Unit 1 The king's new clothes 单元必刷考点精选题分类汇编(语音+词汇+短语)(含答案)

译林版(三起)六年级上册Unit 1 The king’s new clothes必刷考点精选题分类汇编
A. 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同写“T”,不同写“F”。
( ) 1. foolish football ( ) 2. each peach
( ) 3. party car ( ) 4. hard popular
( ) 5. front hungry ( ) 6. house soup
( ) 7. glass can ( ) 8. half car
( ) 9. through foolish ( ) 10. try party
B. 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同写“T”,不同写“F”。
( ) 1. brother both ( ) 2. magic make
( ) 3. forest behind ( ) 4. afraid cake
( ) 5. room school ( ) 6. soft popular
( ) 7. say says ( ) 8. wear dear
( ) 9. long point ( ) 10. laugh afternoon
C. 找出划线部分读音不同的选项。
( ) 1. A. arm B. car C. fat
( ) 2. A. sentence B. these C. tell
( ) 3. A. each B. head C. tea
( ) 4. A. wear B. pear C. near
( ) 5. A. fit B. like C. this
D. 找出划线部分读音不同的选项。
( ) 1. A. card B. hard C. Mark D. warm
( ) 2. A. sister B. teacher C. her D. doctor
( ) 3. A. book B. food C. zoo D. too
( ) 4. A. lake B. make C. cap D. take
( ) 5. A. farm B. ear C. half D. hard
E. 找出与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。
( ) 1. A. five B. live C. minus D. hike
( ) 2. A. use B. usually C. put D. student
( ) 3. A. desk B. fever C. many D. sweater
( ) 4. A. there B. think C. both D. maths
( ) 5. A. thank B. under C. bank D. England
F. 找出与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。
( ) 1. A. looked B. wanted C. handed D. started
( ) 2. A. make B. late C. after D. hate
( ) 3. A. walked B. looked C. cooked D. shouted
( ) 4. A. say B. next C. weather D. clever
( ) 5. A. stopped B. watched C. coat D. cleaned
G. 按要求写单词。
1. thirty (序数词)__________ 2. got (动词原形)__________
3. good (副词)____________ 4. is (过去式)_____________
5. tell (过去式)___________ 6. am (过去式)____________
7. are (过去式)___________ 8. people (复数)___________
9. show (过去式)__________ 10. laugh (过去式)_________
H. 英汉互译。
1. 指着_______________________      2. 变成___________________
3. 指着国王___________________ 4. 努力地想_______________
5. 神奇的衣服_________________ 6. make new clothes for you___
7. walk through_________________ 8. magic clothes ____________
9. on the mountain ______________ 10. turn into a prince_________
译林版(三起)六年级上册Unit 1 The king’s new clothes必刷考点精选题分类汇编
语音+词汇+短语 答案
A. 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同写“T”,不同写“F”。
Key: 1-5 FTTFF 6-10 FFTTF
B. 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同写“T”,不同写“F”。
Key: 1-5 FFTFT 6-10 TFFTT
C. 找出划线部分读音不同的选项。
D. 找出划线部分读音不同的选项。
E. 找出与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。
F. 找出与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。
G. 按要求写单词。
Key: 1. thirtieth 2. get 3. well 4. was 5. told 6. was 7. were 8. people
9. showed 10. laughed
H. 英汉互译。
Key: 1. point at  2. turn into 3. point at the king 4. think hard 5. magic clothes
6. 给你做衣服 7. 走过  8. 神奇的衣服  9. 在山上 10. 变成一个王子



