.
— I finished my last test today. ___________! Now I’m free.
A.What a pity B.What a relief C.I’ve got it D.I’ve missed the point
13.(2018·天津·高考真题)—I know you want to talk about this report, but I’d like to tell you about our new
— ______. We can talk about him later.
A.Let’s stick to the point B.It’s nice of you
C.It’s really hard to say D.You’ll make it
14.(2018·天津·高考真题)—Shall I tell John our secret
—No, you mustn’t. ______ .
A.Take it easy B.It sounds like a great idea
C.If you don’t mind D.It’s just between you and me
15.(2019·江苏·高考真题)—Let’s take a coffee break.
—________ We’ve been working for hours.
A.Why bother B.What for C.You got me there. D.You said it.
16.(2019·天津·高考真题)—My son got a full scholarship to his dream university!
—Wow, ________! What’s he going to study
A.good for him B.go for it
C.what a coincidence D.all the best
17.(2019·天津·高考真题)—I guess you want to go play tennis.
—__________. That’s exactly what I was thinking too.
A.I didn’t get it B.It’s up to you
C.You never know D.You read my mind
18.(2019·天津·高考真题)—Everybody is helping out with dinner. Would you clean the fish
— . I’d rather make the salad.
A.A piece of cake B.No problem
C.Couldn’t be better D.Anything but that
19.(2019·天津·高考真题)—Edward, do you mind giving me a ride to the railway station
— . I’d be glad to.
A.Yes, I do B.Of course not
C.Never mind D.Go ahead
20.(2018·江苏·高考真题)【2018·江苏】—What happened Your boss seems to _______.
—Didn’t you know his secretary leaked the secret report to the press
A.be over the moon B.laugh his head off
C.be all ears D.fly off the handle第 26 讲 情境交际
01 模拟基础练
02 真题实战练
题型一 日常交际用语考查
1.(2021·天津北辰·三模)— Oh, I haven’t found an ideal job suitable for me.
— Nor have I. ______.
A.I’ll keep my ears open B.We’re in the same boat
C.You can never tell D.You’ve got to do something
A. I’ll keep my ears open 我会留意的;B. We’re in the same boat 我们处境相同;C. You can never tell 你永远不
知道;D. You’ve got to do something 你得做点什么。根据对话内容,两个人都表达了目前还没找到理想工作
的共同状况,因此回复应体现出双方的处境相同或共鸣。因此,“We’re in the same boat”(我们同舟共济)
最符合此对话情境,表示双方都面临着相似的困境。故选 B。
2.(2024·山东·三模)— Your handwriting is very beautiful.
— ________. I have been practicing writing for ten years.
A.Not at all B.Oh, so-so C.Thank you D.It's ugly
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——你的字写得很好。——谢谢。我练习了十年。A. Not at all 一点也不;
B. Oh, so-so 马马虎虎;C. Thank you 谢谢;D. It's ugly 很丑的。根据前文“Your handwriting is very beautiful.”
可知,此处受到了表扬,应感谢对方。故选 C。
3.(2024·山东·三模)—Tom is good at speaking English.
—________. He is always praised by our English teacher.
A.So is he B.Nor he is C.So he is D.Nor is he
根据“He is always praised by our English teacher.”可知,此处是肯定回答,可先排除 B 和 D 项,且此处是肯
定“Tom is good at speaking English.”,应用“so+主语+be 动词/助动词/情态动词”的结构,表示“确实如此”,对
上文的观点表示赞同,“so+be 动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”结构则表示“……也是如此”。故选 C。
4.(2024·山东·三模)— Would you like to do sports with me today
— ________. I have an appointment with my dentist.
A.Excuse me B.I’m afraid not C.Yes, I’d like to D.It’s my pleasure
A.Excuse me 对不起,打扰了;B.I’m afraid not 恐怕不行;C.Yes, I’d like to 是的,我想去;D.It’s my pleasure
我的荣幸。根据“I have an appointment with my dentist.”可知,此处是指恐怕不行。故选 B。
5.(2024·天津河东·二模)—Dad, will you help me through the work please
A.Come on! B.You have my word.
C.You must be kidding. D.Cheer up!
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——爸爸,你能帮我完成工作吗?——我向你保证。A. Come on!加油;B. You
have my word.我向你保证;C. You must be kidding.你在开玩笑吧;D. Cheer up!加油。根据上下句句意可知,
此处为短句 You have my word“我向你保证”,满足句意要求。故选 B 项。
6.(2024·山东济南·二模)—Alex, I will climb Mountain Tai next month.
— ______.
A.Enjoy yourself B.Don’t mention it C.It’s a pleasure D.That’s all right
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——亚历克斯,下个月我要爬泰山。——祝你开心。A. Enjoy yourself 玩得
高兴;B. Don’t mention it 不客气,且不说;C. It’s a pleasure 别客气,不用谢,是我的荣幸;D. That’s all right
别客气,不要紧。上文 I will climb Mountain Tai next month 说要去爬泰山,作为回应对方应说“玩得开心”。
故选 A。
7.(2024·山东济南·二模)— Would you please go out for a walk with me
— ______, but I’m too busy at that moment.
A.That’s right B.Of course not C.I’d like to D.With pleasure
【解析】考查交际用语。句意:——你能和我一起出去散步吗 ——我很想去,但是我现在太忙了。A.
That’s right 没错;B. Of course not 当然不;C. I’d like to 我想去;D. With pleasure 十分愿意。对于“Would you
like... ”提出的建议或要求,委婉的拒绝用“I’d like/love to, but...”。故选 C。
8.(2024·天津·模拟预测)—Shall I order a taxi for Sarah to go to the airport tonight
— __________. I’ll drive her there.
A.Help yourself. B.Don’t mention it. C.Don’t bother. D.Go ahead.
【解析】考查交际用语。句意:——今晚我为 Sarah 叫一辆出租车去机场好吗?——不用麻烦了。我开车送
她去。A. Help yourself.随便吃;B. Don’t mention it.别客气,不用谢;C. Don’t bother.不用麻烦了;D. Go ahead.
走吧,干吧。由“Shall I order a taxi for Sarah”和“I’ll drive her there”可知,第二个人会送 Sarah 去机场,因此
他让第一个人“不用麻烦叫出租车”,因此空格处是“不用麻烦了”。故选 C。
9.(2024·天津南开·模拟预测)—I’m going to watch the volleyball game at Tianjin Gymnasium next week.
—Wow, ______! So am I.
A.good for you B.go for it C.what a coincidence D.all the best
A. good for you 为你好,真棒;B. go for it 努力争取;C. what a coincidence 多么巧合啊;D. all the best 一
切顺利,祝你好运。根据下文“So am I.”可知,双方碰巧去观看同一场比赛,空处表示感到巧合。故选 C。
10.(2024·天津河西·三模)— I’m leaving for Paris to attend a trade fair tomorrow.
— ______. See you in a couple of weeks.
A.All the same B.All in all
C.All the better D.All the best
A. All the same 依然;B. All in all 总之;C. All the better 更好了;D. All the best 一切顺利。上文“I’m leaving
for Paris to attend a trade fair tomorrow.”提到要去巴黎开会,所以祝愿一切顺利。故选 D。
11.(2024·天津武清·模拟预测)—What are you going to do on May Day
— ______. If weather permits, I may go mountain-climbing with my friends.
A.Don’t mention it B.It doesn’t matter
C.Forget it D.It depends
的朋友去爬山。A.Don’t mention it 别客气;B.It doesn’t matter 没关系;C.Forget it 算了吧;D.It depends 看情
况。根据“If weather permits, I may go mountain-climbing with my friends.”可知,此处是指看情况。故选 D。
12.(23-24 高三·天津·阶段练习)—Cindy’s new dress looks funny on her.
—______ It looks fine to me.
A.You are telling me. B.I wouldn’t say that.
C.What’s wrong D.Who cares
【解析】考查交际用语。——辛迪的新衣服穿在她身上看起来很滑稽。——我不赞同。我看还行。A. You are
telling me.这还用你说。/我早知道了。B. I wouldn’t say that.我不赞同。/我不这么认为。C. What’s wrong 怎
么了?D. Who cares 谁在乎?根据 Cindy’s new dress looks funny on her.和答语 It looks fine to me.可知,第二
个人不同意第一个人的观点,可以说 I wouldn’t say that.我不赞同。故选 B。
13.(2024·天津和平·三模)—What’s up You look frustrated.
—You know, yesterday I had a big quarrel with my best friend and today all my classmates knew it. ______.
A.Bad news has wings B.A bad workman always blames his tools
C.Actions speak louder than words D.A good medicine tastes bitter
大吵了一架,今天我所有的同学都知道了。坏消息传千里。A. Bad news has wings 坏消息传千里;B. A bad
workman always blames his tools 拙匠常怨工具差/怨天尤人;C. Actions speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩;
D. A good medicine tastes bitter 良药苦口。根据上文“You know, yesterday I had a big quarrel with my best friend
and today all my classmates knew it.”可知想表达的是坏消息传千里。故选 A。
14.(2024·天津南开·模拟预测)— Hey, do you want to go skydiving this weekend
—Oh, skydiving ______.
A.I am on a diet lately B.I’m in no hurry
C.That’s a good point D.That’s not really my cup of tea.
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:—嘿,这个周末你想去跳伞吗?——哦,跳伞? 这确实不符合我的口味。
A. I am on a diet lately 我最近在节食; B. I’m in no hurry 我不着急;C. That’s a good point 这是个好观点;
D. That’s not really my cup of tea. 这确实不符合我的口味。根据对方邀请去跳伞,感到惊讶是因为跳伞不符
合自己喜好。故选 D。
15.(2024·天津滨海新·三模)—You don’t seem to be quite yourself. What’s wrong
—______! I just felt exhausted and sleepy.
A.You got me there B.Take your time C.Nothing serious D.Don’t bother
【解析】考查交际用语。句意:——你好像不太对劲。怎么了 ——没什么大问题!我只是觉得又累又困。
A.You got me there 你问倒我了;B.Take your time 慢慢来;C.Nothing serious 没什么大问题;D.Don’t bother
别来烦我。根据下文“I just felt exhausted and sleepy”可知,空处应该表示“没什么大问题”。故选 C 项。
题型二 高考模拟试题中对情境交际的考查
1.(2024·天津·一模)— Skipping breakfast is a good way to lose weight.
—______. Actually it has the opposite effect.
A.I can’t agree more B.That’s not the case
C.That’s it D.I’m glad to know that
果。A. I can’t agree more 我完全同意;B. That’s not the case 事实并非如此;C. That’s it 就是这样;D. I’m glad
to know that 听到这个我很高兴。根据上下句句意可知,此处为短句 That’s not the case“事实并非如此”,满足
句意要求。故选 B 项。
2.(2024·天津·二模)— I’ll never understand physics. It’s so complicated!
— __________. With effort and patience, you can definitely master it!
A.Never say never B.Hard to say C.No wonder D.Never mind
你一定能掌握它!A. Never say never 永远不要说不;B. Hard to say 难以确定;C. No wonder 难怪;D. Never
mind 没关系。结合语境以及下文中的“With effort and patience, you can definitely master it!”可知,只要努力和
耐心就可以掌握,所以,此处应是劝说不要放弃,所以“永远不要说不”符合语境。故选 A 项。
3.(2024·天津河东·二模)—I’m wondering if Linda will agree to our plan.
A.I’m afraid so. B.Leave me alone.
C.It doesn’t hurt to ask. D.Sure, it is!
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——我在想琳达是否会同意我们的计划。——问问也无妨。A. I’m afraid so.
恐怕是这样;B. Leave me alone.别烦我;C. It doesn’t hurt to ask.问问也无妨;D. Sure, it is!当然,它是。根据
上下句句意可知,此处为短句 It doesn’t hurt to ask“问问也无妨”,满足句意要求。故选 C 项。
4.(2024·天津和平·二模)—Should we go hiking in the mountains this weekend
—The weather forecast doesn’t look good. _______ and plan an indoor activity instead.
A.Better play it safe B.It’s better than nothing
C.I can’t agree more D.Take it easy
见,最好计划一个室内活动。A. Better play it safe 最好谨慎行事;B. It’s better than nothing 总比什么都没有
好;C. I can’t agree more 我完全同意;D. Take it easy 放松。根据“The weather forecast doesn’t look good”和“and
plan an indoor activity instead”可知,此处是指要谨慎行事,为了安全起见。故选 A。
5.(2024·天津南开·二模)—Tony, you’ve been accepted into our club.
—_________ That’s great.
A.Good idea! B.Congratulations! C.Have I D.Pardon
【解析】考查交际用语。句意:——Tony,你已经被我们的俱乐部接受了。——真的吗?太好了!A. Good
idea! 好主意!B. Congratulations! 恭喜!C. Have I 真的吗?D. Pardon 请再说一遍?根据下文“That’s
great.”可知,Tony 得知自己被俱乐部接受,最合适的回应是表示惊喜或者确认,因此 C 选项“真的吗?”最
为恰当。故选 C。
6.(2024·天津·二模)—Did you have a wonderful time in Hainan last week
—______. It was extremely hot and the food there didn’t suit me.
A.That’s right B.I couldn’t agree more C.Not really D.Very good
物不适合我。A. That’s right 没错;B. I couldn’t agree more 我完全同意;C. Not really 不完全是;D. Very good
很好。根据答语中 It was extremely hot and the food there didn’t suit me 可以判断出,回答者玩得并不开心。
故选 C。
7.(2024·天津河北·二模)—We need someone to give the presentation tomorrow. Would you like to do it
—______. I can help prepare the slides, but I’m terrible at public speaking.
A.I’d love to B.Couldn’t be better C.Anything but that D.A piece of cake
但我不擅长公开演讲。A. I’d love to 我愿意;B. Couldn’t be better 非常好;C. Anything but that 决不;D. A piece
of cake 小菜一碟。根据后文“I can help prepare the slides, but I’m terrible at public speaking.”可知,拒绝了对方
的提议,故选 C。
8.(2024·山东济南·二模)-- ______
--He is having a skill-training class.
A.What is your brother B.How is your brother
C.What is your brother doing D.How is your brother doing
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——你哥哥在做什么 ——他正在上技能培训班。A. What is your brother 你
哥哥是干什么的?;B. How is your brother 你哥哥好吗?;C. What is your brother doing 你哥哥在做什么?;
D. How is your brother doing 你哥哥怎么样?根据回答“He is having a skill-training class.”可知,应是问他哥哥
在干什么。故选 C 项。
9.(2024·天津河西·三模)—I’m afraid I can’t pass the English exam.
— ______. It can’t be as difficult as you expected.
A.Not to worry B.Take your time
C.That’s right D.I have no idea
A. Not to worry 不用担心;B. Take your time 慢慢来;C. That’s right 没错; D. I have no idea 我不知道。根据
下文“It can’t be as difficult as you expected”可知,此处是在安慰对方不必担心,因为英语考试会像你预期的
那么难。故选 A。
10.(2024·天津和平·三模)—How are you getting on with your classes
—______. It seems that the more explanation the teacher gives, the more puzzled I am.
A.Too bad B.So easy C.Just so-so D.Who knows
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——你的课程进展如何?——很糟糕。似乎老师越解释,我就越困惑。A. Too
bad 糟糕;B. So easy 非常容易;C. Just so-so 一般般,不怎么样;D. Who knows 天晓得。根据后文“It seems
that the more explanation the teacher gives, the more puzzled I am.”可知,课程进展糟糕。故选 A。
11.(2024·天津滨海新·三模)—We made it to the finals after four rounds of competition.
—______! Hard work pays off.
A.Cheer up B.All the best
C.That’s really something D.No offense
up (使)高兴起来;B.All the best 万事吉利,一路平安,一帆风顺(祝酒或送行时用语); C.That’s really
something 了不起;D.No offense 无意冒犯。根据上文“We made it to the finals after four rounds of
competition.”可知,真了不起。故选 C 项。
12.(2024·天津北辰·三模)—______, Li Ling You look worried.
—I’m facing a difficult decision.
A.What’s up B.Guess what C.How is it going D.Why bother
【解析】考查交际用语。句意:——怎么了,李玲 你看起来很担心。——我正面临一个艰难的决定。
A.What’s up 怎么了;B. Guess what 你猜怎么着;C. How is it going 过得怎么样;D. Why bother 何必呢。
根据“You look worried.”可知,此处应在询问李玲怎么了。故选 A 项。
13.(2024·天津·二模)—Do you think you will be able to finish your term paper by this weekend
—_______. I am occupied with experiments these days.
A.Not a little B.No wonder C.Not a chance D.Not to mention it
【解析】考查交际用语。句意:——你认为你能在这个周末之前完成你的学期论文吗 ——不可能,我一整
天将都在忙试验。A. Not a little 很,十分,许多;B. No wonder 难怪;C. Not a chance 不可能 ;D. Not to mention
it 不客气。根据下文的“I am occupied with experiments these days (我一整天将都在忙试验)”可知,此处应该是
不可能完成论文的,所以用 Not a chance 表示“不可能”符合语境。故选 C 项。
14.(2024·天津·二模)—Do you know who designed the mascots of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou
—______. Zhang Wen, a teacher of China Academy of Art.
A.You got me there B.Hold your horses
C.You bet D.You have a point there
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——你知道第 19 届杭州亚运会吉祥物是谁设计的吗?——当然。张文,中
国美术学院教师。A. You got me there 你把我难住了;B. Hold your horses 慢一点,不要着急;C. You bet 当
然;D. You have a point there 你说得有道理。根据前文“Do you know who designed the mascots of the 19th Asian
Games in Hangzhou ”可知,对方在提问,所以应用 C 项“You bet”来肯定地回答对方的问题,表示自己确实
知道答案。故选 C 项。
15.(2024·天津·模拟预测)—I’m really nervous about the coming competition.
—________. I’m sure you can do it well.
A.I agree with you B.Good idea C.Take it easy D.Forget it
A. I agree with you 我同意;B. Good idea 好主意;C. Take it easy 别紧张。D. Forget it! 没关系!根据前文“I’m
really nervous about the coming competition.”和后文“I’m sure you can do it well.”可知,此处是指安慰对方别紧
张。故选 C。
16.(2022·天津·三模)—It was announced that another student in our school had won first prize for China High
School Chemistry Olympiad.
—Oh, really ________. He must have put a lot of work into it.
A.That sounds fine B.That’s quite something C.That’s a good point D.Get a move
等奖。——哦,真的吗?这很了不起。他一定在这上面下了不少功夫。A. That sounds fine 听起来不错;B.
That’s quite something 这很了不起;C. That’s a good point 说得好;D. Get a move on 行动起来。根据后文“He
must have put a lot of work into it.”可知,是对获得一等奖表示赞赏。故选 B。
17.(2024·天津南开·一模)—Today is my 30th wedding anniversary with Philip.
—Oh, ________!
A.cheer up B.congratulations C.go ahead D.well done
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——今天是我和 Philip 结婚 30 周年纪念日。——哦,恭喜!A. cheer up 振
作起来;B. congratulations 恭喜;C. go ahead 去吧;D. well done 做得好。根据上文“Today is my 30th wedding
anniversary with Philip.”可知,祝贺对方的结婚周年纪念日。故选 B。
18.(2024·天津南开·一模)—Why don’t we go to a movie
A.I’m game. B.What’s up C.What a relief! D.I really envy you.
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——我们为什么不去看电影呢?——我愿意去。A. I’m game.表示“我愿意尝
试”;B. What’s up 表示“怎么了?”;C. What a relief!表示“可轻松了!” ;D. I really envy you.表示“我真羡
慕你。”。前一说话者“Why don’t we go to a movie ”提议去看电影,回答者应是说自己愿意。故选 A。
19.(2024·天津红桥·一模)—Are you content with your present job
-—______. I prefer one with flexible hours.
A.That all depends B.It’s a pity C.Not in the least D.You can bet on that
【解析】考查交际用语。句意:——你对现在的工作满意吗 ——一点也不。我喜欢时间灵活的工作。A. That
all depends 那还得看情况;B. It’s a pity 真可惜;C. Not in the least 一点也不;D. You can bet on that 没错,当
然。根据“I prefer one with flexible hours.”可知,对现在的工作一点也不满意。故选 C。
20.(2024·天津·一模)—What happened Your boss seems to ______.
—Didn’t you know his secretary leaked the secret report to the press
A.be over the moon B.laugh his head off
C.be all ears D.let off steam
报告泄露给新闻界了吗?A. be over the moon 非常高兴;B. laugh his head off 狂笑,笑掉大牙;C. be all ears
全神贯注地倾听;D. let off steam 发泄怒气。根据上下文句意可知,此处为固定短语 let off steam“发泄怒
气”,满足句意要求。故选 D 项。
21.(2024·天津·一模)—I couldn’t think too highly of the Spirng Gala, where many advanced and popular
elements are adopted to present the splendid stage effect.
“— ______. I had to stay in hospital the whole night due to a car accident and missed it.
A.Good luck B.I mean it
C.Just my luck D.By all means
精彩的舞台效果。——我真倒霉。因为一场车祸,我不得不在医院住了一晚上,错过了。A. Good luck 好运;
B. I mean it 我是认真的;C. Just my luck 真倒霉;D. By all means 一定,务必。根据上下文句意可知,此处
为固定短语 Just my luck“真倒霉”,满足句意要求。故选 C 项。
22.(2024·天津·一模)-May I borrow this book
- . Just remember to give it back after you read it.
A.Forget it B.That’s right
C.By all means D.Anything but that
【解析】考查交际用语。句意:我可以借这本书吗?——当然可以。记得看完后还给我。A. Forget it 算了吧;
B. That’s right 没错;C. By all means 当然可以;D. Anything but that 绝不是那样的。由“Just remember to give
it back after you read it”可知,句子表示“当然可以。记得看完后还给我”,因此空格处是 By all means。故选
23.(2024·天津·一模)-Jenny, You’re so excited.
- I have just finished my project on time!
A.Guess what B.Pardon
C.That’s not the point. D.You must be kidding.
A. Guess what 你猜怎么着?B. Pardon 你说什么?C. That’s not the point.这不是重点。D. You must be kidding.
你一定是在开玩笑。“guess what ”用于引起对方的注意并引出要说的令人兴奋、惊讶或有趣的事情,符合语
境。故选 A。
24.(2024·天津河北·一模)—I was thinking we could grab some ice cream at that new shop downtown.
—________. That’s exactly what I was longing for!
A.I didn’t get it B.It’s up to you C.You never know D.You read my mind
正是我所渴望的!A. I didn’t get it 我不明白;B. It’s up to you 由你决定;C. You never know 无法预测;D. You
read my mind 你知我心。根据下文 That’s exactly what I was longing for!可知,此处表示对方理解自己,D 符
合语境。故选 D。
25.(2024·天津和平·一模)—Fancy meeting you here, Mary. We’ve not seen each other since we graduated from
—______. We’ve lost contact for almost three and a half years.
A.You bet B.Cheer up C.Good for you D.With pleasure
我们已经失去联系将近三年半了。A. You bet 肯定,当然;B. Cheer up 振作起来;C. Good for you 真是了不
起;D. With pleasure 乐意效劳。结合语境可知,此处表示同意对方的说法,用 You bet。故选 A。
26.(2023·山东·一模)—What are you going to do this summer vacation
— . If I have enough time, I may go to Europe with my mother.
A.Forget it B.It depends
C.It doesn’t matter D.Don’t mention it
可能会和我妈妈去欧洲玩。A. Forget it 忘了吧;B. It depends 视情况而定;C. It doesn’t matter 没关系;D.
Don’t mention it 别提了。根据“ If I have enough time, I may go to Europe with my mother.”可知是否去度假视
情况而定。故选 B。
27.(2023·山东·一模)—Excuse me. I want to complain about the skirt I just bought.

A.Can you B.You are right.
C.What’s the problem D.How are you
【解析】考查交际用语。句意:——打扰一下。我要投诉我刚买的那条裙子。——有什么问题吗?A. Can you
你能吗?B. You are right.你说得对。C. What’s the problem 有什么问题吗?D. How are you 你好吗?由“I
want to complain about the skirt I just bought”可知,第一个人要投诉,那么第二个人就应该问有什么问题,故
选 C。
28.(2024·山东·一模)—The rain has been raining for a night. Do you think it will stop soon
—__________. I like staying at home.
A.It’s nice to say so B.I don’t mind it C.No problem D.Help yourself
【解析】考查情景交际用语。句意:——雨已经下了一个晚上了。你认为它会很快停止吗 ——我不介意。
我喜欢呆在家里。A. It’s nice to say so 这样说很好;B. I don’t mind it 我不介意;C. No problem 没问题;D. Help
yourself 请自便。根据“I like staying at home.”可推知,说话人喜欢呆在家里,不介意下雨。用 I don’t mind it。
故选 B 项。
29.(2024·天津·二模)—Good news! I will marry Mike next week.
—_______. You have only known him for one month.
A.That’s a good point B.I couldn’t agree more C.You can’t be seriousD.That
sounds great
A. That’s a good point 说的好;B. I couldn’t agree more 我完全同意;C. You can’t be serious 你不可能是认真
的,你开玩笑的吧;D. That sounds great 听起来很棒。根据后文“You have only known him for one month.”可
知,怀疑对方是在开玩笑,故选 C。
30.(2024·天津河东·一模)-How do you find this film. John
- ______.
A.I find it at the cinema B.By chance
C.Oh, very interesting D.No wonder
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:——约翰,你觉得这部电影怎么样?——哦,非常有趣!A. I find it at the cinema
我在电影院里找到的;B. By chance 偶然地;C. Oh, very interesting 哦,非常有趣;D. No wonder 怪不得。
根据上文“How do you find this film. John (约翰,你觉得这部电影怎么样?)”可知此处在向约翰询问有关对电
影的看法,C 项“Oh, very interesting 哦,非常有趣”表达的含义符合语境,故选 C 项。
1.(2022·天津·高考真题)—Angela just doesn’t like me. She won’t even say hello.
—________. Actually, she’s very shy.
A.I have no idea B.Don’t jump to conclusions
C.Don’t mention it D.There is no doubt about it
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:—Angela 不喜欢我罢了。她甚至不愿意跟我打招呼。——不要太早下结论。
事实上,她只是害羞而已。A. I have no idea 我不知道;B. Don’t jump to conclusions 不要太早下结论;C.
Don’t mention it 不用谢;D. There is no doubt about it 这一点毫无疑问。根据下文“Actually, she’s very shy.”可
推断,不要太早下结论说 Angela 不喜欢说话人,她实际上只是害羞。故选 B。
2.(2021·天津·高考真题)—I was trying to place an order on your website, but I failed.
________ .I can take your order over the phone.
A.That’s fine B.No way C.My pleasure D.Of course
您点餐。A. That’s fine 没关系;B. No way 不行,没门;C. My pleasure 不客气;D. Of course 当然。根据“I can
take your order over the phone”可知,此处表示没有关系。故选 A。
3.(2021·天津·高考真题)—Are you done with the book I gave you
— ________. I'm still reading the last chapter.
A.Hard to say B.Not quite C.Of course D.It all depends
A. Hard to say 很难说;B. Not quite 不完全,未必;C. Of course 当然;D. It all depends 要看情况而定。根据
后文“I'm still reading the last chapter.”可知书还没完全看完,not quite 符合语境。故选 B。
4.(2021·天津·高考真题)---How's the project going
--- ________. All we have to do is finish the last bit of work.
A.Easy come easy go B.Far from it
C.By all means D.So far so good
就是完成最后一项工作。A.Easy come easy go 来得容易去得也快;B.Far from it 远非如此;C.By all means
尽一切办法,务必;D.So far so good 到目前为止,一直都还不错。根据下半句可知,目前进展还不错。故
选 D。
5.(2017·全国·高考真题)---We haven't done very well,have we?
---_______. At least we tried.
A.I'm fine B.Never mind
C.You're welcome D.The same to you
【解析】考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:---我们做得不太好,是吗 ---没关系。至少我们努力过。A.I'm fine
我很好;B.Never mind 没关系;C.You're welcome 不客气;D.The same to you 你也一样。根据“At least we
tried”可知,这是安慰对方的话,所以是没关系。故选 B 项。
6.(2008·江苏·高考真题)—It shouldn’t take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.
—That’s right. ________.
A.Many hands make light work B.Something is better than nothing
C.The more the merrier D.The sooner begun, the sooner done
——是的,人多好办事。A. Many hands make light work 人多好办事;B. Something is better than nothing 有总
比没有好;C. The more the merrier 人越多越热闹;D. The sooner begun, the sooner done 越早开始,越早完成。
根据语境可知,本句是说人多力量大,人多好办事。故选 A。
7.(2011·安徽·高考真题)—We got here Tuesday afternoon.
—________ Why didn’t you call us earlier
A.Good luck! B.You did
C.It’s no surprise. D.You are welcome
话?A.Good luck!祝你好运! B.You did 真的假的?C.It’s no surprise.这没什么奇怪的;D.You are welcome
不客气。根据“Why didn’t you call us earlier ”可知,此处表示对前者的话很惊讶。故选 B。
8.(2017·天津·高考真题)—I guess you think I'm too old to go to college
—Not at all. ________, I always say!
A.Better late than never B.The more the better
C.So far so good D.Too good to be true
【解析】考查情景交际及习惯表达词义辨析。句意:——我猜你认为我太老了,不能上大学了 ——不是。
我总是说,迟做总比不做好! A. Better late than never 迟做总比不做好;B. The more the better 多多益善;C. So
far so good 一切顺利;D. Too good to be true 好的令人难以置信。根据句意可知,并不是年龄大了就不能上
大学,而是什么时候学都不晚,学比不学好。故选 A 项。
9.(2020·天津·高考真题)—Shall I order a taxi for Sarah to go to the airport tonight
—______. I’ll drive her there.
A.Have a try B.Don’t mention it C.Don’t bother D.Go ahead
Have a try 试一试吧;B. Don’t mention it 别客气,不用谢;C. Don’t bother 不用麻烦了;D. Go ahead 走吧,
干吧。根据“I will drive her there”可知,第二个人会送莎拉去机场,因此他让第一个人“不用麻烦叫出租车”。
故选 C。
10.(2020·天津·高考真题)—Next time you visit Bob, remember to give him a call in advance.
—______. I will.
A.My pleasure B.No wonder C.Good point D.Never mind
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:--下次你去拜访 Bob 的时候,记得提前给他打个电话。--好主意。我会的。
A. My pleasure 我很荣幸,别客气;B. No wonder 难怪;C. Good point 好主意;D. Never mind 没有关系。根
据”I will”可知,第二个人对第一个人的提议非常赞同。故 C 选项符合语境。故选 C。
11.(2020·天津·高考真题)—Tim has difficulty in making decisions.
—__________. He's still hesitating about whether to take the job.
A.That’s it B.Give it a try C.It's settled D.You're kidding me
【解析】考查情景交际。句意:—Tim 做决定有困难。—就是。他还在犹豫是否接受那份工作。 A.That's it
就是;B. Give it a try 试一试:C. It's settled 那就决定了;D.You're kidding me 你在跟我开玩笑吧。此处是对上句
情况的肯定,故选 A。
12.(2020·天津·高考真题)—You seem to be in a really good mood.
— I finished my last test today. ___________! Now I’m free.
A.What a pity B.What a relief C.I’ve got it D.I’ve missed the point
口气!现在我自由了。A. What a pity 真遗憾;B. What a relief 总算松了一口气;C. I’ve got it 我明白了;D.
I’ve missed the point 我错过了重点。根据“I finished my last test today.”可知,完成最后一场考试后终于松了一
口气。故选 B。
13.(2018·天津·高考真题)—I know you want to talk about this report, but I’d like to tell you about our new
— ______. We can talk about him later.
A.Let’s stick to the point B.It’s nice of you
C.It’s really hard to say D.You’ll make it
不要离题。我们待会儿再谈他。A. Let’s stick to the point 让我们关注重点;B. It’s nice of you 你真好;C. It’s
really hard to say 真的难说;D. You’ll make it 你会成功的。 Let’s stick to the point“让我们关注重点”符合句意。
故选 A 项。
14.(2018·天津·高考真题)—Shall I tell John our secret
—No, you mustn’t. ______ .
A.Take it easy B.It sounds like a great idea
C.If you don’t mind D.It’s just between you and me
【解析】考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:---我要告诉约翰我们的秘密吗 ---不,你不能。这是你我之间的秘
密。A. Take it easy 别紧张;B. It sounds like a great idea 听起来是个好主意;C. If you don’t mind 如果你不建
议;D. It’s just between you and me 它是你我之间的秘密。由“you mustn’t”可知,It’s just between you and me“它
是你我之间的秘密”符合句意。故选 D 项。
15.(2019·江苏·高考真题)—Let’s take a coffee break.
—________ We’ve been working for hours.
A.Why bother B.What for C.You got me there. D.You said it.
时了。根据下文说“我们已经工作好几个小时了”,上文应该是赞同这个建议。A. Why bother 没有必要;
B. What for 为什么;C. You got me there. 你把我搞糊涂了;D. You said it.你算说对了。故选 D 符合语境。
16.(2019·天津·高考真题)—My son got a full scholarship to his dream university!
—Wow, ________! What’s he going to study
A.good for him B.go for it
C.what a coincidence D.all the best
算学习什么呢 good for him“对他有好处”;go for it“努力争取”;what a coincidence“多么巧合”;all the best“祝
一切顺利(祝酒告别时说)”。故选 A 符合语境。
17.(2019·天津·高考真题)—I guess you want to go play tennis.
—__________. That’s exactly what I was thinking too.
A.I didn’t get it B.It’s up to you
C.You never know D.You read my mind
情。从回答的后半句可知,听话人同意说话人的意思。而 A(不明白,不认同某人的说法)、B(决于你)
和 C(很难说,不可预知)都不符合语境。“you read my mind”意为“你知我心”,符合语境,故选 D。
18.(2019·天津·高考真题)—Everybody is helping out with dinner. Would you clean the fish
— . I’d rather make the salad.
A.A piece of cake B.No problem
C.Couldn’t be better D.Anything but that
【解析】考查交际用语。句意:—每个人都在帮忙做晚饭。你能把鱼洗干净吗 根据 I’d rather make the salad
(我宁愿做沙拉)可知,此处指“除那以外的任何事”。A. A piece of cake 小菜一碟;B. No problem 没问题;
C. Couldn’t be better 再好不过了;D. Anything but that 除那以外的任何事。故 D 选项正确。
19.(2019·天津·高考真题)—Edward, do you mind giving me a ride to the railway station
— . I’d be glad to.
A.Yes, I do B.Of course not
C.Never mind D.Go ahead
【解析】考查交易用语。句意:—爱德华,你介意载我去火车站吗 根据 I’d be glad to.(我愿意)可知,此
处表示“不介意”。A. Yes, I do 是的,我介意;B. Of course not 当然不(介意);C. Never mind 没关系;D. Go
ahead 好吧。故 B 选项正确。
20.(2018·江苏·高考真题)【2018·江苏】—What happened Your boss seems to _______.
—Didn’t you know his secretary leaked the secret report to the press
A.be over the moon B.laugh his head off
C.be all ears D.fly off the handle
秘密报告泄露给新闻界了吗?A. be over the moon 非常高兴;B. laugh his head off 笑的要死;C. be all ears 洗
耳恭听;D. fly off the handle 勃然大怒。故选 D。




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