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For some teenagers, being an adult is the 1 thing in the world. Adults don’t need to do homework or take exams. They do what they like and make money. How 2 ! But is it true
Last month, Grade Seven students at Sunshine School had a taste of the adult world. The teachers asked them 3 a piece of special homework called “Working with your parents for one day”.
Wujing’s mother works as 4 ticket collector in a park. At 6 am, the 14-year-old girl set out for work with her mother. It was dark and cold. Before the park opened, they did some cleaning and prepared for the 5 coming. When the visitors came, they greeted with a smile. After standing for the whole day, Wu felt worn out.
“She is busier and more tired than what I thought. I should help her more.” said Wu.
Li Shiyi, 14, spent the whole day helping in a car. 6 father is a taxi driver. She had to pick calls and 7 change back. Li thought it would be easy to work in a car. 8 soon she found that they didn’t even have time 9 lunch.
“Now I know how 10 it is to make money,” Li said. “We should care for our parents more and never waste money.”
( ) 1. A. cool B. cooler C. coolest
( ) 2. A. wonder B. wonderful C. wonderfully
( ) 3. A: to finish B. finishing C. finish
( ) 4. A. the B. a C. /
( ) 5. A. visitor B. visitors C. visitors
( ) 6. A. She B. Her C. Hers
( ) . A. has given B. give C. gives
( ) 8 A. But B. And C. So
( ) 9. A. to B. for C. with
( ) 10. A. hard B. hardly C. hardness
On a sunny day, three old men with long white beards (胡子) knocked the door of a small and old house. When a woman opened the door, she found she 11 met them before. She said, “I don’t think I know you, but you look tired. Please come in and 12 .”
“We do not go into a house together,” they replied.
“Why ” she asked.
One of the old men explained, “His name is Wealth, and he is Success, and I am Love. You need to 13 your family which you want to invite.”
The woman went back into the house and told her husband about it. Her husband was very 14 . “How nice!”, he said. “Let us invite Wealth. He 15 fill our home with money!” His wife disagreed, “My dear, why don’t we invite Success ” Their daughter suggested, “Wouldn’t it be better to invite Love Our 16 will be filled with love.” “Let us take our daughter’s 17 ”, said the husband. Then, they went out and invited Love.
Love got up and walked into the house. The other two also got up and 18 him. The woman asked Wealth and Success in surprise, “I only invited Love. Why are you coming in ” The old men replied together, “ 19 you invite Wealth or Success, the other two of us will stay out. But you invited Love. Wherever he goes, we go with him. Where there is Love, there is 20 Wealth and Success!”
( ) 11. A. never B. ever C. hardly D. seldom
( ) 12. A. have a look B. have a rest C. have a talk D. have a shower
( ) 13. A. fight with B. argue with C. agree with D. discuss with
( ) 14. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. worried
( ) 15. A. can B. should C. must D. may
( ) 16. A. home B. house C. room D. world
( ) 17. A. news B. advantage C. way D. advice
( ) 18. A. took B. caught C. stopped D. followed
( ) 19. A. If B. Because C. Although D. And
( ) 20. A. just B. still C. also D. sometimes
Top FM, set up on 31 December 2002, is a private radio station. It is the best music and news radio station in Mauritius (毛里求斯).
Job type: full-time
The number of the drivers wanted: 2
Need to do: pick up and drop the workers of our radio station at specific (指定的) stops and drive them to make outdoor news report
Education: at least high school graduate
Experience: At least 5 years’ experience as a driver
Licence: driving licence
Age: 30-45 years old
Work in the afternoon or at night
Competitive weekly pay starting at $720 (without paid time off and health insurance)
Free food and living places
5 days on/2 days off
Please send your CV (简历) by email to:
Or by post to: 7th Floor, The Peninsula Caudan, Port Louis, Mauritius.
Or call during office hours (9:00 am-5:00 pm) 2132121 or after office hours 2432516.
21. What service does Top FM provide
A. Music courses. B. News programs. C. Outdoor activities. D. Driving classes.
22 What will be the drivers’ work time
A. Any time any day B. At night most days.
G. Five days a week. D. From Monday to Friday.
23 Anyone who gets the job must
A. get up quite early B. drive reporters for outdoor news
C. be no more than 30 years old D. work for Top FM for at least 5 years
24 What does Top FM offer to the driver
A. Training B. Health insurance. C. Paid time off. D. Free living places.
25. What can people do if they are interested in the job
A. Send emails to B. Call 2432516 during the daytime.
C. Call 2132121 after office hours. D. Go to the 7th Floor, The Peninsula Caudan.
Meituan has started drone (无人机) delivery (运送) service, Shenzhen Evening News reported.
At Galaxy World in Longgang District, a reporter from the newspaper watched how a drone delivered a meal on Thursday. The drone slowly landed and a door above the Meituan Intelligent Dining Cabinet (智能餐柜) opened slowly. Finally, the drone put the meal box inside the cabinet.
“It takes about 15 minutes to place the order and receive the meal. A lot of people have tried the drone delivery service here,” said a woman who just took her meal box out from the cabinet. During 2022, food and drinks such as noodles, fruits, coffee and milk tea and even flowers have been delivered through Meituan’s drone delivery system, the report said.
The company said that it completed over 100, 000 drone deliveries last year. Meituan started to explore drone delivery service in 2017 and started the try in early 2021. The service has a delivery time of about 12 minutes, which is less than traditional delivery methods, according to the company.
There are only a few cities in the world with the advantages of drone delivery service, and Shenzhen is taking the lead in China, according to the report. However, there are still some problems with this kind of service.
2. Where the drone put the meal box
A. In Longgang District. B. Inside the cabinet. C. By the drone. D. At Galaxy World.
27. What is the meaning of “receive” in the third paragraph
A. eat B. cook C. get D. send
28. How long has Meituan spent exploring drone delivery service
A. Four years. B. Five years. C. Six years. D. Seven years.
29. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. Many cities around the world have the drone delivery service.
B. The drone delivery service has many advantages in our daily life
C. Shenzhen is the first city starting drone delivery service in China.
D. The drone delivery service is very popular all over the world.
30. What is the passage going to talk about next
A. How to make good use of the drone delivery service.
B. What problems the drone delivery service faces.
C. How to solve the problems of the drone delivery service.
D. What advantages the drone delivery service has.
31. Lily has some expired batteries (过期的电池). She knows they will do harm to our bodies. Maybe she should put them into a dustbin. However, she wants to know where she should throw them. 32. Ben’s bookcase is filled with too many old newspapers. Which dustbin should Ben throw them into 33. Betty has just finished washing dishes and she has some leftovers (剩菜) to deal with. But she doesn’t know where she should put them. 34. After Casey has eaten take-away food, she has some dirty plastic boxes and used soft paper. She wonders which dustbin she should put them into. 35. To do shopping in the supermarket, just now Tom wore a mask so that he could prevent spreading the flu. But now where can he throw his mask A. Harmful Waste Dustbin It collects risky or dangerous waste, especially something dangerous to people’s health or safety but not including medical waste. B. Dry Waste Dustbin It collects china, used and polluted things like used soft paper, dirty diapers (尿布), one-offmeal boxes and so on. C. Household Food Waste Dustbin It is used to collect kitchen waste like skins of fruits, egg shells, leaves of plants and so on. D. Recyclable Waste Dustbin It is used for collecting all kinds of environmental-friendly and recyclable materials including paper, metal and so on. But batteries couldn’t be put in this dustbin. E. Medical Chemical Waste Dustbin Used chemicals, such as used chemical disinfectant (化学消毒剂) and other things for experiments are collected here. F. Medical Infection Waste Dustbin It collects anything used for preventing flu infection like masks used by people and other medical products in hospitals. G. Medical Contaminated (受污染的) Sharp Waste Dustbin Used chemical needles, scissors, knives and so on are put in this dustbin. However, used masks are not allowed to be here.
how on ago ask spend ancient and book true what it but
It’s time for the new TV show Dian Ji Li De Zhong Guo. Are you ready
On the screen, Sa Beining, as a reader, goes into a “library” full of famous 36. ________ Chinese classic books. He takes a book, sits down 37. ________ opens it. Today he will read Ben Cao Gang Mu.
Don’t take your eyes off the screen. Look! The people in the 38. ________ “come to life”. A play about Li Shizhen who wrote the book begins 39. ________ another stage. In the play, Wang Jinsong, a famous actor, plays the role of Li Shizhen, who lived more than 400 years 40. ________. You can see these scenes in the play: Li 41. ________ his father to allow him to study medicine. He went with his father to help sick people. And he 42. ________ nearly 30 years writing the book. It’s a pity that he didn’t see his book printed out.
Then a big surprise appears in the “library”. Sa Beining meets Li Shizhen. Sa puts the printed Ben Cao Gang Mu before Li. With tears in his eyes, Li says, “My dream finally came 43. ________ Sa and Li bow to each other. 44. ________ a moving moment!”
Besides Ben Cao Gang Mu, Sa also reads Shang Shu, Shi Ji, Tian Gong Kai Wu, etc. In this new form, Dian Ji Li De Zhong Guo is amazing each time. Why not watch 45. and have a talk with the great people through these ancient Chinese classic books
46. I got an A in my English test. My father looked at the test paper with great s________ (/ s t sfa /).
47. She was so angry that she ________ (打) him in the face.
48. I don’t want to stay here because they never stop ________ (争论).
49. When he woke up, he found himself l________ on the floor.
50. Mr. Hook is from a ________ (西方) country, but he likes Chinese food very much.
51. The new bridge is two times w________ than before.
52. Guangzhou is one of the biggest cities in the ________ (south) part of China.
53. None of us are p________ because everyone makes mistakes.
54. Carl didn’t accept the result. He thought it was ________ (/fe (r)/).
55. Being under great ________ (press) for a long time is bad for our health.
56. The moon ________ (/ a n/) brightly and made the night a lot brighter.
57. Judy made great p________ in the final exam through her hard work.
58. He heard the ________ (laugh) of kids as he passed by the room.
59. The duck was washing ________ (它) in the river when the owner found it.
60. The key to his ________ (/s k si d/) is to work harder than others.
六、完成句子(本题共20小题,每小题0. 5分,共10分)
61. ________ 62. ________ 63. ________ (使我们惊讶的是), he runs fastest in the school sports meeting
64. - 67. 南希下个月将和我哥哥结婚。
Nancy 64. ________ 65. ________ 66. ________ 67. ________ my brother next month.
68. - 70. 地球上三分之一的土地是沙漠。
68. ________ 69. ________ of the land on the earth 70. ________ desert.
71. - 72在朋友面前,她可以随意表现自己的真实感受。
She can 71. ________ 72. ________ to show her true feelings in front of her friends.
73. - 74. 他仔细察看这段视频,最终找到了他的钱包。
He 73. ________ 74. ________ the video carefully, and finally found his wallet.
75. -76他总是在接近年底时为下一年制定新的计划。
He always makes new plans for the next year when it is 75. ________ 76. ________ the end of the year.
77. -80. 布朗夫人去世后,她的孙子管理着公司。
After Mrs. Brown passed away, her grandson 77. ________ 78. ________ 79. ________ 80. ________ the company
Mohamed Nasar, a 58-year-old fisherman has supported his family of five by fishing in the Nile River for 17 years. But he says fishermen like himself catch fewer fish every. year as the Nile has been polluted. It has been filled with plastic bottles, bags and other waste.
“Most fish are caught in plastic bottles, and they die,” said Nasar.
A local environmental group named “VeryNile” has asked the island’s fishermen to use their boats to collect plastic bottles from the river. VeryNile says it buys the bottles at a higher price than the market price offered by traders or recycling factories (回收站).
The initiative (倡议) provides a solution for helping to clean up the Nile, while providing a way to make more money for fishermen like Nasar.
“This job has helped us a bit. We come and collect about 20 kilos of plastic bottles, and we get about 10 Egyptian pounds (EGP) for each,” Nasar said when he sat in his boat collecting bottles.
Nasar used to make about 100 EGP a day after six hours of fishing. Now only by collecting bottles, he can make 200 EGP every day.
Another fisherman said cleaner Nile water would-mean more fish. “For one thing, the Nile is cleaner, and for another, the fishermen now have more ways to make money,” he said.
With the help of more than 40 fishermen, over the past year VeryNile has collected around 18 tons of plastic bottles, and most of them were sent to the recycling factory and were made into new things.
81. Why did Nasar catch fewer fish every year
82. What did VeryNile ask the fishermen to do
83. How much can Nasar make every day by collecting bottles now
84. Do the fishermen have more ways to make money
85. Where were most of the plastic bottles sent




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