
( )1. — How old is your sister
— She is an______ girl.
A.8 years old B.8-years-old C.8-year-old
( )2. My brother enjoys doing sports and ______ favourite subject is PE.
A. his B. her C. your
( )3. — Who’s the man with an umbrella
— He’s a friend of______.
A.my father B. my father’s C. me father
( )4. It’s really kind ______ you to help me finish cleaning the room.
A. for B. of C. to
( )5.If you ______ to the party, you ______ a great time.
A. go, are having B. goes, have C. go, will have
( )6. Put on your coat, ______ you may catch a cold.
A. and B. but C. or
( )7. — Your green pen is nice!
— I’d like to buy a new ______ like ______.
A. one, yours B. it, yours C. one, you
( )8. Lu Xun is one of ______ Chinese writers of the twentieth century.
A. great B. greater C. the greatest
( )9. — It’s too hot. Shall we go swimming this afternoon
— ______.
A. That’s right. B. That’s all right. C. All right.
( )10. — What did you do last weekend
— I ______ my grandparents.
A. visit B. visited C. will visit
( )11. — Mr. Green, ______ I finish my homework today
— No, you needn’t. You can give it tomorrow.
A. can B. should C. must
( )12. — ______ shall we meet for the picnic, Tom
— At the bus station near our school.
A. Where B. How C. when
( )13. — Peter, what’s your brother doing He ______ the piano.
A. plays B. played C. is playing
( )14. Janncke Mela arrived at the South Pole ______ December, 2004.
A. on B. at C. in
( )15.— I think doing ______ is good for us middle school students.
— Yes, you’re right.
A. eye exercise B. eyes exercise C. eye exercises
( )16. It ______ me half an hour to make a sand panda yesterday
A. spent B. took C. cost
( )17.— I called Linda, but nobody answered. ______ Linda isn’t at home.
— I think so.
A. May B. Maybe C. May be
( )18. — How heavy is your little dog
— It’s more than 4kg ______.
A. in weigh B. in weight C. heavier
( )19. ______ great music it is!
A. What B. What a C. How
( )20 It ______ a lot in summer in Beijing. It is often rainy.
A. rain B. rainy C. rains
( )21. — What will you do on Sunday
— My parents and I are going fishing. ______ of us will be happy.
A. All B. Both C. One
( )22.— ______ schoolbag is it Is it yours
— No, it’s Tim’s. His schoolbag is too ______.
A. Whose, heavy B. Who, heavier C. Whose, heavier
( )23.— ______ is the ticket — It’s five yuan.
A. How many B. How long C. How much
( )24.— Eating ______ food is good for us.
— Yes, I can’t agree with you more. It’s good for our ______.
A. healthily, healthy B. healthily, health C. healthy, health
( )25.— Can I see your pictures from the winter holiday ______
— Of course!
A sometime B sometimes C some times
( )26.— Would you like ______ your story book ______me
— Of course.
A. share, to B. to share, with C. sharing, for
( )27.— ______ that boy in the photo — It’s my brother.
A. Who’s B. Whose C. who
( )28. — Oliver, this is my pen pal Lina. She lives in Sydney.
— Oh, does she come from ______
A. Australia B. America C. China
( )29. — ______ did Lily go to school by bus today
— She went to school by bus because it’s rainy.
A. How B. why C. Where
( )30. It’s time for him ______ our school.
A. to leave B. leaving C. leaves
( )31 .Look, your schoolbag are bigger than ______.
A. me B. mine C. my
( )32.Going to school by car isn’t better for us than ______.
A. walk B. to walk C. walking
( )33. — Did you play football ______ weekend — Yes, I did.
A. this B. last C. next
( )34. Our friend Robin fixed the ______ chair in the room.
A. broken B. break C. broke
( )35.Miss White is a good teacher. She teaches ______ English well.
A. our B. us C. we
( )36. As we all know, the ______ journey begins with the first step.
A. long B. longer C. longest
( )37. ______ is a lifelong journey. So we should be better late than never.
A. Learn B. Learning C. Learner
( )e on! All things are difficult ______ they are easy.
A. because B. after C .before
( )39. ______ are like books —you don’t need a lot of them as long as they are good.
A. Sports B. Friends C. Foods
( )40.There’s still no place like home because east or west, home is ______.
A. good B. better C. best
Jack and Mary are two good friends. On their way to school, they find an old 41 . It is about treasure(珍宝). They want to read it, 42 they have to go to school first.
After school, they meet at Jack’s house. They find there is a treasure 43 in the old book. They talk to Jack’s father about it He agrees to drive them around to find the treasure. 44 can we go first “Jack’s father asks. Mary, 45 at the map. The way starts at the pool in the middle of town, so they go there first. Then, they arrive at a park after a 20-minute ride. The 46 problem for them is where the treasure in the park is. 47 try looking for clues(线索)in the park. Ten minutes later, Mary shouts to others 48 ,” I find it! It’s not something we can take with us, but when you read it, you’ll see! “She points to(指向)a tree. There is a card in the tree. It 49 ,” The best treasure is a good trip with good friends! “Wow, that’s 50 ,” Jack says. Although(虽然)they don’t get anything to keep, they still think that it is a great day.
( )41. A. way B. story C. book
( )42. A. and B. so C. but
( )43. A. map B. box C. picture
( )44. A. When B. Where C. what
( )45. A. listens B. looks C. sees
( )46. A. easy B. hard C. best
( )47.A. We B. He C. They
( )48.A.quickly B. sadly C. happily
( )49.A.talks B. speaks C. says
( )50.A.true B. free C. bad
Lisa’s Gym Keep healthy, do yoga(瑜伽), dance and meet many new friends! Price: 40/hour Open time: weekends Tel: 2133730 A Concert(音乐会) Do you like classical(古典的)music Come to the concert on Friday evening! The concert will begin at 6:30 in the Children’s Palace. Ticket price: Adults(成人): 120 Children(underl5): 60
The Ugly Duck A wonderful play at People’s Cinema Ticket price: 80 Time: 6:00p.m.8:00p.m Dates: July 24th to July 27 Summer Job Do you like talk with people Do you like to work late Do you like to work for a restaurant Then come and work for us as a writer. Please call Jenny at 8124697 for more information(信息).
( )5l. We can ______ at Lisa’s gym.
A. watch a movie B. play baseball C. meet many new friends
( )52. Miss Green is going to dance at Lisa’s gym and she can go there on ______
A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Saturday
( )53. Mr. and Mrs. White and their 14-year-old son have to pay ______ for the concert.
A. $300 B. 180 C. 300
( )54. Jack can watch a play at People’s Cinema______
A. at 6:00 on the morning of July 24th
B. at 18:00 on July 25th
C. at 14:00 on July 24th
( )55.Which of the following is TRUE according to the form
A. If Mike wants to find a job during his summer holiday, he can call Jenny.
B. You can spend $40 doing yoga with your friend for an hour on Sunday morning.
C. The classical concert will begin at People’s Cinema.
I have got two friends. They’re from different schools. jerry is a boy from the UK. His school is very big. The students sit around tables in class. Sometimes he joins clubs and makes some new friends from different classes. School starts at 9 o’clock and finishes at 3 o’clock. He often plays football with his classmates after school. Lingling is a Chinese girl. Her school is beautiful and new. There are some beautiful flowers and tall trees there. There is a big library in her school. She often reads books there. School starts at 8 o’clock and finishes at 4 o’clock. She plays the guitar with her friends at break time sometimes. It’s very cool.
根据语篇内容,判断正误。(正确选A,错误选 B)
( )56. Jerry and Lingling are from different countries and different schools.
( )57. Jerry often plays basketball after school.
( )58. Jerry’s school starts at half past eight and finishes at three o’clock.
( )59. Lingling and her classmates sit around tables at school.
( )60. Lingling sometimes plays the guitar with her friends at break time.
We all have a family name. In China, the family name comes first, but in English-speaking countries, the family name is the last name. Do you know how English people get their family names And what do the family names mean(意思) 61.______
62. ______ A man lives on or near a hill, so his family name may be Hill. In England. people’s family names may be Wood or Lake because they live near the wood or the lake.
Some people’s family names come from their jobs.63. ______
64. ______ Some people’s family names are Black or Brown.
65. ______ When you hear the family name “Jackson”, you can know he is the son of Jack.
A. A person is a cook, and then his family name may be Cook. B. Some people’s family names come from places. C. Some people’s family names come from their mothers’ first names. D. Well, English people get their family names in these ways. E. Some people’s family names come from colours. F. Many people get their family names from their fathers’ first names.
The 2024 Short Story Competition(比赛)for Kids
※Age Groups(年龄组)
1 Grades 1-2
2 Grades 3-4
3 Grades 5-6
4 Grades 7-9
※Prizes for the Winner in Each Age Group
·An iPad· ·A schoolbag ·10 books of short stories
※ Time
From 9:00 to 17:00 on Friday, September 20
※ About One of the Main Judges(主裁判)
Name: Jackie French Birthday: November 29
Country: Australia Job: Writer
66. How many age groups are there in the competition
67. What time does the competition begin
68. What’s the woman’s first name in the photo
69. What’s the woman’s job
70. Do you like telling stories
Do you have a beautiful dream I know almost everyone has his own dream in his life. The dreams are very 71 to them. The dreams can make them study 72 .
I am studying in a middle school now. I do well in all my 73 . All the teachers like me very much. My dream is to be a teacher in the 74 of China. Many children there want to go to school, but they can’t. Their families are poor and their parents don’t have enough 75 to send them to school. I think that going to school is the best 76 to change their life.
The schools there 77 teachers greatly, so I want to be a teacher to help them. I will be kind to my students and make 78 with them. All the children will like to talk with me, too. I will give them 79 and teach them how to be a useful person. I think it is a 80 world. I hope my dream can come true.
71.______ 72. ______ 73. ______ 74. ______ 75. ______
76. ______ 77.______ 78. ______ 79. ______ 80. ______
Sam usually gets out of bed at seven o’clock. But this morning, when Mrs Miller asks him to get up, he 81 (say), “Mum, please let me sleep for fifteen 82 (many)minutes.”
“But it’s seven o’clock now,” says Mrs Miller.
“I know, Mum. I won’t be late 83 school.” So Sam gets out of bed at a quarter past seven. After having, 84 quick breakfast, he gets his schoolbag from the sofa and runs to school quickly. When he gets to school, itis 85 (fifth)to eight. “Great! It’s OK for 86 (my)to get up fifteen minutes late,” Sam thinks.
87 when Sam looks at his schoolbag, he finds that his maths homework isn’t in it “Where is it Oh, no! It’s on my desk. I always look at my schoolbag 88 going to school, but today I don’t have time to do that,” Sam thinks. Now, he knows that it’s good to 89 (having)good habits(习惯).
Sam calls his mum and says, “Mum, I need your 90 (helpful). My maths homework is on my desk. Please bring it to me quickly.”
81.______ 82. ______ 83. ______ 84. ______ 85. ______
86. ______ 87. ______ 88. ______ 89. ______ 90. ______
1-5 CABBC 6-10 CACCB 11-15 CACCC 16-20 BBBAC
21-25AACCA 26-30 BAABA 31-35 BCBAB 36-40 CBCBC
41-45CCABB 46-50BCCCA
阅读A 51-55CCCBA
阅读B 56-60AB BBA
阅读C 61-65 DBAEF
阅读D 66. Four./ Four groups./There are 4 groups.
67. At 9/ At 9:00/ At nine./ At 9 o’clock.
68. Jackie
69. A writer
8l. important 82. harder 83. subjects 84. west 85. money
86. way 87. need 88. friends 89. love 90. great
81. says 82. more 83. for 84. a 85. five
86. me 87. But 88. before 89. have 90. help



