Unit 2 We're Family! Section A Grammar Focus【2024人教新版七上英语完全备课(分层练习)(原卷版+解析版】

Unit 2 We’re Family!
Section A What is your family like
Grammar Focus 3a-3d
① 热爱运动 ___________ ② Andy和Ella共有的床 ________________
③ 戴帽子 _____________ ④ Sam’s and David’s bats ______________
⑤ play the violin well _______________ ⑥ 花费时间钓鱼 ______________
【答案】 1. love sport 2. Andy and Ella’s room 3. wear a cap 4. Sam和David各自的帽子 5. 拉小提琴非常好 6. spend time fishing
1. He _____ sports. He only ____ them on TV.
A.doesn’t play; watches
B.doesn’t play; watch
C.not play; watches
D.don’t play; watch
【解析】句意:他不做运动。他只在电视上看运动。第一空,主语he是第三人称单数,故用助动词doesn’t。第二空主语he是第三人称单数,故谓语用第三人称单数watches。故选A。2.—Does John ________ in Canberra
—No. He ________ in Beijing now.
A.live; lives B.lives; lives C.live; lived D.lives; lived
3.—Does this rabbit ________ big ears
—No, it doesn’t. But it ________ a big nose.
A.has; has B.has; have C.have; has D.have; have
考查一般疑问句和主谓一致。根据“Does this rabbit ... big ears ”可知,句子是一般疑问句,句中有助动词does,第一空应用动词原形have;主语是it,谓语动词用三单形式,第二空应是has。故选C。
4.My dad is a PE teacher and he ______ young kids how to play football every Saturday.
A.teaches B.taught C.is teaching D.will teach
考查一般现在时。根据“every Saturday”可知,该句是一般现在时,主语“he”是第三人称单数,谓语用动词的三单形式。故选A。
5.—Who’s the woman in a black hat
—It’s ________ mother.
A.Tom and Jim B.Tom’s and Jim
C.Tom’s and Jim’s D.Tom and Jim’s
A:Hi, Cindy! Is this your soccer ball
B:No, it isn’t. I 1 (not have) a soccer ball.
A:Is it Anna’s Does she 2 (have) a soccer ball
B:Yes, she 3 (do).
A:Great! Let’s 4 (play) soccer.
B:You can call and ask Anna.
A:But she 5 (not have) a phone.
B:Well, you can call her brother Bill. He 6 (have) a phone. And we can ask him to play with us. He is good at playing soccer.
A: 7 (sound) good.
1.根据“No, it isn’t.”可知,本句是一般现在时,主语是I,have是实义动词,应用助动词don’t。故填don’t have。
5.根据“she”可知,主语是第三人称单数,have是实义动词,应用助动词doesn’t,后跟动词原形。故填doesn’t have。
7.根据“(sound) good.”可知,此处是惯用表达:Sounds good。故填Sounds。
My name is Helen. I’m 12 years old. I’m from London but now I’m a student of Grade 7 in Beijing. This is my family tree and its 1 is Nice Tree.
You can see my grandparents on the top. Now 2 are in Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan. They like the 3 there. It’s not hot in summer and it’s not cold in winter.
These are my parents. My father is the only son of my grandparents. My father is an actor and my mother is a manager. They are in the same 4 . They are very busy every day, 5 they love their jobs.
There are 6 children in my family. The boy on my left is my brother Jack. He is 15 years old. We’re in the same school, but in different 7 . He is in Grade 9. My sister Jane is 8 me. She is only 9 years old. 9 is me I’m between my sister and my brother.
I love my family and they love me, 10 .
1.A.day B.name C.idea D.color
2.A.he B.she C.we D.they
3.A.time B.sport C.weather D.flower
4.A.theatre B.hospital C.station D.farm
5.A.and B.or C.so D.but
6.A.one B.two C.three D.four
7.A.grades B.schools C.numbers D.families
8.A.in front of B.on the left of C.on the right of D.behind
9.A.What B.Where C.Who D.How
10.A.first B.last C.again D.too
1.句意:这是我的家谱图,并且它的名字是“Nice Tree”。
day天;name名字;idea主意;color颜色。根据“Nice Tree”可知,这是家谱图的名字。故选B。
he他;she她;we我们;they他们。根据后文的“They like the...there.”可知,此处指的是祖父母在云南昆明。故选D。
time时间;sport体育;weather天气;flower花。根据“It’s not hot in summer and it’s not cold in winter.”可知,昆明的天气夏天不热,冬天不冷,由此推知,作者祖父母喜欢那里的天气。故选C。
theatre剧院;hospital医院;station车站;farm农场。根据前文的“My father is an actor and my mother is a manager.”可知,作者的父亲是一个演员,由此可推知,他应该是在一个剧院工作。故选A。
and并且;or或者;so所以;but但是。根据“They are very busy every day”和“they love their jobs”可知,设空处前后两个句子之间为转折关系。故选D。
one一个;two两个;three三个;four四个。根据后文的“The boy on my left is my brother Jack.”和“My sister Jane is...me. ”可知,我有一个哥哥和一个妹妹,由此可知,我们家有三个小孩。故选C。
grades年级;schools学校;numbers号码;families家庭。根据“ He is in Grade 9.”可知,此处应是指哥哥和我在一个学校,但在不同的年级。故选A。
in front of在……前面;on the left of在……左边;on the right of在……的右边;behind在……后面。根据“The boy on my left is my brother Jack.”和“ I’m between my sister and my brother.”可知,哥哥杰克在我的左边,而我又在妹妹和哥哥的中间,由此可推知,妹妹在我的右边。故选C。
What什么;Where在哪里;Who谁;How怎样。根据后文的“I’m between my sister and my brother.”可知,此处问的是:我在哪里?故选B。
first第一;last最后的;again再次;too太。根据“I love my family and they love me...”可知,此处表达的是:我爱我的家人,他们也爱我,too“也”符合语境。故选D。
Hi, my name is Mike. This is my family tree. 1 Many people are teachers in my family. I’m an English teacher. 2 We’re both 40 years old. We have two children. Jack is our son, and Sonia is our daughter. They’re in Happy Middle School. 3 They’re both teachers. Jeff is 67 and Anna is 64. Tony is my brother. He’s a math teacher. 4
Nancy is my wife’s sister. She’s a Chinese teacher and she can speak Chinese very well. 5 Can you see how many teachers there are in my family
A.My wife’s parents are teachers, too.
B.He has two boys, Martin and Ken.
C.I have a big family.
D.I have a sister.
E.My daughter’s name is Nancy.
F.My wife (妻子) Danielle is an English teacher, too.
G.My father’s name is Jeff and my mother’s name is Anna.
1.根据“Many people are teachers in my family.”可知,此处是介绍迈克的家庭。C项“我有一个大家庭”符合语境,故选C。
2.根据“I’m an English teacher....We’re both 40 years old. We have two children. ”可知,空处应提到了自己的妻子。F项“我的妻子丹妮尔也是一名英语教师。”符合语境,故选F。
3.根据“They’re both teachers. Jeff is 67 and Anna is 64.”可知此处会介绍另外的家庭成员,杰夫和安娜。G项“我父亲的名字是杰夫,母亲的名字是安娜。”符合语境,故选G。
4.根据“Tony is my brother. He’s a math teacher.”可知此处会介绍与托尼相关的人。B项“他有两个儿子,马丁和肯。”符合语境,故选B。
5.根据“Can you see how many teachers there are in my family ”可知,此处可能还会介绍家族里哪些人是老师。A项“我妻子的父母也是老师。”符合情景,故选A。
My name is Tom.This is my family tree(家谱).
1.My is Peter.My is Ann.
2.Bob is my .Sue is my .
3.My is John.My is Betty.
4.Paul is my .Susan is my .
5.David is Paul and Susan's .Mary is their .David and Mary are my .
根据家谱图可知,Peter和Ann是Tom妈妈Betty的父母,所以他们是Tom的外祖父母,故答案填(1). grandfather (2). grandmother。
根据家谱图可知,Bob和Tom和Sue的父母都是John和Betty,所以Bob是Tom的兄弟,Sue是Tom的姐妹,故答案填(1). brother (2). sister。
根据家谱图可知,John和Betty是Tom的父母,故答案填(1). father (2). mother。
根据家谱图可知,Paul是Tom妈妈Betty的兄弟,所以Paul和Susan是Tom的舅舅和舅妈,故答案填(1). uncle (2). aunt。
根据家谱图可知,David和Mary是Paul和Susan的儿子和女儿,Paul和Susan是Tom的舅舅和舅妈,所以David和Mary是Tom的表兄妹,故答案填(1). son (2). daughter (3). cousins。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Unit 2 We’re Family!
Section A What is your family like
Grammar Focus 3a-3d
① 热爱运动 ___________ ② Andy和Ella共有的床 ________________
③ 戴帽子 _____________ ④ Sam’s and David’s bats ______________
⑤ play the violin well _______________ ⑥ 花费时间钓鱼 ______________
1. He _____ sports. He only ____ them on TV.
A.doesn’t play; watches
B.doesn’t play; watch
C.not play; watches
D.don’t play; watch
2.—Does John ________ in Canberra
—No. He ________ in Beijing now.
A.live; lives B.lives; lives C.live; lived D.lives; lived
3.—Does this rabbit ________ big ears
—No, it doesn’t. But it ________ a big nose.
A.has; has B.has; have C.have; has D.have; have
4.My dad is a PE teacher and he ______ young kids how to play football every Saturday.
A.teaches B.taught C.is teaching D.will teach
5.—Who’s the woman in a black hat
—It’s ________ mother.
A.Tom and Jim B.Tom’s and Jim
C.Tom’s and Jim’s D.Tom and Jim’s
A:Hi, Cindy! Is this your soccer ball
B:No, it isn’t. I 1 (not have) a soccer ball.
A:Is it Anna’s Does she 2 (have) a soccer ball
B:Yes, she 3 (do).
A:Great! Let’s 4 (play) soccer.
B:You can call and ask Anna.
A:But she 5 (not have) a phone.
B:Well, you can call her brother Bill. He 6 (have) a phone. And we can ask him to play with us. He is good at playing soccer.
A: 7 (sound) good.
My name is Helen. I’m 12 years old. I’m from London but now I’m a student of Grade 7 in Beijing. This is my family tree and its 1 is Nice Tree.
You can see my grandparents on the top. Now 2 are in Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan. They like the 3 there. It’s not hot in summer and it’s not cold in winter.
These are my parents. My father is the only son of my grandparents. My father is an actor and my mother is a manager. They are in the same 4 . They are very busy every day, 5 they love their jobs.
There are 6 children in my family. The boy on my left is my brother Jack. He is 15 years old. We’re in the same school, but in different 7 . He is in Grade 9. My sister Jane is 8 me. She is only 9 years old. 9 is me I’m between my sister and my brother.
I love my family and they love me, 10 .
1.A.day B.name C.idea D.color
2.A.he B.she C.we D.they
3.A.time B.sport C.weather D.flower
4.A.theatre B.hospital C.station D.farm
5.A.and B.or C.so D.but
6.A.one B.two C.three D.four
7.A.grades B.schools C.numbers D.families
8.A.in front of B.on the left of C.on the right of D.behind
9.A.What B.Where C.Who D.How
10.A.first B.last C.again D.too
Hi, my name is Mike. This is my family tree. 1 Many people are teachers in my family. I’m an English teacher. 2 We’re both 40 years old. We have two children. Jack is our son, and Sonia is our daughter. They’re in Happy Middle School. 3 They’re both teachers. Jeff is 67 and Anna is 64. Tony is my brother. He’s a math teacher. 4
Nancy is my wife’s sister. She’s a Chinese teacher and she can speak Chinese very well. 5 Can you see how many teachers there are in my family
A.My wife’s parents are teachers, too.
B.He has two boys, Martin and Ken.
C.I have a big family.
D.I have a sister.
E.My daughter’s name is Nancy.
F.My wife (妻子) Danielle is an English teacher, too.
G.My father’s name is Jeff and my mother’s name is Anna.
My name is Tom.This is my family tree(家谱).
1.My is Peter.My is Ann.
2.Bob is my .Sue is my .
3.My is John.My is Betty.
4.Paul is my .Susan is my .
5.David is Paul and Susan's .Mary is their .David and Mary are my .
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




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