
“Want fries with that ” You might be asked this question when ordering food in a restaurant. A nutritionist can help you with the answer.
Ellie Krieger is a nationally known nutritionist. Her job is to teach people how to make healthy food choices. She believes healthy eating can manage disease and promote overall good health. With her cookbooks, television programs, and podcast, Krieger also teaches people how to follow recipes and prepare delicious food.
A healthy approach includes having fun in the kitchen. “I get to ‘play’ with my food when I’m testing and making a recipe,” Krieger says. “It’s part of my job, and it never gets old.” She tries to impart this sense of fun to her TV and podcast audiences. “It’s a great feeling to know my work is helping people live healthier lives,” she says. “I feel like I am making a difference in the world.”
A nutritionist’s work goes beyond affecting individuals. It can shape public health, by changing the way society views food, health, and nutrition. Nutritionists like Krieger teach people how to read menus and food labels, and how food is grown and finds its way to the plate. Nutritionists do this work in schools, hospitals, and long-term care facilities.
For Krieger, food is a way to learn about other people and understand different cultures. This is an idea she imparts to kids and parents. “The school cafeteria is a classroom,” she says, “and so is the family dinner table.”
It was because of the commitment to family nutrition that Krieger made an effort to address the problem of childhood obesity. She’s been part of the School Nutrition Association, and has proved before the House Committee on Agriculture about nutrition and the childhood-obesity epidemic. She even helped plan the lunch menu at her daughter’s public school, in New York City.
Krieger’s career shows how a nutritionist’s work can go beyond the hospital or the doctor’s office. “We work in all different fields,” she says. “We work in the media, in schools, at markets, with sports teams, in restaurants, in private practices, in government organizations, at food companies, and more!”
21.Why does the author put forward a question in Paragraph 1
A.To stress the harm of fries.
B.To explain table manners.
C.To introduce a new career.
D.To present a new course in restaurants.
22.What does Krieger want to convey to her audiences
A.Getting pleasure from making foods.
B.Playing while cooking in the kitchen.
C.Taking cooking as an important thing.
D.Making different food in the world.
23.What does Krieger expect kids to learn at the school cafeteria
A.Different food labels.
B.Different food cultures.
C.The sources of food.
D.The menu’s identification.
24.What does the last paragraph stress
A.A nutritionist’s colorful life.
B.The teamwork of nutritionists and doctors.
C.A range of choices for a nutritionist.
D.The significance of a nutritionist.
On May 14th, 2016, three foreigners saved a drowning(溺水的)Chinese girl.
Roman and Krill are Russian first-year college students. That Saturday, they were standing by the river near Shanghai Jianqiao University with their teacher, Bastien, a teacher from France at Jianqiao University. Then they saw someone “swimming”.
The three said the “swimmer” seemed to be drowning. They rushed to help, though they didn’t hear any cries, and found a girl in the water.
Roman jumped into the water at once. He swam to the girl and quickly caught her arm. Then Krill came to Roman and held his hand. Bastien held on to the bank with one hand, while holding Krill with the other hand.
“The girl almost pulled us into the water as she tried so hard to get out of the water,” said Bastien.
A video showed that the rescue took less than five minutes. But it was really dangerous.
The girl, 17 ,was a student from a nearby school. The three heroes spent some time with her to make sure she was safe and not hurt. Then the girl was sent to the international students’ apartment of Shanghai Jianqiao University. Roman, one of the Russian students, later found he was injured in the back during the rescue. His cellphone also broke after being in the water. Students and teachers at Jianqiao University quickly heard the news. They were all proud of them. The three men also received some money as a reward from the girl’s parents on Monday.
Thanks to the three brave men, the girl didn’t lose her life. The three heroes have been called foreign “LeiFeng”.
25.What can we learn about the three heroes from the text
A.They are college teachers. B.Two of them are Russians.
C.One of them is from England. D.They are from three different schools.
26.Before the rescue, the three men________.
A.heard a cry for help
B.didn’t know each other
C.were standing by the river with many other people
D.didn’t know exactly what the situation(情形)was
27.What happened during the rescue
A.Krill held the girl’s arm. B.The girl couldn’t move.
C.Roman was closest to the girl. D.Bastien was the farthest from the bank.
28.What happened after the rescue
A.The girl was sent to a hospital. B.The girl was found hurt but not seriously.
C.Roman couldn’t find his cellphone. D.The girl’s parents rewarded the three men.
The wheelchair-bound young man, a patient of mine, was pushed to the lectern (演讲台) at the high school to deliver his commencement address. His face still partially paralyzed(瘫痪的), and he spoke in a soft voice. But Mark Orsini delivered a powerful speech and received a thunderous applause from his fellow students, who had wondered if he’d live to graduate.
The 18-year-old had developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, which can cause paralysis. Soon he was almost completely paralyzed.
His parents insisted that he was a fighter. He’d get through this and go on to attend Dartmouth. But meanwhile, immobile and on a ventilator(呼吸器), how was he going to ask questions or be involved in his class
The solution was remarkable: The Orsinis would sit at Mark’s side and recite the alphabet. When they got to a letter Mark needed to spell a word, he’d nod “yes.” They’d write it down, then start over and wait for him to nod again. They never lost patience and Mark was involved with every decision. Standard treatment hadn’t helped, so I proposed a risky procedure to filter(过滤) his blood. After treatment he showed improvement and soon he could move his toes, his legs and then his arms.
Mark has graduated from Dartmouth. I saw him in my office some time ago, and he was feeling great. But there was a lot left unsaid. I wanted to say I was in awe of him, and that his parents were some of the most amazing people I’d ever met, sitting by his bed for hours, patiently listening to their child speak letter by letter. I wanted to tell him of my shame when my children tried to talk to me and I brushed them off because I didn’t have time to listen. I wanted to say I’d never forget him or his parents. But words failed me.
29.The underlined word “commencement” in Paragraph 1 means _________.
A.graduation B.promise
C.birthday D.acceptance
30.What did Mark’s parents do for him when he was learning in class
A.They did everything for Mark.
B.They assisted Mark in learning.
C.They lost patience sometimes.
D.They made decisions for him.
31.We can learn from the passage that ___________.
A.the standard treatment Mark received was a great success
B.the doctor was not satisfied with Mark’s treatment and felt ashamed
C.the doctor told Mark’s parents that they were impressive and unforgettable
D.the doctor would like to have shared more of his true feelings with Mark
32.According to the last paragraph, how did the writer feel about the way he treated his children
A.He felt proud of it. B.He felt confident of it.
C.He felt guilty of it. D.He felt doubtful about it
Half the Sky
Price:$10.69 ISBN:978-0-3073-8709-7
Publication date:6/2010 Pages:320
With Pulitzer Prize winners Nicholas D.Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn as our guides, we undertake an adventure through Africa and Asia to meet the extraordinary women struggling there. Among them are a Cambodian teenager sold into slavery and an Ethiopian woman who suffered impressive injuries in childbirth. Drawing on the breadth of their combined reporting experience, Kristof and WuDunn describe our world with anger, sadness, clarity and hope.
Show Your Work
Price:$11.49 ISBN:978-0-7611-7897-2
Publication date:3/2014 Pages:224
Show Your Work is about why generosity trumps genius. It is not self-promotion; it is self-discovery-let others into your process, and then let them steal from you. Filled with illustrations, quotes, stories and examples, Show Your Work offers ten transformative rules for being open, generous, brave and productive.
Born a Crime
Price:$18.00 ISBN:978-1-5318-6504-7
Publication date:11/2016 Pages:264
Born a Crime is the story of a naughty young boy who grows into a restless young man as he struggles to find himself in a world where he was never supposed to exist. It is also the story of that young man’s relationship with his fearless, rebellious, and extremely religious mother, a woman determined to save her son from the cycle of poverty, violence, and abuse that will eventually threaten her own life.
Price:$15.09 ISBN:978-0-3995-9050-4
Publication date:2/2018 Pages:352
Born in the mountains of Idaho, Tara Westover was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom. Her family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was nobody to ensure that the kids received education. When one of her brothers got himself into college, Tara made up her mind to start a new life. Her thirsty for knowledge changed her, taking her over oceans and across continents, to Harvard and to Cambridge University.
33.Which of the following describes the story of a boy’s growth
A.Half the Sky.
B.Show Your Work.
C.Born a Crime.
34.How much will you pay at least if you buy three different books
35.What can be learnt from the book Educated
A.It describes how Tara Westover became successful as a child.
B.Tara Westover’s brother encouraged her to receive education.
C.Receiving education transformed Tara Westover’s life.
D.It encourages people to share things with others.
Sometimes the hardest thing about saving money is just getting started. This step-by-step guide can help you develop a simple and realistic plan, so that you can save for all your short-and long-term goals.
Record your expenses.
36 Keep track of all your expenses — that means every coffee, household item and cash tip as well as regular monthly bills. Record your expenses however is easiest for you — a pencil and paper, a simple spreadsheet or a free online spending tracker or app. Once you have your data, organize the numbers by categories (种类), and total each amount.
Now that you know what you spend in a month, you can begin to create a budget (预算). Your budget should show what your expenses are relative to your income, so that you can plan your spending and limit overspending. Be sure to factor in expenses that occur regularly but not every month, such as car maintenance. Include a savings category in your budget and aim to save an amount that feels comfortable to you. 38
Find ways to cut spending.
If you can’t save as much as you’d like, it might be time to cut back on expenses. 39 Look for ways to save on your fixed monthly expenses, such as your car insurance or cell phone plan, as well.
Set savings goals.
One of the best ways to save money is to set a goal. 40 Then estimate (评估) how much money you’ll need and how long it might take you to save it.
Saving money is truly a smart move: it provides security, stress relief, and freedom. Take action right now.
A.Watch your savings grow.
B.Include saving in your budget.
C.Start by thinking about what you might want to save for.
D.Review your budget and check your progress every month.
E.The first step to start saving money is figuring out how much you spend.
F.Pick out unnecessary things, such as dining out, that you can spend less on.
G.Plan on eventually increasing your savings by up to 15 to 20 percent of your income.
Juleus Ghunta is a published author and award-winning poet. But when growing up, he could 41 read.
Ghunta lived in a rural part of Western Jamaica. He was kept at home while his older sisters 42 school. When Ghunta finally went to school, he couldn’t 43 his reading skills. The situation was made worse by a series of teachers who made him feel 44 . “I struggled in school with a deep sense of loss and shame.” he recalled.
Fortunately, at age 12, a young teacher -in -training decided to start a special reading program for 45 students. Ghunta was the first student to 46 . That teacher, whose 47 he does not recall, would become Ghunta’s unsung hero—the person who 48 his life.
Under her 49 , Ghunta’s reading skills finally started to improve. And his sense of self-doubt began to 50 . He graduated from elementary school with a number of 51 awards. He went on to college, and later, graduate school. Today, he is the author of two children’s books. He’s now 52 his first full-length collection of poetry.
In 2010, Ghunta went back to his old school, to ask the principal and teachers if they knew his old teacher’s name. But no one did.
“I would love for her to see the 53 impact that she has made on my life, and the ways in which I have carried this 54 of her —the hope, the light, with me—and how it continues to be a source of 55 .”
41.A.regularly B.barely C.actually D.probably
42.A.examined B.confirmed C.attended D.attempted
43.A.catch up on B.end up in C.stand up with D.look up to
44.A.independent B.proud C.delighted D.worthless
45.A.outstanding B.amazing C.struggling D.interesting
46.A.calm down B.sign up C.give in D.break out
47.A.name B.attitude C.responsibility D.theory
48.A.predicted B.discovered C.ruined D.changed
49.A.protection B.guidance C.employment D.control
50.A.lift B.expand C.emerge D.disturb
51.A.scientific B.design C.academic D.creative
52.A.working on B.taking in C.paying back D.turning down
53.A.negative B.financial C.instant D.significant
54.A.promise B.issue C.memory D.observation
55.A.stability B.leisure C.harmony D.joy
Many Chinese people hold at least one vivid memory of a kite from their childhood days — whether it is an 56 (elegance) diamond-shaped design wandering in the blue sky, 57 a classic bird-shaped kite dancing in the wind.
China’s kite has a history of more than 2,000 years. In former times, people 58 (fly) kites around the Qingming Festival to remember those who had passed away. Nowadays, flying kites is known 59 a way to attract good fortune and drive away bad luck.
There have been many kite-lovers 60 (devote) themselves to the inheritance (传承) of kite culture. Cao Xueqin, a literary giant 61 wrote the novel, Dream of the Red Chamber, is one of them. He also wrote 62 book on kites in his later years, recording the techniques of kite making and flying. The book enabled people, especially those with disabilities, 63 (acquire) the skill and make a living.
Over time, kites 64 (play) a significant role in the lives of Chinese people, and have 65 (true) impressed foreign friends. This cultural heritage has been passed down through generations, showing the lasting vitality of Chinese civilization.
以“Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.”为题,结合你的学习或生活体验,写一篇文章。
1. 你的选择及理由;
2. 你所选题目的写作思路。
1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I like watching movies. In the movies, kids are always so special. They are usually really smart. Or they are never scared of anything frightening. Or they have magic power and can help those in great trouble out. Why hasn't this ever happened to me I am not as smart as the kids in the movies. I have never met with anything scary. And I am not powerful enough to help someone out of trouble. But I do hope I can become such a hero as those in the movies. My mother says the heroes in the movies don't exist in real life, adding that being a hero is really good, but I am too young to become one.
It was Monday. Nothing seemed special. It was sunny, with birds singing in the sky. I was walking home from school along the usual street when I noticed an old woman on the other side of the street. She was walking very slowly, sliding her hand along the fence. She looked like a person left behind by the subway; everyone was racing past her. Deep down in my heart, I sensed that something was not right. Out of curiosity, I decided to cross the street.
I squeezed (挤) into the crowd and approached her from the side.
“Are you okay ”I asked. She made no answer.
“Excuse me,” I said a little louder. “Are you okay ”
“Can you give me your hand, little boy ” asked the woman, looking sad. Without hesitation, I gave her my hand. Then I saw her face lit up. It was then that I realized that she was blind.
“Where are you going ” I asked her.
“To my daughter’s home,” she replied. “It’s her birthday today. I bring her a gift.”
注意:1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The woman told me her daughter’s address.
“You are here!” the daughter said in disbelief.
21.C 22.A 23.B 24.D
25.B 26.D 27.C 28.D
29.A 30.B 31.D 32.C
33.C 34.D 35.C
36.E 37.B 38.G 39.F 40.C
41.B 42.C 43.A 44.D 45.C 46.B 47.A 48.D 49.B 50.A 51.C 52.A 53.D 54.C 55.D
56.elegant 57.or 58.flew 59.as 60.devoting 61.who/that 62.a 63.to acquire 64.have been playing 65.truly
66.I would choose the first topic, “Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.”
My reason is that this topic encourages personal reflection and allows me to draw from my own learning and life experiences. It’s a powerful reminder of the agency we have over our own destinies.
For my writing approach, I plan to start with a personal anecdote, illustrating a challenge I faced and how my decisions and efforts shaped the outcome. Then, I’ll expand on the theme, discussing how individual choices, hard work, and perseverance are key to shaping our futures. Finally, I’ll conclude by emphasizing that while external factors can influence our lives, it is ultimately our own actions and attitudes that determine our success.
67. The woman told me her daughter’s address. It wasn’t far. Keeping her hand in mine, I walked with her towards her daughter’s house. While we walked, she told me about her daughter, who had just had her own baby. Her daughter was always busy taking care of her new baby. She forgot her own birthday. But the mother kept it in mind and intended to give her a surprise. When we arrived at her daughter’s house, we walked up the steps and I knocked on the door. Her daughter answered the door.
“You are here!” the daughter said in disbelief. She was more surprised when her mother presented her with a beautiful scarf, which reminded her of her birthday. It was obvious that both the daughter and her mother were overwhelmed with joy. The daughter thanked me for leading her blind mother to her house, saying, “Thank you so much. You’re a real little hero!” Wild with joy, I rushed home and told my mother, “Someone called me a hero!” Mom said proudly, “You are as great as the heroes in the movies.”



