牛津译林版(2024)九年级上册Unit 2 Colour Reading 同步练(无答案)

Unit 2 Reading
一. 根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子
1. I am very sorry that I have hurt her ___(感受). I must say sorry to her.
2.The famous writer Shakespeare ________(创造) many moving characters during his lifetime.
3. A true friend can help you get out of _____________ (忧伤)when you are unhappy.
4. It is not polite to ask a stranger questions about his (私人的)life.
5. He says that he __________(更喜欢)English to Maths when he was in primary school.
6. We believe the Belt and Road will help China improve the ___________(关系) with lots of countries.
7. The Tiktok has become a necessary part of our ________(日常的) life.
8. You can share your happiness and (忧伤) with your friends. That's what good friends are for.
二. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空
1. I know from _______________ (person) experience how difficult this kind of work is.
2. People prefer ________________ (chat)online to writing letters at present.
3. If you require _____________ (strong), you need to wear red clothes.
4. He was hurt so badly that he lost all ______________(feel) in his legs.
5. After drinking the cup of coffee, he felt even________________(sleepy).
6. Our life is _______________ (certain) much better than it was five years ago.
三. 单项选择
1. —Tom has got the first prize in the writing competition. — ______ good mood he is in now!
A. What B. How C. What a D. How a
2. Your mother doesn't look on ___________. She must ___________ to hospital.
A. good; send B. well; send C. good; be sent D. well; be sent
3. The visiting professor ______ giving lectures to students ______ invited to a meeting.
preferred; to being B. preferred; rather than
C. preferred; than being D. preferred to; to being
4. To keep you ____________, you had better ___________ helmets when you skate on real ice.
A. safe; wear B. safes; put on C. safely; wear D. safely; put on
5. ___________ the pair of glasses ___________ Mr, Wang's
A. May be; is B. Maybe; are C. Perhaps; is D. Perhaps; are
6. —Do you believe _________ man can live on Mars in the future.
—It’s hard to say. Scientists are still not sure _________ we can grow plants on Mars.
if; that B. whether; if C. that; that D. that; whether
7. — Cindy failed in the writing competition. She must be in a bad mood. — Let’s go and ________.
A. wake her up B. pick her up C. cheer her up D. warm her up
8. —You can go camping with your friends, but come back before 7 p.m..
—Hooray! Thank you, Mom. I knew that you ________.
agreed B. will agree C. have agreed D. would agree
I wonder what this old film .
I would rather than stay at home.
You’d better ask your teacher more if you
If you require strength, red ___________________________________________.
5. 学校的新礼堂已经漆成了蓝色。
The new hall in the school _________________________________________ blue.




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