Unit1 Li Ming Goes to Canada Lesson 2 Jenny's House 同步练习(含答案)

Unit 1 Li Ming Goes to Canada
Lesson 2 Jenny's House
第一题图 第二题图 第三题图 第四题图 第五题图
1. This is my ________ .
2. My mother cooks delicious food for us in the __________ .
3. I often help my mother clean the________.
4. There is a new ________ in the bathroom.
5. Linlin often reads books in the ________.
1. I'll show ________ (he) my classroom.
2. My classroom is on the __________ (two)floor.
3. There are three _____________ (bedroom) in my house.
4. On this floor, there is a living room and two _________ (study).
5. The robot ________ (make) lunch for the athletes (运动员) in the kitchen.
三、用正确的be动词填空补全句子, 并选择相应的图片。
(  )1. There _______ many kinds of houses in the world. This _______ the tree house. There _______ a bed, a small bathroom and a living room in it.
(  )2. This ________ Ithaa Undersea Restaurant. ________ there any tables in it Yes, there ________ six tables in it.
(  )3. Here ________ the Solar House. There ________ many rooms in it. And it________ warm in winter and cool in summer.
四、下面是Lily的新家, 请根据Lily的介绍标注出各个房间的名称。
A. There is a big bed and a closet(壁橱) in it.
B. It's big. There is a big sofa and a tea table. We watch TV and play in this room.
C. It's small but tidy. There is a toilet in it.
D. It's small but nice. There are many books in it. My father works in it.
E. It's clean. My mother cooks in it.
五、选择正确的选项, 补全对话。
Jim: Wang Lei, I want to know about your house in China.
Wang Lei: OK.
A. It's old. It's about 80 years old.
B. What is in your kitchen
C. Where do you live
D. Do you watch TV a lot
E. How many rooms does it have
)Jim: 1.________
Wang Lei: I live in Siheyuan in Beijing.
Jim: Siheyuan! Great! 2.________
Wang Lei: Six.
Jim: That's quite big. Is it a new house or an old house
Wang Lei: 3.________
Jim: Wow. The house must have many stories. 4.________
Wang Lei: A big round table and a cooker.
Jim: And what is in the living room
Wang Lei: A TV and a video.
Jim: 5.________
Wang Lei: Yes. I like to watch TV.
六、王雷和英国的朋友互相介绍居住的房子, 阅读材料, 完成任务。
Wang Lei:I live with my parents and my sister in the apartment with three bedrooms. The house isn't very big. It's a bit noisy. The walls are so thin (薄的) that we can hear our neighbors(邻居) both on the right and on the left.
Lucy:I live in a very big house. It's on the top of the hill and it's 200 years old. It's all made of stone. It's dark and cold. But it has a beautiful garden. My whole family from my grandparents to my uncles and cousins live there.
Tom:I live near the sea, not very far from the city. I don't like my house because it's made of wood. I have to paint it every summer. My father doesn't like it because it has no garage (车库). But my mother likes it because of the big garden.
任务一:根据材料内容, 在下列房子图片下面标注对应的人名。
1.(   )  2. (   )  3. (  )
任务二:根据材料内容, 选择正确的选项。
(  )1. ________ house is not very big.
A. Lucy's   B. Wang Lei's C. Tom's
(  )2. Lucy's house is________.
A. dark and cold B. small C. near the hill
(  )3.________ people live in Wang Lei's house.
A. Three   B. Four   C. Five
(  )4. Tom doesn't like his house because________ .
A. it's near the sea
B. he has to paint it every summer
C. it's far from the city
(  )5. The underlined word “noisy” means “________”.
A. 漂亮的  B. 安静的  C. 吵闹的
四、bedroom;living room;bathroom;study;kitchen
六、Tom;Lucy;Wang Lei;BABBC



上一篇:Unit2 My weekend 单元评估卷(无答案)

下一篇:Unit1 Li Ming Goes to Canada Lesson 5 In the Living Room 同步练习(含答案)