江苏省扬州市树人学校 2023-2024 第二学期期末试卷初二英语(含答案含听力原文无音频)

扬州树人学校 2023-2024 学年第二学期期末试卷八年级英语答题卡

六、阅读表达(共 5小题;每小题 2分,计 10分)(每题不超过 10个词)
_________校区 准 考 证 号 76. ________________________________________________________________________________________
班级 姓名 学号
77. ________________________________________________________________________________________
1. 采用网上阅卷在右侧用 2B 铅笔在“准考证

号”处填涂准考证号,正确方法是: 。 78. ________________________________________________________________________________________
改时须用橡皮擦干净。 79. ________________________________________________________________________________________
2. 作答时注意题号顺序,不得擅自更改题号。
3. 作答选做题时,须将选做题的试题组所对应
的信息点涂满、涂黑,漏涂、错涂、多涂的, 80. ________________________________________________________________________________________

4. 保持卡面清洁,不要折叠和弄破。 七、缺词填空(计 10分)根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)

81. 82. 83. 84. 85.
86. 87. 88. 89. 90.
第 I 卷 选择部分(80 分) 第一至第四项
1 6 11 16 八、书面表达(计 30分)
2 7 12 17 A. 根据所给汉语翻译下列句子,词数不限。(共 5小题;每小题 2分,计 10分)
3 8 13 18
4 9 14 19 91. ________________________________________________________________________________________
5 10 15 20
92. ________________________________________________________________________________________
21 26 31 36
22 27 32 37 93. ________________________________________________________________________________________
23 28 33 38
24 29 34 39 94. ________________________________________________________________________________________
25 30 35 40
95. ________________________________________________________________________________________
41 46 51 56 B. 写作(计 20分)
42 47 52 57
43 48 53 58
Doing Our Part

44 49 54 59
45 50 55 60 We have grown up and it’s time for us to do something for our family and society.
61 _____________________________________________________________________________________________
62 _____________________________________________________________________________________________
64 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(60 分) (用黑色墨水签字笔填写) _____________________________________________________________________________________________
五、 词汇运用(共 10小题;每小题 1分,计 10分) _____________________________________________________________________________________________
根据句子的意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。 (每空一词) _____________________________________________________________________________________________
66. 67. 68. 69. 70. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Let's start from ourselves. Try our best to make our hometown more beautiful and civilized.
71. 72. 73. 74. 75.
请在各题的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效 请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效 2023-2024学年英语期末试卷参考答案
1. M: Wow, cool! What a wonderful picture!
W: Jim, stop touching it. Look at the sign.
2. W: What is ORBIS
M: It’s a charity that works to help blind people in poor countries.
3. M: Where do you live, Jane
W: I live in the countryside. I drive a car to work every day.
4. W: Which country will you visit
M: Denmark. It’s a beautiful country in Europe.
5. W: What do you do every evening, Li Lei
M: I usually do my homework from 7 to 9. Then I go to bed.
6. W: Don’t you think the TV is too noisy, Mike
M: Oh, sorry. I’ll turn it down.
7. W: Bob, what do you think of your job as a primary teacher
M: It’s such a meaningful job that I like it very much.
8. W: I am very happy because of the change of the school timetable.
M: Me too. I used to go to school at 6:30 a.m. and now I can go to school at 7:00 a.m.
9. W: Where is Mr. Wu
M: He is at home because he is ill. Mr. Zhu will teach Class 4 instead of him this week.
10. M: What do you use your pocket money to do, Helen
W: I used to go to KFC twice a week. But now I save money to help poor children.
11-12. W: Excuse me, could you tell me your name
M: I’m Steven.
W: What do you do
M: I’m a student, but I also have a part-time job in a restaurant.
W: You’re very busy then. Well, what foreign languages can you speak
M: I can speak French and a little Russian.
W: That’s very good We need someone who can speak French. And when will you be free for the work
M: Weekends will be OK for me.
Life in the past was different from what it is now. There was only one big old radio in my family. In the morning, my grandpa listened to the news on it. My father loves football very much and he often listened to them on the radio. I often listened to English on it. But now, my grandpa has a new radio. It’s small and he can put it in his pocket when he goes out. My father watches his football matches on TV now. It’s a big TV. How about me I have a big computer to learn English and download popular songs.
Special Olympics is an international organization that changes lives by encouraging the understanding between people with and without intellectual disabilities. The organization was set up in 1968. Since then, the special Olympics activities have grown from a few hundred athletes to more than 4 million athletes in over 170 countries. All year round, it provides sports training, athletic competition and other programs. Special Olympics now takes place every day, changing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities in all countries of the world to the small playgrounds and ball fields. Special Olympics gives people with intellectual disabilities the great chance to realize their dreams, develop fitness and experience joy and friendship.
听力1-5 AAACB 6-10 CBAAB 11-15 ACBCC 16-20 BACBC
21-25 ADDBC 26-30 DBDAD 31-35 BDDBD
36-40 BCDAA
41-45 ACCBB
46-50 DBACD
51-53 BAD
54-57 CABD
58-61 DCBD
61-65 CBDA
66. proper 67. coaches’ 68. Introductions 69. punish 70. similar 71. spread 72. explaining 73. politely 74. carelessness 75. producing
76 Mr. Shelby
77. Because he was in debt (and he needed money)
78. 5/Five
79. To have a/the religious meeting/For the religious meeting.
80. Kind/Warm-hearted/Patient/Hard-working
81. careful 82. what 83. success 84. personal 85.improve
86. own 87. toward(s) 88. ourselves 89. mind 90. decision
91. In public, you’d better keep your voice down.
92. If we drop litter everywhere, we will be fined by the police.
93. It is necessary for us to know how to protect ourselves from danger.
94. The rain doesn’t/didn’t make much/a big difference to the game,because our purpose is/was not to win.
95. I am happy you have provided us with so many interesting books. / I am happy you have provided so many interesting books for us./offer us so many interesting books.扬州树人学校2023-2024学年第二学期期末试卷
(满分:140;考试时间:110分钟 )
第I卷 选择部分(80分)
I. 听对话,回答问题。(10分)
本部分共有 10 道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话。在听每段对话前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读题目;
听完后,你还有 5 秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。听两遍。
Which sign do they see
A. B. C.
Which charity are the two speakers talking about
A. B. C.
How does Jane go to work every day
A. B. C.
What place of interest does the man want to visit
A. B. C.
How long does Li Lei do his homework every evening
One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours.
What will Mike do
Make a vegetable salad. B. Buy fresh fruit. C. Turn down the TV.
What does Bob mean
He is a doctor now. B. He enjoys his work. C. He used to be a primary teacher.
When did the boy go to school in the past
A. At 6:30 a.m. B. At 6:50 a.m. C. At 7:00 a.m.

1页 共

Who will teach Class 4 this week
Mr. Zhu. B. Mr. Liu. C. Mr. Wu.
How often did Helen go to KFC in the past
Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week.
B. 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。
What does Steven do
A student. B. A driver. C. A reporter.
What foreign languages can Steven speak
French and English. B. English and Russian. C. French and Russian.
Life in the past and at present
Past We only had one radio. My father listened to 13 on the old radio.
Present My grandfather gets a new radio. It’s 14 . I have a(an) 15 .
13. A. the news B. football matches C. English
14. A. modern B. big C. small
15. A. iPhone 听短文,回答下列小题。 B. television C. computer
What does Special Olympics encourage
The understanding between people with and without physical disabilities.
The understanding between people with and without intellectual disabilities.
The understanding between people with physical and intellectual disabilities
When was the organization set up
A. In 1968. B. In 1898. C. In 1986.
How many athletes take part in the Special Olympic activities now
Hundreds of them. B. More than 10 million. C. Over 4 million.
Besides athletic competition and other programs, what else does the organization provide
Medical treatment. B. Sports training. C. Food and drinks.
What can the Special Olympic athletes get through the organization
Realize their dreams, develop wealth and experience joy and friendship.
Find their parents, develop health and experience joy and friendship.
Realize their dreams, develop fitness and experience joy and friendship.
二、单项选择(共15小题, 每小题1分,计15分)
UNICEF is international charity that works to make the world better place for children.
an; a B. a; a C. an; the D. the; the
--- Who can help me carry the heavy box
--- I think Ted is to do it. But the door is for him to go through.
too strong; too small B. so strong; small enough



C. enough strong; small enough D. strong enough; too small
Emily thinks important to do exercise every day.
that; for her B. it; of her C. that; of her D. it; for her
--- What do you think of working as a volunteer in Nanjing Museum?
--- Fantastic, when I introduce Chinese culture to foreigners.
exactly B. especially C. nearly D. mostly
The seat a driver greater freedom of movement, so it's widely used in cars nowadays.
expects B. lends C. allows D. costs
---Did the doctors succeed in saving the patient
---Yes. He on the morning of June 2, and now he is out of danger.
was operated B. operated C. operated on D. was operated on
After working with each other for months, they felt so to each other that they began to share lunch together.
A. closely; closely B. closely; close C. close; close D. close; closely
--- Lily, why do you come so late The drama A Dream of Red Mansions for ten minutes.
--- What a pity! All the actors and actresses have left.
has been on B. has started C. has ended D. has been over
29.A report says that the world's natural gas deposits(储存) early in the next century.
A. will run out B. will be run out C. will use up D. will clean up
Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. Don't your dictionary all the time.
look on B. carry on C. keep on D. depend on
--- I hear the teacher has chosen five of us as volunteers. You , right
--- Yes. Some of us are chosen, Tom, Jim and me.
have included; including B. are included; including
C. are included; include D. have included; include
---The result of the exam to you by email the other day.
--- Oh,sorry. I haven't checked it yet.
will send B.will be sent C.sent D.was sent
--- How does Jack usually go to school
--- He ride a bike. But now he walks there to lose weight.
is used to B. was used to C. get used to D. used to
--- None of them achieved success by chance. --- Yes, . They all work very hard every day.
Every dog has its day B. No pain, no gain
C. Many hands make light work D. Don't burn the candle at both ends
--- Do you mind my returning the kite to you next week
--- . I am planning to fly kites with my friends this weekend.
Of course not B. Yes, please C. Never mind D. You’d better not
三、完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分,计15分)
Once a child came to stay with his grandparents, from abroad, during his summer holidays. One day he said to his grandpa, “When I grow up, I want to become a successful man. Can you tell me some 36 to be successful ” 37 nodded his head and took the boy to a nearby plant nursery (苗圃). They bought two small plants, came back home, planted one of them in a flowerpot inside the 38 and planted the other one outside.
“What do you think Which of these two plants will grow better in future ” the grandfather asked the boy. The boy said, “The plant 39 the house will grow better, because it is safe from every danger, while the other one is at risk of many things like strong sunlight, 40 and animals.” Grandfather 41 and said, “Let’s see what happens in future”.
A few days later, the boy left with his parents. After four 42 when they came again to visit the grandfather, the boy said, “Last time I asked you some ways to be successful, 43 , you did not tell me.” Grandfather smiled again and said, “Sure, let’s first take a look at the plants that we 44 last time.”
They first went to see the plant kept inside the house and saw that the plant had grown into a small tree. Then he took the boy to look at the plant outside and there they saw 45 standing there, its branches spread far and wide, providing shade to the passersby.
The boy cried 46 , “But Grandpa! How is this possible That plant outside would have faced so
47 dangers. Still, it grew so big.” Grandfather said, “Yes, but those challenges made its roots 48 . It also had the freedom to spread its roots as much as it wanted. If you always make comfortable choices, then
49 will not be able to grow as you can. If you 50 face this world despite all these dangers, then no goal is impossible.”
The greater your storm, the brighter your rainbow!
36. A. tips B. ways C. secrets D. meanings
37. A. Father B. Mother C. Grandfather D. Grandmother
38. A. garden B. palace C. flat D. house
39. A. inside B. outside C. near D. behind
40. A. storms B. earthquake C. noise D. lightning
41. A. smiled B. cried C. laughed D. whispered
42. A. days B. weeks C. years D. centuries
43. A. because B. so C. however D. though
44. A. found B. bought C. sold D. made
45. A. a small flower B. a huge tree C. two short trees D. two plants
46. A. peacefully B. sadly C. warmly D. surprisingly
47. A. few B. many C. little D. much
48. A. stronger B. weaker C. brighter D. safer
49. A. we B. it C. you D. they
50. A. are afraid to B. are forced to C. are told to D. are ready to
阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案
Summer is always the best time to play in the water. Swimming, sailing and a lot of other water games are waiting for you. But drowning (溺水) is a real danger. Once it happens, it will lead to death. So, while having fun, you must learn to protect yourself. Always remember “Safety first”!
To help you have an enjoyable holiday, we will invite Brian and David to give you a talk. They are excellent policemen and they will give you advice on summer activities and tell you how to save yourselves and help others when an accident happens.
Time: 4:00 p. m.-5:30 p. m., Friday
Place: The meeting hall on the third floor of the building Rules:
Arrive at least 5 minutes earlier. If you’ re late, walk in quietly from the back door.
Class 1 and Class 2 sit in the left seats, Class 3 in the middle, and Class 4 and Class 5 in the right ones.
Don’ t bring any food or drinks.
What does the underlined word “it” refer to
Swimming. B. Drowning. C. An accident. D. The summer holiday.
Brian and David will talk about
① good activities for summer ② ways to protect oneself
③ how to become a policeman ④ how to enjoy a holiday
A. ①② B.②③ C. ①②③ D.①③④
Which of the following is TRUE
The talk will take place in the third building.
People can’t enter if they are five minutes late.
Both Class 3 and Class 4 can sit in the middle of the hall.
No food or drinks are allowed during the talk.
I jumped out from my hiding place and ran over to the group of riders. They were police officers who knew that there was a pirate ship in the bay. I told them my story.
Later I went back to the inn with one of the officers. Everything was broken, and the captain's money and some silver from the inn were missing.
“They took the money,” said the officer. “But what did they really want ”
“I think they wanted these papers in my pocket,” I answered. “I want to take them to Dr. Livesey. “Good idea,” he answered. “Dr. Livesey is a gentleman and a judge. I will take you to him now,
because I need to tell him what happened. "
So, I got up on the horse behind one of the officers and we rode to Dr. Livesey's house.
Dr. Livesey was not at home. He was dining with Squire Trelawney, so we rode on to the Hall, where the squire lived. The two men were sitting in a great library next to a bright fire.
The officer told the story. The two men listened with surprise and interest. The officer then left. I gave the papers to the doctor and they asked me to stay and eat something after my adventures.
“Have you heard of Flint ” Dr. Livesey asked the squire.
“Yes, I have!” the squire replied. “ He was one of the most dangerous pirates that ever sailed on the seas. He only cared about money and everyone was afraid of him. No one knows where he hid his treasure.”
“Maybe these papers give an answer,” said the doctor. And we opened the captain’s papers. Inside there was a detailed map. It showed an island, about nine miles long and five across. It had two good natural harbours and a hill in the centre, marked Spy-glass Hill. There were three crosses in red, two in the northern part and one in the south-west. Beside the last cross were the words: most of the treasure here.
On the back of the map was the information:
The treasure is by a tall tree. Spy-glass Hill is behind you to the north. Skeleton Island is below you to the south-east. The silver is in the north-east and the guns are in the north-west.
What did the pirates really want
The captain's money. B. Silver from the inn.
C. The captain's papers D. The treasure island.
The underlined word "them" refers to "
John Flint
---Adapted from Treasure Island
the police officers B. the pirates C. the money and the silver D. these papers
The CORRECT order of the story is
①the squire and Dr. Livesey were in a great library ②I rode to the doctor's home with the officer
③I opened the captain's papers with the doctor ④I got out of my hiding place
⑤I came back to the inn with the officer
A. ②①③④⑤ B. ④⑤②①③ C. ④②①③⑤ D. ②③①⑤④
Which of the following about the map is WRONG according to the passage
There were three crosses in the map inside the papers.
Spy-glass Hill was in the centre of the island.
The guns were hidden in the north-west of the island.
Most of the treasure was hidden in the northern end of the island.
There are 706 billion LEGO bricks (积木) on the earth, 7 LEGO sets are sold in every second, and more than 400 million people have played with Lego bricks. LEGO has already been a successful company in the world. Actually, there are many ups and downs along with its development.
Start from woods
The LEGO company was set up in 1934. The name comes from the Swedish “leg godt”, meaning “to play well”. Ole Kirk Kristiansen, the founder of LEGO, was a master carpenter (木匠大师), so it’s not surprising that
the first LEGO toys were made of wood. They were simple, such as wooden ducks. In 1942, the factory that made wooden LEGO toys was burned to the ground, which made Ole realize the disadvantages of working with wood.
Success—brick by brick
Soon Ole found out that plastic is a good material to make toys. LEGO started making self-locking bricks in 1949. But it wasn’t until 1958, when the locking design was much improved, that sales were rising. Because of its quality and the endless creativity that it lets children have, LEGO achieved a huge success.
Overcome difficulties
In 2000, children began to spend more time playing video games. By 2003, LEGO’s sales were down by 30%, and LEGO nearly went broke. The turning point appeared in 2004 when LEGO focused again on its bricks. And it also worked with films and televisions, like Star Wars. The Internet was used to build a LEGO group where fans show their love to LEGO collections. In 2015, it again became a name known by the world.
What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 2 refer to
Lego bricks. B. Plastic toys.
C. Wooden ducks. D. The first LEGO toys.
Which of the pictures shows the right development of LEGO company
A. B.
C. D.
Which of the following words can best describe Ole Kirk Kristiansen, the founder of LEGO
Friendly. B. Creative.
C. Energetic. D. Generous.
What’s probably the best title of the text
LEGO: from small to big B. LEGO: toys and joys
C. LEGO: from wooden to plastic D. LEGO: ups and downs
A company based in California is well on its way to creating something magic. It uses only microbes (微生 物), water, and elements (元素) found in the air to create non-animal(非动物) meat and seafood.
The process is actually a lot like making yogurt (酸奶) or cheese. In the past, some researchers found that
certain microbes could change CO2 into a protein ( 蛋白质) when mixed with water and energy and this is the technology that Air Protein uses. Once the protein is taken from the air, the company then tries to change its
form and create proteins that copy the taste and look of animal proteins. The company mainly pay attention to the meat industry, but this technology can also be used for seafood and cheese.
It was seeing the bad influence of Hurricane Katrina that led Dr. Lisa Dyson, the founder of Air Protein, to begin thinking seriously about climate change and what she could do to reduce its effect. “Just viewing the terrible damage that even did and thinking about how climate scientists have been warning us that these weather
events are going to become more serious, I wanted to be a part of the solution ( 解决方案),” she said. Dyson
began to take an interest in the food industry because of the greenhouse gasses it produces. It is the meat industry that is responsible for (对…负责) that. Yet meat consumption (消耗量) is still growing all over the world.
Air Protein’s solution could help reduce that, because the process of making the meat uses CO2 already in the air. The energy the company uses is all renewable ( 可 再 生 的 ) wind and solar power. And the new
technology uses 1.5 million times less land and 15,000 times less water than the beef industry does. These are
both resources that are badly needed to fight climate change.
As Dyson mentioned, there’s a bright future when we change how our food is made. More industries should learn from Air Protein and produce food in a way that isn’t harming the planet.
What’s the second paragraph mainly about
The features of animal proteins. B. The difficulty in setting up Air Protein.
C. How Air Protein makes meat from the air. D. Why the man-made protein is healthy.
What encourages Dyson to start the new business
Her wish to improve food safety. B. Her care for climate problems.
C. The slow growth of the meat industry. D. The increasing consumption of seafood.
What do we know about Air Protein’s new technology
It becomes popular in the beef industry.
It makes the poor land suitable for farming.
It develops products with great medical value.
It brings an environmentally friendly production process.
What’s the writer’s attitude (态度) towards Air Protein’s solution
Supportive. B. Uncertain. C. Worried. D. Doubtful.
We are sure to find a (符合习俗的) way to decide who is the best in our class.
The gold medal is one of the (教练). Let’s have a look.
(介绍) were made and the conversation started to flow.
My mum has decided to (惩罚) me because I got home late without telling her.
This mistake is (类似的) to the one you made in yesterday’s homework.
If salt is (spread) onto the ice, the freezing temperature will be lower than 0℃.
What trouble do you have (explain) the reason to the policeman
You should wait (polite), and shouldn’t jump the queue.
The driver lost his life because of his (care).
Laws have been passed to try to avoid (produce) pollution.
Mr. Shelby was a kind man and he looked after his slaves. But now he was in debt and he needed money, so he was going to sell Tom. Uncle Tom lived in a small log cabin near his master's house with his wife, Aunt Chloe, and their three children. There was a garden in front where Aunt Chloe grew fruit, vegetables and flowers. Inside there was only one room. In one corner there was a bed covered with a white sheet, and a rug on the floor. This corner was the living room. In the other corner was another bed. This corner was the bedroom. There was also a fireplace and a table in the room: this was the kitchen. Two young boys, Mose aid Pete, were playing with their baby sister Polly.
Uncle Tom, a large, strong man with a kind sensible face and an air of dignity, was sitting at the table. He was trying to write the alphabet (字母表) on a small blackboard. And his wife, Aunt Chloe was baking a cake on the fire. Their two sons, Mose and Pete, were playing with their baby sister. Mr. Shelby’s son, young Master George, was teaching Tom. “This is wonderful!” said Aunt Chloe. “This boy’s only thirteen, but he can read and write! And then he comes here and teaches us!” “Aunt Chloe, I’m hungry,” said George. “Is that cake ready ” “It is now, dear,” said Aunt Chloe, and she gave everyone a piece. Uncle Tom picked up his daughter Polly and began dancing with her. Soon Master George and Tom’s sons were dancing with them, too.
“Stop,” said Aunt Chloe. “The people for the meeting will be here soon.” And they started to get the room ready for the religious meeting they had at Uncle Tom’s cabin every week. Soon the cabin was full of people of all ages. They sang beautiful songs, they read from Bible and they prayed together.
Who was the master
Why did the master sell Tom
How many people were there in Uncle Tom’s family
Why did people of all ages come to Uncle Tom’s cabin every week
What do you think of Tom
七、缺词填空(共 10 空, 每空 1 分,计 10 分)
As people say, you can’t change the environment, but you can change your own. You can’t change the facts, but you can change attitudes. You can’t control other people, but you can be master of your own. You can’t do everything well, but you can be c 81 with everything. You can’t control the weather, but you can change your mood. You can’t choose w 82 you look like, but you can show a smile.
One key to s 83 lies in his or her mind. There are some differences between winners and losers. Winners always think troubles and difficulties are caused by p 84 ability and experience. They would
like to i 85 and develop in the right direction. While losers will blame on the opportunity(机会), and
the environment injustice(不公). They always complain, wait and give up.
In many cases, a humble(出身卑微的)person looks down upon his o 86 . A person’s appearance and his family may not be changed, but he can control the spirit of the will of his own at least. If he can’t deal with the mind, how can he deal with more difficult things
No matter what the situation is, a person’s attitude is very important. Emerson said, “A move t 87 their goals is always people who gave him the whole world to give way.” On the contrary(相反), failure is not because we do not have the strength, but because we can’t stick to o 88 , and always follow others’ examples.
We should believe the strength of m 89 , and change our attitude when we face disappointments in life. I believe the power of mind, and now it’s up to you to make the final d 90 .
八、书面表达(计 30 分)
A.句子翻译(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,计 10 分)
91. 在公众场合,你最好控制音量。
92. 如果我们到处丢垃圾,将会被警察罚款。
93. 知道如何保护自己远离危险对我们而言是有必要的。
94. 这场雨对比赛没有太多影响,因为我们的目的不是赢。
95. 我很高兴为你为我们提供了那么多有趣的书。 B.写作(计20分)
十四岁是青春的第一步,是从少年迈向青年的转折点。在八年级举行的“青春奠基式”活动中, 同学们畅谈青春之梦,立志发展自己,服务社会,奉献国家。我们学校的English Newsletter 正在以 “Doing Our Part”(从自身做起)为题举行征文活动,请根据提示的内容,用英语写一篇征文。
个人修养 1.对人友善,礼貌待人;2.…
公共礼仪 1.保持干净整洁,不乱扔垃圾; 2.在图书馆、阅览室… 3.…
绿色生活 1.节能减排,垃圾分类;2.…
畅想未来 …(不少于 2 点)
4.词数 100 左右,文章的开头结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
Doing Our Part
We have grown up and it’s time for us to do something for our family and society.
Let’s start from ourselves. Try our best to make our hometown more beautiful and civilized.



上一篇:苏教版六年级数学下册小升初专项二 数的运算核心考点梳理(含答案)
