
分值:150分 时间:120分钟
1.Recently,chat robot technology has gained (popular)in the world of Al.
2. continuous progress of technology, we can never expect to see exciting new developments.
3.To lose weight and keep off,you will need a high amount of physical activity unless you also change your eating patters and reduce the amount of calories you’re eating and drinking.
4. Have you ever felt stressed and anxious when your maths teacher asks you a question If so, you might have experienced is called maths anxiety.
5. Cultural expectations may also be (blame)—girls may be more likely to catch maths anxiety,perhaps because of stereotypes(刻板印象)thatgiris are naturally not very good at maths.
6.All preparations made before transportation will be helpful for the two pandas to adapt the new environment.
7. It is also arranged a sufficient amount of fresh and high-quality local bamboo and bamboo shoots in Sichuan are prepared
8. Products and activities (feature) traditional elements combined with modern designs which are called the “new Chinese style”,are becoming increasingly popular.
9. A recent survey has shown that umber of people in the United Kingdom who do not want to use the Internet has risen.
10.Normally growing eatable and nutritious plants is difficult enough here on Earth,so imagine challenging it would be to grow those greens in microgravity(微重力)and under highly controlled soil conditions, humidity(湿度),light,and various gases.
11. In space, where effect of gravity is slight,things change, and they do so quite strongly.
12. Cultivating a plant in space is just one part of a (complex)and larger effort.
13. Astronaut farmers must ensure that the plants growing in such artificial conditions are safe to consume have no side effects and are pleasant (eat).
14. Stressing poetry as a medium connecting many kinds of art forms, the festival also contains painting music,theater,and cinema, content reflects petiteness(诗意).
15. We expected to discover youngsters who can (true) break new ground in the existing landscape of modern poetry.
16,The Spring Equinox(春分)signals the equal (long)of the day and night time
17.Standing an egg upright is an old custom that (date)back to 4,000 years ago.
18.Japan has said three reactors(反应堆)there suffered meltdowns after the 2011 earthquake and huge ocean wave destroyed the plant's (cool)systems.
19.Japanese government describes the water to be released “treated”and not“radioactive”.
20.Additionally,digital technologies have been applied by the Palace Museum to protect cultural (relic) .
二、阅读理解(共两节,共20小题,每小题2.5分,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,共37.5分)
Our much-loved 100-Word-Story Competition is back!Enter for the chance to win prizes of up to 1,000.It is a chance to show the world your storytelling talents!Entries are now open.
Rules and conditions
Please ensure that entries are created by yourself,not previously published and exactly 100 words long (not including title)—not a single word shorter or longer!Don't forget to include your full name,address, email and phone number.We may use entries in all print and electronic media.Multiple entries are allowed per person.We are unfortunately only able to consider UK-based entries.Please submit your stories by 5pm on January 5,2024 either online or by post.
Terms and prizes
There are three categories—one for adults and two categories for schools:one for children aged 12-18 and one for children under 12.The editorial team will pick a shortlist of entries,and the three best stories in each category will be posted online at our website on February 1,2024.You can vote for your favourite and the one with the most votes will win the top prize.Voting will close on February 29,2024 and the winning entries will be published in our May 2024 issue,and posted online on April 16,2024.
★In the adults category,the winner will receive f1,000 and one runner-up will receive f300.
★In the 12—18s category,the winner will receivef200 or a Kindle Paper white,and the runner-up will receive a f100 books voucher
★In the under-12 category,the winner will receive f100 or a Kindle Paper white and 100 of book vouchers for their school,and the runner-up will receive a 50 books voucher
21.To meet the competition rules,the entry must be
A.created originally
B.published openly
C.less than 100 words
D.based on the US
22.When can you see the winning entries earliest
A.In January.
B.In February.
C.In April.
D.In May.
23.What prize may a winner aged 16 receive
A. 100
B. 200.
C. 300
D. 1,000.
A few months ago, a friend gifted me a robot sweeper that's programmed to move around a room and clean as it goes.
When the box arrived,I was afraid the device would dctect me and sok up(汲)data along with the dog hair and dust.But the instructions wereeasy, and I finally decided not to care.
I powered up the sweeper, watched it leave its docking station to work, and quickly fell in love with my newly shiny floors.I kept shooting its working videos.“I think you're giving more attention to it than to us,"joked my son.
One day,I returned home and discovered that our front door had blown open and the robot rolled into the yard, trying to clean the flower beds. Even when its brushes were blocked with leaves, bugs and mud, its little wheels bravely kept turning.
The robot acted properly as it was programmed to clean“dirty”things.In a kitchen,dirt can be garden debris(碎片)such as leaves and mud.In a garden,this kind of dirt does not need to be removed.The context is important.The problem for robots is that reading this context is difficult.
This accident inspired me to think more about AI(artificial intelligence).As far as I am concerned,AI is simply well trained and reproduces what it has learned. And it is undeniable that robots are increasingly being given powerful intelligence. Some experts even predict that we will soon see not only AI-enabled robots designed to solve problems according to their instructions, but also those with the ability to judge how they should respond when they are in a different setting.
Maybe this will happen in the near future.
24. what was the outhor's concern about the robot sweeper at first
A.Its after-sales service.
B.Its working efficiency.
C.The privacy of her family.
D.The readability of its instructions.
25.How did the author feel about the robot sweeper after using if
26.What was the root cause of the accident happening to the robot sweeper
A.Its program went wrong.
B.It lacked critical thinking.
C Its wheels were badly designed.
D.It failed to work on rough surfaces.
27. what does the sixth paragraph mainly talk about concerning Al
A.The accident.
B.Some experts' thinking.
C.Its appeal to the author.
D.The author's opinion.
For many centuries, the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands was protected by a defensive wall and canal(运河),But over time,the wall began to fall down.The area was then transformed into a park surrounding the city center.As for the canal,a plan was set forth to transform it into a new ring road.Since the community reacted strongly against the proposal, the ring road was never built.
In 2002, the local community wished to recover the canal.This began a long-term restoration project for the park and canal, which was designed in partnership with Utrecht's residents and OKRA Landscape Architects. The specific part of the canal
that was under restoration is called the Catharijnesingel. The project was made up of a 1,100-meter-long stretch, and required about 40,000 cubic meters of water to refill the canal.
OKRA's design for the new layout of the canal and park features three main interventions(干预措施).Firstly,the park forms a buffer(缓冲带)between the residential and commercial areas of the city.It promotes interaction with nature by providing citizens with green and blue spaces that provide relaxation. This includes space to run and exercise in the park and row and paddleboard in the canal.Further,the
dock(头)along the waterfront is the perfect connection between the green and blue zones.
The redesign of the Catharijnesingel also promotes traffic flow. Pedestrians(行人)are the top choice,and they are given their own paths where possible. Meanwhile, a new walking track has been set up along the canal.It leads exercisers through the park,alongside various art installations(雕塑装置)and seating areas, and provides visitors with views of the city.Furthermore,the landscape architects included design elements from the original landscape architect,J,D. Zocher,to create a public space that bridges its historical design with the city center.
In addition, OKRA included strategies to promote biodiversity. By introducing a variety of adaptive plant species,the park has become a home for small animals,birds and insects within the city.Through their interventions,OKRA transformed the historic site into a healthy space where humans and other organisms co-exist peacefully.
28. what made the plan to change the canal into a road fail
A.Shortage of money.
B.Its possible harm to nature.
C.The disagreement from the community.
D.The difficulty i preserving its historic features.
29.What can we learn about OKRA's design from paragraphs3 and 4
A.It is human-centered.
B.It features traditional local culture.
C.Mechanical equipment is widely used.
D.Eco-friendly materials are used.
30.Which of the following best describes the restoration project
31.What is the our pose of the text
A.To promote harmony between man and nature.
B.To tell the history of a canal.
C.To show ways to transform a city.
D.To introduce a restoration project
If you live in a region where winter weather is n regular risk,you are likely used to pouring salt on your sidewalks. But how does it work And how much salt do humans pour onto our planet's surface The second question is easier to answer: a lot.
Salt doesn't directly melt ice, nor does it make snow simply disappear.Instead it makes water less likely to freeze in a phenomenon called freezing point depression.In the case of simple rock salt,which is a rawer, less pure version of table salt, each molecule(分子)splits into smaller elements, Normally, when water freezes into ice, its
molecules line up to form a stable, orderly structure, Salt interrupts the process,however, and temperatures must drop lower to overcome that interruption and for freezing to occur.
But if salt needs to interact with liquid water, how does it do anything when temperatures are stubbornly below freezing,and water should already be in the form of ice That's where cars help clear their own way by creating friction and,in turn, heat.The friction allows for the ice that has already frozen to melt a little bit,making it unlikely to freeze.
Beyond rock salt's ability to clear icy streets,it can also be destructive.Chloride ions(氯离子)can cause wear and tear on vehicles and facilities. Increasing chloride densities in North American lakes could begin to upset local ecology and degrade sources of drinking water.
Many local governments are looking for alternatives to rock salt. Other salts such as magnesium chloride and calcium chloride work in the same way as rock salt,and they're perhaps even more efficient.Some experiments are testing other ice-preventing solutions, including those that contain sugars instead of or in addition to salts. Another approach relies more heavily on sand, which can mechanically make roads safer. All of this experimentation is aimed at ensuring people can travel in any weather condition—a Herculean task when winter brings its worst.
32.What's the purpose of the first sentence in Paragraph 2
A.To introduce the topic.
B.To give some evidence.
C.To reveal the misconception.
D. To define the phenomenon.
33. How does salt work to disturb the process of freezing
A.By lowering the temperature.
B.By melting and splitting itself.
C.By lining up to form a solid structure.
D.By stopping the formation of the structure.
34.What does the underlined word “densities”in Paragraph mean
35.What's the last paragraph mainly talking about
A.Other salts won't disturb local ecology.
B.Efforts are being made to guarantee safe travels,
C.Many alternatives are available to solve the problem.
D.Bitter winter make it impossible to secure road safety
第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,共12.5分)
There are so many definitions of wisdom.Simply put,wisdom is a mix of insight(洞察力),common sense, experience, and results to sound judgement. It is not merely a desirable quality but an absolute necessity in a world filled with chaos,controversy(争议),and conflicts. 36 It shines our way through darkness.
Growing up with fairy tales and fantasy movies,I always associated wisdom with Gandalf, Yoda, and Aibus Dumbledore. Although these characters have given every one of us tons of inspiration, wisdom actually lies within ourselves. 37 And how
Embarking on new experiences is an avenue(途径)for acquiring wisdom.You will never grow from being in your comfort zone, which is why you need to get out of
it.Do change your routine and experience as much as what life takes you to! In fact,there are always several sides to a life story. To identify the truth,you need to be receptive to different views. 38 It is not emotion-based either. Instead, train your mind to be a judgment-free space for ideas. Open-mindedness opens new pathways to profound insights.
What if you are desperate for personal growth and improvement 39 The more time you spend with them, the more transfer of knowledge there will be. Your tutors can be whoever is wiser than you. Yet prior to that, engage in dialogue with the to fine out why.
Rome was not built in a day. 40 It is important to acknowledge that it takes a span of your life and continuous effort to mature in wisdom as you navigate life's challenges.
A.Individuals need to bring it out.
B.It isn't something you are born with.
C.Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.
D.Remember developing wisdom is beyond a destination.
E.Never base your perspective(观点)on the most popular opinions
F.A shortcut to do that is to have wise people as your tutors (导师)
G.In order to navigate(航行)in it,wisdom becomes our guiding light
When I was growing up, every evening before bedtime my father would tell me stories of his childhood.He'd tell his stories with morals,or sometimes just tales without a particular 41 but for pure entertainment 42 .
He'd tell me 43 of his adventures growing up in New England with his two brothers and their 44 Dickey Ellis,who was the butt(笑柄)of all the jokes.Despite always being underestimated(低估)and 45 ,Ellis managed to be victorious alongside the Vankevich,brothers in their achievements—They defended the 46 groups against Butch,who often bullied(欺负)the weak,and 47 authority figures when they were being unjust.
It was only when I was creating a televisual series on storytelling that my father 48 me a secret.The majority of the stories he told about his 49 didn't actually happen.I was astonished but then 50 .I realized it didn't matter that they were 51 .What has mattered to people most is that stories offer 52 to their questions about where they come from, why the world is as it is, and how they should lead their life.
My father's stories taught and 53 the moral map through which I 54 the world. Now,I'm 55 the tradition—I tell my son, aged 3,a story every evening before bed.
41. A. design B. moral C. content D. challenge
42. A. education B. industry C. value D. system
43. A. tales B. schedules C.recommendations D. destinations
44. A. uncle B. friend C. father D. grandfather
45. A. admired B. cheated C. ignored D. compared
46. A. gifted B. embarrassed C. determined D. disadvantaged
47. A. questioned B. trusted C. respected D. puzzled
48. A. had B. told C. kept D. found
49. A. plan B. work C. discovery D. childhood
50. A. laughed B. cried C. ran D. slept
51. A. ordinary B. fictional C. original D.romantic
52. A. introductions B. attention C. answers D. damage
53. A. formed B. represented C. destroyed D. lost
54. A. monitor B. surprise C. criticize D. see
55. A. searching for B. carrying on C. turning down D. setting up
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共55分)
China's online literature industry is making an increasing impact overseas with some even 56 (say)that it can compare with U. S. and Korean films and TV shows.By the end of 2022 more than 16000 Chinese online works of literature 57 (export)abroad,including over 6,400 physical book authorizations and over 9,600 58 (translate)online works.
Overseas readers of Chinese web novels exceeded(超过)150 million in 2022,mainly Generation Z born between 1996 and 2010.Among 15 major 59 (category),urban, western and eastern fantasy,gaming,and science fiction emerged as the five most popular types among overseas readers.
In June,Wang Xiang, 60 member of the online literature committee at the China Writers Association, told domestic media Chinese web novels are often similar to Hollywood movies in terms of their storytelling methods and focus 61 superhuman abilities."Chinese online literature has become a 62 (globe) cultural center compared with Hollywood movies in terms of 63 (it)reach and influence among the worldwide audience,"said Wang.
Last year,16 Chinese online works of literature were included in the British Library's Chinese collection for the first time, all of which were first published on digital reading platform Qidian 64 readers can read kinds of Chinese online literature. According to data released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in April,the revenue(收入)of the domestic online literature market reached 38.93 billion yuan in 2022,a year-on-year 65 (grow)of8.8%.
第二部分 书面表达(满分40分)
假定你是李华,你的笔友Ryan想了解移动支付(mobile payment)在中国的使用情况。请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
Dear Ryan,
Li Hua
One afternoon in August,five years after Mom passed away,I was unpacking my groceries(食品杂货)in my kitchen. When I lifted my left hand out of a grocery bag,I suddenly couldn't breathe.Looking at the ring on my finger,I found the star sapphire(蓝宝石)was gone.Mom had given me the ring on my twenty-first birthday.I had wor it every day for twenty-nine years.It was a reminder of Mom and a symbol of our love.
“No! No! No!"I yelled, hurrying to check the bag and the floor,and then my car,but the star sapphire was nowhere to be found.Feeling helpless,I called my best friend,Marie.“The star sapphire in my ring fell out.I don't know what to do,"I said,extremely worried.
Marie replied,"please don't be anxious.Try to stay calm and positive.You can go back to the places you just visited and take a look."But how could I keep hope in seemingly impossible situations Anyway,I started my car and drove to the grocery store again.I couldn't shake the feeling that there was little chance that I could find my stone.
Back at the grocery store,I pulled into the same parking spot and looked everywhere for my star sapphire. My hands and knees felt the hot ground as I searched crazily around and under my SUV car.Then I rushed inside the store, searching for a familiar face for more help.I spotted Amanda,a staff member whom I had met on previous shopping trips,and urgently tapped her on the shoulder.“I was just here twenty minutes ago and lost the stone of this ring.It's very special to me.It's from my late mom.Could you please help me look for it "I cried,unaware that many other people around also heard my words.
Amanda's eyes softened and she nodded understandingly.She immediately took a large mop(拖把) and started carefully sweeping it back and forth down the first aisle(过道)of the huge store.
In tears,I called after her,“It's light blue and small.”
Suddenly,a customer near the counter excitedly called out loudly,“Oh,Madam,I've found it!"信阳高中北湖校区2026届高二年级上期开学考试英语试题参考答案
67.【One Possible Version】
In tears,I called after her,"It's light blue and small.""Would you mind if I help you look
for it "said a customer nearby suddenly."Oh,thank you,"I replied in surprise."Let me also help,"
another customer said.Soon,many customers and workers spared their time and joined the search,
getting down on their hands and knees.Meanwhile,the music in the store was replaced by the
announcement of wishing people to help find my stone.I was touched and my hope increased.
However,after an hour's search,there was still no luck,which made me feel hopeless.
Suddenly,a customer near the counter excitedly called out loudly,"Oh,Madam I've found
it!"We all immediately looked up at him,whose hand was holding up a shining stone.Thrilled,I ran
towards him,finding it was truly my lost star sapphire.Relief washed over me,and I gave the
customer a hug with gratitude.Then,all the others inside the store cheered and clapped,glad that I
finally got my valuable stone back.I sincerely thanked everyone and shared the good news with
Marie.Driving home,I was filled with great peace and warmth due to those kind people.
2.取代:replace/take place of
[高分句型l]We all immediately looked up at him,.whose hand was holding up a shining stone.(运
[高分句型2]Driving home,I was filled with great peace and warmth due to those kind people.(运




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