Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents? 复习练(无答案)2023-2024人教版英语八年级下册

Unit4 Why don’t you talk to your parents
1. 允许;准许 ______ 2. 有毛病的;错误的______ 3. 猜测;估计______
4. 协议;交易______ 5. 关系;联系______ 6. 交流;沟通(n.)______(v.) ______
7. 争吵______8. 云;云朵______ 9. 年纪较长的______ 10. 代替;反而______
11. 任何______12. 焦虑的;担忧的______ 20. 主动提出;资源给予______
21. 正确的;合适的______ 22. 第二;其次______ 23. 解释;说明______
24. 清楚易懂的;晴朗的______ 25. 复制;抄袭______ 26. 归还;回来______
27. 再也(不);(不)再______ 28. 成员;分子______ 29. 压力______
30. 竞争;对抗______ 31. 意见;想法;看法______ 32. 技艺;技巧______
33. 典型的______ 34. 足球;橄榄球______ 35. 快的;迅速的______
36. 持续;继续存在______ 37. 比较______ 38. 不理智的;疯狂的______
39. 鞭策;督促;推动______ 40. 发展;发育;成长______ 41. 造成;引起______
42. 通常的;寻常的______ 43. 可能;大概;也许______
1. 浏览______ 2. 重要的事______ 3. 成功地发展;解决______ 4. 和睦相处______
5. 删除;删去______ 6. 比较;对比______ 7. 依……看______ 8. 和朋友逛街______
9. 在电话上谈论它______ 10. 以便,为了______ 11. 浏览______ 12. 和家人相处______ 13. 感到孤独______ 14. 提供帮助______ 15. 和……交流______ 16. 抄别人的作业______ 17. 花费整个晚上通电话______ 18. 在人们前面害怕说话______ 19. 把你的作业忘在家里______ 20. 做运动;进行体育活动______ 21. 给我许多压力______ 22. 没有足够的空闲时间______ 23. 和同学竞争______ 24. 一位三个孩子的母亲______ 25. 和其他孩子做比较______ 26. 鼓励某人做某事______ 27. 从小开始学习______ 28. 安静的事情______
1. 我有太多的作业因此我么有空闲时间做我喜欢的事情。
2. 今天晚上你为什么不更早点睡觉呢?
3. 昨天我发现我妹妹在浏览我的东西。
4. 我的问题是同不能和家人和睦相处。
5. 当他们吵架的时候,它就像一大片乌云笼罩着我们的家。
6. 他总是拒绝让我看我最喜欢的电视节目。
7. 在你这个年龄很不容易,有这些感觉很正常。
8. 你最好的朋友不在信任你了。
9. 现如今,许多父母督促孩子们学习更多的技能。
10. 人们不该对自己的孩子逼得太紧。
Dave: 你看着伤心,Kim。怎么了?
Kim: 嗯,我发现昨天我妹妹浏览了我的东西。她拿走了我的一些新杂志和CD。
Dave: 这不好。她归还你了吗?
Kim: 是的,但是我仍然生她的气。我该怎么办?
Dave: 奥,我猜你告诉她道歉。但是你问什么不忘记它呢,以便你们再次能成为朋友?即使她错了,但没什么大不了的。
Kim: 你是对的,谢谢你的建议。
Dave: 没问题。希望事情会好起来。
亲爱的Sad and Thirteen,
Thanks for _________(give) me such good advice.
Everyone hopes to have more free time _________(relax).
When I arrived home, I found my mother _________(fold) the clothes.
Would you please come to school a little _________(early) next time
-Mom, I broke my sister’s new cup. What should I do
-Why don’t you ________(buy) her a new one
6. Good _______________(communicate) skills are important for all of us.
7. It’s normal for him ___________(offer) help to anyone in such a situation.
8. Tina’s ___________(old) brother promised to have a party for her thirteenth birthday.
9. I like going to school by bike. Firstly, it is fast. ____________(second), it is good for my health.
10. Eric and Frank stopped ____________(argue) when they saw the teacher coming into the classroom.
11. The ___________(relation) between my parents are getting worse and worse. What should I do
12. There are black ___________(cloud). It’s going to rain very soon.
13. Why don’t you _________(play) sports after school
14. Parents shouldn’t give their children so much __________(press) about school.
15. I think it is important to have more free time activities like sports and ___________(hang) out with friends.
16. Jimmy looks ___________(happy), so everyone is trying to cheer him up.
17. She felt sure of herself in the painting _____________(compete) and won at last.
18. After having a rest, the boy ___________(continue) learning to sing.
19. Many foreign friends are surprised at the fast _____________(develop) of China.
20. The heavy rain and a careless driver ___________(cause) the car accident yesterday.
21. Don’t ___________(compare) yourself with others. You should just be yourself.
22. Let’s take a taxi. It is much __________(quick) than a bus.
23. Students ___________(usual) have much pressure from schools and parents.
24. They are going to give away some ___________(football) to the children’s home.
25. This is a ___________(type) Chinese restaurant and it serves delicious dumplings and noodles.
26. After a few months’ ___________(train), she became a nurse.
27. Andy practiced hardest among us and he won the first prize in the ______________(compete).
28. We don’t allow __________(eat) in the office.
Last Friday my father bought a big tent after work. I was really happy with it 1.     I wanted to go camping in the tent all the time. I just couldn't wait to use the new tent, 2.     we decided to go camping the next day. It was really hard to decide where to go. We discussed it at dinner. 3.     it took a long time, we finally made a decision — to Uncle Tom's farm. Uncle Tom seldom came to visit us 4._____
he had enough time. He always had a lot of work to do on the farm. As for us, we didn't have enough time to visit him, either. Autumn was coming. Uncle Tom was busy harvesting (收割). We wanted to visit him 5.___
we could help him. At the same time, we could enjoy ourselves camping. What an excellent idea!
The next morning, we got up early 6.     we could get there early. We took our new tent and some presents for Uncle Tom. Uncle Tom was really happy to see us. We helped him pick apples. We were all tired after a day's work, 7.     we were all happy. After dinner, we camped by the river and enjoyed the stars 8.     it was midnight. What a wonderful experience!
perhaps, communication, compete, argue, since, opinion, anymore, clear, however, explain, your, agree

As we know, talking and listening don't go well every time. Will parents believe your words and listen to your 56.      I think a lot depends on your parents. Some parents are easy to talk to. 57.    , some are hard to talk to. But some depends on you, too. 58.     communication is a two-way street, the way of your talk can make a difference to your parents' listening and understanding.
Here is some advice when talking to parents:
Be 59.    . Talk about your ideas and feelings clearly. Try to 60.    details (详情) to them. That can help parents understand you. They can listen better if they understand your meanings.
Be honest. If you're always honest, your parents will believe your words. If you are not honest, 61._______ they'll find it hard to trust you.
Try to understand your parents' ideas. If you 62.     with your parents, can you understand their ideas If you understand their ideas, they might understand 63.     better.
Try not to 64.     with your parents. Try to be friendly to them, and then they'll listen to you and take your ideas seriously. Of course, it is hard for us when we're feeling angry about something. My advice is if you calm down, you can 65.     with your parents. If you are still angry, give it up.
Dear Mom,
Today I have something to tell you.
First, you know my sister is 1. (good) at schoolwork than me. But you're always comparing her with me. That 2. (make) me unhappy.
3. (two),you know I'm not interested in after school classes but you always take me to some. I'm 4.a about it. I don't want to compete with others. I can't stand too much 5.p . I want to be a successful child and I also want to be a happy child. Please give me some time 6. (relax)
and think for myself. Many thanks.
We have a lot of trouble in our life,1. we have to face them. When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are, there 2.______(be)six ways to make you feel good about yourself.
★Look in the mirror (镜子) and say to 3. (you)“I'm a special person and there's no one in the 4.w like me. I can do anything!” It may not sound so good, but it really works!
★Do something nice for someone. Helping 5. (other) always makes you feel good.
★Smile! Be 6. (friend) to people you meet. And look for the good things in others. Then they will be friendly to you, too.
★Learn something new! Have you always wanted to decorate your own room or learn 7. to swim Go for it!
★Read and start a diary. Turn 8. the TV and let your imagination (想象) fly! If you have any thoughts, dreams or anything you want, just 9.w them down! Writing always helps to express your feelings.
★Stay with your family. In my 10.o ,we all need our family time. Talk with your Mom and Dad or maybe even your cousin.
Please tell me what to do with my daughter. We 1. (argument)a lot. I can feel that she is angry and she 2. (hate)me. I love her very much and I want to make her happy. I always give her 3.w she wants except for going to a private university 4. I can't afford it. And that makes her feel very 5. (sadness).
One day she got very angry with me because of some small matters. She started shouting at me and talked really fast. I wanted to 6. (explanation) to her but failed. It made me 7.c .Now, it has been four days and we still don't talk to each 8.o .I want to get on 9. (good) with her but it seems that she is pushing me away. She doesn't want to tell me what she thinks. Could you please tell me how to communicate with her 10. (proper)
We have a lot of trouble in our life, but we have to face them. When you are feeling (1) _____ (happy) or forgetting how great you are, there are six ways to make you (2)_____ (feel) good about yourself.
·Look in the mirror and say to (3)_____ (you), "I'm a special person and there's no one (4)_____ the world like me. I can do anything!" It may not (5) _____ (sound) so good, but it really works!
·Do something nice for someone. (6) _____ (help) others always makes you feel good.
·Smile! Be (7) _____ (friend) to people you meet. Look for the good things in your friends and family.
·Learn something new! Have you always wanted to decorate your own room or learn how to swim Go for it! New challenges are fun and give you a sense of accomplishment when you have finished.
·Read and start (8)_____ diary. Turn off the TV and let your imagination(想象)fly! If you have any thoughts, dreams or anything you want, write (9)_____ (they) down! Writing always helps to express your feelings.
·Stay (10) _____ your family. We all have our family time. Talk with your mom and dad or maybe even your cousin.



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