牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 2 School life Reading(2) 同步练 (无答案)

U2 Reading(2)
1. We usually have lunch_________(一起)in the school dining room.
2. This___________(物理) problem is not difficult for you. You can work it out easily.
3. There are many __________(语言)in the world. Most of them aren’t used widely.
4. _______________(在……期间) your stay in this hotel, you can enjoy 3 free meals every day.
5. He is practising singing because he will take part in the singing __________ (竞赛).
6. I spend some time _________(练习)singing every Sunday morning.
7.Do you know which team_________(赢得)the basketball match yesterday?
8. Jim didn't go to bed until he_________(结束)his homework yesterday.
1. There is only 2 days left. We had better talk_________(little) and do more.
2. Do you know the differences between______________(Britain) English and American English
3. We will spend as much time as we can ______________(practise) playing basketball.
4. The teacher made the students______________(discuss) the problem with each other in class.
5. Driving a car to school takes______________(little) time than taking a bus.
6.Dear students, please do the maths exercises_________(care).
1. I had ______uncle. He said he saw ______UFO the other day.
A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, an
2.Chinese students have ______ weeks ________ in the summertime than American students.
A. more; on B. fewer; on C. more; off D. less; off
3They’re very able to finish _________work with _________money.
A. fewer, less B. more, fewer C. more, less D. more, more
4. I don’t like milk , but my mother makes me ________ it .
A. to drink B. drinks C. drink D. drinking
5. Kitty, don’t stop ______________. The singing competition is coming up soon!
A.to practice to sing B. to practice singing
C. practicing to sing D. practicing singing
6. He spent_______ time and planted_______ trees than any other student in our class, I felt very happy.
A. most, more B. less, more C. less, less D. fewer, less
7. —How tall the boy is!
—Yes, he is taller than ______ in his class.
A. any other student B. any student C. other student D. anyone
8. I know this plan is far from perfect, but I just can't think of_______ one.
A. the better B. a better C. a best D. the best
1. 星期天丹尼尔经常帮助他妈妈做家务。
2. 谢谢你仔细倾听我的问题并给我提供帮助。
4. 大部分学生从周一到周五穿校服, 但是他们不喜欢系领带。
5. 午饭时间我们要讨论那个问题。



上一篇:第一单元 长度单位 单元测试(无答案) 2024-2025人教版数学二年级上册
