八年级上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise 知识点复习测试卷(原卷版+教师版)

八年级上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise
频度副词一般在 实义动词 前; be / 情态动词 / 助动词 后;
always 总是; usually 通常; often 经常; sometimes 有时;
hardly ever 几乎从不; seldom 极少; never 从不;
How often 等句型
How often 多久一次? 问频率, 回答可用 频度副词/ once a week 一周一次/ twice a month 一月两次/ three times a year 一年三次 / every day 每天 ;
How long 多长时间; 问持续的时间;回答可用 for/ about + 一段时间 ;
How far 多远? 问距离; How soon 还要多久; 回答可用 in + 一段时间 ;
How many 多少? 问可数名词数量; How much 多少钱?多少?问价格/不可数名词数量;
housework n. 家务; help with housework 帮忙做家务;
hardly adv. 几乎不; hardly ever 几乎从不; hard adj. 困难的, 硬的; 猛烈地; 刻苦地;
once adv. 一次, 曾经; once a day 一天一次;
twice adv. 两次; 两倍; twice a week 一周两次;
Internet n. 互联网; use the Internet 上网 ; surf the Internet 网上冲浪;
full adj. 满的; 忙的; 饱的; busy 忙碌的(近义词); hungry 饥饿的(反义词); free 空闲的(反义词); be full of = be filled with 充满;
least adj. 最少; 最小的; little adj. 极少的,几乎没有(原级); less adj. 较少的(比较级); at least 至少;
junk adj. 无用的东西; junk food 垃圾食品;
health n. 身体; 健康; healthy adj. 健康的; keep healthy 保持健康; be in good health 身体健状况良好;
result n. 结果; as a result 因此;
online adj. 在线的; 联网的; go online 上网;
through prep. 凭借; 穿过; across prep. 从表面穿过; over prep. 从上方穿过;
mind n. 头脑; 心智;v. 介意; mind doing sth. 介意做某事; change one’s mind 改变主意;
such adj. & pron. 这样的; such as 例如;
die v. 死亡; dead adj. 死的; death n. 死亡; dying adj. 垂死的;
writer n. 作家; write v. 写作
dentist n. 牙医; see a dentist = go to a dentist 去看牙医;
than prep. & conj. 比; more than 超过; less than 少于;
point v. 指向; n. 得分; point at 指着; point to 指向; point out 指出;
go to the movies 看电影
three times a week 一周3次
twice a month 一月2次
swing dance 摇摆舞
stay up late 熬夜
at least 至少
be good for …. 对…有好处
in one's free time 在某人的空闲时间
exercise / play sports 运动
ask about… 询问关于…
free time activities 课余活动
here are the results 以下是结果
not … at all. 根本不…
Most students use it for fun.大部分学生是为了娱乐使用它。
The answer to our questions about watching television were also interesting. 关于看电视这个问题的答案也是很有趣的
Although many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most important. 尽管许多学生都喜欢看体育,但是游戏类节目来是最受欢迎的。
It is good to relax by using the internet or watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise. 通过上网或看游戏类节目的方式来放松是极好的,但是我们认为最好的放松方式是通过锻炼
It's healthy for the mind and the body. 对身心都有好处
Exercise such as playing sports is fun and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together. 锻炼, 比如运动, 是很有趣的,而且当你和家人朋友一起的时候,你还可以陪伴他们
Old habits die hard . 旧习难改
So start exercising before it's too late. 所以在还来得及之前开始锻炼吧
be afraid of sth. = be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事
I. 完成句子
I spend an hour practicing English every day.
Do you on Spring Festival Eve
Would you like to with us
Do you know anything about
— 一周两次.
— do you watch TV
— .
— do you go to the movies
—I go to the movies once a month.
It’s good us to every day.
I’d like to the happy time my classmates.
What percent of the students do exercise
What does the writer think is
Can you tell me the answer
Most students use the Internet but not for homework.
1. at least 2. stay up late
3. go to the movies 4. swing dance
5. How often Twice a week
6. How often maybe 7. for play sports
8. spend with 9. not at all
10. the best way to relax
11. to the question 12. for fun
三 、综合提升
I. 单项选择
1.________ she was tired, ________ she didn’t stop to have a rest.
A./; so B.Although; / C.Although; but D.Because; so
2.________ it was very hot inside, John didn’t turn on the air conditioner.
A.If B./ C.Although D.Because
3.Joe got ________ marks in Maths and he was so glad of it.
A.filled B.fill C.full D.filling
4.I want to become a successful pianist ________ my hard work.
A.at B.for C.through D.as
5.My brother learns English by ________ English videos. He thinks it is fun and useful.
A.watch B.watching C.watched D.to watch
6.They had to walk ________ a forest after they swam ________ the river.
A.through; cross B.across; through C.through; across D.across; across
7.Vegetables are ________. They are good for our ________.
A.health; healthy B.health; health C.healthy; healthy D.healthy; health
8.—How often do you go to school on foot —__________.
A.Very much B.Very well C.Once or twice D.Sometime
9.—Can you help me ____ housework, Jerry —Sure, I’d like to help ____ some housework.
A.do; with B.do; at C.to do; in D.to do; on
答案:1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.A
II. 完形填空
Sam is a 14- year -old boy and he is healthy. He 13 every morning. He thinks doing sports is good for his health. He does 14 in studies and often gets good grades (分数) at school. His favorite 15 are science and history.
Sam and his parents 16 good swimmers. When Sam was six years old, his father 17 to teach him to swim. After two months’ learning, he could swim 18 a fish.
Sam spends twenty minutes 19 every day before going to school. Sometimes he runs along the river and sometimes he has a race with his father. After morning exercises, he goes to school by 20 . He likes this way 21 it is good for his body.
On Saturday, Sam usually 22 early. He swims in the pool for an hour. His parents often go to the pool to encourage (鼓励) 23 when they are free. Sam doesn’t mind (介意) 24 a lot of time practicing. “I love swimming, and a lot of practice can help me become better,” he says.
25 finishing his homework, Sam likes watching movies. He often goes to the 26 with his friends on weekends. “Going to the movies is a good way to 27 after a busy week,” he says. He always has fun when doing the things he likes.
13.A.reads B.sings C.practices D.exercises
14.A.really B.well C.hardly D.badly
15.A.subjects B.prizes C.books D.activities
16.A.am B.is C.are D.be
17.A.stopped B.started C.forgot D.disliked
18.A.below B.over C.along D.like
19.A.running B.walking C.swimming D.jumping
20.A.car B.bike C.bus D.subway
21.A.when B.because C.or D.but
22.A.looks up B.gets up C.takes up D.puts up
23.A.it B.us C.them D.him
24.A.enjoying B.taking C.spending D.keeping
25.A.After B.Before C.Since D.Though
26.A.school B.library C.cinema D.park
27.A.describe B.relax C.decide D.wonder
13.D 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.B 21.B 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.A 26.C 27.B
Jack is a 28 writer. Lots of people like him and his works. Jack is different 29 many other writers. Although he needs to work at home and he likes reading and watching different 30 of TV shows, he doesn’t always stay at home. He likes going outside and exercising. 31 , he often runs, swims and goes skateboarding. 32 he also goes camping with his friends. He has many good habits so he is very happy. And he is always in good 33 . How can he keep healthy He 34 us some advice(建议). Let’s have a look together.
First, keep 35 every day. He gets up at 6:00 a.m. and 36 for one hour every morning. And he walks to mountains three times a week. So don’t be lazy. Second, remember to have 37 . It’s very important. He always has a lot of porridge, bread or milk 38 doing morning exercises. Then 39 after working. Don’t worry too much about your 40 . It isn’t 41 for your health. You can try listening to music or walking with friends if you have time. He’s sure it will 42 you have a healthy body.
28.A.common B.lucky C.famous D.fresh
29.A.in B.from C.of D.with
30.A.kinds B.cultures C.reasons D.roles
31.A.Because of B.For example C.So far D.In fact
32.A.Hardly B.Finally C.Sometimes D.Luckily
33.A.life B.interest C.mind D.health
34.A.plans B.gives C.finds D.teaches
35.A.working B.writing C.exercising D.reading
36.A.runs B.watches C.drives D.jumps
37.A.meal B.dinner C.breakfast D.lunch
38.A.when B.if C.after D.as
39.A.relax B.talk C.practice D.leave
40.A.friends B.work C.homework D.housework
41.A.bad B.good C.nice D.cool
42.A.make B.try C.hope D.decide
28.C 29.B 30.A 31.B 32.C 33.D 34.B 35.C 36.A 37.C 38.C 39.A 40.B 41.B 42.A
III. 阅读单选
Fast walking is the exercise between walking and race walking. A study shows that fast walking has become (已经成为) the most popular exercise in China and many people walk more than 5, 000 steps a day. The results of the study are from QQ users. About 37% of the people choose fast walking as their favorite exercise, over 23% choose running and more than 14% choose riding bikes.
Fast walking and running are easy. They cost little and work well, so they are popular. And many people would rather do exercise in nature than go to gyms (健身房). It’s best to walk fast for at least 10 minutes at a time and walk up to 6,000 steps every day.
The study also shows that people in Guiyang, Guizhou love sports most. On average (平均), everyone there walks 5, 941 steps every day. It seems that people in places with better environment and air are more willing to (更愿意) do sports.
43.Many people in China walk more than ________ steps a day.
A.6, 000 B.5, 941 C.6, 491 D.5, 000
44.Over 23% of the Chinese people choose ________ as their favorite exercise.
A. B. C. D.
45.Many people prefer to do exercise ________.
A.at home B.in nature
C.in the gym D.at school
46.The writer probably agrees that ________.
A.people live in big cities are more willing to do sports
B.fast walking is not difficult, and it costs little and works well
C.it’s bad for people to walk fast for more than 10 minutes at a time
D.ifs good for people to do exercise in the gym
47.We can read this passage in the column (栏目) ________of a newspaper.
A.Mom’s Kitchen B.Music Today
C.Health & Sports D.Favorite Show
43.D 44.A 45.B 46.B 47.C
John: I don’t like milk. But my mother wants me to drink two cups of milk one day.
Sunny: I do exercise every day. Sometimes I spend 2 or 3 hours on exercise a day.
Harry: I have a computer in my bedroom. I can play computer games every night. But my mother doesn’t want me to play them.
Eric: I love sweets (糖果). My grandma often gives me a lot of sweets. But it’s not good for my teeth.
Angel: I like to go shopping. I always spend a lot of time shopping with my friends every Saturday.
48.Who doesn’t like milk but has to drink it
A.Angle. B.John. C.Eric. D.Harry.
49.How long does Sunny spend on exercise
A.Two hours. B.Three hours. C.Four hours. D.Two or three hours.
50.Whose (谁的) grandma gives him/her sweets
A.John’s. B.Harry’s. C.Eric’s. D.Angel’s.
51.What can Harry do
A.Play computer games in his bedroom. B.Play computer games in the living room.
C.Do exercise every day D.Go shopping.
52.How often does Angel go shopping
A.Every day. B.Twice every week.
C.Twice every month. D.Every Saturday.
48.B 49.D 50.C 51.A 52.D
Yang Siqi, only 15 years old, is China’s first-ever Olympic surfer (冲浪运动员).
Yang didn’t grow up by the sea (海). She grew up in the mountains of Liangshan, Sichuan. She first saw the sea in Hainan at eight years old. At that time, she could not swim and was afraid of the water. After learning to swim, her uncle took her to learn sailing (帆船运动). After a few months of sailing, Yang decided to give surfing a try. It didn’t take long for her to start loving this sport.
Surfing is just the right sport for Yang because she likes taking on challenges (挑战). Learning surfing was hard and she felt tired, but because she loved it, she didn’t give up. She kept practicing and got to be an excellent surfer. In 2019, Yang made her international debut (国际首秀) at the World Junior Surfing Championships, and then did well at the 2022 World Surfing Games (WSG). At the 2023 WSG, she finished in 31st place out of 130 surfers. This year, she finished the WSG in 15th place out of over 110 surfers and got herself a place in the 2024 Paris Olympics.
Surfing has a long history and is popular in countries like Australia, Mexico and South Africa. In those countries, children learn surfing from a very young age. China only set up its national surfing team in 2018. However, surfing has got popular with Chinese young people in the past years. Sichuan is not a place by the sea, but this Sichuan girl shows us how far love and hard work can take a person. Great job, Yang Siqi!
53.What do we know about Yang Siqi from Paragraph 2
A.Her uncle is a surfer. B.She grew up in Hainan.
C.She likes climbing mountains. D.She first saw the sea at the age of eight.
54.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A.How Yang Siqi learned surfing.
B.Why it is hard for Yang Siqi to learn surfing.
C.Yang Siqi’s road to getting to be a great surfer.
D.Difficulties Yang Siqi faced in learning surfing.
55.How could Yang Siqi get to be an excellent surfer
A.She spent a lot of time surfing at a very early age.
B.She went to different countries to learn surfing.
C.She decided to be an Olympic surfer at eight.
D.She loved surfing and worked hard on it.
56.Which is the best title for the passage
A.A young surfing star B.A new sport in China
C.The history of surfing D.Best places for surfing
53.D 54.C 55.D 56.A
IV. 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,每个单词限用一次。
exercise, sleep, is, get, healthy, maybe, but, three, think, help
Do you have a healthy lifestyle I think I do. First, I have many good eating habits. I like junk food,_51_I hardly eat it. I eat fruit and vegetables every day._52_they are not very delicious, but they_53_good for health. Second, I _54_every day. It is said that if people run every day, they will have more_55_hearts than others, so I run for about thirty minutes every morning. _56_, I have good living habits. I try to_57_eight hours every night. That_58_me to be energetic(精力充沛的) the next day. And I can study better and _59_good grades(成绩).What do you __60__of my lifestyle Can you learn something from it
答案:51.but 52.Maybe 53.are 54.exercise 55.healthy 56.Third 57.sleep
58.helps 59.get 60.think
V. 书面表达
Hello, everyone. I have a healthy lifestyle._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Hello, everyone! I have a healthy lifestyle. Although I am under lots of study pressure, I try to keep exercising for an hour every day. I like vegetables and fruit so I eat them every day. I drink milk every morning. I think it’s good for my health. But I hardly ever eat junk food. In my free time, I never play computer games. Usually I go to bed early and get up early. I hope that we can exercise every day and have a good lifestyle.
2八年级上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise
频度副词一般在 前; 后;
总是; 通常; 经常; 有时;
几乎从不; 极少; 从不;
How often 等句型
多久一次? 问频率, 回答可用 频度副词/ 一周一次/ 一月两次/ 一年三次 / 每天 ;
多长时间; 问持续的时间;回答可用 ;
多远? 问距离; 还要多久; 回答可用 ;
多少? 问可数名词数量; 多少钱?多少?问价格/不可数名词数量;
n. 家务; 帮忙做家务;
adv. 几乎不; 几乎从不; adj. 困难的, 硬的; 猛烈地; 刻苦地;
adv. 一次, 曾经; 一天一次;
adv. 两次; 两倍; 一周两次;
n. 互联网; 上网 ; 网上冲浪;
adj. 满的; 忙的; 饱的; 忙碌的(近义词); 饥饿的(反义词); 空闲的(反义词); 充满;
adj. 最少; 最小的; adj. 极少的,几乎没有(原级); adj. 较少的(比较级); 至少;
adj. 无用的东西; 垃圾食品;
n. 身体; 健康; adj. 健康的; 保持健康; 身体健状况良好;
n. 结果; 因此;
adj. 在线的; 联网的; 上网;
prep. 凭借; 穿过; prep. 从表面穿过; prep. 从上方穿过;
n. 头脑; 心智;v. 介意; 介意做某事; 改变主意;
adj. & pron. 这样的; 例如;
v. 死亡; adj. 死的; n. 死亡; adj. 垂死的;
n. 作家; v. 写作
n. 牙医; 去看牙医;
prep. & conj. 比; 超过; 少于;
v. 指向; n. 得分; 指着; 指向; 指出;
锻炼, 比如运动, 是很有趣的,而且当你和家人朋友一起的时候,你还可以陪伴他们
I. 完成句子
I spend an hour practicing English every day.
Do you on Spring Festival Eve
Would you like to with us
Do you know anything about
— 一周两次.
— do you watch TV
— .
— do you go to the movies
—I go to the movies once a month.
It’s good us to every day.
I’d like to the happy time my classmates.
What percent of the students do exercise
What does the writer think is
Can you tell me the answer
Most students use the Internet but not for homework.
三 、综合提升
I. 单项选择
1.________ she was tired, ________ she didn’t stop to have a rest.
A./; so B.Although; / C.Although; but D.Because; so
2.________ it was very hot inside, John didn’t turn on the air conditioner.
A.If B./ C.Although D.Because
3.Joe got ________ marks in Maths and he was so glad of it.
A.filled B.fill C.full D.filling
4.I want to become a successful pianist ________ my hard work.
A.at B.for C.through D.as
5.My brother learns English by ________ English videos. He thinks it is fun and useful.
A.watch B.watching C.watched D.to watch
6.They had to walk ________ a forest after they swam ________ the river.
A.through; cross B.across; through C.through; across D.across; across
7.Vegetables are ________. They are good for our ________.
A.health; healthy B.health; health C.healthy; healthy D.healthy; health
8.—How often do you go to school on foot —__________.
A.Very much B.Very well C.Once or twice D.Sometime
9.—Can you help me ____ housework, Jerry —Sure, I’d like to help ____ some housework.
A.do; with B.do; at C.to do; in D.to do; on
II. 完形填空
Sam is a 14- year -old boy and he is healthy. He 13 every morning. He thinks doing sports is good for his health. He does 14 in studies and often gets good grades (分数) at school. His favorite 15 are science and history.
Sam and his parents 16 good swimmers. When Sam was six years old, his father 17 to teach him to swim. After two months’ learning, he could swim 18 a fish.
Sam spends twenty minutes 19 every day before going to school. Sometimes he runs along the river and sometimes he has a race with his father. After morning exercises, he goes to school by 20 . He likes this way 21 it is good for his body.
On Saturday, Sam usually 22 early. He swims in the pool for an hour. His parents often go to the pool to encourage (鼓励) 23 when they are free. Sam doesn’t mind (介意) 24 a lot of time practicing. “I love swimming, and a lot of practice can help me become better,” he says.
25 finishing his homework, Sam likes watching movies. He often goes to the 26 with his friends on weekends. “Going to the movies is a good way to 27 after a busy week,” he says. He always has fun when doing the things he likes.
13.A.reads B.sings C.practices D.exercises
14.A.really B.well C.hardly D.badly
15.A.subjects B.prizes C.books D.activities
16.A.am B.is C.are D.be
17.A.stopped B.started C.forgot D.disliked
18.A.below B.over C.along D.like
19.A.running B.walking C.swimming D.jumping
20.A.car B.bike C.bus D.subway
21.A.when B.because C.or D.but
22.A.looks up B.gets up C.takes up D.puts up
23.A.it B.us C.them D.him
24.A.enjoying B.taking C.spending D.keeping
25.A.After B.Before C.Since D.Though
26.A.school B.library C.cinema D.park
27.A.describe B.relax C.decide D.wonder
Jack is a 28 writer. Lots of people like him and his works. Jack is different 29 many other writers. Although he needs to work at home and he likes reading and watching different 30 of TV shows, he doesn’t always stay at home. He likes going outside and exercising. 31 , he often runs, swims and goes skateboarding. 32 he also goes camping with his friends. He has many good habits so he is very happy. And he is always in good 33 . How can he keep healthy He 34 us some advice(建议). Let’s have a look together.
First, keep 35 every day. He gets up at 6:00 a.m. and 36 for one hour every morning. And he walks to mountains three times a week. So don’t be lazy. Second, remember to have 37 . It’s very important. He always has a lot of porridge, bread or milk 38 doing morning exercises. Then 39 after working. Don’t worry too much about your 40 . It isn’t 41 for your health. You can try listening to music or walking with friends if you have time. He’s sure it will 42 you have a healthy body.
28.A.common B.lucky C.famous D.fresh
29.A.in B.from C.of D.with
30.A.kinds B.cultures C.reasons D.roles
31.A.Because of B.For example C.So far D.In fact
32.A.Hardly B.Finally C.Sometimes D.Luckily
33.A.life B.interest C.mind D.health
34.A.plans B.gives C.finds D.teaches
35.A.working B.writing C.exercising D.reading
36.A.runs B.watches C.drives D.jumps
37.A.meal B.dinner C.breakfast D.lunch
38.A.when B.if C.after D.as
39.A.relax B.talk C.practice D.leave
40.A.friends B.work C.homework D.housework
41.A.bad B.good C.nice D.cool
42.A.make B.try C.hope D.decide
III. 阅读单选
Fast walking is the exercise between walking and race walking. A study shows that fast walking has become (已经成为) the most popular exercise in China and many people walk more than 5, 000 steps a day. The results of the study are from QQ users. About 37% of the people choose fast walking as their favorite exercise, over 23% choose running and more than 14% choose riding bikes.
Fast walking and running are easy. They cost little and work well, so they are popular. And many people would rather do exercise in nature than go to gyms (健身房). It’s best to walk fast for at least 10 minutes at a time and walk up to 6,000 steps every day.
The study also shows that people in Guiyang, Guizhou love sports most. On average (平均), everyone there walks 5, 941 steps every day. It seems that people in places with better environment and air are more willing to (更愿意) do sports.
43.Many people in China walk more than ________ steps a day.
A.6, 000 B.5, 941 C.6, 491 D.5, 000
44.Over 23% of the Chinese people choose ________ as their favorite exercise.
A. B. C. D.
45.Many people prefer to do exercise ________.
A.at home B.in nature
C.in the gym D.at school
46.The writer probably agrees that ________.
A.people live in big cities are more willing to do sports
B.fast walking is not difficult, and it costs little and works well
C.it’s bad for people to walk fast for more than 10 minutes at a time
D.ifs good for people to do exercise in the gym
47.We can read this passage in the column (栏目) ________of a newspaper.
A.Mom’s Kitchen B.Music Today
C.Health & Sports D.Favorite Show
John: I don’t like milk. But my mother wants me to drink two cups of milk one day.
Sunny: I do exercise every day. Sometimes I spend 2 or 3 hours on exercise a day.
Harry: I have a computer in my bedroom. I can play computer games every night. But my mother doesn’t want me to play them.
Eric: I love sweets (糖果). My grandma often gives me a lot of sweets. But it’s not good for my teeth.
Angel: I like to go shopping. I always spend a lot of time shopping with my friends every Saturday.
48.Who doesn’t like milk but has to drink it
A.Angle. B.John. C.Eric. D.Harry.
49.How long does Sunny spend on exercise
A.Two hours. B.Three hours. C.Four hours. D.Two or three hours.
50.Whose (谁的) grandma gives him/her sweets
A.John’s. B.Harry’s. C.Eric’s. D.Angel’s.
51.What can Harry do
A.Play computer games in his bedroom. B.Play computer games in the living room.
C.Do exercise every day D.Go shopping.
52.How often does Angel go shopping
A.Every day. B.Twice every week.
C.Twice every month. D.Every Saturday.
Yang Siqi, only 15 years old, is China’s first-ever Olympic surfer (冲浪运动员).
Yang didn’t grow up by the sea (海). She grew up in the mountains of Liangshan, Sichuan. She first saw the sea in Hainan at eight years old. At that time, she could not swim and was afraid of the water. After learning to swim, her uncle took her to learn sailing (帆船运动). After a few months of sailing, Yang decided to give surfing a try. It didn’t take long for her to start loving this sport.
Surfing is just the right sport for Yang because she likes taking on challenges (挑战). Learning surfing was hard and she felt tired, but because she loved it, she didn’t give up. She kept practicing and got to be an excellent surfer. In 2019, Yang made her international debut (国际首秀) at the World Junior Surfing Championships, and then did well at the 2022 World Surfing Games (WSG). At the 2023 WSG, she finished in 31st place out of 130 surfers. This year, she finished the WSG in 15th place out of over 110 surfers and got herself a place in the 2024 Paris Olympics.
Surfing has a long history and is popular in countries like Australia, Mexico and South Africa. In those countries, children learn surfing from a very young age. China only set up its national surfing team in 2018. However, surfing has got popular with Chinese young people in the past years. Sichuan is not a place by the sea, but this Sichuan girl shows us how far love and hard work can take a person. Great job, Yang Siqi!
53.What do we know about Yang Siqi from Paragraph 2
A.Her uncle is a surfer. B.She grew up in Hainan.
C.She likes climbing mountains. D.She first saw the sea at the age of eight.
54.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A.How Yang Siqi learned surfing.
B.Why it is hard for Yang Siqi to learn surfing.
C.Yang Siqi’s road to getting to be a great surfer.
D.Difficulties Yang Siqi faced in learning surfing.
55.How could Yang Siqi get to be an excellent surfer
A.She spent a lot of time surfing at a very early age.
B.She went to different countries to learn surfing.
C.She decided to be an Olympic surfer at eight.
D.She loved surfing and worked hard on it.
56.Which is the best title for the passage
A.A young surfing star B.A new sport in China
C.The history of surfing D.Best places for surfing
IV. 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,每个单词限用一次。
exercise, sleep, is, get, healthy, maybe, but, three, think, help
Do you have a healthy lifestyle I think I do. First, I have many good eating habits. I like junk food,_51 I hardly eat it. I eat fruit and vegetables every day._52 they are not very delicious, but they_53 good for health. Second, I _54 every day. It is said that if people run every day, they will have more_55
hearts than others, so I run for about thirty minutes every morning. _56 , I have good living habits. I try to_57 eight hours every night. That_58 me to be energetic(精力充沛的) the next day. And I can study better and _59 good grades(成绩).What do you __60 of my lifestyle Can you learn something from it
V. 书面表达
Hello, everyone. I have a healthy lifestyle._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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