Module 7 单元测试(含答案及听力原文 无听力音频)-2024-2025外研版(一起)英语四年级上册

Module 7 能力提高 B 卷
时间:40分钟 满分:100分
题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 总 分 等 级
得 分
( )1. A. lost my hat B. lost my cap C. on your head
( )2. A. take my doll B. take Amy's doll C. take my football
( )3. A. watch TV B. see my bike C. take my bag
( )4. A. clean your room B. help your mum C. fly a kite
( )5. A. look for B.come back C. paint a picture
( )1. A. Did you take Amy's doll
B. Did you see Amy's doll
( )2. A. I lost my hat.
B. I lost my black bike.
( )3. A. Stand up, Daming.
B. Come back, Bob.
( )4. A. My bag is blue.
B. My bag is big and black.
( )5. A. I saw a pig yesterday.
B. I saw a pi g last week.
( )1. A. No, I didn't. B. I lost my hat.
C. Yes, I can.
( )2. A. I take Amy's doll. B. No, I didn't.
C. Yes, I am.
( )3. A. My baby. B. Thank you.
C. Yes, I did.
( )4. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, it is.
C. No, I'm not.
( )5. A. Yes,I did. B. Yes, I can.
C. No, it isn't.
五、英汉互译。(10 分)
1. look for 2.在电视上
3.帮助你妈妈 4.逃跑
5. Don't worry! 6.三个头
7. fly a kite 8.打扫你的房间
9. in the bag 10.上周日
1.— Did you fall — No, I( didn't/ don't)
2.— Did you see a scary thing — Yes, I( do/ did)
3.— Do you come to school by bus — No, I( didn't/ don't)
4.— Does he usually get up at six — Yes, he( did/ does)
5.— Did you break your toy — No, I( doesn't/ didn’t)
( )1.1.— you see her toy bus
— No, I didn't.
A. Do B. Are C. Did
( )2.— , Tom
—I lost my hat.
A. What's the matter B. Are you OK C. Where is my key
( )3.— Listen! Who is
— Tom.
A. cries B. cry C. crying
( )4.—I lost my key. Did you see it
— No, I didn’t. Did you it in your bag
A. find B. look for C. looked for
( )5.— Did you Lily's doll
— Yes, I did.
A. see B. saw C. look
( )1. What's the matter, Mum
A.妈妈,你好吗 B.妈妈,怎么了
( )2. Amy is crying.
A.艾米在笑。 B.艾米在哭。
( )3. You took my milk away.
A.你拿来了我的牛奶。 B.你拿走了我的牛奶。
( )4. Did you look for it in your room
A.你在你的房间里找了吗 B.你在你的房间里发现了吗
( )5. I painted a picture.
A.我画了一幅画。 B.我印了一幅画。
1. Amy Is crying( )
2. football I my lost(.)
3. is Where baby my doll( )
4. you Did bike away take my( )
5. to the went I park Sunday last(.)
A. No,I didn't. B. Did you look for it in your bag C. Come back! D. I lost my key. E. What's the matter
A: Hello, Mum.1.
B:2. Did you take my key
A:3. Let me see.4.
B: Yes, I did. It isn't there.
A: Oh, Bob took it away.
B: Oh, Bob.5.
Tom: There was a big monster(怪兽). It had three heads. There were three children. The monster wanted to eat the children. The children ran away. Then I cried!
Sam: Look, Tom. The monster didn't eat the children.
Tom: Oh, good!
( )1. Tom saw a monster.
( )2. The monster had two heads.
( )3. The children didn’t run away.
( )4. Tom cried.
( )5. The monster ate the children.




下一篇:Module 9 巩固提高卷 2024-2025外研版(一起)英语四年级上册(含答案含听力原文无音频)