Unit 7 Fun after school 完形填空、阅读理解 专练(含解析版答案) --七年级英语上册 牛津版(深圳·广州)(2024)

Unit 7 Fun after school 完形填空、阅读理解 专练 --七年级英语上册 牛津版(深圳 广州)(2024)
One day, I came home after school and threw my gym bag and volleyball down at the floor. I had tried out for the school volleyball team, but I didn’t 1 . I felt terrible. My mother tried to make me happy, 2 nothing she did worked.
Finally, my mother sent me to visit my 3 . He lived near our home. “Are you still feeling bad ” he asked. I guessed my mother had told him 4 my problem. He wanted to 5 me with some good advice (建议). My uncle said, “Tommy, I’m proud of you for trying out for the 6 team though you failed. You know what I do Every year, I tell myself to try one new thing like a new sport, a new hobby or a new friend. Trying new things helps you 7 .”
One day, when I was walking by a school, I saw some kids playing baseball. I 8 what my uncle had said, so I got close to the kids. It took some courage (勇气), but soon I was playing with them and having fun. From then on, I played with them every week.
A year 9 , I became a happy player on our school baseball team. And I found this happiness because I tried 10 new.
1.A.make it B.put it C.find it D.lose it
2.A.and B.but C.because D.so
3.A.teacher B.cousin C.uncle D.grandpa
4.A.with B.to C.of D.about
5.A.leave B.provide C.bring D.ask
6.A.photography B.hobby C.volleyball D.baseball
7.A.grow B.protect C.launch D.work
8.A.learnt about B.looked at C.thought about D.listened to
9.A.late B.later C.early D.immediately
10.A.anything B.everything C.nothing D.something
The School Music Club opens. Tony wants to join the 11 , but he doesn’t want to go alone (单独). He wants to ask his friends to go to the club with him. He 12 them at home, but everyone is 13 .
Martin is doing his homework at home. It usually 14 him two hours to finish it.
Peter is writing an email to his pen friend Gina, a girl from Australia. He is telling 15 about his school life.
Lily likes 16 very much. Miss Green is teaching her and her classmates to sing songs at school. They will have a singing contest.
Alice is having her twelfth birthday party. Her parents are 17 dinner for her.
Kate is helping her brother 18 his English. He doesn’t do well in his tests.
Tom is playing basketball with his sister. It is his favourite 19 .
Tony is not happy 20 no one can go to the club with him.
11.A.store B.family C.school D.club
12.A.wants B.calls C.says D.helps
13.A.healthy B.busy C.tired D.free
14.A.costs B.spends C.gives D.takes
15.A.him B.she C.her D.them
16.A.music B.history C.English D.art
17.A.drawing B.making C.drinking D.playing
18.A.in B.at C.with D.on
19.A.subject B.food C.book D.sport
20.A.because B.when C.after D.before
The new school term began. Students in Hill School returned to school happily. Some of them joined the new clubs.
Peter joined the Photo Club. There the teacher showed the students famous photos in the world. They also took them to the famous places of interest to take photos. Peter thought it was wonderful. Next week, the club will hold a photo show. All the club members will show their favourite photos.
Alice joined the Foreign Film Club. She goes there on Wednesday every week. All the members of the club watched a new foreign film first. And then they discussed it together. At last they sang the song of the film. Next month the club will hold a foreign film festival. The members can create their own film. And they will plan a club trip to the Gannes Film Festival.
Frank joined the Future Scientists Club. The members meet twice a week. Last week the club invited a famous scientist to give a talk and discuss the future science with the students. Next month the club will lead the members to visit a science lab in a big company in the city. After that all the members should doa similar experiment and write the report of it.
21.What does the underlined word “them” in the second paragraph refer to
A.The photos. B.The teachers. C.The places. D.The students.
22.What did the students do in the Foreign Film Club
① Watched a new film ② Discussed the film
③ Created their own film ④ Sang the song of the film
A.①③④ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①②③
23.How does the writer develop his idea
A.By listing numbers. B.By raising questions.
C.By giving examples. D.By comparing facts.
Karlie moved to Alaska with her family. But she missed her friends. Every day after school, she loved reading different novels because it made her forget about her old school. Karlie was trying to get used to (习惯) the new school.
Karlie was tall, although (虽然) she was only eight years old. She had reddish (淡红的) brown hair with glasses. 24 But she was very shy. The only class she didn’t like was PE.
25 As soon as the game started, the boys scored two three-pointers (三分球). Karlie had played it with her friend Sarah in her old school. 26
Until (直到) the final minutes of the game, the score was tied (得分相同). It was her turn to shoot the ball. 27 The girls won.
Karlie had no idea how well she could play basketball until she tried. After that day, she liked going to school every day.
Everyone has to face new challenges. 28
A.This sparked (激起) her interest in joining in the game.
B.Karlie was very smart and did well in all of her classes.
C.At first, they are difficult but as time goes by, things will be better.
D.One day, there was a basketball game between boys and girls.
E.She made it.
It’s great to have friends. Sometimes you need a person to talk to. You can play games or even just talk on the phone. So look at the following suggestions (建议) to meet people and make friends.
Spend more time around people. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out there to meet people.
Join a sports team or a club with people who have common interests. If you like playing football, join a sports team. If you like playing the piano, singing or dancing, try joining a band or a music club. There you can meet many others who have the same hobbies.
Talk to people. You can talk to anybody: the seller at the video store, the person sitting next to you on the bus, or the person in front of you in the lunch line.
★ . Listen carefully to what people say, remember (记得) their names, their likes and dislikes, ask questions about their interests, and just take the time to learn more about them.
Be a good friend. Once you start spending time with friends, remember what you have to do. Go to some activities together, remember their birthdays, and so on. Then you will be good friends forever.
29.The underlined “★” should be “________”.
A.Be a good talker B.Be open C.Start a talk D.Be a good listener
30.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.Joining a club is good for making friends.
B.If you like music, you can join a music club.
C.You should know your good friends’ birthdays.
D.You can’t just talk to anybody if you want to make friends.
31.Where is this passage probably from
A.A magazine. B.A storybook. C.A cookery book. D.A Maths book.
Are you between 7 and 13 years old Are you born on 1st June Then come to the Children Club!
A Special Birthday Party for YouTime: 1st June, 15:00—17:00 Address: No.188, Xinfu Fourth Road Tel: 0668-2110639 If you come here, you can get: ·free food and drinks ·a club card ·a birthday cake ·a birthday card ·a doll for a girl and a toy car for a boy ★Parents are welcome too! ★All children must bring a registration form (登记表) of our club.
32.How long will the party last (持续)
A.For 120 minutes. B.For 90 minutes. C.For 60 minutes. D.For 30 minutes.
33.What can’t a girl get at the birthday party
A. B.
C. D.
34.Where can you probably read this passage
A.In a science book. B.In a storybook.
C.In a guidebook. D.In a newspaper.
If you are a middle school student, you will spend over eight hours a day in the school. But do you know how to make your school life better 35 Maybe it is helpful.
First of all, you should know what the most important thing is in school. 36 You should listen carefully to your teachers in class. You can also go to the library, if there is one in your school. 37 You can read different kinds of books there.
38 There you can know more about what you like and meet many friends. They may have the same hobby as you. Do you have any good friends around you You can share (分享) good and happy things with them. That’s great. 39 When they say “Thank you!”, you will find that is the best moment in your school life.
A.Of course, it is your study.
B.Here is some advice for you.
C.It’s a quiet place for you to study.
D.You can look them up in the library.
E.Joining a school club can also make you relaxed.
F.Don’t forget to help your classmates and your teachers.
A group of students meet in the library each week during lunchtime. They are famous as the members of the Miss Margaret Fan Club. Every Thursday, the twelve members of the Miss Margaret Fan Club make their way to the study centre in the back of the library.
The first Thursday they met. Miss Margaret greeted them with a little talk.
“Welcome to the first meeting of the Writing Club!” she said. “During the school year, we will meet here to work on story writing. At the end of the year, I will put all of your stories together in a book.”
Miss Margaret gave a pencil and two pieces of paper to each student.
“Your first homework is to think of a character. Now, try to think about an interesting person. When you think of this person, write down all the details (细节) about him or her in your head.”
40.What is the club about
A.Writing. B.Painting. C.Reading. D.Swimming.
41.How often do the members meet
A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Once a month. D.Twice a month.
42.What will Miss Margaret do at the end of the year
A.She will travel around the world. B.She will buy pencils.
C.She will meet new people. D.She will make a new book.
43.What is the students’ first homework
A.To help a person. B.To try a new thing.
C.To write a character. D.To make a new friend.
44.Students can choose to join in ________ on the Sports Day.
A. B.
C. D.
45.What do we know about the workshops
A.They are run by skillful coaches. B.There are three workshops in all.
C.Each workshop has many spaces. D.We can sign up on 8:00 a.m.
46.How long will the Sports Day last
A.For 9 hours. B.For 8 hours. C.For 8.5 hours. D.For 7.5 hours.
47.We can most probably read the text from ________.
A.a science website B.a travel magazine
C.a school noticeboard D.a food newspaper
My name is Alex. There are two computers in our home. 48 The other is for the other family members (成员).
My father is a manager. 49 He is busy with his work, so he has his own (自己的) computer. He uses his computer to work every day, so he doesn’t want others to use his computer. He also uses his computer to make travel plans. 50 He likes playing online games, but he is too busy.
51 I often use it to write my homework. I also get information from the Internet. 52 She buys things for our family. My sister is nine years old. She often uses the computer to watch cartoons (动画片).
A.He works for a big hotel.
B.One is for my father.
C.Sometimes he uses it to play computer games.
D.My mother often uses it for shopping.
E.I share the other computer with my mother and my sister.
In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution. They join the Environment Club. In the club, people work together to protect the environment.
No-rubbish lunches. How much do you throw after lunch The Environment Club asks students to bring their lunches in bags that can be recycled. The students try their best to make less rubbish.
No-car days. No-car days were started by 35 cities in France on 22nd September, 1998. They were started to protect the environment. By now, more than 1,000 cities around the world have had a no-car day. In China, more and more people are taking part in the activity. On a no-car day, nobody comes to school in a car—not the students and not the teachers! Cars give pollution to our air, so remember: Walk, jump, bike or run! Use your legs! It’s lots of fun!
Turn off water! Do you know that some broken toilets could waste 20 to 40 ml of water an hour In a year, that will fill a small river! In the Environment Club, the members mend those broken toilets.
We have only one Earth. Let’s work hard together to make our world cleaner and more beautiful.
53.What do the Environment Club ask students to do according to Paragraph 2
54.How many cities around the world have had a no-car day so far
55.Why do the club members mend the toilet
56.Should we protect the environment What can we do to protect the environment Write 30 words or more.
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
答案 A B C D B C A C B D
题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
答案 D B B D C A B C D A
题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
答案 D C C B D A E C D D
题号 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
答案 A A B D B A C E F A
题号 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
答案 A D C B A D C B A C
题号 51 52
答案 E D
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D
make it成功;put it放;find it找;lose it失去。根据“I had tried out for the school volleyball team, but I didn’t….”可知,前后为转折关系,此处是指没有成功。故选A。
and和;but但是;because因为;so因此。根据“My mother tried to make me happy,…nothing she did worked.”可知,前后为转折关系,用连词but表示。故选B。
teacher老师;cousin表哥;uncle叔叔;grandpa祖父。根据“Finally, my mother sent me to visit my….”及后文“My uncle said,”可知,此处是指叔叔。故选C。
with和;to给;of属于;about关于。根据“I guessed my mother had told him…my problem.”可知,固定短语tell about“讲述”,用介词about表示。故选D。
leave离开;provide提供;bring带;ask问。根据“He wanted to…me with some good advice (建议).”可知,固定短语provide sb. with sth.“为某人提供某物”。故选B。
photography摄影;hobby爱好;volleyball排球;baseball棒球。根据“Tommy, I’m proud of you for trying out for the…team though you failed.”及前文“I had tried out for the school volleyball team,”可知,此处是指排球。故选C。
grow成长;protect保护;launch发射;work工作。根据“Trying new things helps you….”可知,此处是指尝试新事物可以帮助你成长。故选A。
learnt about了解;looked at看;thought about想过;listened to听。根据“I…what my uncle had said, so I got close to the kids.”可知,此处是指他想起叔叔曾经说的话。故选C。
late迟到;later之后;early早期的;immediately立即地。根据“A year…, I became a happy player on our school baseball team.”可知,此处是指一年后。故选B。
anything任何事;everything一切;nothing什么都没有;something一些。根据“And I found this happiness because I tried…new.”可知,此处是指尝试去做一些事。故选D。
11.D 12.B 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.A
store商店;family家庭;school学校;club俱乐部。根据“The School Music Club opens.”可知,托尼想加入的是(音乐)俱乐部。故选D。
wants想要;calls打电话;says说;helps帮助。根据“He...them at home,”可知,托尼想邀请朋友们一起去俱乐部,因此他会打电话给他们。故选B。
healthy健康的;busy忙碌的;tired疲倦的;free空闲的。根据“Martin is doing his homework at home...Peter is writing an email to his pen friend Gina, a girl from Australia...”可知,朋友们都很忙。故选B。
costs花费,主语是物;spends花费,主语是人;gives给;takes花费,一般主语是It。“it takes sb. some time to do sth.”是固定句型,意为“某人花费时间做某事”。故选D。
him他,宾格;she她,主格;her她,宾格;them他们。根据“his pen friend Gina, a girl from Australia”可知,Gina是个女孩,且动词后用宾格代词her。故选C。
music音乐;history历史;English英语;art艺术。根据“Miss Green is teaching her and her classmates to sing songs at school”可知,莉莉喜欢音乐。故选A。
drawing画画;making制作;drinking喝;playing玩。根据“Alice is having her twelfth birthday party. Her parents are...dinner for her.”可知,父母在为爱丽丝做晚餐。故选B。
in在……里面;at在……(小地方);with和……一起;on在……上。help sb. with sth.是固定搭配,意为“在某方面帮助某人”。故选C。
subject科目;food食物;book书;sport运动。根据“Tom is playing basketball with his sister”可知,篮球是一项运动。故选D。
20. 句意:托尼不高兴,因为没有人能和他一起去俱乐部。
21.D 22.C 23.C
21.词义猜测题。根据“There the teacher showed the students famous photos in the world.”以及画线词所在句可知,这里的them指代句中的the students。故选D。
22.细节理解题。根据“All the members of the club watched a new foreign film first. And then they discussed it together. At last they sang the song of the film.”可知,俱乐部的所有成员都先看了一部新的外国电影。然后他们一起讨论。最后他们唱了电影的歌。故选C。
23.推理判断题。根据“Some of them joined the new clubs.”可知,作者通过举例子的方法组织文章。故选C。
24.B 25.D 26.A 27.E 28.C
24.根据上文“Karlie was tall, although (虽然) she was only eight years old. She had reddish (淡红的) brown hair with glasses.”和下文“But she was very shy. The only class she didn’t like was PE.”可知介绍Karlie以及她唯一不喜欢的课是体育课,结合选项,应说Karlie非常聪明,在她所有的课上都表现很好。故选B。
25.根据后一句“As soon as the game started, the boys scored two three-pointers.”结合选项,应说一天,有一场男生和女生之间的篮球比赛。故选D项。
26.根据上文“As soon as the game started,the boys scored two three- pointers (三分球). Karlie had played it with her friend Sarah in her old school.”可知说的是比赛以及Karlie和她的朋友Sarah在她以前的学校玩过,结合选项,应说这激发了她加入游戏的兴趣。故选A。
27.根据上文“Until (直到) the final minutes of the game,the score was tied (得分相同).It was her turn to shoot the ball.”和下文“The girls won.”可知说的是轮到Karlie投篮和女生获胜了,结合选项,应说她成功了。故选E。
28.根据上文“Everyone has to face new challenges.”可知说的是每个人都要面对新的挑战,结合选项,应说起初,他们很困难,但随着时间的推移,情况会好转。故选C。
29.D 30.D 31.A
29.推理判断题。根据“Listen carefully”可知,该段与倾听有关。所以可推知本段的主要观点是我们应该善于倾听。故选D。
30.细节理解题。根据第四段“Talk to people”可知,你可以和任何人交谈,所以D项表述错误。故选D。
31.推理判断题。根据第一段“So look at the following suggestions (建议) to meet people and make friends.”可知文章介绍了交朋友的建议,因此它可能出自杂志。故选A。
32.A 33.B 34.D
32.细节理解题。根据“Time: 1st June, 15:00—17:00”可知,聚会将持续两个小时,即120分钟。故选A。
33.细节理解题。根据“a doll for a girl and a toy car for a boy”可知,女孩不能获得玩具小车。故选B。
35.B 36.A 37.C 38.E 39.F
35.根据“But do you know how to make your school life better ...Maybe it is helpful.”可知,此处是引出下文的建议,起承上启下作用。选项B“这是给你的一些建议。”符合语境。故选B。
36. 根据“First of all, you should know what the most important thing is in school…You should listen carefully to your teachers in class.”可知,此处是指在学校最重要的事情,选项A“当然,是你的学习。”符合语境。故选A。
37. 根据“You can also go to the library, if there is one in your school.”可知,此处是指图书馆的作用,选项C“这是一个安静的学习场所。”符合语境。D项中的them指代不明。故选C。
38.根据“There you can know more about what you like and meet many friends. They may have the same hobby as you.”可知,在这个地方你能结识很多有相同爱好的人。选项E“加入学校俱乐部也能让你放松。”符合语境。故选E。
39.根据“When they say ‘Thank you!’, you will find that is the best moment in your school life.”可知,下句阐述的是帮助别人带来的收获。所以此处应表达要帮助别人,选项F“不要忘记帮助你的同学和老师。”符合语境。故选F。
40.A 41.A 42.D 43.C
40.细节理解题。根据第三段第一句话“Welcome to the first meeting of the Writing Club”可知,这是个写作俱乐部。故选A。
41.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Every Thursday”可知,他们每周四见一面,所以成员们每周见一次面。故选A。
42.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“At the end of the year, I will put all of your stories together in a book.”可知,在年末,老师会将学生们的故事编成一本书。故选D。
44.B 45.A 46.D 47.C
44. 细节理解题。根据“You can choose to join in”后列出的四项运动可知,学生可以选择参加乒乓球。故选B。
45.细节理解题。根据“Sports workshops are run by skillful coaches.”可知,这些讲习班是由技巧娴熟的教练开办的。故选A。
46. 细节理解题。根据“Time: Friday, October 18, 9:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m.”可知,活动持续时间为7.5小时。故选D。
48.B 49.A 50.C 51.E 52.D
48.根据“There are two computers in our home...The other is for the other family members (成员).”可知,应介绍一台电脑是给谁用的。选项B“一个是给我爸爸的。”符合语境,故选B。
49.根据“My father is a manager”可知,此处介绍爸爸的工作。选项A“他在一家大旅馆工作。”符合语境,故选A。
50.根据“He also uses his computer to make travel plans...He likes playing online games, but he is too busy.”可知,介绍爸爸用电脑做的事情。选项C“有时他用它来玩电脑游戏。”符合语境,故选C。
51.根据“I often use it to write my homework. I also get information from the Internet.”可知,此处介绍作者用电脑做的事情。选项E“我和我妈妈和妹妹共用另一台电脑。”符合语境,故选E。
52.根据“She buys things for our family”可知,介绍某个人用电脑购物。选项D“我妈妈经常用它购物。”符合语境,故选D。
53.To bring their lunches in bags that can be recycled. 54.More than 1,000 cities. 55.To save water. 56.Yes. We can save electricity by turning off the lights when we leave a room. We can also use reusable bags instead of plastic bags. And instead of driving to school, we can ride a bike or walk to school. If it’s far, we can take the bus.
53.根据“The environment Club asks students to bring their lunches in bags that can be recycled.”可知,环保俱乐部要求学生用可回收的袋子携带午餐。故填To bring their lunches in bags that can be recycled.
54.根据“By now, more than 1,000 cities around the world have had a no-car day.”可知,到目前为止,全球已有1000多个城市实施了无车日。故填More than 1,000 cities.
55.根据“Do you know that some broken toilets could waste 20 to 40 ml of water an hour ”可知,有些马桶会浪费水,所以修理马桶是为了节约水。故填To save water.
56.本题答案不唯一,言之有理且无语法错误即可。例如,表达肯定,要保护环境,例如节约用电,循环利用资源等。故填Yes. We can save electricity by turning off the lights when we leave a room. We can also use reusable bags instead of plastic bags. And instead of driving to school, we can ride a bike or walk to school. If it’s far, we can take the bus.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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