Unit 3 A day out知识点同步练(学生版+教师版)牛津译林版八年级上册

Unit 3 A day out
Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出相应的单词
1. Let’s enjoy ourselves(我们自己)!
2. We’re sitting in a little coffee(咖啡) shop by the River Seine.
3. We’re going to the top(顶部) of the Eiffel Tower this afternoon!
4. The President(总统) of the USA lives there.
5. How wide(宽) is the bridge
6. The steel(钢) is too heavy for him to lift.
7. It weighs over 100, 000 tons(吨).
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. ——埃迪, 你打算干什么
—What are you going to do, Eddie
—I’m going to exercise.
2. 你需要锻炼并保持身体健康。
You need to exercise and keep fit.
3. 我在澳大利亚玩得很开心!
I’m having a great time in Australia!
4. 金门大桥有多长
How long is the Golden Gate Bridge
5. 桥是由钢制成的, 不是吗
The bridge is made of steel, isn’t it
考点1 need v. 需要
*You need to exercise and keep fit.
*We need some food. 我们需要一些食物。
*The flower needs watering.
(1)need to do sth. “需要做某事”, 主语通常为人。
(2)need sth. “需要某物”。
(3)sth. need(s) doing“某事需要被做”, 主语通常是物, 用主动形式表示被动意义, 相当于sth. need(s) to be done。
(1)need可作情态动词, 后面接动词原形, 没有人称和数的变化。
You needn’t go at once.
(2)由情态动词must引导的一般疑问句, 否定回答常用needn’t或don’t have to。
—Must I finish the work today
—No, you needn’t. 不, 你不必。
①You need to make (make) a plan for your trip first.
②—Bad luck! My watch doesn’t work well.
—Take it easy. It just needs repairing/to be repaired (repair).
(A)③We have plenty of time. So I ______drive quickly.
A. needn’t    B. can’t   C. mustn’t
(C)④—Must I go out to have dinner with you, Mum
—No, you______, my dear. You’re free to make your own decision.
A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t
考点2 Let’s enjoy ourselves! 咱们玩个痛快! (教材·P30)
*Let’s do sth. ! 意为“咱们做某事吧! ”表示提出建议。
*Let’s go and play, shall we
咱们去玩吧, 好吗
【妙辨异同】let’s与let us
let’s 含有劝诱、建议或请对方一起行动的意思
let us 具有请求对方允许我们(第一人称复数)做某事(对方不做)的意思
Let’s go! 咱们走吧!
Let us go! 让我们走吧!
let’s. . . 句式, 构成反意疑问句时, 附加疑问部分用shall we; let us. . . 句式, 构成反意疑问句时, 附加疑问部分用will you。
Let’s go to the movie theatre this evening.
(C)②—Let’s ______to the movies!
—I’m sorry. I must ______my homework first.
A. going; do B. go; doing    C. go; do
考点3 enjoy oneself 玩得愉快
*Let’s enjoy ourselves!
咱们玩个痛快! (教材·P30)
*They enjoyed themselves at the party.
【考点·归纳】enjoy oneself的用法
enjoy oneself意为“玩得高兴, 过得愉快”, 相当于have a good time或have fun。
其中oneself要根据主语换用合适的反身代词。具体形式有: 我自己myself, 你自己yourself, 他自己himself, 她自己herself, 它自己itself, 我们自己ourselves, 你们自己yourselves, 他们自己themselves。
enjoy后接动词时, 只能用动名词形式, 不能跟动词不定式。
He enjoys reading novels. (√)
He enjoys to read novels. ( )
(B)①Welcome you all to China and enjoy ______here.
A. yourself     B. yourselves C. themselves
②When I was free, I really enjoyed walking (walk) around the town.
考点4 be made of由……制成
*The bridge is made of steel, isn’t it
桥是由钢制成的, 不是吗 (教材·P31)
*The books are made of paper.
【妙辨异同】be made of, be made from与be made in
be made of 意为“由……制成”, 表示制成成品后, 仍可以看出原材料
be made from 意为“由……制成”, 表示制成成品后, 看不出原材料
be made in 意为“在……制造”, in后接表示地点的词
*Paper is made from wood.
*This kind of machine is made in China.
The first kite was made of wood in history.
(C)②Your gloves should be made ______leather, for they feel smooth.
A. in B. for C. of
(B)③—Your sweater looks nice. Is it made of wool
—Yes, and it’s made ______Shanghai.
A. from B. in C. for
考点5 The bridge is made of steel, isn’t it
桥是由钢制成的, 不是吗 (教材·P31)
该句是反意疑问句, 是表示说话人对所陈述的事情有所怀疑或不肯定, 需要对方加以证实。这种问句由两部分构成: 陈述部分+附加疑问部分。其结构有两种:
反意疑问句要遵循“前肯后否, 前否后肯”的原则。
You are a teacher, aren’t you
你是一名老师, 不是吗
Betty doesn’t like apples, does she
贝蒂不喜欢苹果, 是吗
回答反意疑问句时, 不管附加疑问部分的陈述部分是肯定的还是否定的, 只需要根据实际情况作出肯定(Yes)或否定(No)的回答。
—You are a student, aren’t you
你是一名学生, 不是吗
—Yes, I am. /No, I am not.
是的, 我是。/不, 我不是。
前肯后否是习惯, 前否后肯也常见。
短句not如出现, 必须缩写是习惯。
还有一点需注意, 短语代词作主语。
回答反意疑问句, 答案含义是依据。
肯定事实用yes, 否定事实用no替。
(A)①—Your mother went to attend our school’s parents’ meeting yesterday, ______
—Yes, she did.
A. didn’t she    B. doesn’t she C. did she
(B)②He has few friends in his new school, ______
A. hasn’t he    B. does he C. is he
考点6 far away 远离; 在远处
*The World Park is quite far away.
*The moon is far away from the earth.
*My house is far from the school.
*He is far from being rich. 他一点也不富裕。
far away意为“远离; 在远处”, 在句中可作表语、状语或后置定语。其后接地点作宾语时常连接介词from。
【妙辨异同】far away与far from
far away “远离”, 用作表语或状语, away可以省略, 因此far away=far; 后不接宾语; 接宾语时常用介词from
far from 除表示距离的“远离”之外, 还有“远远不, 完全不, 决非”之意, 后接名词、动名词或形容词
【温馨提示】far away不能写成faraway。faraway是形容词, 意为“遥远的”, 可作名词的前置定语。far away可与faraway进行同义转换。
Nick lives in a faraway village.
=Nick lives in a village far away.
My school is far away from my sister’s.
Her hometown is far away.
Ⅰ. 选择适当的词, 并用其适当的形式填空
take, excite, use, close, try
1. This year’s fashion show is as exciting as last year’s.
2. It’s cold outside. Please keep the window closed.
3. Keep trying and you will live a better life soon.
4. I forgot to go to the movie theater yesterday, so the ticket is useless now.
5. The interview took place on a Friday afternoon.
Ⅱ. 按要求改写句子
1. We had a great time at the beach last weekend. (改为同义句)
We enjoyed ourselves at the beach last weekend.
2. The yellow window is about three meters wide. (对画线部分提问)
How wide is the yellow window
3. My parents and I took a trip around the West Lake by boat yesterday. (改为同义句)
My parents and I took a boat trip around the West Lake yesterday.
4. This film is as interesting as the one we saw last Saturday, isn’t it (完成反意疑问句)
5. Mr Smith needs to know its name and place. (改为否定句)
Mr Smith doesn’t need to know its name and place.
Unit 3 A day out
Ⅰ. 选择适当的词, 并用其适当的形式填空
health, luck, use, make, take
1. She often does morning exercises to keep healthy.
2. That tower is made of steel.
3. It will take me 5 days to finish the job next month.
4. Internet is becoming a useful tool for people.
5. Luckily, we won the basketball match last week.
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. 吴老师和那两个女孩一样高兴。
Mr Wu is as happy as the two girls.
2. 那两个女孩不像吴老师那样高。
The two girls are not as tall as Mr Wu.
3. 你们现在可以去尽情玩耍。
You can go and enjoy yourselves now.
4. 你们大家玩得高兴吗
Did you all have a good time
5. 你很幸运, 没有伤着自己!
You’re lucky you didn’t hurt yourself!
考点1 luckily adv. 幸好, 幸运的是
*Luckily, some climbers helped Simon. 幸运的是, 一些登山者帮助了西蒙。(教材·P36)
*You’re lucky you didn’t hurt yourself!
你很幸运, 没有伤着你自己! (教材·P36)
*He fell off his bike. Unluckily, he hurt his leg.
他从自行车上摔下来。不幸的是, 他伤了腿。
①Luckily (luck), it didn’t rain and we could play soccer as usual.
②How lucky(幸运的) they are to have such a good teacher!
(B)③There was a car accident on Xinhua Road yesterday. ______, nobody was hurt.
A. Lucky B. Luckily C. Unluckily
考点2 keep sth. to oneself 保密; 不与他人分享
* They kept the secret to themselves.
* I can tell you that, but you must keep it to yourself.
我可以告诉你, 不过你必须要保守秘密。
keep sth. to oneself 意为“保密; 不与他人分享”, oneself必须根据实际情况来确定其具体形式。
①如果你有问题的话, 你不应该闷在心里。
You shouldn’t keep them to yourself if you have some problems.
Remember to keep in touch with your teachers and classmates after you leave school.
一、as. . . as的用法
根据汉语提示, 完成下列句子。
1. 这座山并不如真的高!
This hill isn’t as high as a real one!
2. 吴先生和两个女孩一样开心。
Mr Wu is as happy as the two girls.
  表示双方在某方面(如年龄、身高等)程度相同或不同时, 常用as. . . as或not as. . . as结构。
1. as. . . as. . . /not as. . . as 属同级比较, 而且被比较的双方必须是同类事物。在此结构中, 要使用形容词或副词的原级。
Mary is as careful as Linda.
This book is not as interesting as that one.
2. not as. . . as. . . 结构与比较级的转换
This park isn’t as big as that one.
=This park is smaller than that one.
=That park is bigger than this one.
在同级比较的否定句中, 也可以用not so. . . as结构。
This desk is not as heavy as that one.
=This desk is not so heavy as that one.
(B)1. Mary is as ______as her sister. They always plan everything well.
A. carefully   B. careful C. more carefully
(A)2. My math teacher lives an active life. She looks as ______as she was ten years ago.
A. young  B. younger  C. the youngest
(C)3. Many students think that singing songs is ______listening to music.
A. more happy   B. as interested as C. as relaxing as
用所给词的适当形式完成下列教材原句, 并体会在句中的含义。
1. Let’s enjoy ourselves(our)!
2. Go and see for yourselves(your)!
3. Linda and Kitty went to the World Park by themselves(they).
4. Simon is trying to pull himself (him) up the rocks.
5. They kept the secret to themselves (they).
  反身代词即人称代词的反身形式, 它所指代的人或物与主语一致, 在句中可以起到强调的作用。
  反身代词与它所指代的对象, 在人称、性别、数上必须保持一致。
人称 单数 复数
第一人称 myself ourselves
第二人称 yourself yourselves
第三人称 himself herself itself themselves
反身代词的用法: 反身代词一般用来作宾语、表语以及主语或宾语的同位语。
反身代词莫乱用, 只在句中作宾、表、同;
反身代词指自身, -self, -selves单复分;
强调就是同位语, 宾、表只能回自身。
与反身代词相关的短语: by oneself 独自; teach oneself自学; enjoy oneself玩得开心。
(A)1. Don’t worry. The girl is old enough to look after ______.
A. herself B. her C. hers
(C)2. Children should learn how to protect ______in the face of danger.
A. yourself    B. ourselves C. themselves
(C)3. Trust ______. You can do much better than you think.
A. you B. your C. yourself
(C)4. My daughter was about 2 years old when she could walk by______.
A. her B. hers C. herself
(C)5. —She is too busy to help us finish the work.
—Let’s do it ______.
A. herself B. myself C. ourselves
Ⅰ. 用反身代词填空
1. It’s very important for us to learn how to learn by ourselves.
2. Please help yourselves to some fish, Sandy and James.
3. My mother often likes saying to herself when she feels nervous.
4. The lovely boy often dresses himself up as the Monkey King.
5. Amy, you’re so lucky. Because you don’t hurt yourself.
6. Kate and Lily went to the dancing party and enjoyed themselves last night.
Ⅱ. 单项选择
(C)1. (2022·百色中考改编)The mother encourages her little son to learn to look after ______.
A. hers B. herself C. himself
(C)2. (2022·福建中考)As the art festival is coming, they are preparing everything by______.
A. yourselves   B. ourselves C. themselves
(C)3. (2022·成都中考)—Where did you get this sky lantern
—I made it by ______.
A. herself B. itself C. myself
(B)4. (2022·凉山州中考改编)Nobody taught the old man how to play computer games. He taught ______.
A. myself B. himself C. herself
(C)5. (2021·滨州中考) —Dad, could you please teach ______English
—Sure! But it’s more important to learn it by ______.
A. my; yourself
B. my; you
C. me; yourself
(C)6. (2021·青海中考)Each child can only hand in one piece of work ______in the drawing competition.
A. himself    B. herself C. themselves
Unit 3 A day out
Integrated skills & Study skills
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出相应的单词或短语
1. It is in the final(决赛) of the basketball competition!
2. Our school basketball team needs your support(支持)!
3. Come and cheer(欢呼) for our team!
4. It’s free(免费的) for groups of 30 or more students.
5. My ticket(票) is useless(无用的) now, but I’ll keep it!
6. The match takes place(发生) on Sunday, 17 October.
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. 不要忘记带你的朋友来!
Don’t forget to bring your friends!
2. 我们带琳达去颐和园好吗
Shall we take Linda to the Summer Palace
3. 我认为那不是一个好主意。
I don’t think that’s a good idea.
4. 我们为什么不去那个中国科学技术馆呢
Why don’t we go to the China Science and Technology Museum
5. 前天我们去了世界公园。
We went to the World Park the day before yesterday.
考点1 take place 发生; 进行
*The match takes place on Sunday, 17 October.
【考点·归纳】take place 意为“发生, 进行”, 为不及物动词短语, 一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”, 即这种事情的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。无被动语态。
【妙辨异同】take place与happen
词(组) 含义 用法
take place 都有“发生”之意 常用于已计划、安排或人们积极参与的事情
happen 用于偶然发生的事件, 也可用于由另一件事引起的事情
*New things are happening around us.
①自2016年以来, 贵州发生了很大变化。
Great changes have taken place in Guizhou since 2016.
Last week the classic reading competition took place in our school. (take)
考点2 cheer vi. &vt. 欢呼, 喝彩
*Come and cheer for our team!
来为我们队加油! (教材·P37)
*Let’s go and cheer for them!
*How can we cheer him up
cheer v. 欢呼; 喝彩; 加油。常用搭配: cheer up振奋起来; 是动副短语, 代词作宾语时要放在两词之间, 名词作宾语时放在短语后或中间均可。
cheer还可作名词意为“欢呼声; 喝彩声”。
①People all over China are cheering(欢呼) for the success of the 20th National Congress of the CPC.
(C)②—Little Jenny looks unhappy today.
—Don’t worry. A box of chocolates will ______her ______.
A give; up B. wake; up C. cheer; up
考点3 forget to do sth. 忘记做某事
*Don’t forget to bring your friends!
不要忘记带你的朋友来! (教材·P37)
*Sorry, I forgot to bring the book.
对不起, 我忘了带书了。
*I forgot borrowing a book from you.
【妙辨异同】forget to do sth. 与forget doing sth.
(1)forget to do sth. 意为“忘记要去做某事”(事情还没有做);
(2)forget doing sth. 意为“忘记曾经做过某事”(事情已经做过了)。
有类似用法的词还有: remember。remember to do sth. “记得要做某事”; remember doing sth. “记得做过某事”。
(C)①—Sam, don’t forget ______the book to the library tomorrow.
—OK, I won’t.
A. return B. returning C. to return
(C)②This afternoon we’re going to have an English class; remember ______your book.
A. to finish B. bringing C. to bring
考点4 cost n. 费用; 价钱
*Cost of the trip旅途的费用(教材·P37)
*Tickets cost ten dollars each.
cost可作名词, 意为“费用; 价钱”; 也可作动词, 意为“(使)花费(时间、金钱、劳力等)”。
【妙辨异同】表示花费的pay, spend, take与cost
pay 主语是人, 常与介词for搭配使用
spend 主语是人, 常用于“sb. spend(s) some time/money on sth. (某人在某事或某物上花费了一些时间/金钱)”和“sb. spend(s) money/time (in) doing sth. (某人做某事花了多少金钱/时间)”结构中
take 意为“花费”时, 常用于“It takes sb. +时间/金钱+动词不定式(做某事花费某人多少时间/金钱)”句式中, 其中it为形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的动词不定式
cost 常以物作主语, 指花费时间(不是具体时间)、金钱、劳力、精力或生命等
*The children needn’t pay for their schooling anymore. 孩子们不再需要付学费了。
*My parents spend a lot of money on books every year. 我父母每年花很多钱买书。
*Li Ming spends a lot of time (in) playing computer games.
*It takes me half an hour to practice dancing every day. 我每天花费半个小时练习跳舞。
*The computer costs me 3, 000 yuan.
这台计算机花了我3 000元。
pay, take, spend, cost
a. Taking a taxi can cost a lot of money.
b. It took me 15 minutes to get to the bookshop yesterday.
c. He spends two hours in doing his homework every day.
d. How beautiful the car is! How much did you pay for it
(C)a. —Wow, your sweater is very beautiful! How much is it
—Thank you. It ______me 30 dollars.
A. spent   B. paid   C. cost
(B)b. We should ______more time talking with our teachers so that they can understand us better.
A. pay B. spend C. take
(C)c. It ______about eight minutes for the light to travel from the sun to the earth.
A. pays B. costs C. takes
(A)d. (2021·南京中考改编)It ______Zhang Guimei many years to help about 1, 800 girl students in poor areas realize their college dreams.
A. took B. spent C. cost
考点5 Shall we take Linda to the Summer Palace
我们带琳达去颐和园好吗 (教材·P38)
  句型Shall I/we do sth. 常用来表示征求对方的意见, 意为“我(们)做某事好吗 ”。其中的Shall为情态动词, 意为“将; 会”, 后跟动词原形, 只跟第一人称I/we搭配, 相当于will。
【易错警示】shall we常用于let’s. . . 句式之后, 构成反意疑问句。
Let’s have a rest, shall we
我们休息一下, 好吗
Let’s do sth. ! 咱们做某事吧!
Why not do sth. 为什么不做某事呢
Why don’t you do sth.
What/How about doing sth.
Would you like to do sth. 你想要做某事吗
Shall we put the bookcase against the wall
② Let’s give our room a good sweep, shall we (完成反意疑问句)
(A)③—Shall we make a cake for Tina as a birthday gift
—______. It will give her a big surprise.
A. Good idea   B. It’s a pity C. You’re welcome
考点6 useless adj. 无用的
*My ticket is useless now, but I’ll keep it!
我的票现在没用了, 但是我会留着它! (教材·P39)
*This book is very useful to me.
【考点·归纳】useless由名词use+后缀-less构成的, 意为“无用的”, 其反义词是由use+后缀-ful构成的useful, 意为“有用的”。
在一些名词后加-ful或-less构成形容词。后缀-ful意为“充满”, 后缀-less意为“没有”。不是所有的单词都同时拥有后缀-ful和-less。类似构成的词有:
加词缀-less: harmless(无害的); hopeless(无望的); homeless(无家可归的); meaningless(没有意义的); careless(粗心的); helpless(无助的); colourless(没有色彩的)
加词缀-ful: cheerful(兴高采烈的); colourful(多彩的); harmful(有害的); successful(成功的); wonderful(精彩的); beautiful(美丽的); careful(认真的)。
①Mark is very helpful (help). He often fixes up people’s broken bikes for free.
②Three hundred people were made homeless(home) by the earthquake.
Ⅰ. 单项选择
(B)1. Don’t forget ______back your door key when you leave the hotel.
A. gave B. to give C. giving
(A)2. —How much is the ticket to Central Park
—A one-way ticket______$ 40, and you can______another $20 for a round-trip ticket.
A. costs; pay    B. cost; spend C. pay; spend
(C)3. Those old ______things are not worth a red cent. You’d better throw them away right now.
A. careful B. helpless C. useless
(C)4. As we all know, the 2022 Winter Olympic Games ______in Beijing.
A. takes place B. happened C. took place
(C)5. —Shall we go to watch the football match this afternoon
—______. And I will take my camera with me.
A. Have a good time     
B. Best wishes
C. I can’t wait
Ⅱ. 阅读下面的对话, 从方框中选择合适的单词或短语, 并用其适当形式填空
take place, why not, half-time, cheer for
Jim: Did you watch the football match between our school and No. 3 Secondary School
Steven: Yes. It 1. took place in the City Stadium yesterday. And we won!
Jim: Wonderful! Tell me more.
Steven: During the 2. half-time, there was a short show. I was one of the dancers.
Jim: What a pity that I didn’t go to 3. cheer for them. I have an idea. 4. Why not put your photos on your home page for us to see
Steven: What a good idea! Then more people will share them.
Unit 3 A day out
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出相应的单词
1. I’m doing fine(蛮不错) here.
2. The sun was shining in a clear(晴朗的) blue sky(天空).
3. Yesterday Kitty’s teacher Mr Wu invited me to join(参加) their school trip to the World Park.
4. There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey(旅程) was a little boring(乏味的).
5. It was an amazing day because we saw the main(主要的) sights(风景) of the world in just one day.
6. You can see some photos of the trip on the Internet(网络).
7. Boys and girls, believe in yourselves(你们自己)!
Ⅱ. 根据课文内容完成下列短文
I was very happy that day because my teacher Mr Wu 1. invited my cousin Linda 2. to join our school trip. At the beginning we didn’t enjoy it because there was heavy traffic on the way. Linda and I felt bored for most of the trip. Finally we
3. arrived at the World Park. When we saw the model Eiffel Tower, Linda and I became excited. In the World Park, there were over a hundred 4. places of interest from all over the world. The best part was the song and dance shows. We really 5. enjoyed ourselves on that amazing day. After our trip, Daniel made a 6. home page. He put his photos on it.
考点1 join vt. &vi. 加入, 参加
*Yesterday Kitty’s teacher Mr Wu invited me to join their school trip to the World Park.
*Why didn’t you join in the talk last night
【妙辨异同】 join, join in
join 加入某组织或团体或和某人一起做某事, 成为其中一员, 后接组织或团体名或某人
join in 指参加某项比赛或活动, 常用于口语
(B)①—Hi, Peter. Will you ______us for lunch tomorrow
—I’d love to, but Cindy invited me to ______their trip to Liuhou Park yesterday.
A. join; join in   B. join; join C. join in; join
(A)②He ______an English club last year and has improved his English a lot.
A. joined B. joined in C. attended
考点2 boring adj. 乏味的
*There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey was a little boring.
路上车辆很多, 旅途有点乏味。(教材·P32)
*Fred was bored and decided to go home.
弗雷德觉得很无聊, 决定回家。
boring adj. 修饰事或物, 意为“令人乏味的”
bored adj. 修饰人, 意为“无聊的, 乏味的”
表示情感的形容词常见用法: 带-ed 的形容词表示人的感受, 带-ing 的形容词表示物的性质和状态。例如:
excite → excited/exciting(兴奋的/令人兴奋的)
move → moved/moving(感动的/令人感动的)
surprise → surprised/surprising(感到惊奇的/使人惊奇的)
tire → tired/tiring(厌倦的/令人厌倦的)
frighten→ frightened/frightening(受惊吓的/令人惊恐的)
①She doesn’t like this book because it is very boring (bore).
②If you do the same things month after month, you may get bored(bore).
(A)③The movie is so ______. And we don’t like it at all.
A. boring B. bored C. interesting
考点3 arrive vi. 到达
*We finally arrived at the park.
最后, 我们到达公园。(教材·P32)
*The delegation will arrive in Beijing, China at 5: 00 p. m.
代表团将于下午5: 00到达中国北京。
*It was dark when they arrived at the railway station.
当他们到达火车站的时候, 天已经黑了。
【妙辨异同】arrive, reach与get
arrive arrive是一个不及物动词, 其后不能直接接地点, 若接地点名词(短语)时, 要先接介词in或at。arrive in表示到达一个相对大的地点; arrive at表示到达一个相对小的地点。若接地点副词, 则不需要加介词
reach reach是一个及物动词, 其后能直接接表示地点的宾语
get get在表示“到达”时是不及物动词, 其后接地点名词(短语)时, 应与to搭配使用
*They reached London on Friday.
*They got to the top of the hill at noon.
【易错警示】如果后面没有任何表示地点的名词或副词时, 则只能用arrive。
When did you arrive 你什么时候到达的
arrive的名词形式为arrival, 意为“到来; 到达”。
We are waiting for his arrival.
(C)①Mr Smith will arrive at our school next week.
The underlined part “arrive at” means ______.
A. get B. come C. reach
(A)②—When did your pen friend ______
—At 9: 00 p. m.
A. arrive B. get C. reach
Please call me when you arrive in Shanghai.
考点4 can’t wait to/for 迫不及待
*All of us couldn’t wait to get off the bus.
*Paul was so hungry that he couldn’t wait for the cooling of the dumplings.
保罗如此饿, 他等不及饺子变凉。
can’t wait 意为“迫不及待”, 后面可接动词不定式或“介词+宾语”结构。
①I can’t wait to open (open) my presents on Children’s Day.
Bill couldn’t wait to turn on the TV as soon as he got home.
He was so excited that he couldn’t wait for the news.
考点5 in front of. . . 在……前面
*Soon the whole world was there in front of us!
不久整个世界呈现在我们面前! (教材·P32)
*There is a big tree in front of the house.
【妙辨异同】in front of与in the front of
(1)in front of表示“在……前面”, 指在某一范围之外的前面;
(2)in the front of “在……前面”, 指在某物体内部的前面。
*The driver sits in the front of the car.
The bus stop is right in front of the library.
(B)②—Why are you unhappy these days, Julie
—I can’t see the blackboard because two tall boys sit ______me.
A. behind B. in front of C. between
Ⅰ. 选择适当的词, 并用其适当的形式填空
care, climb, good, get, luck
1. Tom wants to be a climber in the future.
2. Luckily, everyone passed the exam. Congratulations!
3. It took us two hours to get to the zoo by bus yesterday.
4. The pear tastes as good as it looks.
5. Do you think a careless driver is always a danger to the public
Ⅱ. 用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空
home page, arrive in, join in, in front of, place of interest, can’t wait to, not believe one’s eyes, get off
1. We are going to get off at the gate of the World Park in Beijing.
2. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the scene.
3. We visited over 100 places of interest from all over the world in the World Park.
4. He dropped the letter into the mailbox in front of the post office.
5. Summer holidays are coming. Julie can’t wait to go on holiday with her family.
6. My classmate Daniel taught me how to make a home page.
7. They left London at 10: 00 a. m. and arrived in Paris at 13: 00 p. m.
8. I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun.
Unit 3 A day out
考点1 by oneself独立地; 独自
*Linda and Kitty went to the World Park by themselves.
*Can you finish the work by yourself
by oneself意为“独立地; 独自”, 相当于alone或on one’s own。
I can do it by myself.
=I can do it alone.
=I can do it on my own.
①校长非常负责, 他亲自为我们做一切事情。
The headmaster is so responsible that he does everything for us by himself.
(C)②—Mom, I plan to wash clothes by ______this summer vacation.
—Good girl! Go for it.
A. me    B. my    C. myself
考点2 look like 看起来像……
*The model Golden Gate Bridge looked just like the real one in the USA.
*He looks like his mother.
look like意为“看起来像……”, like是介词, 后面常接名词(短语)或代词。
【妙辨异同】look like与be like
look like “看起来像……”, 指外表的相似
be like “像……”, 既可以表示外表的相似, 也可以表示内在特点的相似
【一言辨异】The two brothers do not look like each other, but they are like each other.
这两兄弟虽然长得不像, 性格却相似。
①托尼长得像他爸爸, 说话的神情像他妈妈。
Tony looks like his father and talks like his mother.
(B)②—What does your brother look like
A. He is outgoing
B. He is really tall and thin
C. He is a student
考点3 too much 太多
*There was too much traffic on the way.
*She talks too much. 她话说得太多了。
【妙辨异同】too much与much too
too much 太多; 过于; 可单独使用作状语, 用来修饰动词或动词短语
“太多”, 还可用作形容词性短语, 用来修饰不可数名词
much too “太; 非常”; 修饰形容词或副词
*He runs much too fast. 他跑得太快了。
too much修饰名词时, 后接不可数名词; too many修饰名词时, 后接可数名词复数形式。
too much和much too, 区别用法看后头;
much后接不可数, too后则修饰形或副。
①糖果含糖太多, 对我们的牙齿有害。
Sweets have too much sugar and are bad for our teeth.
(C)②My cousin is ______heavy because he eats ______fast food.
A. too much; too many 
B. too many; too much
C. much too; too much
Ⅰ. 选择适当的词, 并用其适当的形式填空
color, help, you, bad, play
1. You can listen to music to relax yourselves, my dear children.
2. I really enjoy my colorful school life.
3. Peter is very helpful. He always helps others.
4. Doing sports is much better than playing computer games.
5. His grandpa was even worse today than yesterday.
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成句子
1. 我们花了半个小时到达体育中心。
It took us half an hour to arrive at the sports center.
2. 当布莱克夫人读到她女儿的信时, 她几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。
Mrs Black couldn’t believe her eyes when she read her daughter’s letter.
3. 汤姆说那座山看起来像头大象。
Tom said the mountain looked like an elephant.
4. 在北京世界公园, 你可以看到世界上主要的景点。
You can see the main sights of the world in the World Park of Beijing.
5. 迈克迫不及待地要吃一口妈妈做的汉堡。
Mike can’t wait to take a bite of mom’s hamburger.
6. 琳达把她的故事写在了自己的主页上。
Linda wrote her story and put it on her home page.
Unit 3 A day out
Task& Self-assessment
Ⅰ. 根据汉语完成下列句子
1. 我们正计划在十月十六日, 星期六外出一天。
We are planning a day out on Saturday, 16 October.
2. 我们将乘地铁去天安门广场。
We will take the underground to Tian’anmen Square.
3. 我们将步行去北海公园。
We will walk to Beihai Park.
4. 我们希望你能加入我们。
We hope you can join us.
5. 它将花费大约30分钟。
It will take about 30 minutes.
Ⅱ. 根据课文内容回答问题
1. Where are Kitty and Daniel going
They’re going to Tian’anmen Square, the Palace Museum, Beihai Park and Wangfujing Street.
2. How will they get to Tian’anmen Square from Sunshine Underground Station
They will take the underground.
3. How will they go to the Beihai Park
On foot.
4. What will they do at the Beihai Park
They will visit the garden and row boats.
5. When will they leave Wangfujing Street
At 6: 30 p. m.
考点 by underground 乘地铁
*We will go back to Sunshine Town by underground.
*I go to school on a bike every day.
*Will you take the underground to the zoo
“by+交通工具”意为“乘某种交通工具”, 作方式状语, 其中交通工具前不用冠词。如带有限定词或修饰词时要用in或on。例如: in a car, on a bus。
take +a/an+交通工具名词, 也可表示“乘坐(某种交通工具)”, 在句中作谓语。
(C)①More and more people in Qingdao go to work ______subway now.
A. with    B. on    C. by
②My aunt rides her bike to work every day. (改为同义句)
My aunt goes to work by bike every day.
Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空
1. Reading is a very useful (use) way of learning about the world.
2. If you don’t work hard at your lessons, your future will be hopeless (hope).
3. Spring is coming; the garden is full of colourful (colour) flowers.
4. When you don’t know the meaning (mean) of a word, use your dictionary.
5. The girl lost her parents at a very young age, and from then on, she became a cheerless (cheer) girl.
Ⅱ. 单项选择
(B)1. This is______useless book for me. But I will still ______it for 3 days because my sister wants to read it.
A. a; borrow   B. a; keep C. an; keep
(A)2. The boy felt so ______when he lost his way. Finally, a kind policeman helped him.
A. helpless B. careless C. unhelpful
(A)3. —How long will it ______to fly to Beijing
—About two hours.
A. take B. spend C. cost
(A)4. The bus is coming. Be careful when you ______the bus.
A. get on B. get off C. get up
(B)5. The Olympic Games ______every four years.
A. took place  B. take place C. happen
  本单元的话题是外出旅游。在写这类短文时, 一定要从去哪里旅游、何时出发、怎样去、做些什么、旅途的费用等方面进行描述。
  五一假期就要到了, 你打算外出旅游, 请根据提示用英文写一篇旅行计划。
要点: 1. 乘坐公交车前往旅游地;
2. 早上到海边游泳、拍照、晒太阳;
3. 下午去购物;
4. 晚上吃海鲜、发明信片和邮件给朋友。
要求: 1. 包含所给要点, 可适当发挥;
2. 不要逐词翻译, 词数80左右。
(1)时态: 使用一般将来时
(2)人称: 使用第一人称
①May Day is coming. I plan to visit. . .
②We will get there by. . .
③In the morning, we will. . .
④In the afternoon, we will. . .
⑤In the evening, we are going to . . .
⑥Oh, I can’t wait.
My Plan for May Day
May Day is coming. I plan to visit Beihai with my family. We will get there by bus. We will do many things there.
In the morning, we will swim in the sea. We will take lots of photos. I will lie on the beach in the sun. In the afternoon, we will go shopping.
In the evening, we are going to eat some seafood in a restaurant. Because it is delicious. And I’m going to write a postcard and send an E-mail to my friend Ann. Oh, I can’t wait.
  假如你是Sandy, 想邀请好友Amy来你们社区的青年中心玩。根据下面提供的信息, 用英语写一篇邀请信。要求:
  (1)表达清楚, 包含所有要点, 上下文连贯, 对要点中的省略号部分作1-2句话的适当发挥;
  (2)词数: 不少于80词。
  参考词汇: 青年中心 the youth center; 环境 environment
地理位置 社区位于市中心
社区情况 1. 环境优美, 鸟语花香 2. 邻居们友好善良……
活动 在青年中心有很多事情可做……
路线 沿着人民路(Renmin Road)走, 在第二个十字路口向右拐, 你会看到一个学校。青年中心位于学校隔壁, 在五楼
Dear Amy,
  I would like to invite you to visit the youth center in my community. _________
  I hope to meet you soon.
Unit 3 A day out
  人生就像一场旅行, 不必在乎目的地, 在乎的是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情, 让心灵去旅行!
  One stupid guy reads an ad about a vacation cruise① that costs only $ 100. After he signs up② and pays, the travel agent hits him with a bat③, knocks him unconscious④ and throws him out the back door into the river. Soon another guy comes in, pays his fee and gets the same treatment.
Fifteen minutes later, as the two are floating down the river together, the first man says, “I wonder if they’re serving any food on this cruise. ”
“I don’ t know, ” the second guy replied. “They didn’t last year. ”
①cruise   n. 乘船巡游; 巡航
②sign up 签约
③bat n. 球棒
④unconscious adj. 没有知觉的; 不省人事的Unit 3 A day out
Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出相应的单词
1. Let’s enjoy (我们自己)!
2. We’re sitting in a little (咖啡) shop by the River Seine.
3. We’re going to the (顶部) of the Eiffel Tower this afternoon!
4. The (总统) of the USA lives there.
5. How (宽) is the bridge
6. The (钢) is too heavy for him to lift.
7. It weighs over 100, 000 (吨).
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. ——埃迪, 你打算干什么
— are you , Eddie
—I’m going to exercise.
2. 你需要锻炼并保持身体健康。
You exercise and keep fit.
3. 我在澳大利亚玩得很开心!
I’m in Australia!
4. 金门大桥有多长
is the Golden Gate Bridge
5. 桥是由钢制成的, 不是吗
The bridge steel,
考点1 need v. 需要
*You need to exercise and keep fit.
*We need some food. 我们需要一些食物。
*The flower needs watering.
(1)need to do sth. “需要做某事”, 主语通常为 。
(2)need sth. “需要某物”。
(3)sth. need( ) “某事需要被做”, 主语通常是物, 用主动形式表示被动意义, 相当于sth. need( ) to be done。
(1)need可作情态动词, 后面接动词原形, 没有人称和数的变化。
You needn’t go at once.
(2)由情态动词must引导的一般疑问句, 否定回答常用needn’t或don’t have to。
—Must I finish the work today
—No, you needn’t. 不, 你不必。
①You need (make) a plan for your trip first.
②—Bad luck! My watch doesn’t work well.
—Take it easy. It just needs (repair).
( )③We have plenty of time. So I ______drive quickly.
A. needn’t    B. can’t   C. mustn’t
( )④—Must I go out to have dinner with you, Mum
—No, you______, my dear. You’re free to make your own decision.
A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t
考点2 Let’s enjoy ourselves! 咱们玩个痛快! (教材·P30)
*Let’s do sth. ! 意为“咱们做某事吧! ”表示提出建议。
*Let’s go and play, shall we
咱们去玩吧, 好吗
【妙辨异同】let’s与let us
let’s 含有劝诱、建议或请对方一起行动的意思
let us 具有请求对方允许我们(第一人称复数)做某事(对方不做)的意思
Let’s go! 咱们走吧!
Let us go! 让我们走吧!
let’s. . . 句式, 构成反意疑问句时, 附加疑问部分用shall we; let us. . . 句式, 构成反意疑问句时, 附加疑问部分用will you。
go to the movie theatre this evening.
( )②—Let’s ______to the movies!
—I’m sorry. I must ______my homework first.
A. going; do B. go; doing    C. go; do
考点3 enjoy oneself 玩得愉快
*Let’s enjoy ourselves!
咱们玩个痛快! (教材·P30)
*They enjoyed themselves at the party.
【考点·归纳】enjoy oneself的用法
enjoy oneself意为“玩得高兴, 过得愉快”, 相当于have a good time或have fun。
其中oneself要根据主语换用合适的反身代词。具体形式有: 我自己myself, 你自己yourself, 他自己himself, 她自己herself, 它自己itself, 我们自己ourselves, 你们自己yourselves, 他们自己themselves。
enjoy后接动词时, 只能用动名词形式, 不能跟动词不定式。
He enjoys reading novels. (√)
He enjoys to read novels. ( )
( )①Welcome you all to China and enjoy ______here.
A. yourself     B. yourselves C. themselves
②When I was free, I really enjoyed (walk) around the town.
考点4 be made of由……制成
*The bridge is made of steel, isn’t it
桥是由钢制成的, 不是吗 (教材·P31)
*The books are made of paper.
【妙辨异同】be made of, be made from与be made in
be made of 意为“由……制成”, 表示制成成品后, 仍可以看出原材料
be made from 意为“由……制成”, 表示制成成品后, 看不出原材料
be made in 意为“在……制造”, in后接表示地点的词
*Paper is made from wood.
*This kind of machine is made in China.
The first kite wood in history.
( )②Your gloves should be made ______leather, for they feel smooth.
A. in B. for C. of
( )③—Your sweater looks nice. Is it made of wool
—Yes, and it’s made ______Shanghai.
A. from B. in C. for
考点5 The bridge is made of steel, isn’t it
桥是由钢制成的, 不是吗 (教材·P31)
该句是反意疑问句, 是表示说话人对所陈述的事情有所怀疑或不肯定, 需要对方加以证实。这种问句由两部分构成: 陈述部分+附加疑问部分。其结构有两种:
反意疑问句要遵循“前肯后否, 前否后肯”的原则。
You are a teacher, aren’t you
你是一名老师, 不是吗
Betty doesn’t like apples, does she
贝蒂不喜欢苹果, 是吗
回答反意疑问句时, 不管附加疑问部分的陈述部分是肯定的还是否定的, 只需要根据实际情况作出肯定(Yes)或否定(No)的回答。
—You are a student, aren’t you
你是一名学生, 不是吗
—Yes, I am. /No, I am not.
是的, 我是。/不, 我不是。
前肯后否是习惯, 前否后肯也常见。
短句not如出现, 必须缩写是习惯。
还有一点需注意, 短语代词作主语。
回答反意疑问句, 答案含义是依据。
肯定事实用yes, 否定事实用no替。
( )①—Your mother went to attend our school’s parents’ meeting yesterday, ______
—Yes, she did.
A. didn’t she    B. doesn’t she C. did she
( )②He has few friends in his new school, ______
A. hasn’t he    B. does he C. is he
考点6 far away 远离; 在远处
*The World Park is quite far away.
*The moon is far away from the earth.
*My house is far from the school.
*He is far from being rich. 他一点也不富裕。
far away意为“远离; 在远处”, 在句中可作表语、状语或后置定语。其后接地点作宾语时常连接介词from。
【妙辨异同】far away与far from
far away “远离”, 用作表语或状语, away可以省略, 因此far away=far; 后不接宾语; 接宾语时常用介词from
far from 除表示距离的“远离”之外, 还有“远远不, 完全不, 决非”之意, 后接名词、动名词或形容词
【温馨提示】far away不能写成faraway。faraway是形容词, 意为“遥远的”, 可作名词的前置定语。far away可与faraway进行同义转换。
Nick lives in a faraway village.
=Nick lives in a village far away.
My school is my sister’s.
Her hometown is .
Ⅰ. 选择适当的词, 并用其适当的形式填空
take, excite, use, close, try
1. This year’s fashion show is as as last year’s.
2. It’s cold outside. Please keep the window .
3. Keep and you will live a better life soon.
4. I forgot to go to the movie theater yesterday, so the ticket is now.
5. The interview place on a Friday afternoon.
Ⅱ. 按要求改写句子
1. We had a great time at the beach last weekend. (改为同义句)
We at the beach last weekend.
2. The yellow window is . (对画线部分提问)
is the yellow window
3. My parents and I took a trip around the West Lake by boat yesterday. (改为同义句)
My parents and I around the West Lake yesterday.
4. This film is as interesting as the one we saw last Saturday, (完成反意疑问句)
5. Mr Smith needs to know its name and place. (改为否定句)
Mr Smith to know its name and place.
Unit 3 A day out
Ⅰ. 选择适当的词, 并用其适当的形式填空
health, luck, use, make, take
1. She often does morning exercises to keep .
2. That tower is of steel.
3. It me 5 days to finish the job next month.
4. Internet is becoming a tool for people.
5. , we won the basketball match last week.
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. 吴老师和那两个女孩一样高兴。
Mr Wu is happy the two girls.
2. 那两个女孩不像吴老师那样高。
The two girls are tall Mr Wu.
3. 你们现在可以去尽情玩耍。
You can go and now.
4. 你们大家玩得高兴吗
Did you all
5. 你很幸运, 没有伤着自己!
You’re you didn’t hurt !
考点1 luckily adv. 幸好, 幸运的是
*Luckily, some climbers helped Simon. 幸运的是, 一些登山者帮助了西蒙。(教材·P36)
*You’re lucky you didn’t hurt yourself!
你很幸运, 没有伤着你自己! (教材·P36)
*He fell off his bike. Unluckily, he hurt his leg.
他从自行车上摔下来。不幸的是, 他伤了腿。
① (luck), it didn’t rain and we could play soccer as usual.
②How (幸运的) they are to have such a good teacher!
( )③There was a car accident on Xinhua Road yesterday. ______, nobody was hurt.
A. Lucky B. Luckily C. Unluckily
考点2 keep sth. to oneself 保密; 不与他人分享
* They kept the secret to themselves.
* I can tell you that, but you must keep it to yourself.
我可以告诉你, 不过你必须要保守秘密。
keep sth. to oneself 意为“保密; 不与他人分享”, oneself必须根据实际情况来确定其具体形式。
①如果你有问题的话, 你不应该闷在心里。
You shouldn’t if you have some problems.
Remember to your teachers and classmates after you leave school.
一、as. . . as的用法
根据汉语提示, 完成下列句子。
1. 这座山并不如真的高!
This hill isn’t high a real one!
2. 吴先生和两个女孩一样开心。
Mr Wu is happy the two girls.
  表示双方在某方面(如年龄、身高等)程度相同或不同时, 常用as. . . as或not as. . . as结构。
1. as. . . as. . . /not as. . . as 属同级比较, 而且被比较的双方必须是同类事物。在此结构中, 要使用形容词或副词的原级。
Mary is as careful as Linda.
This book is not as interesting as that one.
2. not as. . . as. . . 结构与比较级的转换
This park isn’t as big as that one.
=This park is smaller than that one.
=That park is bigger than this one.
在同级比较的否定句中, 也可以用not so. . . as结构。
This desk is not as heavy as that one.
=This desk is not so heavy as that one.
( )1. Mary is as ______as her sister. They always plan everything well.
A. carefully   B. careful C. more carefully
( )2. My math teacher lives an active life. She looks as ______as she was ten years ago.
A. young  B. younger  C. the youngest
( )3. Many students think that singing songs is ______listening to music.
A. more happy   B. as interested as C. as relaxing as
用所给词的适当形式完成下列教材原句, 并体会在句中的含义。
1. Let’s enjoy (our)!
2. Go and see for (your)!
3. Linda and Kitty went to the World Park by (they).
4. Simon is trying to pull (him) up the rocks.
5. They kept the secret to (they).
  反身代词即人称代词的反身形式, 它所指代的人或物与主语一致, 在句中可以起到强调的作用。
  反身代词与它所指代的对象, 在人称、性别、数上必须保持一致。
人称 单数 复数
第一人称 myself ourselves
第二人称 yourself yourselves
第三人称 himself herself itself themselves
反身代词的用法: 反身代词一般用来作宾语、表语以及主语或宾语的同位语。
反身代词莫乱用, 只在句中作宾、表、同;
反身代词指自身, -self, -selves单复分;
强调就是同位语, 宾、表只能回自身。
与反身代词相关的短语: by oneself 独自; teach oneself自学; enjoy oneself玩得开心。
( )1. Don’t worry. The girl is old enough to look after ______.
A. herself B. her C. hers
( )2. Children should learn how to protect ______in the face of danger.
A. yourself    B. ourselves C. themselves
( )3. Trust ______. You can do much better than you think.
A. you B. your C. yourself
( )4. My daughter was about 2 years old when she could walk by______.
A. her B. hers C. herself
( )5. —She is too busy to help us finish the work.
—Let’s do it ______.
A. herself B. myself C. ourselves
Ⅰ. 用反身代词填空
1. It’s very important for us to learn how to learn by .
2. Please help to some fish, Sandy and James.
3. My mother often likes saying to when she feels nervous.
4. The lovely boy often dresses up as the Monkey King.
5. Amy, you’re so lucky. Because you don’t hurt .
6. Kate and Lily went to the dancing party and enjoyed last night.
Ⅱ. 单项选择
( )1. (2022·百色中考改编)The mother encourages her little son to learn to look after ______.
A. hers B. herself C. himself
( )2. (2022·福建中考)As the art festival is coming, they are preparing everything by______.
A. yourselves   B. ourselves C. themselves
( )3. (2022·成都中考)—Where did you get this sky lantern
—I made it by ______.
A. herself B. itself C. myself
( )4. (2022·凉山州中考改编)Nobody taught the old man how to play computer games. He taught ______.
A. myself B. himself C. herself
( )5. (2021·滨州中考) —Dad, could you please teach ______English
—Sure! But it’s more important to learn it by ______.
A. my; yourself
B. my; you
C. me; yourself
( )6. (2021·青海中考)Each child can only hand in one piece of work ______in the drawing competition.
A. himself    B. herself C. themselves
Unit 3 A day out
Integrated skills & Study skills
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出相应的单词或短语
1. It is in the (决赛) of the basketball competition!
2. Our school basketball team needs your (支持)!
3. Come and (欢呼) for our team!
4. It’s (免费的) for groups of 30 or more students.
5. My (票) is (无用的) now, but I’ll keep it!
6. The match (发生) on Sunday, 17 October.
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1. 不要忘记带你的朋友来!
Don’t your friends!
2. 我们带琳达去颐和园好吗
take Linda to the Summer Palace
3. 我认为那不是一个好主意。
I that’s a good idea.
4. 我们为什么不去那个中国科学技术馆呢
we go to the China Science and Technology Museum
5. 前天我们去了世界公园。
We the World Park the day before yesterday.
考点1 take place 发生; 进行
*The match takes place on Sunday, 17 October.
【考点·归纳】take place 意为“发生, 进行”, 为不及物动词短语, 一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”, 即这种事情的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。无被动语态。
【妙辨异同】take place与happen
词(组) 含义 用法
take place 都有“发生”之意 常用于已计划、安排或人们积极参与的事情
happen 用于偶然发生的事件, 也可用于由另一件事引起的事情
*New things are happening around us.
①自2016年以来, 贵州发生了很大变化。
Great changes have in Guizhou since 2016.
Last week the classic reading competition in our school. (take)
考点2 cheer vi. &vt. 欢呼, 喝彩
*Come and cheer for our team!
来为我们队加油! (教材·P37)
*Let’s go and cheer for them!
*How can we cheer him up
cheer v. 欢呼; 喝彩; 加油。常用搭配: cheer up振奋起来; 是动副短语, 代词作宾语时要放在两词 , 名词作宾语时放在短语 或 均可。
cheer还可作名词意为“欢呼声; 喝彩声”。
①People all over China are (欢呼) for the success of the 20th National Congress of the CPC.
( )②—Little Jenny looks unhappy today.
—Don’t worry. A box of chocolates will ______her ______.
A give; up B. wake; up C. cheer; up
考点3 forget to do sth. 忘记做某事
*Don’t forget to bring your friends!
不要忘记带你的朋友来! (教材·P37)
*Sorry, I forgot to bring the book.
对不起, 我忘了带书了。
*I forgot borrowing a book from you.
【妙辨异同】forget to do sth. 与forget doing sth.
(1)forget 意为“忘记要去做某事”(事情还没有做);
(2)forget 意为“忘记曾经做过某事”(事情已经做过了)。
有类似用法的词还有: remember。remember to do sth. “记得要做某事”; remember doing sth. “记得做过某事”。
( )①—Sam, don’t forget ______the book to the library tomorrow.
—OK, I won’t.
A. return B. returning C. to return
( )②This afternoon we’re going to have an English class; remember ______your book.
A. to finish B. bringing C. to bring
考点4 cost n. 费用; 价钱
*Cost of the trip旅途的费用(教材·P37)
*Tickets cost ten dollars each.
cost可作名词, 意为“费用; 价钱”; 也可作动词, 意为“(使)花费(时间、金钱、劳力等)”。
【妙辨异同】表示花费的pay, spend, take与cost
pay 主语是人, 常与介词for搭配使用
spend 主语是人, 常用于“sb. spend( ) some time/money on sth. (某人在某事或某物上花费了一些时间/金钱)”和“sb. spend( ) money/time (in) doing sth. (某人做某事花了多少金钱/时间)”结构中
take 意为“花费”时, 常用于“It takes sb. +时间/金钱+动词不定式(做某事花费某人多少时间/金钱)”句式中, 其中it为形式主语, 真正的主语是后面的动词不定式
cost 常以物作主语, 指花费时间(不是具体时间)、金钱、劳力、精力或生命等
*The children needn’t pay for their schooling anymore. 孩子们不再需要付学费了。
*My parents spend a lot of money on books every year. 我父母每年花很多钱买书。
*Li Ming spends a lot of time (in) playing computer games.
*It takes me half an hour to practice dancing every day. 我每天花费半个小时练习跳舞。
*The computer costs me 3, 000 yuan.
这台计算机花了我3 000元。
pay, take, spend, cost
a. Taking a taxi can a lot of money.
b. It me 15 minutes to get to the bookshop yesterday.
c. He two hours in doing his homework every day.
d. How beautiful the car is! How much did you for it
( )a. —Wow, your sweater is very beautiful! How much is it
—Thank you. It ______me 30 dollars.
A. spent   B. paid   C. cost
( )b. We should ______more time talking with our teachers so that they can understand us better.
A. pay B. spend C. take
( )c. It ______about eight minutes for the light to travel from the sun to the earth.
A. pays B. costs C. takes
( )d. (2021·南京中考改编)It ______Zhang Guimei many years to help about 1, 800 girl students in poor areas realize their college dreams.
A. took B. spent C. cost
考点5 Shall we take Linda to the Summer Palace
我们带琳达去颐和园好吗 (教材·P38)
  句型Shall I/we do sth. 常用来表示征求对方的意见, 意为“我(们)做某事好吗 ”。其中的Shall为情态动词, 意为“将; 会”, 后跟动词原形, 只跟第一人称I/we搭配, 相当于will。
【易错警示】shall we常用于let’s. . . 句式之后, 构成反意疑问句。
Let’s have a rest, shall we
我们休息一下, 好吗
Let’s do sth. ! 咱们做某事吧!
Why not do sth. 为什么不做某事呢
Why don’t you do sth.
What/How about doing sth.
Would you like to do sth. 你想要做某事吗
put the bookcase against the wall
② Let’s give our room a good sweep, (完成反意疑问句)
( )③—Shall we make a cake for Tina as a birthday gift
—______. It will give her a big surprise.
A. Good idea   B. It’s a pity C. You’re welcome
考点6 useless adj. 无用的
*My ticket is useless now, but I’ll keep it!
我的票现在没用了, 但是我会留着它! (教材·P39)
*This book is very useful to me.
【考点·归纳】useless由名词use+后缀-less构成的, 意为“无用的”, 其反义词是由use+后缀-ful构成的useful, 意为“有用的”。
在一些名词后加-ful或-less构成形容词。后缀-ful意为“充满”, 后缀-less意为“没有”。不是所有的单词都同时拥有后缀-ful和-less。类似构成的词有:
加词缀-less: harmless(无害的); hopeless(无望的); homeless(无家可归的); meaningless(没有意义的); careless(粗心的); helpless(无助的); colourless(没有色彩的)
加词缀-ful: cheerful(兴高采烈的); colourful(多彩的); harmful(有害的); successful(成功的); wonderful(精彩的); beautiful(美丽的); careful(认真的)。
①Mark is very (help). He often fixes up people’s broken bikes for free.
②Three hundred people were made (home) by the earthquake.
Ⅰ. 单项选择
( )1. Don’t forget ______back your door key when you leave the hotel.
A. gave B. to give C. giving
( )2. —How much is the ticket to Central Park
—A one-way ticket______$ 40, and you can______another $20 for a round-trip ticket.
A. costs; pay    B. cost; spend C. pay; spend
( )3. Those old ______things are not worth a red cent. You’d better throw them away right now.
A. careful B. helpless C. useless
( )4. As we all know, the 2022 Winter Olympic Games ______in Beijing.
A. takes place B. happened C. took place
( )5. —Shall we go to watch the football match this afternoon
—______. And I will take my camera with me.
A. Have a good time     
B. Best wishes
C. I can’t wait
Ⅱ. 阅读下面的对话, 从方框中选择合适的单词或短语, 并用其适当形式填空
take place, why not, half-time, cheer for
Jim: Did you watch the football match between our school and No. 3 Secondary School
Steven: Yes. It 1. in the City Stadium yesterday. And we won!
Jim: Wonderful! Tell me more.
Steven: During the 2. , there was a short show. I was one of the dancers.
Jim: What a pity that I didn’t go to 3. them. I have an idea. 4. put your photos on your home page for us to see
Steven: What a good idea! Then more people will share them.
Unit 3 A day out
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写出相应的单词
1. I’m doing (蛮不错) here.
2. The sun was shining in a (晴朗的) blue (天空).
3. Yesterday Kitty’s teacher Mr Wu invited me to (参加) their school trip to the World Park.
4. There was a lot of traffic on the way and the (旅程) was a little (乏味的).
5. It was an amazing day because we saw the (主要的) (风景) of the world in just one day.
6. You can see some photos of the trip on the (网络).
7. Boys and girls, believe in (你们自己)!
Ⅱ. 根据课文内容完成下列短文
I was very happy that day because my teacher Mr Wu 1. my cousin Linda 2. join our school trip. At the beginning we didn’t enjoy it because there was heavy traffic on the way. Linda and I felt bored for most of the trip. Finally we
3. the World Park. When we saw the model Eiffel Tower, Linda and I became excited. In the World Park, there were over a hundred 4. from all over the world. The best part was the song and dance shows. We really 5. on that amazing day. After our trip, Daniel made a 6. . He put his photos on it.
考点1 join vt. &vi. 加入, 参加
*Yesterday Kitty’s teacher Mr Wu invited me to join their school trip to the World Park.
*Why didn’t you join in the talk last night
【妙辨异同】 join, join in
join 加入某组织或团体或和某人一起做某事, 成为其中一员, 后接组织或团体名或某人
join in 指参加某项比赛或活动, 常用于口语
( )①—Hi, Peter. Will you ______us for lunch tomorrow
—I’d love to, but Cindy invited me to ______their trip to Liuhou Park yesterday.
A. join; join in   B. join; join C. join in; join
( )②He ______an English club last year and has improved his English a lot.
A. joined B. joined in C. attended
考点2 boring adj. 乏味的
*There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey was a little boring.
路上车辆很多, 旅途有点乏味。(教材·P32)
*Fred was bored and decided to go home.
弗雷德觉得很无聊, 决定回家。
boring adj. 修饰事或物, 意为“令人乏味的”
bored adj. 修饰人, 意为“无聊的, 乏味的”
表示情感的形容词常见用法: 带-ed 的形容词表示人的感受, 带-ing 的形容词表示物的性质和状态。例如:
excite → excited/exciting(兴奋的/令人兴奋的)
move → moved/moving(感动的/令人感动的)
surprise → surprised/surprising(感到惊奇的/使人惊奇的)
tire → tired/tiring(厌倦的/令人厌倦的)
frighten→ frightened/frightening(受惊吓的/令人惊恐的)
①She doesn’t like this book because it is very (bore).
②If you do the same things month after month, you may get (bore).
( )③The movie is so ______. And we don’t like it at all.
A. boring B. bored C. interesting
考点3 arrive vi. 到达
*We finally arrived at the park.
最后, 我们到达公园。(教材·P32)
*The delegation will arrive in Beijing, China at 5: 00 p. m.
代表团将于下午5: 00到达中国北京。
*It was dark when they arrived at the railway station.
当他们到达火车站的时候, 天已经黑了。
【妙辨异同】arrive, reach与get
arrive arrive是一个不及物动词, 其后不能直接接地点, 若接地点名词(短语)时, 要先接介词in或at。arrive in表示到达一个相对大的地点; arrive at表示到达一个相对小的地点。若接地点副词, 则不需要加介词
reach reach是一个及物动词, 其后能直接接表示地点的宾语
get get在表示“到达”时是不及物动词, 其后接地点名词(短语)时, 应与to搭配使用
*They reached London on Friday.
*They got to the top of the hill at noon.
【易错警示】如果后面没有任何表示地点的名词或副词时, 则只能用arrive。
When did you arrive 你什么时候到达的
arrive的名词形式为arrival, 意为“到来; 到达”。
We are waiting for his arrival.
( )①Mr Smith will our school next week.
The underlined part “arrive at” means ______.
A. get B. come C. reach
( )②—When did your pen friend ______
—At 9: 00 p. m.
A. arrive B. get C. reach
Please call me when you Shanghai.
考点4 can’t wait to/for 迫不及待
*All of us couldn’t wait to get off the bus.
*Paul was so hungry that he couldn’t wait for the cooling of the dumplings.
保罗如此饿, 他等不及饺子变凉。
can’t wait 意为“迫不及待”, 后面可接动词不定式或“介词+宾语”结构。
①I can’t wait (open) my presents on Children’s Day.
Bill turn on the TV as soon as he got home.
He was so excited that he the news.
考点5 in front of. . . 在……前面
*Soon the whole world was there in front of us!
不久整个世界呈现在我们面前! (教材·P32)
*There is a big tree in front of the house.
【妙辨异同】in front of与in the front of
(1)in front of表示“在……前面”, 指在某一范围之外的前面;
(2)in the front of “在……前面”, 指在某物体内部的前面。
*The driver sits in the front of the car.
The bus stop is right the library.
( )②—Why are you unhappy these days, Julie
—I can’t see the blackboard because two tall boys sit ______me.
A. behind B. in front of C. between
Ⅰ. 选择适当的词, 并用其适当的形式填空
care, climb, good, get, luck
1. Tom wants to be a in the future.
2. , everyone passed the exam. Congratulations!
3. It took us two hours to the zoo by bus yesterday.
4. The pear tastes as as it looks.
5. Do you think a driver is always a danger to the public
Ⅱ. 用方框中所给词组的适当形式填空
home page, arrive in, join in, in front of, place of interest, can’t wait to, not believe one’s eyes, get off
1. We are going to at the gate of the World Park in Beijing.
2. I when I saw the scene.
3. We visited over 100 from all over the world in the World Park.
4. He dropped the letter into the mailbox the post office.
5. Summer holidays are coming. Julie go on holiday with her family.
6. My classmate Daniel taught me how to make a .
7. They left London at 10: 00 a. m. and Paris at 13: 00 p. m.
8. I hope that everyone will be able to the fun.
Unit 3 A day out
考点1 by oneself独立地; 独自
*Linda and Kitty went to the World Park by themselves.
*Can you finish the work by yourself
by oneself意为“ ”, 相当于alone或on one’s own。
I can do it by myself.
=I can do it alone.
=I can do it on my own.
①校长非常负责, 他亲自为我们做一切事情。
The headmaster is so responsible that he does everything for us .
( )②—Mom, I plan to wash clothes by ______this summer vacation.
—Good girl! Go for it.
A. me    B. my    C. myself
考点2 look like 看起来像……
*The model Golden Gate Bridge looked just like the real one in the USA.
*He looks like his mother.
look like意为“看起来像……”, like是介词, 后面常接名词(短语)或代词。
【妙辨异同】look like与be like
look like “看起来像……”, 指外表的相似
be like “像……”, 既可以表示外表的相似, 也可以表示内在特点的相似
【一言辨异】The two brothers do not look like each other, but they are like each other.
这两兄弟虽然长得不像, 性格却相似。
①托尼长得像他爸爸, 说话的神情像他妈妈。
Tony his father and talks like his mother.
( )②—What does your brother look like
A. He is outgoing
B. He is really tall and thin
C. He is a student
考点3 too much 太多
*There was too much traffic on the way.
*She talks too much. 她话说得太多了。
【妙辨异同】too much与much too
too much 太多; 过于; 可单独使用作状语, 用来修饰动词或动词短语
“太多”, 还可用作形容词性短语, 用来修饰不可数名词
much too “太; 非常”; 修饰形容词或副词
*He runs much too fast. 他跑得太快了。
too much修饰名词时, 后接不可数名词; too many修饰名词时, 后接可数名词复数形式。
too much和much too, 区别用法看后头;
much后接不可数, too后则修饰形或副。
①糖果含糖太多, 对我们的牙齿有害。
( )②My cousin is ______heavy because he eats ______fast food.
A. too much; too many 
B. too many; too much
C. much too; too much
Ⅰ. 选择适当的词, 并用其适当的形式填空
color, help, you, bad, play
1. You can listen to music to relax , my dear children.
2. I really enjoy my school life.
3. Peter is very . He always helps others.
4. Doing sports is much better than computer games.
5. His grandpa was even today than yesterday.
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成句子
1. 我们花了半个小时到达体育中心。
us half an hour at the sports center.
2. 当布莱克夫人读到她女儿的信时, 她几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。
Mrs Black her when she read her daughter’s letter.
3. 汤姆说那座山看起来像头大象。
Tom said the mountain an elephant.
4. 在北京世界公园, 你可以看到世界上主要的景点。
You can see the the world in the World Park of Beijing.
5. 迈克迫不及待地要吃一口妈妈做的汉堡。
Mike take a bite of mom’s hamburger.
6. 琳达把她的故事写在了自己的主页上。
Linda wrote her story and put it on her .
Unit 3 A day out
Task& Self-assessment
Ⅰ. 根据汉语完成下列句子
1. 我们正计划在十月十六日, 星期六外出一天。
We a day out on Saturday, 16 October.
2. 我们将乘地铁去天安门广场。
We will to Tian’anmen Square.
3. 我们将步行去北海公园。
We will Beihai Park.
4. 我们希望你能加入我们。
We you join us.
5. 它将花费大约30分钟。
It will about 30 minutes.
Ⅱ. 根据课文内容回答问题
1. Where are Kitty and Daniel going
They’re going to .
2. How will they get to Tian’anmen Square from Sunshine Underground Station
They will .
3. How will they go to the Beihai Park
4. What will they do at the Beihai Park
They will .
5. When will they leave Wangfujing Street
考点 by underground 乘地铁
*We will go back to Sunshine Town by underground.
*I go to school on a bike every day.
*Will you take the underground to the zoo
“by+ ”意为“乘某种交通工具”, 作方式状语, 其中交通工具前不用冠词。如带有限定词或修饰词时要用in或on。例如: in a car, on a bus。
take +a/an+交通工具名词, 也可表示“乘坐(某种交通工具)”, 在句中作谓语。
( )①More and more people in Qingdao go to work ______subway now.
A. with    B. on    C. by
②My aunt rides her bike to work every day. (改为同义句)
My aunt goes to work every day.
Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空
1. Reading is a very (use) way of learning about the world.
2. If you don’t work hard at your lessons, your future will be (hope).
3. Spring is coming; the garden is full of (colour) flowers.
4. When you don’t know the (mean) of a word, use your dictionary.
5. The girl lost her parents at a very young age, and from then on, she became a (cheer) girl.
Ⅱ. 单项选择
( )1. This is______useless book for me. But I will still ______it for 3 days because my sister wants to read it.
A. a; borrow   B. a; keep C. an; keep
( )2. The boy felt so ______when he lost his way. Finally, a kind policeman helped him.
A. helpless B. careless C. unhelpful
( )3. —How long will it ______to fly to Beijing
—About two hours.
A. take B. spend C. cost
( )4. The bus is coming. Be careful when you ______the bus.
A. get on B. get off C. get up
( )5. The Olympic Games ______every four years.
A. took place  B. take place C. happen
  本单元的话题是外出旅游。在写这类短文时, 一定要从去哪里旅游、何时出发、怎样去、做些什么、旅途的费用等方面进行描述。
  五一假期就要到了, 你打算外出旅游, 请根据提示用英文写一篇旅行计划。
要点: 1. 乘坐公交车前往旅游地;
2. 早上到海边游泳、拍照、晒太阳;
3. 下午去购物;
4. 晚上吃海鲜、发明信片和邮件给朋友。
要求: 1. 包含所给要点, 可适当发挥;
2. 不要逐词翻译, 词数80左右。
(1)时态: 使用一般将来时
(2)人称: 使用第一人称
①May Day is coming. I plan to visit. . .
②We will get there by. . .
③In the morning, we will. . .
④In the afternoon, we will. . .
⑤In the evening, we are going to . . .
⑥Oh, I can’t wait.
My Plan for May Day
May Day is coming. I plan to visit Beihai with my family. We will get there by bus. We will do many things there.
In the morning, we will swim in the sea. We will take lots of photos. I will lie on the beach in the sun. In the afternoon, we will go shopping.
In the evening, we are going to eat some seafood in a restaurant. Because it is delicious. And I’m going to write a postcard and send an E-mail to my friend Ann. Oh, I can’t wait.
  假如你是Sandy, 想邀请好友Amy来你们社区的青年中心玩。根据下面提供的信息, 用英语写一篇邀请信。要求:
  (1)表达清楚, 包含所有要点, 上下文连贯, 对要点中的省略号部分作1-2句话的适当发挥;
  (2)词数: 不少于80词。
  参考词汇: 青年中心 the youth center; 环境 environment
地理位置 社区位于市中心
社区情况 1. 环境优美, 鸟语花香 2. 邻居们友好善良……
活动 在青年中心有很多事情可做……
路线 沿着人民路(Renmin Road)走, 在第二个十字路口向右拐, 你会看到一个学校。青年中心位于学校隔壁, 在五楼
Dear Amy,
  I would like to invite you to visit the youth center in my community. _________
  I hope to meet you soon.
Unit 3 A day out
  人生就像一场旅行, 不必在乎目的地, 在乎的是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情, 让心灵去旅行!
  One stupid guy reads an ad about a vacation cruise① that costs only $ 100. After he signs up② and pays, the travel agent hits him with a bat③, knocks him unconscious④ and throws him out the back door into the river. Soon another guy comes in, pays his fee and gets the same treatment.
Fifteen minutes later, as the two are floating down the river together, the first man says, “I wonder if they’re serving any food on this cruise. ”
“I don’ t know, ” the second guy replied. “They didn’t last year. ”
①cruise   n. 乘船巡游; 巡航
②sign up 签约
③bat n. 球棒
④unconscious adj. 没有知觉的; 不省人事的



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