2024-2025外研版(三起)英语六年级上册 Modules 1-3 月考综合检测卷(含答案含听力原文无音频)

Modules 1—3 综合检测卷(月考一)
时间:40分钟 满分:100分
题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总 分 等 级
得 分
( )1. A. great B. right C. east
( )2. A. then B. than C. thin
( )3. A. sometime B. something C. sometimes
( )4. A. letter B. another C. teacher
( )5. A. China B. Chinese C. Canada
二、判断下列图片与所听句子是否相符,相符的打“ ”,不符的打“×”。(10分)
( )1. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I have. C. Sometimes.
( )2. A. It's very big.
B. It has got about twenty million people.
C. It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long.
( )3. A. Reading books is her hobby.
B. I like reading books.
C. Reading books is my hobby.
( )4. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I have. C. Yes, I do.
( )5. A. Yes, I don't. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes,I do.
1.— What are you doing
—I'm an email to my family.
2. It's too late. let's go tomorrow.
3. Are there any in China
4. Collecting is my hobby.
5. The Great Wall is very .
( )1. It has got more than eight million people.
A. thousand B. metre C. long
( )2. And Houston is in the south.
A. animal B. west C. more
( )3. He's sending an email to his friend.
A. letter B. sometimes C. doing
( )4. Let's go to Chinatown now.
A. lots B. look C. famous
( )5. They have got famous people on them.
A. beautiful B. stamp C. collect
( )1. Have you got toy cars
A. some B. any C. many
( )2. bikes is my hobby.
A. Ride B. Riding C. Rideing
( )3.— Are there any desks in the classroom
A. Yes, are there. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there are.
( )4. We our hobbies.
A. all love B. all C. all loves
( )5. They got any kites.
A. don't B. haven't C. hasn't
1. My hobby is .
2. five pupils on the Great Wall.
3. Can you tell me more about
4. Do you like
— Have you got a stamp
— Yes, .
1. you collect do stamps( )
2. more long it's than twenty kilometres thousand(.)
3. miss you China do(.)
4. there for a letter is me( )
1. I have got some books on the desk.(改为一般疑问句)
2. I' ve got many Chinese stamps.(改为否定句)
3. Have you got any letters from China (作肯定回答)
4. The Great Wall is more than twenty thousand kilometres long.(对画线部分提问)
the Great Wall
Lingling and Sam are good friends. On Sunday they are in Sam's room. Sam's room is very clean and tidy. There are two windows in his room. Near the window there is a desk. On the desk there is an ink bottle, a lamp and some books. Beside the desk there is a bed. On the wall there is a photo of Sam's family.
( )1. Lingling and Tom are good friends.
( )2. Sam's room is clean but not tidy.
( )3. There are two windows in Sam's room.
( )4. On the bed, there is an ink bottle, a lamp and some books.
( )5. Beside the desk there is a bed.



上一篇:2024-2025外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module 2 单元测试 (含答案含听力原文无音频)
