
松柏中学 2023~2024学年九年级(上)英语期中考试卷
准考证号______ 班级______ 姓名______
第一部分 (选择题)
第一节 听句子 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选项。(每个句子读两遍)
1. A. B. C.
2. A. B. C.
3.A. B. C.
4. A. B. C.
5. A. B. C.
第二节 听对话 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案。(每段对话读两遍)
6. How will the girl go to the People's Park
A. By bus. B. By car. C. On foot.
7. When will Alice probably leave the party
A. At 8 p. m. B. At 8:30 p. m. C. At9 p. m.
8. What does the girl think is the most convenient
A. The pen. B. The ball pen. C. The pencil.
9. What are they talking about
A. Women's jobs. B. Women's worries. C. Women's dressing.
10. Where is the woman going
A. To the library. B. To the bus stop. C. To the post office.
11. What time is it
A. It's 4 pm. B. It's 4:30 pm. C. It's 5 pm.
12. What are Jenny and her dad going to do
A. Cook lunch. B. Set the table. C. Find lucky money.
13. What did Jenny's dad have for breakfast
A. A mooncake. B. Zongzi. C. An egg.
14. What do we know about the book
A. It is written for boys. B. It is written in English. C. It is hard to understand.
15. What does Emma think of the book
A. Useful. B. Popular. C. Funny.
第三节 听短文 根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下面表格,每空填一词。
Nothing Day
Date On(16) ______ 16th
Initiator (发起人) Harold Coffin, a(n)(17)______ reporter
Suggestions In the morning, get up whenever you like and have a (18)______ breakfast.
In the afternoon, (19) ______ slowly in the park.
In the evening, go to bed early and do nothing before sleep.
Meaning It provides us with a chance to slow down and (20) ______ enjoy life.
21. — Is Switzerland ______ European country
— Yes. It's known as the capital of clocks and watches.
A. a B. the C. an
22. If you need help for ______, you need to learn how to ask the way politely first.
A. traditions B. directions C. celebrations
23. —______ can we get the chance to take part in the party this weekend
— To join in this party, you have to dress up like a cartoon character.
A. Why B. What C. How
24. — Can you give me some advice on how to ______ my reading speed
— You can try to read word groups instead of word by word.
A. increase B. consider C. keep
25. — Jenny is a good friend indeed. She is always there whenever I am ______.
—I think so. He is just like the cute Baymax(大白) .
A. in person B. in public C. in trouble
26. — Mr. Guo is really good at telling jokes. This makes him a popular teacher.
— You've got the point. Students all like ______ teachers.
A. humorous B. patient C. active
27. — You are unusually quiet, Jack. What's the matter
—I______ by Mom just now.
A. am punished B. was punishing C. was punished
28. — Excuse me, could you please speak a little more ______
— Sorry, I thought you could follow me.
A. directly B. slowly C. loudly
29. My brother played computer games too much. ______, he had to get his eyes checked.
A. All of a sudden B. For example C. As a result
30. I______ sleep very well, but then I started doing yoga and it really helps.
A. wasn't used to B. didn't use to C. used to
31. — Can I take this magazine away, Mr. Smith
— No. It ______ out of the reading room.
A. shouldn't take B. can't be taken C. can't take
32."A white elephant" means something that is useless, ______ it may cost a lot of money.
A. unless B. because C. although
33. — Why are you late for class again, Tommy
—I got up late. I wanted to take a taxi, but I ______ walking here because of the traffic jam.
A. gave up B. looked up C. ended up
34. — What a strange machine! Do you know ______
—I'm not sure. Maybe people make bread with it.
A. what it is used for B. when it was invented C. who invented it
35. — If I work hard on my lessons from now on, can I do well next time
— Sure. ______r.
A. It's a piece of cake B. Better late than never C. Practice makes perfect
Thirteen-year-old Sean Nichols plays basketball, rides horses, and competes in Tae Kwon Do(跆拳道). That 36 some people because Sean uses a wheelchair.
"Although someone has a physical disability, they can 37 do what other kids can," Sean explains. "They either have to do it in a different way, or it's just a bit 38 ."
When Sean was a baby, his family learned that he has a disease that makes 39 difficult. As he started school each year, he and his mom would talk with his class to help the 40 understand why Sean uses a wheelchair. He now does this himself.
He also 41 with people who are studying physical therapy (疗法). He helps them understand what it's like to live with a disability and learn how to treat kids 42 him. "It's great helping people who are going to help other kids down the line," Sean says.
Sean finds lots of 43 to increase disability- awareness (意识). He and his coaches show wheelchair basketball for people, then ask them to get to try out a chair to see how much arm strength it takes. "It's funny to see all the people say, 'Oh, this is going to be easy,'" Sean says. "Then after, they 44 what they said!"
Sean hopes to 45 how people with disabilities are seen. "My goal is, if a person later sees someone with a disability, they see a person," he says, "like themselves."
36. A. scares B. satisfies C. surprises
37. A. still B. hardly C. only
38. A. greater B. funnier C. harder
39. A. studying B. walking C. talking
40. A. teachers B. coaches C. kids
41. A. draws B. works C. competes
42. A. for B. like C. ith.
43. A. ways B. jobs C. goals
44. A. stick to B. take back C. worry about
45. A. choose B. catch C. change
IV.阅读理解 (共两节,满分45分)第一节阅读以下A、B、C、D四篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案(每小题2分,满分40分)
George and Harry set out in a hot air balloon to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
"Harry, we'd better get closer to the ground so we can see where we are," says George after 37 hours in the air. Harry turns down the heat, and the balloon drops to below the cloud cover.
"I still can't tell where we are. Get closer," says George. So Harry turns down the heat on the balloon even more until they are flying just above the roofs of city buildings.
"I don't know what this town is," says George. "Get lower so that I can ask someone where we are." Harry turns off the engine and the balloon floats quietly until they are just 5 meters above the ground. "Hey, could you tell us where we are " Harry yells down to a man.
"You' re in a balloon, 5 meters up in the air," the man yells back.
46. Why did George want to get closer to the ground
A. Because the balloon was too hot.
B. Because he wanted to know their position.
C. Because he wanted to land the balloon.
D. Because he wanted to get out of the balloon.
47. The balloon drops to below the cloud when Harry ______
A. I turned up the heat. B. He turned down the heat.
C. I c turned on the engine. D. He turned off the engine.
48. When Harry turns off the engine, the hot air balloon ______.
A. floats above a town B. floats above the ocean
C. lands on the ground D. lands on a building roof
49. The man on the ground is probably ______.
A. a hot air balloon coach B. a hot air balloon expert
C. an experienced traveler D. an honest stranger
50. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage
A. George and Harry are lost in a hot air balloon.
B. Harry doesn't know how to operate a hot air balloon.
C. George and Harry is flying over the hills and mountains.
D. The man on the ground gives George and Harry directions.
Do you know mint(薄荷)? It may be added to drinks to let us cool in summer. Mint plays an important role in our daily life. It keeps our breath fresh and makes food and drinks smell fresh. But why is this little plant so popular with people
Mint is found almost everywhere in the world, except for South America and Antarctica. There are 600 varieties of mint, but a lot of them look so similar that even scientists have trouble telling the differences between them. What we have known for thousands of years, however, is that eating mint has many benefits for our physical health.
For starters, if people's stomachs are not very comfortable, mint can be used to relieve(缓解) the uncomfortable feeling in their stomachs. That's because of the acid(酸) that it has. It can also help release allergies(过敏) or even shock(休克). Thanks to this plant, doctors have saved many people from danger. What's more, if you have a common cold, drinking mint tea can reduce your sore throat.
While mint is safe to eat and useful for treating people, it also has some disadvantages. First of all, eating too much mint can be harmful. If you' re taking it for any health purpose, don't use it too much. Also, mint oil should not be used on the face of children. This could cause breathing problems.
51. The writer starts the passage by ______.
A. listing numbers B. asking a question
C. giving an example D.comparing two plants
52. Scientists have trouble telling the different kinds of mint because of the ______.
A. same smell B. long history
C. similar looks D. strange climate
53. Mint can relieve the uncomfortable feeling in people's stomachs because ______.
A. it helps us breathe better B. it is easy to find
C. it has much sugar D. it has a kind of acid
54. According to the passage, ______ when we use mint.
A. we should use it properly. B we should use it anytime.
C. we should use it after shock. D. we should only use it for adults.
55. What is the text mainly about
A. The advantages and disadvantages of mint.
B. The ways to plant different kinds of mint.
C. The importance of protecting mint.
D. The place to find mint in the world.
I love walking, but it has its drawbacks(缺点) if I'm in a hurry. Luckily, a company in America recently invented Moonwalkers, a pair of battery- powered(电池驱动) shoes. The shoes can increase walking speeds by up to 250%.
At first sight, Moonwalkers look like a pair of wonderful roller skates, but there is actually a lot more to them than that. You' re actually meant to walk with them the way you would do with sports shoes or other common shoe, letting the wheels put a spring(弹簧) in your step. This clever invention can greatly increase your walking speed up to a reported 7 mph( miles per hour).
Designed by Shift Robotics, Moonwalkers consist of a 300W brushless DC motor(无刷直流电机) in each 1.9-kg shoe that powers eight wheels. The shoes are also able to feel downhill movement to prevent accidents.
"Moonwalkers are not skates. They' re shoes. The world's fastest shoes actually," Xunjie Zhang, founder and CEO of the company said. "You don't skate in them. You walk. You don't have to learn how to use them, because the shoes learn from you."
But do the world's fastest shoes work on the rough ground, or things like stairs The designers have realized the problem. They design a simple action that allows the wearers to lock the wheels so that they can walk up or down stairs as they would in common shoes.
The first Moonwalkers were sold in March of 2023, at a price of $ 1,399. That's not cheap, but then again, this isn't a common pair of shoes. It's the world's fastest pair of shoes.
56. What is the purpose of the first paragraph
A. To describe a picture of a pair of shoes. B. To tell an interesting story.
C To introduce the topic of the lecture. D. To introduce a new discovery.
57. Why do people wear Moonwalkers
A. To walk fast. B. To keep healthy. C. To look cool. D. To reduce pains.
58. How do the wearers of Moonwalkers go up or down the stairs
A. By taking off Moonwalkers at once.
B. By walking very carefully and closely.
C. By removing the wheels of Moonwalkers.
D. By locking the wheels of Moonwalkers.
59. What will the writer talk about after the last paragraph
A. The shape of Moonwalkers. B. The sale of Moonwalkers.
C. The design of Moonwalkers. D. The importance of Moonwalkers.
60. What does the text mainly talk about
A. The fastest shoes in the world- Moonwalkers. B. A special company— Shift Robotics.
C. The future science and technology. D. A new discovery about the moon.
We often describe someone who cannot keep a secret as "a big mouth". It turns out that this might not be his fault.
Researches have shown that keeping a secret may be quite a difficult thing. According to Asim Shah, a professor at Baylor College of Medicine, US, people find it hard to keep a secret because they often have an impulse (冲动) to share it with someone. Another US scientist Anita E·Kelly also noted that keeping a secret could cause stress. People who were told secrets could suffer from serious mental problems like depression (压抑) , anxiety, and body aches.
Since secrets are so easy to get out, why do people still share them Asim Shah explained that people often feel it will help them keep a person as a friend. Another reason is that people will have a sense of guilt (内疚) when keeping a secret from close people. A sense of distrust can develop when close people do not share secrets with each other.
Asim Shah added that some people easily let secrets get out. But this doesn't mean you can only share secrets with quiet people instead of talkative people. A quiet person may be someone who keeps everything inside. But if you tell such a person a secret, he may also feel stressed, and then talk about the secret.
Asim Shah suggested in order to tell whether it's right to share a secret with someone, you'd better put yourself in their shoes. Think about how you would feel to be told that you shouldn't give the information away. Besides, if you accidentally give out someone's secret, you should come clean about it. Let the person know that his secret isn't so secret any more.
61. What did Anita E· Kelly say about keeping secrets for others
A. It harms relationships between friends.
B. It could cause serious mental problems.
C. It keeps friendships between people stronger.
D. It can cause a sense of distrust between friends.
62. The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refers to ______.
A. Sharing secrets with others. B. Keeping secrets to yourself.
C. Gaining the trust of someone. D. Feeling guilty of sharing secrets.
63. What can we know from Paragraph 4
A. Talkative people are unlikely to keep secrets.
B. Quiet people don't want to know others' secrets.
C. Quiet people don't feel stressed about keeping secrets.
D. Quiet people may also want to tell your secrets to others.
64. According to Asim Shah, if you let out someone's secret by accident, ______.
A. You don't need to keep any secrets any more
B. Tell him your own secret as an exchange
C. Tell the person honestly about the fact
D. Ask another person to keep it secret
65. What is the text mainly about
A. How to keep a secret B How to deal with secrets
C. Keeping secrets is difficult. D. Sharing secrets to make friends
第二节 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(每小题1分,满分5分)
China is the country that eats the most watermelons in the world. It's not because foreigners don't like watermelons but " they can't afford them." Do you know why 66. ______
It's reported that a kilo of US watermelon is about $6.91 in New York, which is about 46 yuan in China. 67. ______ But things are different in China. According to the FAO(联合国粮农组织), China now is the world's largest watermelon producer and customer.
68. ______ And the weather is just right for planting watermelons. With the large output(产量), the price is naturally much lower.
Secondly, countries like the USA and Australia have a wide land, but watermelons were not introduced there as early as in China. The local people prefer other fruits that were known earlier to watermelons.69. ______
Thirdly, according to some reports, watermelons from foreign countries may not taste good.70. ______ Why is that
Wu Mingzhu is an 80- year- old Chinese scientist who spends her whole life on the improvement of growing better watermelons. Thanks to her hard work, we can enjoy more delicious and much cheaper watermelons.
A. Firstly, China's land area is large.
B. So, watermelons are not as popular as other fruits.
C. That's because they' re too expensive in most countries.
D. However, in China, we seldom eat watermelons that taste bad.
E. Watermelons are also famous for being expensive in Japan and South Korea.
第二部分 (非选择题)
V.情景交际 根据情景提示,完成下列各题。(每小题2分,共10分)
71. ________________________________________________________________________________
72. _____________________________________________________________________________, didn't you
*妈妈得知李明数学成绩很好, 她想知道他是怎么学好数学的,她问到:
73. __________________________________________________________________________ well
*你来到一家蛋糕店, 里面蛋糕琳琅满目看上去很诱人,你感慨道:
74. How ___________________________________________________________________________!
75. Excuse me, could you tell me _________________________________
VI.看图写话 根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。(每小题2分,满分10分)
76. study English, by _________________________________________________________________
77. invent,1876 _________________________________________________________________
78. allow _________________________________________________________________
79. next Sunday _________________________________________________________________
80. good time, June _________________________________________________________________
VII.短文填词 (共10小题每小题1分,满分10分)
A popular short video, three- part series(系列片) named "Escape From the British Muscum", has made millions of viewers(观众) pay attention 81. ______ those relics(文物) from China in the British Museum. The series tells the story of a jade teapot(玉茶壶) that comes to life. It becomes a young woman and escapes from the museum82. ______ (success). Then she meets a Chinese reporter named Zhang Yong' an in the UK. She wonders 83. ______ he can take her back to China or not. To her excitement, the reporter helps her start a journey from the British Museum back to China. And she also has a very good partner to travel with. On84. ______(she) way home, she not only travels across the country but also 85. ______(carry) "letters" written by other relics in the museum to their families in China. Every Chinese she meets treats her with 86. ______ (warm) and kindness.
It is said that a citizen(网民) suggested 87. ______ (make) a video to record the returning of Chinese88. ______ (tradition) relics from the UK to celebrate the Chinese lunar New Year. So the two young Chinese vloggers went to the UK in June and spent three months shooting the video. They said the story was based(以…为基础) on historic facts in order to draw attention to the Chinese cultural relics abroad.
What 89. ______ interesting video it is! So far, it has 90. ______ (spread) across China and got over 340 million views and nearly 2 million comments(评论) on Douyin.
中国是茶树的故乡。茶,始于神农时代,与中华文化相伴已走过数千年的历史长河。茶能增进健康,增进身心和谐,中国茶传播到世界各地,为健康理念和茶文化增添了无限魅力。假定你是李华,请你结合以下提示,给远在加拿大的笔友 Emma写信介绍一下中国茶,词数80左右。
Dear Emma,
I'm glad to know you're interested in Chinese culture. Well, I'd like to tell you something about Chinese tea. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua



