Unit 8 l can do this for you 单元测试 (含答案及听力音频听力原文)

2023—2024小学英语四年级(上册) 第八单元测试卷
班级:________ 姓名:________ 得________分
( )1. A. RS B. RX C. RY
( )2. A. uys B. vys C. xsy
( )3. A. sing B. songs C. four
( )4. A. your B. OK C. right
( )5. A. pictures B. for C. draw
( )1. A. 这是一只狐狸吗 B. 这是一只狐狸。 C. 这是你吗
( )2. A. 你还好吗 B. 我头晕目眩的。 C. 我头疼。
( )3. A. 我爱你,祖父。 B. 我也爱你,祖母。 C. 我也爱你,祖父。
( )4. A. 我会拍照。 B. 我会唱歌。 C. 我会跳舞。
( )5. A. 这是我。 B. 这是我的图画。 C. 这是我的祖父。
( )1. A. I can clean the table. B. I want to do things for the family. C. I'm four.
( )2. A. I'm dizzy. B. Ha! Ha! C. I can dance.
( )3. A. Yes, it's a fox. B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, they are.
( )4. A. How lovely! B. Look at my pictures. C. I love you too, Grandpa.
( )5. A. We can clean the table too. B. I can sing and dance. C. How lovely!
A. dance B. clean the table C. sing English songs D. take pictures E. brother
Who Can Can't
father cook fish sing
mother 1. ________ swim
2. ________ draw pictures 3. ________
I 4. ________ 5. ________
1. —you OK, Bobby —Idizzy.
2. Lily is a dancer. She canlike a swan(天鹅).
3. My cousin Jim can very well.
4. We canthe table for our family.
5. Roger can. He wants to be a singer.
1. Cindy can s some Chinese songs for the party.
2. I can dance with Zhang Hua o New Year's Day.
3. Linda can d pictures of her parents.
4. —Who can t pictures —My uncle.
5. The children want to d things for the family. They' re helpful.
( )1. What can you do ________ your family, Jimmy
A. for B. to C. and
( )2. —I can help my mum clean the table. —________
A. Great! B. Excuse me. C. I love you.
( )3. Liu Tao's cousin can sing, but she ________ dance.
A. can't B. can C. not
( )4. Look! David can take ________.
A. table B. picture C. pictures
( )5.—________ can your brother do —He can sing and dance.
A. Who B. What C. Where
( )6. The ________ want to do things at a family get-together.
A. child B. children C. childs
( )7. The toy car ________ my little brother.
A. are for B. is for C. is of
( )8. —I can draw. —I can draw ________.
A. two B. to C. too
( )9. What can the children do for ________ family
A. you B. we C. their
( )10. Yang Ling ________a toy panda ________ her birthday.
A. wants; of B. gets; of C. gets; from
Tina: I can dance at the talent show. I want to have a try.
Lucy: 1. ________
Tina: Maybe we can dance together.
Lucy: 2. ________ What can you do, Alan
Alan: 3. ________ Let me show you.(30秒后)
Lucy: Wow. You can sing well. How about you, Jack
Jack: 4. ________
Lucy: Pipa For a boy
Jack: Why not 5. ________
Alan: That's nice. You will surely win(赢).
Jack: Thank you.
( )I can dance.
( ) My brother can draw cartoons.
( ) Hello, Sarah. What can you do
( ) What can your brother do
( ) Great! Lucy can dance too.
( )I can play the pipa. What about you
1. Andy can draw a picture of his father. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ Andy ________
2. Bobby can clean the table for his family. (改为否定句)
Bobby ________ clean the table for his family.
3. My mother can take pictures. (改为一般疑问句)
________ ________ mother take pictures
4. can, teacher, what, Mike's, do( )(连词成句)
5. sing, can, I, songs, and, dance (.)(连词成句)
( )1. A. My mother can dance.
B. My sister can take nice pictures.
C. My aunt can play the pipa.
( )2. A. The children can sing English songs.
B. The children can sing the birthday song.
C. The children can sing Chinese songs.
( )3. A. They can't draw pictures.
B. They can draw pictures.
C. They can clean the room.
( )1. Nancy can go to the show at 9:00 a. m. on Saturday.
( )2. I-Robot can sing English songs.
( )3. 3X-Robot can't clean the room.
( )4. I-Dog can take care of children.
( )5. Nancy and her parents will pay(花费) 75 yuan in total.
I'm Molly. My classmates are versatile(多才多艺的). Four students can take pictures. That's cool. Jack and Lee can draw cartoons well. They can draw some pictures for the students from Willow School. Six girls can dance. I can't dance. But I can play the pipa. My friend Tina can play the pipa too. Five students can sing English songs well. They can sing together. We hope the students from Willow School can have a great time in our school.
How many What
1. ________ take pictures
2 2. ________
6 3. ________
4. ________ play the pipa
5 5. ________
(二) 阅读短文,回答下列问题。(4分)
6. What can Jack and Lee do
7. Who can play the pipa
(三) 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(2分)
( )8. 选出欢迎仪式上可能看到的两个节目。
1. RX 2. xsy 3. I can sing a song for you. 4. Are you OK 5. I can draw a picture of you.
1. Look! I can draw pictures. 2. The girl can sing English songs. 3. Lily's sister can dance for the family party.
4. My cousin can take pictures. 5. Bobby can clean the table.
1. Is this a fox 2. I'm dizzy. 3. I love you too, Grandpa. 4. I can take pictures. 5. This is my picture.
1. What can you do for your family
2. Are you OK, Taotao 3. Is this a table 4. I love you. 5. What can you do at a family get- together
Look at my family photo. They are my parents, my brother and me. My father can cook fish, but he can't sing. My mother can clean the table, but she can't swim. My brother can draw pictures, but he can't take pictures. I can sing English songs, but I can't dance.
一、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C
二、1. √ 2. 3 . √ 4. × 5. ×
三、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B
四、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B
五、1. B 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. A
六、1. Are, am 2. dance 3. draw 4. clean 5. sing
七、1. sing 2. on 3. draw 4. take 5. do
八、1. A 2. A 3. A 4. C
5. B解析·由答句句意“他会唱歌跳舞”可知,问句是在询问“你的哥哥会做什么”,所以要用特殊疑问词 What 来提问,故选 B。
6. B 解析·设空处后的谓语动词 want是原形,即主语是复数, child 的复数形式为 children,故选 B。
7. B 8. C 9.C 10.C
九、1. B 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. C
十、3 6 1 5 4 2
十一、1. What can, do 2. can't 3. Can your 4. What can Mike's teacher do 5. I can sing songs and dance./I can dance and sing songs.
十二、1. A 2. A 3. B
十三、1. √ 2. √
3. × 解析·由图片中 3X-Robot的功能“ cook clean the room take care of children”可知,3X-Robot 会打扫房间,故填×。
4. × 解析 ·由图片中 I-Dog 的功能“ guard take pictures”可知,I-Dog不会照顾孩子,故填×。
十四、(一)1. 4 2. draw cartoons 3. dance 4. 2 5. sing English songs
(二) 6. They can draw cartoons. 7. Molly and Tina.
(三) 8. BC
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:Unit 4 This is my friend 单元测试 (含答案及听力音频听力原文)
