第11讲 非谓语动词:动词不定式(练习)(含答案) 2025年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(新教材新高考)

第 13 讲 动词不定式
01 模拟基础练
02 重难创新练
03 真题实战练
题型一 不定式作状语的考查
1.(江苏省连云港外国语学校 2023-2024 学年高三试题)For thousands of years, people have told fables (寓言)
___ (teach) a lesson or to pass on wisdom.
【答案】to teach
处表达“来传授知识和智慧”,所以用不定式作目的状语。故填 to teach。
2.(江苏省南京市第九中学 2023-2024 学年高三质量调研)Apart from the textbooks, other materials like
dictionaries, reference books were often referred to (assist) my studies last year.
【答案】to assist
分析句子可知,此处为动词不定式 to do 表示“为了……”作目的状语,满足句意要求。故填 to assist。
3.(福建省宁德第一中学 2023-2024 学年高三检测试题)He used the ancient mortise and tenon technique
(construct) the Turret of Palace Museum at a 1:81 mini-scale.
【答案】to instruct
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:他运用古代的榫卯技术,按 1:81 的小比例雕刻了故宫的角楼。非谓语
动词担当目的状语,用动词不定式形式。故填 to instruct。
4.(福建省宁德第一中学 2023-2024 学年高三检测试题)He used the ancient mortise and tenon technique
________ (construct) the Turret of Palace Museum at a 1:81 mini-scale.
【答案】to instruct
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:他运用古代的榫卯技术,按 1:81 的小比例雕刻了故宫的角楼。非谓语
动词担当目的状语,用动词不定式形式。故填 to instruct。
5(. 辽宁省朝阳市辽宁名校 2023-2024 学年高三试题)For instance, knowledge of places where the surface-ocean
microbial ecosystem is changing might be useful for identifying regions of the open ocean (set) up marine
protected areas.
【答案】 to set
确定开放海洋的区域,以建立海洋保护区。分析句子结构可知。本句已有谓语动词 might be,所以 set 用非
谓语形式,此处表目的,应该用不定式形式。故填 to set。
6.(2024 届辽宁省沈阳市浑南区东北育才学校一模试题)Working with a billion-dollar budget, he combined
them (create) a work of architecture that can excite visitors as much as the art collection inside does.
【答案】to create
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:在 10 亿美元的预算下,他将它们结合在一起,创造了一件建筑作品,它
作品,所以空处应用动词不定式形式作目的状语。故填 to create。
7(. 河北省新时代 NT教育 2023-2024学年高三试题)Speaking at the second National Park Forum held in Xining,
capital of Qinghai province, Guan said China has adopted the strictest measures (strengthen) the
protection of the authenticity and integrity of the ecosystem, and promote the continuous improvement of
ecological functions.
【答案】to strengthen
式作目的状语。故填 to strengthen。
8.(河北省 2023-2024 学年高三全过程纵向评价试题)Therefore, he completely buried himself in studying the
Chinese language at the famous Peking University, and then continued his undergraduate studies at the Beijing
University of Chinese Medicine (improve) his knowledge.
【答案】to improve
他的本科学习,以提高自己的知识。非谓语动词担当目的状语,用动词不定式形式。故填 to improve。
9.(河北省唐山市 2023-2024 学年高三演练试题)Architects are now looking towards the principles behind
skywells while designing new buildings (save) energy. h
【答案】to save
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:见第 8 题详解。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里需要动词不定式,作目
的状语。故填 to save。
10.(江苏省 2023-2024 学年高三学情调研试题)We must also be brave enough (take) responsibility
for our decision and action.
【答案】to take
我们才会真正成熟。根据句意可知,空处应用动词不定式作目的状语。故填 to take。
题型二 不定式作补语和表语的考查
1.(江苏省灌南高级中学 2023-2024 学年高三试卷)Cybercriminals trick you into parting with your money,
infecting your computer with a virus (steal) your personal data, or blocking you from accessing your own
data until a ransom is paid.
【答案】to steal
数据,或者阻止你访问你自己的数据,直到支付赎金。分析句子,句中 trick 为谓语动词,设空处使用非谓
语动词,此处表示“用病毒去窃取你的个人数据”,表示动作即将发生,使用不定式结构。故填 to steal。
2(. 江苏省常州市联盟校 2023-2024 学年高三 10 月调研试题)The hearing left Washington with decisions_____
【答案】to make
表示“该动作还未发生”,用动词不定式形式。故填 to make。
3(. 湖南省岳阳第一中学 2023-2024 学年高三开学试题)The village of Dafen was once thought __ (produce)
the most oil paintings in the world every year.
【答案】to produce
固定搭配 be thought to do sth.意为“被认为做某事”。故填 to produce。
4(. 湖南省部分学校2023-2024学年高三入学摸底试题)The system, overseen by China’s Minister of Emergency,
is set (complete) in 2020.
【答案】to be completed
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:该系统由中国紧急事务部长监管,计划于 2020 年完工。根据短语 be set to
do sth.“安排做某事,计划做某事”可知,此处应用不定式,逻辑主语 system 和动词 complete 之间为被动关
系,故填入不定式的被动形式。故填 to be completed。
5.(湖南师范大学附属中学 2023-2024 学年高三摸底考试) When she spotted such abandoned goods, she put a
pair of eyeball-shaped stickers on them before publishing notes on her social media accounts, and guiding
others_____ ( pick) them up from the streets.
后在她的社交媒体账户上发布注释,并引导其他人从街上捡起这些物品。guide sb. to do sth.意为“指导某人
做某事”。故填 to pick。
6(. 广东省执信中学2023-2024学年高三开学试题)What you have to remember is (put) the glass down.
【答案】to put
作使用不定式作表语,故填 to put。
题型三 不定式作定语的考查
1.(2024 届福建省泉州市高中毕业班质量检测)Today, TCM is primarily used as an alternative for people
___________ (maintain) a healthy state in the US.
【答案】to maintain
前 alternative 名词可知,此处为动词不定式 to do 作后置定语,为惯用表达 an alternative to do“做……的一种
选择”。故填 to maintain。
3.(江苏省常州市八校 2023 年高三 10 月联合调研)Zhai, the commander of the mission, was the first ___
(come) out of the capsule, waving his hand to the cheering crowd on site with a big smile.
【答案】to come
呼的人群挥手。当被修饰词前面有序数词时,要用动词不定式作后置定语。故填 to come。
4.(江苏省 2023-2024 学年高三名校联考检测试题)Still, it has “boundless ambition, and the courage___
(place) weighty issues at the heart of a kids’ film”.
【答案】to place
气”。place 用不定式形式作名词 courage 的后置定语。故填 to place。
5(. 湖南省部分校 2023-2024 学年高三试题)As long as you choose the right person (marry), you will
enjoy happiness the whole life with or without a wedding party.
【答案】to marry
【解析】考查动词不定式。句意:只要你选对了结婚的人,不管有没有婚礼,你都会享受一生的幸福。the right+
名词结构中,后接动词不定式作后置定语。故填 to marry。
6.(湖南省常德市第一中学 2023-2024 学年高三试题)As Buddhism was popular in China during the Tang
Dynasty (618-907), there was a strong need (produce) a large amount of Buddhist works, and copying by
hand could not meet the rising demand.
【答案】to produce
手工复制无法满足日益增长的需求。句中 need 是名词,表示“需要,需求”,后接动词不定式形式作后置定
语,符合题意。故填 to produce。
题型四 不定式作主语和宾语的考查
1.(辽宁省重点高中 2023-2024 学年高三 10 月试题) It has indeed been a growing trend for urban residents
________(volunteer) in rural areas.
【答案】to volunteer
担当主语,用动词不定式形式,构成句型:it + be + for +sb. to do sth. 做某事对某人来说是……的。故填 to
2.(2024 届辽宁省本溪市高中高三一模试题)The govermment, however, does not intend __ (stop) the
protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.
【答案】to stop
根据谓语动词“intend”可知,空处应为非谓语动词;动词短语 intend to do sth 表示“打算做某事”,符合句意,
故应用动词不定式作宾语。故填 to stop。
3.(河北省衡水市第二中学 2023-2024 学年高三检测试题)For Jonathan Walker, who attends high school in
Panama City, the next challenge will be choosing which school (attend).
【答案】to attend
学校。分析句子结构可知,空处应用动词不定式,构成“疑问词+to do”结构,作动词 choosing 的宾语。故填
to attend。
4.(江苏省南通市 2023-2024 学年高三统考试题)A small human statue is attached to the creature’s head and
appears (ride) or controlling the animal.
【答案】to be riding
根据设空前的 appears 可知,此处考查固定搭配 appear to do sth.;再结合设空后的并列词 or 及后面的
controlling 可知,设空处要用不定式的进行式。故填 to be riding。
5(. 辽宁省六校 2023-2024 学年高三联考试卷)Shyness makes it difficult (meet) new people and make
【答案】to meet
【解析】考查非谓语。句意:害羞使你很难结识新朋友。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定结构 make it + adj.+
to do sth.结构,其中 it 为形式宾语,不定式作真正的宾语。故填 to meet。
6(. 湘豫名校联考 2023-2024 学年高三试题)As he played his guqin in the mountains, a woodcutter named Zhong
Ziqi heard the music and understood exactly what Yu wanted (express).
【答案】to express
解了他想表达的意思。want to do 意为“想要做某事”,为固定搭配,所以此处应用 to do 不定式作宾语。故填
to express。
7.(湖南省三湘创新发展联合体 2023-2024 学年高三试题)He also explains how (understand) the
economy of war and limit the cost of conflict.
【答案】to understand
式”结构作 explain 的宾语,空处需填动词不定式 to understand。故填 to understand。
8(. 湖南省衡阳市衡阳县2023-2024年高三试题) That approach brought Cobb's air travel last year down by 75%,
and she plans (continue) the practice. "It has been fairly rewarding. ", she says, "a really positive
【答案】to continue
【解析】考查动词不定式。句意:他打算继续这个实践。动词 plan 后面跟动词不定式,plan to do sth“计划
做”,故填 to continue。
题型 语法填空
Passage 1(23-24 高三·福建龙岩·阶段练习)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
A freight train loaded with grain from Kazakhstan arrived in Zhangjiakou on Dec 13. It came after a journey
1 passed through the Horgos railway port in Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.
It was the first freight train from overseas 2 (arrive) in Zhangjiakou since the launch of the
China-Europe (Central Asia) route at the end of August, and took 10 days to travel more than 4,000 kilometers.
The government said the train’s arrival signified the 3 (office) opening of the Zhangjiakou section
of the route in both directions, enabling two-way trade and establishing an important 4 (found) for the
development of Zhangjiakou 5 a multimodal transportation. It also marked 6 significant step
forward in constructing a comprehensive international trade corridor in Zhangjiakou, enhancing its level of
openness 7 expanding the logistics network around Beijing.
The name of the trains, “Jingzhang”, 8 (combine) characters representing the cities of Beijing and
Zhangjiakou. The train to depart from Zhangjiakou left the freight railway station in Xiahuayuan district on Aug
29, carrying 59 containers with 1,322 tons of goods.
As the train network continues to expand, more cities in Hebei, Shijiazhuang, Handan, Langfang and
Zhangjiakou 9 (include), are joining the cross-border railway transportation system. Zhangjiakou is
becoming part of a comprehensive international trade corridor 10 (follow) the opening of the railway
route to Europe and Central Asia.
1.which/that 2.to arrive 3.official 4.foundation 5.as 6.a 7.and 8.combines
9.included 10.following
句子可知,空格处单词引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 journey,指物,关系词代替先行词在定语从句中
作主语,应使用关系代词 which 或者 that 引导该从句。故填 which/that。
2.考查非谓语动词。句意:这是自 8 月底中欧(中亚)线路开通以来,首列抵达张家口的海外货运列车,历
时 10 天,行驶了 4000 多公里。“the+序数词/序数词修饰的名词”后跟不定式作后置定语,意为“第几个
做……”。故填 to arrive。
易,为张家口作为多式联运城市的发展奠定了重要基础。提示词修饰名词 opening,用形容词 official 作定语,
意为“正式的,官方的”。故填 official。
为张家口作为多式联运城市的发展奠定了重要基础。提示词作宾语,用名词 foundation,意为“基础”,结合
冠词 an 可知,用单数形式。故填 foundation。
市)”,用介词 as。故填 as。
出了重要一步。可数名词 step 在句中表示“(重要的)一步”,泛指,空格后单词 significant 发音以辅音音素开
头,用不定冠词 a 修饰。故填 a。
出了重要一步。根据句意,“enhancing its level of openness”和“expanding the logistics network around Beijing”
是并列关系,用连词 and 连接。故填 and。
析句子可知,combine(结合)是句中谓语动词,与主语 The name 之间是主动关系,描述客观事实,应使用一
语态,单数形式。故填 combines。
市正在加入跨境铁路运输系统。提示词修饰“Shijiazhuang, Handan, Langfang and Zhangjiakou”与 include 为被
动关系,用过去分词作定语。故填 included。
的一部分。根据句意,“(follow) the opening of the railway route to Europe and Central Asia”作状语,用介词
following 构成介词短语,其意为“在……之后,紧接着”。故填 following。
Passage 2(2024·浙江杭州·一模)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Museums 11 (be) around for centuries, with the first known museum 12 (found) in the
3rd century BC. For a long time, they were used to showcase traditional artworks like paintings, sculptures and
13 (drawing).
In recent times, however, digital art has started to gain 14 (popular) as an art form. This has raised
the question of 15 or not museums should accept digital art into their collections.
Digital art can be defined as an art work created 16 (use) digital technology and tools like
computers, tablets and smartphones. It includes a variety of medium s such as animation, 3D modelling, virtual
reality and video game design. Digital art is 17 (increasing) being used by artists to create unique pieces
that are unlike anything else seen before.
The debate over whether museums should accept digital art into their collections has been ongoing for some
time. On one hand, many believe that digital art is not “real” art and does not deserve 18 (give) the same
recognition as traditional artworks. On the other hand, supporters of digital art hold the view that museum s should
embrace this new form of expression and give it the same respect 19 any other type of artworks.
As more people realize the digital art and its potential as 20 artistic medium, it will likely
become even more popular in years to come.
11.have been 12.founded 13.drawings 14.popularity 15.whether 16.using
17.increasingly 18.to be given 19.as 20.an
11.考查动词时态。句意:博物馆已经存在了几个世纪,第一个已知的博物馆是在公元前 3 世纪发现的。
空处作谓语,结合 for centuries 可知,句子为现在完成时,主语为复数,助动词使用 have。故填 have been。
12.考查非谓语动词。句意同上。空处作宾补,museum 与 found 构成被动关系,应用过去分词。故填
paintings,sculptures 并列,应用名词复数形式,作宾语。故填 drawings。
14.考查名词。句意:然而,近年来,数字艺术作为一种艺术形式开始受到欢迎。空处作 gain 的宾语,用
名词,popularity 意思为:欢迎,不可数。故填 popularity。
15.考查宾语从句。句意:这就提出了一个问题,即博物馆是否应该接受数字艺术作为他们的藏品。of 后
面为宾语从句,空处缺少连接词,与 or not 搭配的是 whether,意思为:是否。故填 whether。
作的艺术作品。空处作状语,应用非谓语动词,修饰 create,表示主动使用,应用现在分词。故填 using。
西都不同。空处修饰谓语,应用副词 increasingly“越来越多地”,作状语。故填 increasingly。
的认可。deserve 后面用不定式作宾语,digital art 与 give 的关系为被动,应用不定式的被动语态。故填 to be
与任何其他类型的艺术品同样的尊重。分析句子可知,空处缺少介词,结合 the same 可知,此处用 as,构
成 the same…as 结构。故填 as。
变得更加流行。medium 为可数名词单数,此处为泛指,artistic 以元音音素开头,不定冠词用 an。故填 an。
Passage 3(2024·杭州四中五月·模拟)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Although called Peking Opera, it didn’t originate in Beijing but in the provinces of Anhui and Hubei. It is
believed that Peking Opera came into being after 1790 21 the four most famous opera troupes from
Anhui Province paid a visit to Beijing. 22 (base) upon traditional Anhui Opera, Peking Opera has also
adopted repertoire, music and performing techniques from Kun Opera and Qinqiang. It has taken in the best from
each opera and eventually 23 (form) its own highly stylized music and performing techniques.
Peking Opera is a 24 (combine) of music, dance, art, acrobatics, and martial arts. With its beautiful
paintings, delicate costumes, 25 graceful gestures, Peking Opera nowadays attracts people all around the
26 (traditional), women in China 27 (forbid) to enter theatres, so all Peking Opera
characters were played by men. But now, women enjoy equal rights with men on the stage, and more women are
appearing on the Opera stage 28 ever before. When 29 (perform), in addition to singing,
performers use well-established movements to express certain emotions and meanings. They also use their eyes and
facial expressions 30 (convey) specific meanings.
21.when 22.Based 23.formed 24.combination 25.and 26.Traditionally 27.were
forbidden 28.than 29.performing 30.to convey
21.考查定语从句。句意:人们认为京剧是 1790 年安徽四大剧团进京后产生的。根据句意和句子结构可知,
句子为限制性定语从句,先行词为“1790”,在从句中作时间状语,还原为“the four most famous opera troupes
from Anhui Province paid a visit to Beijing in 1790”,应用关系副词 when 引导从句。故填 when。
句子可知,句中有谓语动词“has adopted”且句中无连词,故应用 base 的非谓语动词形式,“be based upon”意
为“基于……”,为固定短语,句子主语“Peking Opera”与“base”之间为逻辑上的被动关系,应用 base 的过去
分词 based,在句中作状语,句首单词首字母大写。故填 Based。
根据句意和句中“has taken”可知,句子表示的是过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,应用现在完成时,and
前有助动词 has,应用 form 的过去分词 formed。故填 formed。
24.考查名词。句意:京剧是音乐、舞蹈、艺术、杂技和武术的结合体。句中“a _____ of music”为名词所有
格,在句中作表语,故空格处应用名词,combine 意为“(使)结合”,动词词性,对应的名词为
combination,意为“结合,结合体”,根据空格前“a”可知,应用 combination 的单数形式。故填 combination。
中“its beautiful paintings, delicate costumes”和“graceful gestures”之间为并列关系,介绍的是京剧吸引人的地
方,由此可知,空格处应用连词 and,表并列。故填 and。
空格位于句首,后面有逗号,故应用副词,在句中作状语,修饰整个句子,traditional 意为“传统的”,形容
词词性,对应的副词为 traditionally,意为“传统上”,句首单词首字母大写。故填 Traditionally。
意和句中“were played”可知,句子陈述的是过去的事,且句子主语“women”与“forbid”之间为被动关系,应用
一般过去时的被动语态,“women”为可数名词复数形式,与 were 连用,forbid 意为“禁止”,动词词性,过去
分词为 forbidden。故填 were forbidden。
何时候都多。根据句意和句中“more women”可知,句中把“现在出现在戏剧舞台上的女性数量”和“以往任何
时候出现在戏剧舞台上的女性数量”进行对比,句子为形容词的比较级句式,故空格处应用介词 than,意为
“比”。故填 than。
达某些情感和意义。根据句意和句子结构可知,句子为 When 引导的时间状语从句,从句的主语和主句的主
语一致,且从句谓语中包含 be 动词,故将主语和 be 动词省略,还原之后为“when performers are
performing”,perform 意为“表演”,动词词性,句子主语“performers”与“perform”之间为主动关系,应用 perform
的现在分词 performing。故填 performing。
语“use … to do sth.”,意为“使用……去做某事”,convey 意为“表达,传递”,动词词性,to 后接动词原形。
故填 to convey。
1.(2023 北京卷)Nina recently finished her year-long series of runs in Chicago, where thousands were attending a
water conference.She called for action (address)the struggles of people around the world facing “too little
water or too dirty water”.
【答案】 to address
析句子结构可知 address 在句中作目的状语,故用不定式。故填 to address。
2.(2022 新高考 I 卷)The plan will extend protection to a significant number of areas that were previously
unprotected, bringing many of the existing protected areas for giant pandas under one authority __________
(increase) effectiveness and reduce inconsistencies in management.
【答案】 to increase
语,应用动词的不定式的形式。故填 to increase。
3.(2022 新高考 II 卷) Eric woke up a little later when he heard children playing outside. He pushed a chair onto
the balcony, and climbed up __________ (see) them.
【答案】 to see
把椅子推到阳台上,爬上去看他们。句中的 climb up 为谓语动词,设空处应该使用谓语动词。根据句意,
他要爬到阳台去看他们(外面玩闹的孩子们。),故应该使用 to do 不定式作目的状语。故填 to see。
4.(2021 新高考 II 卷)I decided to do something __________ (educate) people about this problem.
【答案】to educate
【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:我决定做一些事情来教育人们这个问题。分析句子结构,__________ (educate)
people about this problem.用作目的状语,用不定式,所以填 to educate。
5.(2021 浙江卷)Mary’s sister, Frances Todd Wallace, often came over __________ (plant) flowers in the front
【答案】 to plant
【解析】考查非谓语动词。考查动词不定式。句意:玛丽的妹妹弗朗西丝 托德 华莱士经常来前院种花。分
plant 的不定式形式为 to plant。故填 to plant。
6.(2020 全国 I 卷) Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments onboard Chang’e-4 66 __________ (find)
and study areas of the South Pole-Aitken basin.
【答案】 to find
此处表示目的,应使用不定式作目的状语。故填 to find。
7.(2021 年新高考 II 卷)I decided to do something ________ (educate) people about this problem.
【答案】to educate
【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:我决定做一些事情来教育人们这个问题。分析句子结构,________ (educate)
people about this problem.用作目的状语,用不定式,所以填 to educate。
8.(2020· 浙 江 卷 ) Agriculture gave people their first experience of the power of technology __________
【答案】 to change
有动词 gave 故提示词部分需用非谓语动词。分析句意,此处需用不定式作定语。故填 to change。
9. (2002 全国卷) Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _____(see) whether they
will enjoy it.
【答案】to be seen
【解析】It remains to be seen whether….是固定句型,表示“是否……有待观察”,故答案是 to be seen。
10.( 2022 年 1 月浙江卷)That approach brought Cobb's air travel last year down by 75%, and she plans
____________(continue) the practice. "It has been fairly rewarding. ", she says, "a really positive change."
【答案】to continue
【解析】考查动词不定式。句意:这种做法使科布去年的航空旅行量下降了 75%,她计划继续采用这种做
法。”这是相当值得的。她说,“这是一个非常积极的改变。”。动词 plan 后面跟动词不定式,plan to do sth“计
划做”,故填 to continue。第 13 讲 动词不定式
01 模拟基础练
02 重难创新练
03 真题实战练
题型一 不定式作状语的考查
1.(江苏省连云港外国语学校 2023-2024 学年高三试题)For thousands of years, people have told fables (寓言)
___ (teach) a lesson or to pass on wisdom.
2.(江苏省南京市第九中学 2023-2024 学年高三质量调研)Apart from the textbooks, other materials like
dictionaries, reference books were often referred to (assist) my studies last year.
3.(福建省宁德第一中学 2023-2024 学年高三检测试题)He used the ancient mortise and tenon technique
(construct) the Turret of Palace Museum at a 1:81 mini-scale.
4.(福建省宁德第一中学 2023-2024 学年高三检测试题)He used the ancient mortise and tenon technique
________ (construct) the Turret of Palace Museum at a 1:81 mini-scale.
5(. 辽宁省朝阳市辽宁名校 2023-2024 学年高三试题)For instance, knowledge of places where the surface-ocean
microbial ecosystem is changing might be useful for identifying regions of the open ocean (set) up marine
protected areas.
6.(2024 届辽宁省沈阳市浑南区东北育才学校一模试题)Working with a billion-dollar budget, he combined
them (create) a work of architecture that can excite visitors as much as the art collection inside does.
7(. 河北省新时代 NT教育 2023-2024学年高三试题)Speaking at the second National Park Forum held in Xining,
capital of Qinghai province, Guan said China has adopted the strictest measures (strengthen) the
protection of the authenticity and integrity of the ecosystem, and promote the continuous improvement of
ecological functions.
8.(河北省 2023-2024 学年高三全过程纵向评价试题)Therefore, he completely buried himself in studying the
Chinese language at the famous Peking University, and then continued his undergraduate studies at the Beijing
University of Chinese Medicine (improve) his knowledge.
9.(河北省唐山市 2023-2024 学年高三演练试题)Architects are now looking towards the principles behind
skywells while designing new buildings (save) energy. h
10.(江苏省 2023-2024 学年高三学情调研试题)We must also be brave enough (take) responsibility
for our decision and action.
题型二 不定式作补语和表语的考查
1.(江苏省灌南高级中学 2023-2024 学年高三试卷)Cybercriminals trick you into parting with your money,
infecting your computer with a virus (steal) your personal data, or blocking you from accessing your own
data until a ransom is paid.
2(. 江苏省常州市联盟校 2023-2024 学年高三 10 月调研试题)The hearing left Washington with decisions_____
3(. 湖南省岳阳第一中学 2023-2024 学年高三开学试题)The village of Dafen was once thought __ (produce)
the most oil paintings in the world every year.
4(. 湖南省部分学校2023-2024学年高三入学摸底试题)The system, overseen by China’s Minister of Emergency,
is set (complete) in 2020.
5.(湖南师范大学附属中学 2023-2024 学年高三摸底考试) When she spotted such abandoned goods, she put a
pair of eyeball-shaped stickers on them before publishing notes on her social media accounts, and guiding
others_____ ( pick) them up from the streets.
6(. 广东省执信中学2023-2024学年高三开学试题)What you have to remember is (put) the glass down.
题型三 不定式作定语的考查
1.(2024 届福建省泉州市高中毕业班质量检测)Today, TCM is primarily used as an alternative for people
___________ (maintain) a healthy state in the US.
3.(江苏省常州市八校 2023 年高三 10 月联合调研)Zhai, the commander of the mission, was the first ___
(come) out of the capsule, waving his hand to the cheering crowd on site with a big smile.
4.(江苏省 2023-2024 学年高三名校联考检测试题)Still, it has “boundless ambition, and the courage___
(place) weighty issues at the heart of a kids’ film”.
5(. 湖南省部分校 2023-2024 学年高三试题)As long as you choose the right person (marry), you will
enjoy happiness the whole life with or without a wedding party.
6.(湖南省常德市第一中学 2023-2024 学年高三试题)As Buddhism was popular in China during the Tang
Dynasty (618-907), there was a strong need (produce) a large amount of Buddhist works, and copying by
hand could not meet the rising demand.
题型四 不定式作主语和宾语的考查
1.(辽宁省重点高中 2023-2024 学年高三 10 月试题) It has indeed been a growing trend for urban residents
________(volunteer) in rural areas.
2.(2024 届辽宁省本溪市高中高三一模试题)The govermment, however, does not intend __ (stop) the
protection programmes, since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.
3.(河北省衡水市第二中学 2023-2024 学年高三检测试题)For Jonathan Walker, who attends high school in
Panama City, the next challenge will be choosing which school (attend).
4.(江苏省南通市 2023-2024 学年高三统考试题)A small human statue is attached to the creature’s head and
appears (ride) or controlling the animal.
5(. 辽宁省六校 2023-2024 学年高三联考试卷)Shyness makes it difficult (meet) new people and make
6(. 湘豫名校联考 2023-2024 学年高三试题)As he played his guqin in the mountains, a woodcutter named Zhong
Ziqi heard the music and understood exactly what Yu wanted (express).
7.(湖南省三湘创新发展联合体 2023-2024 学年高三试题)He also explains how (understand) the
economy of war and limit the cost of conflict.
8(. 湖南省衡阳市衡阳县2023-2024年高三试题) That approach brought Cobb's air travel last year down by 75%,
and she plans (continue) the practice. "It has been fairly rewarding. ", she says, "a really positive
题型 语法填空
Passage 1(23-24 高三·福建龙岩·阶段练习)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
A freight train loaded with grain from Kazakhstan arrived in Zhangjiakou on Dec 13. It came after a journey
1 passed through the Horgos railway port in Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.
It was the first freight train from overseas 2 (arrive) in Zhangjiakou since the launch of the
China-Europe (Central Asia) route at the end of August, and took 10 days to travel more than 4,000 kilometers.
The government said the train’s arrival signified the 3 (office) opening of the Zhangjiakou section
of the route in both directions, enabling two-way trade and establishing an important 4 (found) for the
development of Zhangjiakou 5 a multimodal transportation. It also marked 6 significant step
forward in constructing a comprehensive international trade corridor in Zhangjiakou, enhancing its level of
openness 7 expanding the logistics network around Beijing.
The name of the trains, “Jingzhang”, 8 (combine) characters representing the cities of Beijing and
Zhangjiakou. The train to depart from Zhangjiakou left the freight railway station in Xiahuayuan district on Aug
29, carrying 59 containers with 1,322 tons of goods.
As the train network continues to expand, more cities in Hebei, Shijiazhuang, Handan, Langfang and
Zhangjiakou 9 (include), are joining the cross-border railway transportation system. Zhangjiakou is
becoming part of a comprehensive international trade corridor 10 (follow) the opening of the railway
route to Europe and Central Asia.
Passage 2(2024·浙江杭州·一模)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Museums 11 (be) around for centuries, with the first known museum 12 (found) in the
3rd century BC. For a long time, they were used to showcase traditional artworks like paintings, sculptures and
13 (drawing).
In recent times, however, digital art has started to gain 14 (popular) as an art form. This has raised
the question of 15 or not museums should accept digital art into their collections.
Digital art can be defined as an art work created 16 (use) digital technology and tools like
computers, tablets and smartphones. It includes a variety of medium s such as animation, 3D modelling, virtual
reality and video game design. Digital art is 17 (increasing) being used by artists to create unique pieces
that are unlike anything else seen before.
The debate over whether museums should accept digital art into their collections has been ongoing for some
time. On one hand, many believe that digital art is not “real” art and does not deserve 18 (give) the same
recognition as traditional artworks. On the other hand, supporters of digital art hold the view that museum s should
embrace this new form of expression and give it the same respect 19 any other type of artworks.
As more people realize the digital art and its potential as 20 artistic medium, it will likely
become even more popular in years to come.
Passage 3(2024·杭州四中五月·模拟)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Although called Peking Opera, it didn’t originate in Beijing but in the provinces of Anhui and Hubei. It is
believed that Peking Opera came into being after 1790 21 the four most famous opera troupes from
Anhui Province paid a visit to Beijing. 22 (base) upon traditional Anhui Opera, Peking Opera has also
adopted repertoire, music and performing techniques from Kun Opera and Qinqiang. It has taken in the best from
each opera and eventually 23 (form) its own highly stylized music and performing techniques.
Peking Opera is a 24 (combine) of music, dance, art, acrobatics, and martial arts. With its beautiful
paintings, delicate costumes, 25 graceful gestures, Peking Opera nowadays attracts people all around the
26 (traditional), women in China 27 (forbid) to enter theatres, so all Peking Opera
characters were played by men. But now, women enjoy equal rights with men on the stage, and more women are
appearing on the Opera stage 28 ever before. When 29 (perform), in addition to singing,
performers use well-established movements to express certain emotions and meanings. They also use their eyes and
facial expressions 30 (convey) specific meanings.
1.(2023 北京卷)Nina recently finished her year-long series of runs in Chicago, where thousands were attending a
water conference.She called for action (address)the struggles of people around the world facing “too
little water or too dirty water”.
2.(2022 新高考 I 卷)The plan will extend protection to a significant number of areas that were previously
unprotected, bringing many of the existing protected areas for giant pandas under one authority __________
(increase) effectiveness and reduce inconsistencies in management.
3(. 2022 新高考 II 卷)Eric woke up a little later when he heard children playing outside. He pushed a chair onto the
balcony, and climbed up __________ (see) them.
4.(2021 新高考 II 卷)I decided to do something __________ (educate) people about this problem.
5.(2021 浙江卷)Mary’s sister, Frances Todd Wallace, often came over __________ (plant) flowers in the front
6(. 2020 全国 I 卷)Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments onboard Chang’e-4 66 __________ (find) and
study areas of the South Pole-Aitken basin.
7.(2021 年新高考 II 卷)I decided to do something ________ (educate) people about this problem.
8.(2020· 浙 江 卷 ) Agriculture gave people their first experience of the power of technology __________
9. (2002 全国卷) Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _____(see) whether they
will enjoy it.
10.( 2022 年 1 月浙江卷)That approach brought Cobb's air travel last year down by 75%, and she plans
____________(continue) the practice. "It has been fairly rewarding. ", she says, "a really positive change."



上一篇:第06讲 阅读理解记叙文(练习)(含答案) 2025年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(新教材新高考)

下一篇:第12讲 完形填空夹叙夹议文(练习)(含答案) 2025年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(新教材新高考)