Unit 6 Travelling around 短文填空、任务型阅读 专练(含解析版答案) --七年级英语上册 牛津版(深圳·广州)(2024)

Unit 6 Travelling around 短文填空、任务型阅读 专练 --七年级英语上册 牛津版(深圳 广州)(2024)
I don’t like to stay at home during the vacation. Last summer, my family took a trip to Hong Kong. It was a 1 (wonder) trip.
We went there 2 plane, because we wanted to get there as soon as possible. We arrived there at about eleven o’clock and we had lunch there. We ate the seafood. It was delicious. The weather was 3 (sun) and hot, so we swam in the pool. There 4 about 100 people on the beach.
Disneyland is one of the 5 (good) places in Hong Kong, so we also visited the Disneyland. After 6 (visit) it, we had a meal in one of the restaurants in the park. My parents felt 7 little tired, so I met Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck by 8 (me). We stayed in Hong Kong for a week. We took many 9 (photo) but we didn’t buy anything because things in the stores were too expensive. And then, we went back home.
It was 10 (real) a fantastic trip. I enjoyed the trip.
Last summer, I had a wonderful trip. I went to Ningxi a with my parents. Ningxia is a province in 11 north-west of China. Ningxia is a beautiful place and there are a lot 12 wonderful places of interest. The China Film Studio 13 (be) one of the wonderful places of interest. It is my favourite place of interest. I think it is 14 interesting and exciting place.
The China Film Studio is in the north-west of Yinchuan. Many movies were 15 (make) there, such 16 Red Sorghum and The Herdsman. I 17 (see) many well-known scenes from these films. After 18 (visit) it, I had a great dream. I dreamt of being a director (导演) and making lots of 19 (movie) there.
The weather there was fine. We enjoyed beautiful views. It is a very wonderful place to visit. I’m looking forward to 20 (go) there again. My parents say that they will take me there next year.
New York City is home to some of the tallest buildings on Earth. Recently, a new skyscraper joined them. This time it’s 21 thinnest in the world.
After years of 22 (develop), Steinway Tower is now complete (已完成的). The 23 (high) of the building is 435 meters. But it’s just about 18 meters wide. The width to height ratio (比例) is 1:24. That makes the building 24 (look) very thin, like a chopstick sticking up (竖起) from the ground. By contrast (相比之下), CITIC Tower, known 25 China Zun Tower in Beijing, stands 528 meters high, but is 78 meters wide.
You don’t need 26 (worry) that the building may break in half during a storm. According to SHoP Architects, the company that designed (设计) the building, it was made with the world’s strongest concrete (混凝土). However, the building may still move in strong winds. That would cause loud noises, and people inside may feel dizzy (眩晕的).
There 27 (be) many people living and working in New York City. Land there is very expensive. Skyscrapers are a great 28 (choose) for saving land. Meanwhile, when designing Steinway Tower, the designers wanted 29 (make) it a landmark (地标). The thinnest building is next to the historic site Steinway Hall, which was famous 30 concerts in the 20th century. The special design of the skyscraper may help people remember the past glory (辉煌) of Steinway Hall.
用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 (每词限用一次)。
inside be wife influence build become long nature
31.Husbands and should look after their children well.
32.This shop sells all kinds of jackets. Let’s go and have a look.
33.There are many tall and small gardens in our community.
34.The Yangtze River is one of the rivers in the world.
35.My father likes science very much. He me a lot when I was at college.
36.We should protect the environment and save our resources (资源).
37.Some leaves started to turn yellow and the weather cool in early autumn.
38.If you don’t hurry, you late.
custom China centre mix landmark usual design else read guide
39.My aunt is a fashion . She often gives me some advice on what to wear.
40.All the presents are ready. Who can make a list of the addresses for me
41.She has to climb the mountain alone, because nobody is free.
42.Lingling is a(n) girl. She has black hair and black eyes.
43.You will travel around the world if you become a tour .
44.The new house is very expensive because it is in the part of the city.
45.My brother enjoys and he often borrows books from the library.
46.The drink is a(n) of three different kinds of fruit.
47.Pansy couldn’t wait to share her experience of seeing a UFO that night.
48.The Canton Tower which was built in 2009 has become a(n) of Guangzhou.
It was a happy time for me, but there were many dangers because of my small size. There were some incidents (事件) that I remembered clearly.
Every morning Glumdalclitch carried my box to the window. One day she carried me to the window as usual, and then she left me there. Some huge wasps (黄蜂) came in through the window, and entered the box. They were the size of birds in England, and they were very fierce (凶猛的). I was afraid of them. I took out my sword and fought them. I killed four of them. Luckily, the others flew away. Another dangerous moment that I remembered was this: Glumdalclitch left me in the garden one day, and the weather was very bad. First it rained, and then it hailed (下冰雹) very hard. The hailstones were the size of tennis balls, and they hurt me badly. I managed to hide under a tree, but I was still hit by some of them.
—Taken from Gulliver’s Travels
49.Why did Gulliver have some dangers
50.What were killed by Gulliver with his sword
51.How did Gulliver keep himself safe from the hailstones
52.What do you think of Gulliver Why Write 30 words or more.
1.wonderful 2.by 3.sunny 4.were 5.best 6.visiting 7.a 8.myself 9.photos 10.really
2.句意:我们乘飞机去那里,因为我们想尽可能快地到那里。结合语境及“…plane”可知,此处应用介词by与之构成介词短语,“by plane乘飞机”符合语境。故填by。
3.句意:天气晴朗且炎热,所以我们在泳池里游泳。sun“太阳”,名词,又根据空后的“…and hot”可知,and连接两个相同的语法成分,此处应用其形容词形式sunny作表语,意为“晴朗的”。故填sunny。
4.句意:海滩上大约有100人。分析句子结构可知,此处考查“There be”句型,且结合语境可知,本文时态为一般过去时,主语“100 people”表示复数概念,be动词应用一般过去时的复数形式were。故填were。
5.句意:迪斯尼乐园是香港最好的地方之一,所以我们也去了迪斯尼乐园。good“好的”,形容词,又分析句子结构可知,该句考查“one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词”,意为“最……的……之一”,应用其对应的形容词最高级形式best。故填best。
7.句意:我的父母觉得有点累了,所以我自己去看了米老鼠和唐老鸭。结合“…little tired”可知,此处应用不定冠词a与之构成固定搭配,a little意为“一点”,此处修饰形容词原级。故填a。
8.句意:我的父母觉得有点累了,所以我自己去看了米老鼠和唐老鸭。me“我”,代词宾格形式。分析句子结构可知,此处考查“by oneself独自”,应用其对应的反身代词与之搭配。故填myself。
11.the 12.of 13.is 14.an 15.made 16.as 17.saw 18.visiting 19.movies 20.going
11.句意:宁夏是中国西北部的一个省。in the north-west of“在……的西北部”,故填the。
12.句意:宁夏是一个美丽的地方,有很多名胜古迹。a lot of“很多的”,故填of。
13.句意:中国电影制片厂是名胜古迹之一。be“是”,主语The China Film Studio 是第三人称单数形式,谓语用第三人称单数形式,故填is。
15.句意:许多电影都是在那里拍摄的,比如《红高粱》和《牧马人》。make“制作”,主语many movies与谓语make之间是被动关系,因此用被动语态,故填made。
16.句意:许多电影都是在那里拍摄的,比如《红高粱》和《牧马人》。such as“例如”,故填as。
18.句意:参观它之后,我有一个伟大的梦想。visit“参观”,after doing sth“做某事之后”,故填visiting。
19.句意:我梦想成为一名导演,在那里拍很多电影。movie“电影”,是名词,有lots of修饰,用复数形式,故填movies。
20.句意:我盼望着再去那里。look forward to doing sth“期待做某事”,故填going。
21.the 22.development 23.height 24.look 25.as 26.to worry 27.are 28.choice 29.to make 30.for
23.句意:这座建筑的高度是435米。结合“The...of the building”可知,这里要填提示词“high高的”的名词“height高度”,作宾语,故填height。
24.句意:这使得建筑看起来非常薄,就像一根筷子从地面竖起。结合固定搭配“make sb. do sth.”意为“使某人做某事”可知,这里要填提示词“look看起来”的原形。故填look。
25.句意:相比之下,北京的中信大厦,即中国尊大厦,高528米,宽78米。结合固定搭配“(be) known as”,其意思为“以……著称”。故填as。
26.句意:你不必担心在暴风雨中这座建筑物会断成两半。结合“need”为实义动词,其后跟动词不定式作宾语。故填to worry。
27.句意:有许多人在纽约市生活和工作。结合固定搭配“There be”的“be动词”的单复数形式由其后的主语的单复数形式而定,根据“many people”可知,be动词要用复数形式,由下文可知,时态为一般现在时,故填are。
29.句意:同时,在设计施坦威塔时,设计师想让它成为一个地标。结合“want to do sth.”意为“想要做某事”可知,这里要填“make使”的不定式“to make”,作宾语。故填to make。
30.句意:这个最薄的建筑位于历史遗址施坦威大厅旁边,该大厅在20世纪因音乐会而闻名。结合固定搭配“be famous for...因……而著名”可知,这里填“for”符合语境。故填for。
31.wives 32.inside 33.buildings 34.longest 35.influenced 36.natural 37.became 38.will be
32.句意:这家商店出售各种夹克。让我们进去看看。根据“Let’s go...and have a look.”可知,此处是短语go inside,意为“进去”,故填inside。
33.句意:我们社区有很多高楼和小花园。根据“and small gardens in our community.”可知,此处是指社区里有很多高楼和小花园,“many”后跟building的复数形式,表示“建筑物”。故填buildings。
34.句意:长江是世界上最长的河流之一。“one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数”,意为“最……的……之一”;根据常识及所给词可知,长江是世界上最长的河流之一,longest“最长的”。故填longest。
35.句意:我的父亲非常喜欢科学。当我上大学时,他影响了我很多。根据“My father likes science very much.”及所给词可知,父亲影响了自己很多;再根据“when I was at college”可知,此处用一般过去时,此处需要用influence的过去式influenced。故填influenced。
36.句意:我们应该保护环境,节约自然资源。空处修饰名词“resources”,应用形容词;根据“protect the environment”及所给词可知,此处指节约自然资源,natural“自然的”。故填natural。
37.句意:初秋时节,一些树叶开始变黄,天气也变得凉爽起来。根据常识及“cool in early autumn.”可知,初秋天气会变得凉爽,become“变得,成为”;由“started”可知,时态为一般过去时,故填became。
38.句意:如果你不快点,你就要迟到了。根据“late”及所给词可知,此处应用be动词,be late“迟到”;在含If引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句中,从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。故填will be。
39.designer 40.customers’ 41.else 42.Chinese 43.guide 44.central 45.reading 46.mix/mixture 47.unusual 48.landmark
【解析】39.句意:我的姑妈是一位时尚设计师。她经常给我一些关于要穿什么的建议。a fashion后接可数名词单数;结合“She often gives me some advice on what to wear”及所给词可知,姑妈是一位时尚设计师。故填designer。
40.句意:所有的礼物都准备好了。谁可以为我列一个顾客地址的清单?根据addresses可知,空处要用形容词或名词所有格。根据“All the presents are ready”及所给词可知此处应用customer的复数形式的所有格。故填customers’。
41.句意:她不得不独自爬山,因为其他人都没有空。根据“She has to climb the mountain alone”可知,其他人都没空,nobody else意为“没有其他的人”,符合语境。故填else。
42.句意:玲玲是一个中国女孩。她有黑色的头发和黑色的眼睛。此处修饰名词girl,要用形容词。根据“She has black hair and black eyes”及所给词可知填Chinese。故填Chinese。
43.句意:如果你成为一名导游,你将环游世界。根据“You will travel around the world”并结合所给词可知,此处指导游;a后接可数名词单数。故填guide。
44.句意:这座新房子非常昂贵,因为它位于市中心。此空应用形容词作定语修饰名词part;根据“The new house is very expensive”及所给词可知,此处表示“中心的”。故填central。
45.句意:我弟弟喜欢阅读,他经常从图书馆借书。根据“he often borrows books from the library”及所给词可知,“我”弟弟喜欢阅读;enjoy doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”。故填reading。
47.句意:潘茜迫不及待地分享她那天晚上看到不明飞行物的不寻常的经历。此处修饰名词,应用形容词;根据“seeing a UFO that night”及所给词可知,看到不明飞行物应是一次不寻常的经历。故填unusual。
48.句意:建于2009年的广州塔已经成为广州的地标。根据“The Canton Tower which was built in 2009 has become a(n) …of Guangzhou”及所给词可知,广州塔已成为广州的地标,此处应用可数名词单数。故填landmark。
49.Because of his small size./Because he was small. 50.Some huge wasps. 51.He managed to hide under a tree./By hiding under a tree. 52.开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案为:I think he is clever. Because when it hailed very hard, he fearlessly faced the hailstorm. And then he kept himself safe from the hailstones by hiding under a tree.
49.根据第一段“there were many dangers because of my small size”可知,因为他个子小,所以遇到很多危险。故填Because of his small size./Because he was small.
50.根据第二段“Some huge wasps came in through the window, and entered the box. They were the size of birds in England, and they were very fierce. I was afraid of them. I took out my sword and fought them. I killed four of them.”可知,格列佛用他的剑杀死了一些大黄蜂。故填Some huge wasps.
51.根据最后一段“The hailstones were the size of tennis balls, and they hurt me badly. I managed to hide under a tree, but I was still hit by some of them.”可知,为了保护自己免受冰雹袭击,格列佛设法躲在树下。故填He managed to hide under a tree./By hiding under a tree.
52.开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案为:I think he is clever. Because when it hailed very hard, he fearlessly faced the hailstorm. And then he kept himself safe from the hailstones by hiding under a tree.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:Unit 4 The Earth 完形填空、阅读理解 专练 (含解析版答案)-七年级英语上册 牛津版(深圳·广州)(2024)

下一篇:Unit 7 Fun after school 完形填空、阅读理解 专练(含解析版答案) --七年级英语上册 牛津版(深圳·广州)(2024)