牛津上海版(试用本)八年级上册Unit1 My life课外词汇知识点以及背默点

8A Unit 1 Penfriends课外词汇1
1. 重(v.) – 体重(u.) 2. 高的(adj.)-高度(u.)
weigh weight high height
3. 问身高:-Jack多高?-1.6m高。 4. 问体重:-Jack多重?-60kg重。
-How tall is Jack -How heavy is Jack /How much does Jack weigh
-He is 160 centimetres tall. -He is 60 kilograms heavy./He weighs 60 kilograms.
5. 堵车 6. 没能去见粉丝 没能做某事
be caught in traffic jams fail to meet his fans fail to do sth.
7. 生气地对我大喊 8. 顺利的,光滑的(adj.)
shout at me angrily smooth
9. 自由的,免费的(adj.)/释放(v.) 10. 温柔的,温和的(adj.-adv.)
free gentle--gently
11. 粗鲁的(adj.) – 礼貌的(adj.) 12. 友谊第一,比赛第二
rude polite Friendship first, competition second
13.我在玫瑰花园学校的八年级五班。 14.(两者中的) 一个…另一个….
I am in Class 5, Year(Grade) 8 at Rose Garden School. one… the other…
15.不再/再也不… 16.管理,负责
no longer/not… any longer be in charge of/take charge of
17.即使 18.向上看,查阅,尊敬
even if/even though look up at sb 尊敬某人
look up the word in the dictionary 查字典
19.移居国外 20.继续学习
move abroad go on with one’s studies
21.孤单无助 22.独自在家
be lonely and helpless stay alone at home
23.练习打排球 24.承诺(v./n.)
practice playing volleyball promise to do sth
make/keep/ break a promise
25. provide提供(v.) 26.在…之间受欢迎
为某人提供某物: be popular with/among …
provide sth. for sb./provide sb. with sth.
offer sb sth// offer sth to sb
27.自信的(adj.)- 自信(u.) 28.原谅(v.)/借口(c.)
confident – confidence excuse make an excuse 找借口
29.理由,原因(c.) 30. 平方米
the reason for// the cause of ..的原因 square metres
31.过着安逸的生活 32.在医院工作 住院
live an easy life work in a hospital be in hospital
go to university(强调动作)
study at university(强调状态) *study at a good university 在一所好大学读书
34. fine罚金(n.) 35. return归还(v.)
pay a fine付罚金 return your book to me还书 =
give the book back to me
36.按时 及时 37. 母语
hand in homework on time
save sb in time native language
38.盲人(泛指一个群体) 39.侦探(n.)
the blind detective
8A Unit 1 Penfriends课外词汇1-默写单(A卷)
Name:____________ 用时:_________
1. 重(v.) – 体重(u.) 2. 高的(adj.)-高度(u.)
_______ ________ _______ ________
3. 问身高:-Jack多高?-1.6m高。 4. 问体重:-Jack多重?-60kg重。
-_________________________ -_________________ /How much ____________
-__________________________. -_________________./_____________________.
5. ____________ 6. 没能去见粉丝
be caught in traffic jams __________ meet his fans
7. 生气地对我大喊 8. 顺利的,光滑的(adj.)
____________ me _______ ____________
9. 自由的,免费的(adj.)/释放(v.) 10. 温柔的,温和的(adj.)
____________ ____________
11. 粗鲁的(adj.) – 礼貌的(adj.) 12. 友谊第一,比赛第二
___________ ___________ _______________,_______________
13.我在玫瑰花园学校的八年级五班。 14.(两者中的) 一个…另一个….
I am ______________________________. _________________________
15.不再/再也不… 16.管理,负责
_________/not… any longer _____________/_____________
17.即使 18.向上看,查阅,尊敬
____________ ______________
19.移居国外 20._______________
move _________ go on with one’s studies
21.孤单无助 22.独自在家
be _________ and _________ stay _________ at home
23.练习打排球 24.承诺(v./c.)
______________________ _______________
25. ____________提供(v.) 26.在…之间受欢迎
*为某人提供某物:_________________ _______________
27.自信的(adj.)- 自信(u.) 28.原谅(v.)/借口(c.)
________– __________ _________
29.理由,原因(c.) 30. ____________
_________ square metres
31.过着安逸的生活 32.在医院工作
______________ _________________
______________________(强调状态) *study at _________________ 在一所好大学读书
34. ________-罚金(n.) 35. _____________归还(v.)
___________付罚金 ________________还书
36.按时 及时 37. 母语
____ time ______ time ________ language
38.盲人(泛指一个群体) 39._________(n.)
______________ detective
8A Unit 1 Penfriends课外词汇1-默写单(B卷)
Name:____________ 用时:_________
1. 重(v.) – 体重(u.) 2. 高的(adj.)-高度(u.)
_______ weight high _______
3. 问身高:-Jack多高?-1.6m高。 4. 问体重:-Jack多重?-60kg重。
-How _____ is Jack -How ______ is Jack /__________does Jack_____
-He is 160 centimetres ______. -He is 60 kilograms _____./He ______ 60 kilograms.
5. ___________ 6. ______________
be caught in traffic jams fail to meet his fans
7. __________________ 8. _________,光滑的(adj.)
shout at me angrily smooth
9. 自由的,免费的(adj.)/释放(v.) 10. _________________(adj.)
__________ gentle
11. _________(adj.) – 礼貌的(adj.) 12. 友谊第一,比赛第二
rude ______ ___________ first, __________ second.
13.我在玫瑰花园学校的八年级五班。 14.(两者中的) 一个…另一个….
I am ___ Class 5, Year(Grade) 8 ___ Rose Garden School. one… __________…
15._______________ 16.________________
no longer/not… any longer be in charge of/take charge of
17.即使 18.向上看,查阅,尊敬
even if/even though look up
19.___________ 20._______________
move abroad go on with one’s studies
21.___________ 22._______________
be lonely and helpless stay alone at home
23.练习打排球 24._________(v./c.)
_____________________ promise
25. 提供(v.) 26.___________________
__________ be popular with/among …
27.________(adj.)- _______(u.) 28.原谅(v.)/借口(c.)
confident – confidence _________
29.理由,原因(c.) 30. _________
_________ square metres
31.___________________ 32.__________ _________
live an easy life work in a hospital be in hospital
go to university(强调动作)
______________(强调状态) *study at a good university 在一所好大学读书
34. ______________ 35. _____________
pay a fine return your book
36.按时 及时 37. __________
___ time ____ time native language
38.盲人(泛指一个群体) 39.__________(n.)
______ blind detective



