Unit 1 Friends Grammar-Task 练习(含答案) 2024-2025牛津译林版英语八年级上册

Unit 1 Grammar-Task 练习
1. English is one of the most important ___________________(语言)in the world.
2. There’s a piece of important news in People’s ________________(日报).
3. _______________(物理)is a useful subject in our everyday life .
4. Jim won some English ____________(竞赛)when he was ten years old.
5 You have to be _______ (耐心) and wait until finish my work.
6. He is learning drawing because he will take part in the drawing __________ (竞赛).
7. Doing lots of listening practice is one of the _____(秘诀 ) of becoming a good English learner.
8. When your mother is away, can you look after _________(你自己) well
1. I first (meet) Helen in Shanghai six years ago.
2. If you have problems _____________(solve) this difficult question, you can go to him.
3. In the end, he saw a film because there was nothing interesting ___________(watch) on TV.
4. Students shouldn’t spend as much time as they can____________(play) computer games.
5. Do you know what the ________(weigh) of the elephant is
6. As a good teacher, she is never (patient) with her students.
7. It's (polite) to enter the room without knocking on the door.
8. ---What is Tom going to be in the future
--He wants to be a superstar when he (grow) up.
( )1. She is a helpful and patient girl. I think she will ______ a good nurse.
A. take B. choose C. make D. plan
( )2. Our teacher came into the classroom ___________ a smile __________ his face.
A. has; on B. with; on C. with; in D. has; in
( )3. Simon is willing to help others ___________ need ___________ their English.
A. for; with B. in: with C. with; for D. to; /
( ) 4. My father thinks writing is as      as reading.
A. interesting B. interested C. more interesting D. more interested
( )5. --What are they talking the teacher
--The writing competition next.
A. to; with B. with; to C. to; for D. to; about
1. 王叔叔经常帮助人们解决他们的问题。
Uncle Wang often ____________________________________________________________.
2. 你能教我怎样记忆这些单词吗?
Could you please __________________________________________________ these words
Everyone believes she will _________________________________________________.
Nothing will ___________________________________________________________.
5. 汤姆和杰克同样幽默,他们两个都很有幽默感
Tom is as humorous as Jack. Both of them ____________________________________.
Unit 1 Grammar-Task 练习
1. languages 2. Daily 3. Physics 4. competitions 5. patient
6. competition 7. secrets 8. yourself
1. met 2. solving 3. to watch 4. playing 5. weight
6. impatient 7. impolite 8. grows
1. helps people with their problems
2. teach me how to remember
3. be an excellent artist in the future
4. make me change my future plans
5. have a good sense of humor



上一篇:人教版(2024)七年级上册Starter Unit 3 Welcome单元复习题(含答案含听力原文无音频)

下一篇:Unit 1 Friends Welcome reading2同步练 (无答案)牛津译林版八年级上册