Module 4 单元测试(含答案及听力原文 无听力音频) -2024-2025外研版(一起)英语四年级上册

Module 4 巩固提高卷
时间:40分钟 满分:100分
题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总 分 等 级
得 分
( )1. A. right B. read C. paint
( )2. A. eat B. print C. invent
( )3. A. clean B. clever C. car
( )4. A. bicycle B. between C. beside
( )5. A. phone B. printing C. paper
( ) 1. A. An English invented this bicycle.
B. A Chinese invented this bicycle.
( )2. A. I made a cake.
B. I didn't make a cake.
( )3. A. Chinese people invented paper.
B. Chinese people invented printing.
( )4. A. He invented this bicycle.
B. He invented this telephone.
( )5. A. Chinese people are very clever.
B. Chinese people invented important things.
proud Chinese printing invented important
A: Hi, Lucy, could you give me some paper
B:OK, here you are.
A: Thank you! Lucy, do you know who l. paper
B: Yes,2. people. Chinese people invented many 3. things.
A: Chinese people invented four great things. They are paper, 4. , compass and gunpowder(火药).
B:I'm 5. of Chinese people.
A: So am I.
笔试部分(60 分)
( )1. a good idea!
A. Which B. How C. What
( )2. It's front of the cat.
A. in B. at C. on
( )3. An man invented bicycle.
A. Chinese B. English C. American
( )4. Chinese people didn’t cars.
A. invent B. invented C. inventing
( )5.— Where Daming
— He was beside Sam.
A. is B. was C. are
( )6. The book is between the ruler the pen.
A. but B. with C. and
( )7. What you last week
A. did; buy B. did; buying C. do; buy
( )8. We can books and newspaper.
A. printed B. printing C. print
1. Chinese people ( be) very clever.
2. The man ( invent) these special pens last year.
3. It's between the ( chair).
4. I printed ( we) class newspaper yesterday.
5. It ( be) raining yesterday.
八、看图选词填空。(10 分)
1. The girl is the tree.
2. A man is the car.
3. The ball is the desk.
4. The pen is the ruler and the pencil.
5. Mr Green is the bicycle.
( )1. Where was he from A. It's a car.
( )2. What is it B. It's in front of the cat.
( )3. Where is the mouse C. He was from the US.
( )4. What are you doing D. I'm printing newspaper.
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls.
Students: Good morning.
Teacher: Today we will have a history class. Who invented paper and printing Do you know
Students: Yes, we do. Chinese people invented paper and printing.
Teacher: How do you think of Chinese people
Students: Chinese people are very clever.
Teacher: You can answer my questions. You are very clever, too.
Students: Thank you. We know Chinese people invented many important things.
Teacher: That's right.
( ) 1. The students have an English class.
( ) 2. Chinese people invented paper and printing.
( ) 3. Chinese people are very clever.
( ) 4. The students can't answer the teacher's questions.
( ) 5. Chinese people invented many important things.



上一篇:Module 2 单元测试(含答案及听力原文 无听力音频)-2024-2025外研版(一起)英语四年级上册

下一篇:Module 6 基础巩固 A 卷 2024-2025外研版(一起)英语四年级上册(含答案含听力原文无音频)