Unit 6 Birdwatching知识点同步练(教师版+学生版)牛津译林版八年级上册

Unit 6 Birdwatching
Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
Ⅰ. 根据汉语写出相应的单词
1. 市场  
2. 母鸡
3. 翅膀
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. 你喜欢观鸟吗
Do you
2. 我经常去市场观看鸟类。
I often go to the market the birds.
3. 鹤长什么样子
What do cranes
4. 世界上有多少种鹤
How many cranes are there in the world
考点 type n. 种类
* How many types of cranes are there in the world
世界上有多少种鹤 (教材·P69)
*You can see a new type of plane on the show. 你可以在节目中看到一种新型飞机。
*A cow is a kind of animal.
type 指具体的类型 This is a new type of dictionary. 这是一种新型词典。
kind 指抽象的种类 An orange is a kind of fruit. 橙子是一种水果。
①This (kind/type) of car looks very beautiful.
food would you like
Ⅰ. 完成句子
1. 彼得喜欢鸟, 他周末经常去观鸟。
Peter likes birds and he often at weekends.
2. 他们将种植新种类的玫瑰花。
They are going to plant rose.
3. 鹰长什么样
What do eagles
4. 它们长着又长又细的脖子。
They have necks.
5. 请保护稀有鸟类。
Please protect the .
Ⅱ. 句型转换
1. Tom’s mother . (对画线部分提问)
What Tom’s mother
2. There are only types of tigers in China. (对画线部分提问)
types of tigers are there in China
3. What bird do you like best (改为同义句)
your bird
Unit 6 Birdwatching
考点1 in order to 以便, 为的是
*Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings.
* In order not to be late for class, she gets up very early every morning.
为了上课不迟到, 她每天早晨都起床非常早。
  in order to意为“以便, 为的是”, 后接动词原形, 在句中作目的状语。其否定结构为in order not to do sth. “为了不做某事”。
【妙辨异同】in order to与in order that表“目的”
in order to 意为“以便, 为的是”, 后接动词原形
in order that 意为“为了; 以便”, 后接从句
①为了让我们学校更加美丽, 我们将在学校周围种植更多的树木和花草。
We’ll plant more trees and flowers around our school make it more beautiful.
( )②In order ______for the meeting, my sister forced(强迫) herself to get up early this morning.
A. not to be late    B. not being late
C. to be late
( )③She dressed up ______everyone might notice her.
A. in order to B. in order that
C. although
考点2 write down 写下, 记下
*Take a notebook with you in order to write down what you see.
*Please write down your ideas on the paper.
*He spoke so fast that I couldn’t write it down.
  write down意为“写下, 记下”, write是动词, down是副词, 所以write down为动副短语。若宾语是名词, 置于write与down之间或down之后; 若宾语是代词, 则只能置于write与down之间。
Our teacher told us to the sentences on the blackboard.
②如果你喜欢这首诗, 请把它记下来。
If you like the poem, please .
1. Zhalong needs more people (feed) the birds.
2. I think it is important for me to do something (protect) them.
肯定式 to + 动词原形 I come here to see my parents. 我来这里看望父母。
in order to+动词原形 I come here in order to see my parents. 我来这里为的是看望父母。
否定式 not to + 动词原形 She left quietly not to wake up the baby. 为了不吵醒婴儿, 她悄悄地离开了。
in order not to+动词原形 She left quietly in order not to wake up the baby. = In order not to wake up the baby, she left quietly. 为了不吵醒婴儿, 她悄悄地离开了。
( )1. —You should do what you can ______your English, Li Ming.
—OK, I will. Thank you, Ms Hu.
A. improve     B. to improve
C. improving
( )2. We must do everything we can ______waste water from flowing into rivers.
A. prevent B. to prevent
C. preventing
( )3. The local guide spoke as clearly as she could ______the visitors understand her.
A. make  B. making  C. to make
( )4. The boy went to the hospital ______after his mother.
A. looked B. look C. to look
( )5. How kind you are! You always do what you can ______others.
A. help B. helping C. to help
根据汉语提示, 完成下列教材原句。
1. 现在我们正在邀请他们来帮助我们。
We are now inviting them us.
2. 我们需要更多的人来清点和描述这些鸟。
We need more people and the birds.
3. 我们要求人们出于任何原因都不要捕鸟。
We ask people birds for any reason.
4. 吴老师同意让我加入他们的学校旅行。
Mr Wu agreed their school trip.
补充说明宾语情况的动词不定式, 作宾语补足语:
例词 to 例句
ask, tell, order, invite, get, allow, wish, want, encourage, advise, warn, like, love, hate 带to I asked him to speak louder. 我请他大点声说话。
feel, hear, see, watch, notice, let, make, have 不带to He made the girl cry. 他让那个女孩哭了。
一感(feel)、二听(hear, listen to)、三使让(let, have, make)、四看注意(see, look at, watch, notice)、半帮助(help可带, 可不带)。
( )1. The TV show last night was so funny that it made us ______again and again.
A. laugh  B. to laugh  C. laughed
( )2. An old man asks the boys ______in the river, because it’s too dangerous.
A. swim  B. to swim C. not to swim
( )3. Mrs Green told us ______at the school gate on time.
A. arrived   B. arriving C. to arrive
( )4. I often hear someone ______by the river.
A. sang B. sings C. sing
( )5. Our English teacher often encourages us ______to her in English.
A. talk B. to talk C. talking
Unit 6 Birdwatching
Integrated skills & Study skills
Ⅰ. 根据所给汉语写出相应的单词
1. 覆盖; 包括 
2. 清晰地
3. 说话人; 演讲者
4. 旅行
Ⅱ. 根据所给汉语完成句子
1. 盐城自然保护区是一个观鸟的极好的地方。
Yancheng Nature Reserve is a the birds.
2. 盐城是丹顶鹤在中国最大的家园。
Yancheng is red-crowned cranes in China.
3. 当我们去观鸟时, 我们应该随身携带什么
should we when we go birdwatching
4. 你最好带一副望远镜。
a pair of binoculars.
5. 通常观鸟要花好几个小时。
Usually watch the birds.
考点1 cover vt. 覆盖; 包括 n. 庇护所
*The reserve covers an area of over 45, 300 square kilometres.
这个保护区覆盖面积超过45 300平方千米。(教材·P75)
*The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife. 这个地区为许多野生动物提供了食物和庇护所。(教材·P70)
*His name is on the cover of the book.
【考点·归纳】cover 的用法
①在我的家乡, 五分之二的土地上覆盖着树和草。
In my hometown, two fifths of the land trees and grass.
②France is a beautiful country and (cover) an area of over 260, 000 square miles.
The of this magazine is red.
考点2 home n. 栖息地, 产地
*Yancheng Nature Reserve is home to different kinds of plants and rare birds.
* Qinling Mountains are one of giant pandas’ homes.
*Let’s go home. 让我们回家吧。
  home作名词, 意为“栖息地; 产地; 住所”; home还可作副词, 意为“到家; 向家”, 其前不用介词to。
The tigers’ is in the forest.
What time did you yesterday
考点3 名词后缀-er, -or和-ist
(1)-er, 表示执行动作的人
原动词 以-er为后缀的名词
work工作 worker 工人
dance 跳舞 dancer 跳舞者
teach教 teacher 教师
play比赛 player 运动员
sing 唱歌 singer歌手, 歌唱家
farm 耕种 farmer 农场主
trade 贸易 trader 商人
write 写 writer 作家
report 报道 reporter 记者
win 获胜 winner 获胜者
drive驾驶 driver驾驶员
travel旅行 traveler旅客
own拥有 owner 主人
keep保存 keeper饲养员
speak说话 speaker说话者, 演讲者
lead领导 leader领导者
manage 管理 manager 经理
(2)-or可构成名词, 表示执行动作的人
原动词 以-or为后缀的名词
act扮演; 行动 actor 男演员
visit 参观 visitor 参观者
compete 竞争 competitor 选手; 竞争者
direct 导演 director 导演
原名词 以-ist为后缀的名词
art艺术 artist 艺术家
violin 小提琴 violinist 小提琴家
piano钢琴 pianist 钢琴家
science科学 scientist 科学家
tour 旅行 tourist旅行者
①Miss Brown is our English (teach).
②She is a famous (sing).
③Mo Yan is one of the most famous (write) in China.
④The (visit) in the hotel are mainly from Australia.
⑤Every day many (tour) visit the Palace Museum.
Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空
1. Yi is my favourite basketball (play).
2. Many (visit) come to Yancheng to visit the Nature Reserve every year.
3. He is a good (act) in my heart.
4. Da Vinci was a great (art). He created many world-famous works.
5. This summer’s tour was wonderful. They made friends with the other (tour).
Ⅱ. 完成句子
1. 我们学校占地900平方米。
Our school 900 square meters.
2. 开会时, 要随身携带笔和笔记本并记下听到的内容。
Take your pen and notebook and what you hear at the meeting.
3. 野生动物是我们的朋友, 它们是我们生活的一部分。
Wild animals are our friends and they are .
4. 我们希望新的自然保护区将成为不同种类的植物和珍稀鸟类的家园。
We hope the new reserve will be different kinds of plants and rare birds.
5. 环游这片湿地通常要花费好几天的时间。
Usually it around the wetland.
Unit 6 Birdwatching
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出相应的单词
1. Zhalong (大自然) Reserve is in Heilongjiang Province in North-east China.
2. The area (提供) food and (庇护所) for a lot of wildlife.
3. It is a (完美的) place for some rare birds.
4. (然而) some go there only for a short (停留).
5. Most birds are active in the daytime, so you can (容易地) watch them there.
6. Moreover, (渔民) keep (捕鱼) there.
7. Once a year, the members of our Birdwatching (协会) go to study the birds in Zhalong.
8. We (记录) their types and (变化) in their numbers.
9. Every year, a lot of (观光者) go to Zhalong to watch the birds.
10. We need more people to (数数) and (描述) the birds.
Ⅱ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出相应的短语
1. Many birds live in Zhalong (一年到头).
2. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller (以便) have more space for farms and buildings.
3. This will (导致) (越来越少) space for wildlife.
Ⅲ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. 它是世界上最重要的湿地之一。
It is the world’s wetlands.
2. 世界上剩下的鹤不多了, 它们中的百分之四十生活在扎龙。
There are not in the world, and 40 of them live in Zhalong.
3. 结果, 鸟没有足够的食物吃。
As a result, the birds do not have .
4. 我们希望这将能帮助人们理解湿地的重要性。
We hope this will the importance of the wetlands.
考点1 provide vt. 提供
* The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife.
* The restaurant provides 100 free breakfasts for the old over 70 years old every Friday.
*The company provided her with a car.
  provide为及物动词, 意为“提供”。主要结构有: provide sth. for sb. 意为“为某人提供某物”; provide sb. with sth. 意为“供给某人某物”。
【图解·助记】 provide, give和offer的区别
三个词均有“供给; 供应”之意, 区别主要在结构上。
(2)give =give to
offer =offer to
选词填空for,  with,  to
①Our school dining hall provides nice food the students every day.
=Our school dining hall provides the students nice food every day.
②The sun provides us light and heat.
=The sun provides light and heat us.
③We students can give food and old clothes the homeless people.
④We should offer help others.
考点2 stay n. 停留, 逗留
*Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay.
很多鸟一年到头生活在扎龙, 然而有一些仅去那儿作短暂停留。(教材·P70)
*You can stay at home and watch TV.
*I stayed up late watching a soccer game, so I got up late this morning.
我熬夜看足球比赛, 因此今天早上起晚了。
  stay作名词, 意为“停留, 逗留”; 还可以作动词, 意为“停留; 暂住; 保持”。
stay out, stay healthy, stay up late, stay
at home, without a stay
①I watching Bao (《包宝宝》) last night. It’s too interesting.
②Miss Green went straight to New York in Hong Kong.
③To , my grandfather plays taijiquan every morning.
④It rained heavily yesterday. I had to .
⑤Even on rainy days, little Tom likes to .
考点3 prevent vt. 防止, 预防
*Now the Chinese government has made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong.
现在, 中国政府已经制定法律来防止所有这些事情在扎龙(自然保护区)发生。(教材·P70)
*These ways can prevent cold.
*The heavy snow will prevent/stop/keep us from going to the meeting on time.
  prevent为及物动词, 意为“防止, 预防; 阻止; 阻挠”, 后跟名词或代词作宾语。常用短语: prevent. . . from doing sth. , 相当于keep/stop. . . from doing sth. 。
prevent. . . from. . . 与stop. . . from. . . 中的from可省略, 而keep. . . from. . . 中的from不能省略。
The heavy rain may us going out tomorrow.
Jack likes playing the piano. Nothing can prevent him it.
We must factories pouring polluted water into rivers and lakes.
④—What p you from joining us last night
—The heavy rain.
考点4 one of. . . ……之一
*It is one of the world’s most important wetlands.
*Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world
*The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is one of the greatest projects in China.
  “one of+the+形容词最高级 + 复数名词”表示“最……的……之一”, 在句中作主语时, 后面的谓语动词用第三人称单数。
①India is one of the (big) countries in Asia.
②One of the most difficult subjects for me (be) math.
( )③Yibin is one of the most beautiful ______in Sichuan.
A. city     B. cities     C. citys
( )④(2018·青岛中考)Mount Lao is one of ______mountains in Qingdao. Many tourists like climbing it every year.
A. famous
B. the most famous
C. most famous
考点5 while conj. 然而
*Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay.
很多鸟一年到头生活在扎龙, 然而有一些仅去那儿作短暂停留。(教材·P70)
*Can you take care of my pet cat while I’m away
当我离开时, 你能(替我)照看我的宠物猫吗
*Mr Smith and Mrs Smith will be away for a while and they need someone to look after the baby.
史密斯先生和史密斯夫人将离开一会儿, 他们需要有人来照顾宝宝。
Don’t talk while you’re eating.
②while引导的时间状语从句, 表示“某个动作正在进行的同时, 另一个动作也在进行之中”。
I am doing my homework while my brother is playing games.
当我弟弟在玩游戏时, 我正在做作业。
a. Jack and I chatted for a while.
b. My grandparents are playing Tai Chi while I am running around the park.
c. I’m a student, while my sister is a teacher.
( )②He is listening to music ______he is doing his homework.
A. after     B. before C. while
考点6 per cent n. <英>百分之……=<美>percent 
*There are not many cranes left in the world, and 40 per cent of them live in Zhalong.
世界上的鹤所剩不多, 其中40%生活在扎龙。(教材·P70)
*90 per cent of the students in our class are from the countryside.
*60 per cent of the land is covered with trees.
【考点·归纳】per cent的用法
per cent作名词, 意为“百分之……”, 其常见结构为“基数词+per cent of+名词/代词”, 意为“……中的百分之多少”, 该结构作主语时, 谓语动词由所修饰的名词或代词确定。
①Sixty per cent of the students in my class (wear) glasses.
②Only three per cent of water on the earth (be) fresh water.
Ⅰ. 从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空
fly clear  be  write  large
1. Working hard very important for students.
2. The two-year-old girl can speak .
3. Shanghai is one of cities in China.
4. The cold weather makes some birds to the southern part for the winter.
5. You can take a notebook with you down what you see.
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. 我们的报告将使更多人明白保护鸟类的重要性。
Our report will make more people protecting the birds.
2. 为了保持健康, 我们每天早起锻炼身体。
We get up early to take exercise every day keep healthy.
3. 杰克来青岛作短暂停留, 然后继续飞往北京。
Jack came to Qingdao and then went on flying to Beijing.
4. 我们学校免费为我们提供热水。
Our school hot water us for free.
5. 阻止人们污染水是一件很重要的事情。
It is an important thing to people polluting water.
Unit 6 Birdwatching
Ⅰ. 根据释义写出下列单词或短语
1. : give something to someone or something else
2. : the best
3. : have something as a result
4. : a person who is travelling or visiting a place
5. : stop something from happening
6. : know
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. 扎龙是世界上一块重要的湿地。
Zhalong is an in the world.
2. 中国政府已经制定法律来保护野生动物。
The Chinese government has wildlife.
3. 研究扎龙帮助我们了解有关保护野生动物的知识。
Studying Zhalong us wildlife.
4. 那里的鸟正面临一些困难吗
Are the birds there
考点 Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife. 研究扎龙帮助我们了解有关保护野生动物的知识。(教材·P72)
  Studying Zhalong为动名词, 在句子中作主语, 后面的谓语动词应该用第三人称单数形式。例如:
Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes.
Walking after meals helps us stay healthy.
① (eat) carrots is good for our eyes.
②Playing basketball (help) us to grow tall.
( )③When you are tired, ______in the countryside is a wonderful experience.
A. relaxing  B. relaxed  C. relax
Ⅰ. 单项选择
( )1. —Don’t ______late, Betty. You have to go to school early tomorrow.
—OK, Mom. I’ll go to bed right now.
A. put up B. stay up C. sit down
( )2. He is one of ______persons in the world.
A. rich B. richer C. the richest
( )3. Parents should prevent their children ______computer games.
A. from playing B. for playing C. to play
( )4. I like noodles for breakfast, ______my wife likes milk and eggs.
A. before B. After C. while
Ⅱ. 从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其适当形式填空
provide. . . with lead to all year round
less and less prevent. . . from
1. Nothing could us protecting the wildlife.
2. He has hair because he often stays up late at night.
3. Jack’s father is a businessman and he is busy .
4. His hard work will his success.
5. The farm the school fresh vegetables every day.
Unit 6 Birdwatching
Task & Self-assessment
Ⅰ. 根据所给汉语提示写出下列单词
1. 表格; 形式  
2. 地址
3. 主席
4. 介绍
5. 自然的, 天然的
Ⅱ. 根据所给汉语提示完成下列教材中的句子
1. 首先, 让我做一下自我介绍。
First, let me .
2. 我对学习不同种类的植物、鸟和动物非常感兴趣。
I very about different kinds of plants, birds and animals.
3. 我喜欢自然世界。
I enjoy the .
4. 我可以参加星期日从下午2点到下午5点的活动。
I can activities from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. on Sundays.
5. 如果我能成为观鸟协会的一员, 我将非常高兴。
I will be very happy if I can the Birdwatching Society.
考点1 form n. 表格; 形式
*Here is an application form.
*Music has several different forms.
*Please fill in the forms with your names.
*You shouldn’t form a bad habit such as smoking.
form 名词 形式; 类型; 形状; 表格 a new form of一种新型的 these forms这些表格
动词 形成; 构成; 组成; 养成 form good habits 养成好习惯 a team is formed 组成一个团队
All the competitors must before the job interview.
Help of money is welcome.
We should of going to bed early and getting up early.
考点2 introduce vt. 介绍
*First, let me introduce myself.
首先, 让我做一下自我介绍。(教材·P79)
*It’s my pleasure to introduce tonight’s speaker. 我很荣幸来介绍今晚的演讲者。
*Let me introduce my friend to you.
①Welcome to our city! Let me (introduction) some places of interest to you.
②Jack looked through the (介绍)about the book before he decided to buy it.
Can you me Nick
We all on the first day of school.
  本单元的话题是如何保护鸟类。本话题主要谈论鸟类濒临灭绝的危险处境、为了保护鸟类所做出的行动、建立自然保护区等。写这方面的文章要注意从对鸟类的认识、如何参与保护鸟类等方面进行描述, 并要掌握动词不定式表示目的及动词不定式作宾语补足语的用法。
  假如你是Timmy, 上周你和你的朋友Bill去了盐城自然保护区观鸟, 你发现那里是鸟的天堂, 并看到了许多稀有鸟类, 所以你想参加观鸟协会。请根据以下提示以Timmy的名义给Mr Black写一封信, 申请加入观鸟协会。词数100左右。
Dear Mr Black,
Yours sincerely,
(1)时态: 一般现在时
(2)人称: 第一人称
①I am interested in . . .
②My favorite subjects are. . .
③It’s home to. . .
④. . . live there all year round.
⑤I think . . . are part of our lives.
⑥Our government has made laws to. . .
Dear Mr Black,
  I’d like to join the Birdwatching Society. I’m Timmy from Class 3, Grade 8. I’m interested in learning about different kinds of birds. My favourite subjects are science and biology.
  Last Saturday Bill and I went to Yancheng Nature Reserve. It’s home to different kinds of birds. Some live there all year round, while some only go there for a short stay. We enjoyed some kinds of birds including rare birds. We had a good time.
  I think birds are part of our lives. Our government has made laws to protect the birds. I decide to help count and describe the birds.
  You can call me at 0515-87215562 or e-mail me at Timmy@.
Yours sincerely,
  假设你叫李华, 你昨天从报纸上看到了鸟类卫士俱乐部(Bird Guard Club)的招聘广告, 请根据你的个人信息表, 给俱乐部的李先生(Mr Lee)写一封100词左右的英文申请信。
个人信息 月光中学八年级学生 最喜欢的科目是科学
优势 热爱大自然, 喜欢动物和植物 尤其对鸟类感兴趣 每年都去湿地并观鸟
经历 去年参加了一场鸟展 写了一篇关于珍稀鸟类的报告
空余时间 周六和周日下午
联系方式 电话: 0515-67876543
Unit 6 Birdwatching
  看群雁南飞, 听百鸟欢唱。我们常常吟诵着“春眠不觉晓, 处处闻啼鸟”; 惋惜着“无可奈何花落去, 似曾相识燕归来”; 更悲叹着“千山鸟飞绝, 万径人踪灭”! 鸟儿, 美丽的生灵, 迫切需要人类的保护。让我们一起学习下面的谚语!
1. The early bird gets the worm①. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush②.
二鸟在林, 不如一鸟在手。
3. Birds of a feather flock③ together. 物以类聚, 人以群分。
4. Birds in their little nests agree. 同巢之鸟心儿齐。
5. Fine feathers make fine birds. 人靠衣装马靠鞍。
6. A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.
听音识鸟, 闻言识人。
7. Each bird loves to hear himself sing. 孤芳自赏。
8. Kill two birds with one stone④. 一石二鸟。
①worm n. 幼虫
②bush n. 灌木
③flock vi. 群集, 成群结队而行
④stone n. 石头Unit 6 Birdwatching
Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
Ⅰ. 根据汉语写出相应的单词
1. 市场  market
2. 母鸡 hen
3. 翅膀 wing
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. 你喜欢观鸟吗
Do you like birdwatching
2. 我经常去市场观看鸟类。
I often go to the market to watch the birds.
3. 鹤长什么样子
What do cranes look like
4. 世界上有多少种鹤
How many types of cranes are there in the world
考点 type n. 种类
* How many types of cranes are there in the world
世界上有多少种鹤 (教材·P69)
*You can see a new type of plane on the show. 你可以在节目中看到一种新型飞机。
*A cow is a kind of animal.
type 指具体的类型 This is a new type of dictionary. 这是一种新型词典。
kind 指抽象的种类 An orange is a kind of fruit. 橙子是一种水果。
①This type (kind/type) of car looks very beautiful.
What kind of food would you like
Ⅰ. 完成句子
1. 彼得喜欢鸟, 他周末经常去观鸟。
Peter likes birds and he often goes birdwatching at weekends.
2. 他们将种植新种类的玫瑰花。
They are going to plant a new type of rose.
3. 鹰长什么样
What do eagles look like
4. 它们长着又长又细的脖子。
They have long thin necks.
5. 请保护稀有鸟类。
Please protect the rare birds.
Ⅱ. 句型转换
1. Tom’s mother is tall and has long hair. (对画线部分提问)
What does Tom’s mother look like
2. There are only 4 types of tigers in China. (对画线部分提问)
How many types of tigers are there in China
3. What bird do you like best (改为同义句)
What’s your favourite bird
Unit 6 Birdwatching
考点1 in order to 以便, 为的是
*Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings.
* In order not to be late for class, she gets up very early every morning.
为了上课不迟到, 她每天早晨都起床非常早。
  in order to意为“以便, 为的是”, 后接动词原形, 在句中作目的状语。其否定结构为in order not to do sth. “为了不做某事”。
【妙辨异同】in order to与in order that表“目的”
in order to 意为“以便, 为的是”, 后接动词原形
in order that 意为“为了; 以便”, 后接从句
①为了让我们学校更加美丽, 我们将在学校周围种植更多的树木和花草。
We’ll plant more trees and flowers around our school in order to make it more beautiful.
(A)②In order ______for the meeting, my sister forced(强迫) herself to get up early this morning.
A. not to be late    B. not being late
C. to be late
(B)③She dressed up ______everyone might notice her.
A. in order to B. in order that
C. although
考点2 write down 写下, 记下
*Take a notebook with you in order to write down what you see.
*Please write down your ideas on the paper.
*He spoke so fast that I couldn’t write it down.
  write down意为“写下, 记下”, write是动词, down是副词, 所以write down为动副短语。若宾语是名词, 置于write与down之间或down之后; 若宾语是代词, 则只能置于write与down之间。
Our teacher told us to write down the sentences on the blackboard.
②如果你喜欢这首诗, 请把它记下来。
If you like the poem, please write it down.
1. Zhalong needs more people to feed(feed) the birds.
2. I think it is important for me to do something to protect(protect) them.
肯定式 to + 动词原形 I come here to see my parents. 我来这里看望父母。
in order to+动词原形 I come here in order to see my parents. 我来这里为的是看望父母。
否定式 not to + 动词原形 She left quietly not to wake up the baby. 为了不吵醒婴儿, 她悄悄地离开了。
in order not to+动词原形 She left quietly in order not to wake up the baby. = In order not to wake up the baby, she left quietly. 为了不吵醒婴儿, 她悄悄地离开了。
(B)1. —You should do what you can ______your English, Li Ming.
—OK, I will. Thank you, Ms Hu.
A. improve     B. to improve
C. improving
(B)2. We must do everything we can ______waste water from flowing into rivers.
A. prevent B. to prevent
C. preventing
(C)3. The local guide spoke as clearly as she could ______the visitors understand her.
A. make  B. making  C. to make
(C)4. The boy went to the hospital ______after his mother.
A. looked B. look C. to look
(C)5. How kind you are! You always do what you can ______others.
A. help B. helping C. to help
根据汉语提示, 完成下列教材原句。
1. 现在我们正在邀请他们来帮助我们。
We are now inviting them to help us.
2. 我们需要更多的人来清点和描述这些鸟。
We need more people to count and describe the birds.
3. 我们要求人们出于任何原因都不要捕鸟。
We ask people not to catch birds for any reason.
4. 吴老师同意让我加入他们的学校旅行。
Mr Wu agreed to let me join their school trip.
补充说明宾语情况的动词不定式, 作宾语补足语:
例词 to 例句
ask, tell, order, invite, get, allow, wish, want, encourage, advise, warn, like, love, hate 带to I asked him to speak louder. 我请他大点声说话。
feel, hear, see, watch, notice, let, make, have 不带to He made the girl cry. 他让那个女孩哭了。
一感(feel)、二听(hear, listen to)、三使让(let, have, make)、四看注意(see, look at, watch, notice)、半帮助(help可带, 可不带)。
(A)1. The TV show last night was so funny that it made us ______again and again.
A. laugh  B. to laugh  C. laughed
(C)2. An old man asks the boys ______in the river, because it’s too dangerous.
A. swim  B. to swim C. not to swim
(C)3. Mrs Green told us ______at the school gate on time.
A. arrived   B. arriving C. to arrive
(C)4. I often hear someone ______by the river.
A. sang B. sings C. sing
(B)5. Our English teacher often encourages us ______to her in English.
A. talk B. to talk C. talking
Unit 6 Birdwatching
Integrated skills & Study skills
Ⅰ. 根据所给汉语写出相应的单词
1. 覆盖; 包括 cover
2. 清晰地 clearly
3. 说话人; 演讲者 speaker
4. 旅行 tour
Ⅱ. 根据所给汉语完成句子
1. 盐城自然保护区是一个观鸟的极好的地方。
Yancheng Nature Reserve is a perfect place to watch the birds.
2. 盐城是丹顶鹤在中国最大的家园。
Yancheng is the largest home to red-crowned cranes in China.
3. 当我们去观鸟时, 我们应该随身携带什么
What should we take with us when we go birdwatching
4. 你最好带一副望远镜。
You’d better take a pair of binoculars.
5. 通常观鸟要花好几个小时。
Usually it takes hours to watch the birds.
考点1 cover vt. 覆盖; 包括 n. 庇护所
*The reserve covers an area of over 45, 300 square kilometres.
这个保护区覆盖面积超过45 300平方千米。(教材·P75)
*The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife. 这个地区为许多野生动物提供了食物和庇护所。(教材·P70)
*His name is on the cover of the book.
【考点·归纳】cover 的用法
①在我的家乡, 五分之二的土地上覆盖着树和草。
In my hometown, two fifths of the land is covered with trees and grass.
②France is a beautiful country and covers (cover) an area of over 260, 000 square miles.
The cover of this magazine is red.
考点2 home n. 栖息地, 产地
*Yancheng Nature Reserve is home to different kinds of plants and rare birds.
* Qinling Mountains are one of giant pandas’ homes.
*Let’s go home. 让我们回家吧。
  home作名词, 意为“栖息地; 产地; 住所”; home还可作副词, 意为“到家; 向家”, 其前不用介词to。
The tigers’ home is in the forest.
What time did you arrive/get home yesterday
考点3 名词后缀-er, -or和-ist
(1)-er, 表示执行动作的人
原动词 以-er为后缀的名词
work工作 worker 工人
dance 跳舞 dancer 跳舞者
teach教 teacher 教师
play比赛 player 运动员
sing 唱歌 singer歌手, 歌唱家
farm 耕种 farmer 农场主
trade 贸易 trader 商人
write 写 writer 作家
report 报道 reporter 记者
win 获胜 winner 获胜者
drive驾驶 driver驾驶员
travel旅行 traveler旅客
own拥有 owner 主人
keep保存 keeper饲养员
speak说话 speaker说话者, 演讲者
lead领导 leader领导者
manage 管理 manager 经理
(2)-or可构成名词, 表示执行动作的人
原动词 以-or为后缀的名词
act扮演; 行动 actor 男演员
visit 参观 visitor 参观者
compete 竞争 competitor 选手; 竞争者
direct 导演 director 导演
原名词 以-ist为后缀的名词
art艺术 artist 艺术家
violin 小提琴 violinist 小提琴家
piano钢琴 pianist 钢琴家
science科学 scientist 科学家
tour 旅行 tourist旅行者
①Miss Brown is our English teacher(teach).
②She is a famous singer(sing).
③Mo Yan is one of the most famous writers(write) in China.
④The visitors (visit) in the hotel are mainly from Australia.
⑤Every day many tourists (tour) visit the Palace Museum.
Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空
1. Yi is my favourite basketball player(play).
2. Many visitors(visit) come to Yancheng to visit the Nature Reserve every year.
3. He is a good actor(act) in my heart.
4. Da Vinci was a great artist(art). He created many world-famous works.
5. This summer’s tour was wonderful. They made friends with the other tourists(tour).
Ⅱ. 完成句子
1. 我们学校占地900平方米。
Our school covers an area of 900 square meters.
2. 开会时, 要随身携带笔和笔记本并记下听到的内容。
Take your pen and notebook with you and write down what you hear at the meeting.
3. 野生动物是我们的朋友, 它们是我们生活的一部分。
Wild animals are our friends and they are part of our lives.
4. 我们希望新的自然保护区将成为不同种类的植物和珍稀鸟类的家园。
We hope the new reserve will be home to different kinds of plants and rare birds.
5. 环游这片湿地通常要花费好几天的时间。
Usually it takes days to visit around the wetland.
Unit 6 Birdwatching
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出相应的单词
1. Zhalong Nature (大自然) Reserve is in Heilongjiang Province in North-east China.
2. The area provides (提供) food and cover (庇护所) for a lot of wildlife.
3. It is a perfect (完美的) place for some rare birds.
4. While (然而) some go there only for a short stay (停留).
5. Most birds are active in the daytime, so you can easily (容易地) watch them there.
6. Moreover, fishermen (渔民) keep fishing (捕鱼) there.
7. Once a year, the members of our Birdwatching Society (协会) go to study the birds in Zhalong.
8. We record (记录) their types and changes (变化) in their numbers.
9. Every year, a lot of tourists (观光者) go to Zhalong to watch the birds.
10. We need more people to count (数数) and describe (描述) the birds.
Ⅱ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出相应的短语
1. Many birds live in Zhalong all year round (一年到头).
2. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to (以便) have more space for farms and buildings.
3. This will lead to (导致) less and less (越来越少) space for wildlife.
Ⅲ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. 它是世界上最重要的湿地之一。
It is one of the world’s most important wetlands.
2. 世界上剩下的鹤不多了, 它们中的百分之四十生活在扎龙。
There are not many cranes left in the world, and 40 per cent of them live in Zhalong.
3. 结果, 鸟没有足够的食物吃。
As a result, the birds do not have enough food to eat.
4. 我们希望这将能帮助人们理解湿地的重要性。
We hope this will help people understand the importance of the wetlands.
考点1 provide vt. 提供
* The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife.
* The restaurant provides 100 free breakfasts for the old over 70 years old every Friday.
*The company provided her with a car.
  provide为及物动词, 意为“提供”。主要结构有: provide sth. for sb. 意为“为某人提供某物”; provide sb. with sth. 意为“供给某人某物”。
【图解·助记】 provide, give和offer的区别
三个词均有“供给; 供应”之意, 区别主要在结构上。
(2)give =give to
offer =offer to
选词填空for,  with,  to
①Our school dining hall provides nice food for the students every day.
=Our school dining hall provides the students with nice food every day.
②The sun provides us with light and heat.
=The sun provides light and heat for us.
③We students can give food and old clothes to the homeless people.
④We should offer help to others.
考点2 stay n. 停留, 逗留
*Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay.
很多鸟一年到头生活在扎龙, 然而有一些仅去那儿作短暂停留。(教材·P70)
*You can stay at home and watch TV.
*I stayed up late watching a soccer game, so I got up late this morning.
我熬夜看足球比赛, 因此今天早上起晚了。
  stay作名词, 意为“停留, 逗留”; 还可以作动词, 意为“停留; 暂住; 保持”。
stay out, stay healthy, stay up late, stay
at home, without a stay
①I stayed up late watching Bao (《包宝宝》) last night. It’s too interesting.
②Miss Green went straight to New York without a stay in Hong Kong.
③To stay healthy, my grandfather plays taijiquan every morning.
④It rained heavily yesterday. I had to stay at home.
⑤Even on rainy days, little Tom likes to stay out.
考点3 prevent vt. 防止, 预防
*Now the Chinese government has made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong.
现在, 中国政府已经制定法律来防止所有这些事情在扎龙(自然保护区)发生。(教材·P70)
*These ways can prevent cold.
*The heavy snow will prevent/stop/keep us from going to the meeting on time.
  prevent为及物动词, 意为“防止, 预防; 阻止; 阻挠”, 后跟名词或代词作宾语。常用短语: prevent. . . from doing sth. , 相当于keep/stop. . . from doing sth. 。
prevent. . . from. . . 与stop. . . from. . . 中的from可省略, 而keep. . . from. . . 中的from不能省略。
The heavy rain may prevent/keep/stop us from going out tomorrow.
Jack likes playing the piano. Nothing can prevent him from practicing it.
We must prevent/stop factories pouring polluted water into rivers and lakes.
④—What prevented you from joining us last night
—The heavy rain.
考点4 one of. . . ……之一
*It is one of the world’s most important wetlands.
*Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world
*The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is one of the greatest projects in China.
  “one of+the+形容词最高级 + 复数名词”表示“最……的……之一”, 在句中作主语时, 后面的谓语动词用第三人称单数。
①India is one of the biggest (big) countries in Asia.
②One of the most difficult subjects for me is (be) math.
(B)③Yibin is one of the most beautiful ______in Sichuan.
A. city     B. cities     C. citys
(B)④(2018·青岛中考)Mount Lao is one of ______mountains in Qingdao. Many tourists like climbing it every year.
A. famous
B. the most famous
C. most famous
考点5 while conj. 然而
*Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay.
很多鸟一年到头生活在扎龙, 然而有一些仅去那儿作短暂停留。(教材·P70)
*Can you take care of my pet cat while I’m away
当我离开时, 你能(替我)照看我的宠物猫吗
*Mr Smith and Mrs Smith will be away for a while and they need someone to look after the baby.
史密斯先生和史密斯夫人将离开一会儿, 他们需要有人来照顾宝宝。
Don’t talk while you’re eating.
②while引导的时间状语从句, 表示“某个动作正在进行的同时, 另一个动作也在进行之中”。
I am doing my homework while my brother is playing games.
当我弟弟在玩游戏时, 我正在做作业。
a. Jack and I chatted for a while. 一会儿
b. My grandparents are playing Tai Chi while I am running around the park. 当……时
c. I’m a student, while my sister is a teacher. 然而
(C)②He is listening to music ______he is doing his homework.
A. after     B. before C. while
考点6 per cent n. <英>百分之……=<美>percent 
*There are not many cranes left in the world, and 40 per cent of them live in Zhalong.
世界上的鹤所剩不多, 其中40%生活在扎龙。(教材·P70)
*90 per cent of the students in our class are from the countryside.
*60 per cent of the land is covered with trees.
【考点·归纳】per cent的用法
per cent作名词, 意为“百分之……”, 其常见结构为“基数词+per cent of+名词/代词”, 意为“……中的百分之多少”, 该结构作主语时, 谓语动词由所修饰的名词或代词确定。
①Sixty per cent of the students in my class wear (wear) glasses.
②Only three per cent of water on the earth is(be) fresh water.
Ⅰ. 从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空
fly clear  be  write  large
1. Working hard is very important for students.
2. The two-year-old girl can speak clearly.
3. Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China.
4. The cold weather makes some birds fly to the southern part for the winter.
5. You can take a notebook with you to write down what you see.
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. 我们的报告将使更多人明白保护鸟类的重要性。
Our report will make more people understand the importance of protecting the birds.
2. 为了保持健康, 我们每天早起锻炼身体。
We get up early to take exercise every day in order to keep healthy.
3. 杰克来青岛作短暂停留, 然后继续飞往北京。
Jack came to Qingdao for a short stay and then went on flying to Beijing.
4. 我们学校免费为我们提供热水。
Our school provides hot water for us for free.
5. 阻止人们污染水是一件很重要的事情。
It is an important thing to prevent people from polluting water.
Unit 6 Birdwatching
Ⅰ. 根据释义写出下列单词或短语
1. provide: give something to someone or something else
2. perfect: the best
3. lead to: have something as a result
4. tourist: a person who is travelling or visiting a place
5. prevent: stop something from happening
6. understand: know
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. 扎龙是世界上一块重要的湿地。
Zhalong is an important wetland in the world.
2. 中国政府已经制定法律来保护野生动物。
The Chinese government has made laws to protect wildlife.
3. 研究扎龙帮助我们了解有关保护野生动物的知识。
Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife.
4. 那里的鸟正面临一些困难吗
Are the birds there facing any problems
考点 Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife. 研究扎龙帮助我们了解有关保护野生动物的知识。(教材·P72)
  Studying Zhalong为动名词, 在句子中作主语, 后面的谓语动词应该用第三人称单数形式。例如:
Reading in the sun is bad for your eyes.
Walking after meals helps us stay healthy.
①Eating(eat) carrots is good for our eyes.
②Playing basketball helps(help) us to grow tall.
(A)③When you are tired, ______in the countryside is a wonderful experience.
A. relaxing  B. relaxed  C. relax
Ⅰ. 单项选择
(B)1. —Don’t ______late, Betty. You have to go to school early tomorrow.
—OK, Mom. I’ll go to bed right now.
A. put up B. stay up C. sit down
(C)2. He is one of ______persons in the world.
A. rich B. richer C. the richest
(A)3. Parents should prevent their children ______computer games.
A. from playing B. for playing C. to play
(C)4. I like noodles for breakfast, ______my wife likes milk and eggs.
A. before B. After C. while
Ⅱ. 从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其适当形式填空
provide. . . with lead to all year round
less and less prevent. . . from
1. Nothing could prevent us from protecting the wildlife.
2. He has less and less hair because he often stays up late at night.
3. Jack’s father is a businessman and he is busy all year round.
4. His hard work will lead to his success.
5. The farm provides the school with fresh vegetables every day.
Unit 6 Birdwatching
Task & Self-assessment
Ⅰ. 根据所给汉语提示写出下列单词
1. 表格; 形式  form
2. 地址 address
3. 主席 chairperson
4. 介绍 introduce
5. 自然的, 天然的 natural
Ⅱ. 根据所给汉语提示完成下列教材中的句子
1. 首先, 让我做一下自我介绍。
First, let me introduce myself.
2. 我对学习不同种类的植物、鸟和动物非常感兴趣。
I am very interested in learning about different kinds of plants, birds and animals.
3. 我喜欢自然世界。
I enjoy the natural world.
4. 我可以参加星期日从下午2点到下午5点的活动。
I can take part in activities from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. on Sundays.
5. 如果我能成为观鸟协会的一员, 我将非常高兴。
I will be very happy if I can become a member of the Birdwatching Society.
考点1 form n. 表格; 形式
*Here is an application form.
*Music has several different forms.
*Please fill in the forms with your names.
*You shouldn’t form a bad habit such as smoking.
form 名词 形式; 类型; 形状; 表格 a new form of一种新型的 these forms这些表格
动词 形成; 构成; 组成; 养成 form good habits 养成好习惯 a team is formed 组成一个团队
All the competitors must fill in the form before the job interview.
Help in the form of money is welcome.
We should form a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early.
考点2 introduce vt. 介绍
*First, let me introduce myself.
首先, 让我做一下自我介绍。(教材·P79)
*It’s my pleasure to introduce tonight’s speaker. 我很荣幸来介绍今晚的演讲者。
*Let me introduce my friend to you.
①Welcome to our city! Let me introduce (introduction) some places of interest to you.
②Jack looked through the introduction(介绍)about the book before he decided to buy it.
Can you introduce me to Nick
We all introduced ourselves on the first day of school.
  本单元的话题是如何保护鸟类。本话题主要谈论鸟类濒临灭绝的危险处境、为了保护鸟类所做出的行动、建立自然保护区等。写这方面的文章要注意从对鸟类的认识、如何参与保护鸟类等方面进行描述, 并要掌握动词不定式表示目的及动词不定式作宾语补足语的用法。
  假如你是Timmy, 上周你和你的朋友Bill去了盐城自然保护区观鸟, 你发现那里是鸟的天堂, 并看到了许多稀有鸟类, 所以你想参加观鸟协会。请根据以下提示以Timmy的名义给Mr Black写一封信, 申请加入观鸟协会。词数100左右。
Dear Mr Black,
Yours sincerely,
(1)时态: 一般现在时
(2)人称: 第一人称
①I am interested in . . .
②My favorite subjects are. . .
③It’s home to. . .
④. . . live there all year round.
⑤I think . . . are part of our lives.
⑥Our government has made laws to. . .
Dear Mr Black,
  I’d like to join the Birdwatching Society. I’m Timmy from Class 3, Grade 8. I’m interested in learning about different kinds of birds. My favourite subjects are science and biology.
  Last Saturday Bill and I went to Yancheng Nature Reserve. It’s home to different kinds of birds. Some live there all year round, while some only go there for a short stay. We enjoyed some kinds of birds including rare birds. We had a good time.
  I think birds are part of our lives. Our government has made laws to protect the birds. I decide to help count and describe the birds.
  You can call me at 0515-87215562 or e-mail me at Timmy@.
Yours sincerely,
  假设你叫李华, 你昨天从报纸上看到了鸟类卫士俱乐部(Bird Guard Club)的招聘广告, 请根据你的个人信息表, 给俱乐部的李先生(Mr Lee)写一封100词左右的英文申请信。
个人信息 月光中学八年级学生 最喜欢的科目是科学
优势 热爱大自然, 喜欢动物和植物 尤其对鸟类感兴趣 每年都去湿地并观鸟
经历 去年参加了一场鸟展 写了一篇关于珍稀鸟类的报告
空余时间 周六和周日下午
联系方式 电话: 0515-67876543
Unit 6 Birdwatching
  看群雁南飞, 听百鸟欢唱。我们常常吟诵着“春眠不觉晓, 处处闻啼鸟”; 惋惜着“无可奈何花落去, 似曾相识燕归来”; 更悲叹着“千山鸟飞绝, 万径人踪灭”! 鸟儿, 美丽的生灵, 迫切需要人类的保护。让我们一起学习下面的谚语!
1. The early bird gets the worm①. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush②.
二鸟在林, 不如一鸟在手。
3. Birds of a feather flock③ together. 物以类聚, 人以群分。
4. Birds in their little nests agree. 同巢之鸟心儿齐。
5. Fine feathers make fine birds. 人靠衣装马靠鞍。
6. A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.
听音识鸟, 闻言识人。
7. Each bird loves to hear himself sing. 孤芳自赏。
8. Kill two birds with one stone④. 一石二鸟。
①worm n. 幼虫
②bush n. 灌木
③flock vi. 群集, 成群结队而行
④stone n. 石头



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