Unit 1 This is me! 短文、选词填空 专练(含解析)-- 七年级英语上册 译林版(2024)

Unit 1 This is me! 短文、选词填空 专练-- 七年级英语上册 译林版(2024)
I start my first day of school at junior high today! I can’t believe this day has finally arrived.
I f 1 very nervous (紧张的) these days. Do you know why That’s because everything is n 2 to me. Now, I am going to be a new kid all over again and I have to make new f 3 .
I am not alone (独自一人) b 4 all of us going into the junior high school are in the same boat. In fact, I am not w 5 about being a new junior high school student. I am excited about it! I am excited about all the different s 6 I get to study.
The letter I got last week from my new school says that this Friday will be Club Day. There are a lot of c 7 in my new school. I think I might join the Film Making Club. Dad told me that a good w 8 to make friends is to meet people who share your hobbies.
I will miss my old friends when I am in this new school, but I know there will be at least (至少) three other students from my primary school. I also know that I can talk with my old friends even if (即使) we don’t go to the s 9 school.
I am so excited now! Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa are all excited for me as well. I think I am going to e 10 and love being a junior high school student after all. I am looking forward to a great year and an exciting new world!
Almost everyone loves r 11 . Lots of people choose to keep (饲养) rabbits as their pets. Why do people love rabbits Well, there are some different reasons.
The first one is about w 12 they look like. Look at the white rabbits! They are so c 13 and beautiful. They have white fur and look pretty.
The s 14 one is that rabbits are quiet and n 15 make noise. Old people love to keep rabbits. They say that they need quiet pets, because they c 16 stand (忍受) the noise.
The last o 17 is that they are clean animals. Rabbits can l 18 to use a litter (猫砂) box. It takes time to train the rabbit to use a litter box. S 19 you should be patient (耐心的) with y 20 pet rabbits.
They are perfect pets, aren’t they
Hello! My name is Chen Jie. I’m 12. I am from China. Now, I 21 (be) in No. 1 Middle School.
This is 22 (I) schoolbag. It’s on the bed. It’s blue 23 I like the color very much. You can see some 24 (book), 25 English dictionary and a pencil box in it. What’s 26 (those) under the chair It’s a basketball. My hobby is 27 (play) basketball. I’m 28 (interest) in the games. I often go to play basketball with my friends.
Look, is that a photo Yes, it is a photo 29 my family. You can 30 (see) my grandma, my parents and me in it. I love my family very much.
My name is Li Zihao. I’m 12 years old and I’m from Wuhan—a big city in central China. I have a pen pal (笔友) from America. H 31 name is Alan White. Alan is in Grade 7, too. We a 32 talk or play computer games online together on weekends. We are good f 33 . Look. This is a photo 34 my family. In the middle 35 (be) my father and my mother, and these are my g 36 . This girl is my cousin Lingling. She is my uncle’s d 37 , but she i 38 a student. She is only three. She is a cute and n 39 girl. Everyone in our family l 40 her.
Nice 41 (meet)you! My name is Zhang Chaoyang. Zhang is my last name and Chaoyang is my 42 (one)name. My English nameis Charles. I am 43 English teacher. My favorite color 44 (be)black. You can see my bag 45 jacket are black. Look! On my 46 (grandpa)chair sits a dog. 47 (it)name is Bingo. 48 (this)toys are Bingo’s. They are everywhere! 49 is the toy car I can’t find it now. I need to look for it. All right, let’s call it a day! Thanks 50 watching my vlog(视频博客). See you tomorrow!
Hi, I am a C 51 boy. My n 52 is Alan. I have a good friend. W 53 his name His name is Nick. M 54 Li is my English teacher. He is very good. He teaches me E 55 . T 56 is Sunday. I meet Mr Li in the park in the morning. I say “Good a 57 !” to him. He says, “It’s not r 58 . Y 59 should say ‘Good morning!’” I say, “T 60 you, Mr Li.”
read be play talk hobby
Here let me tell you something about my aunt Mary. She 61 thirty years old. She has a lot of 62 . She usually gets up early in the morning. And then she walks her dog near the river. She sometimes enjoys 63 to others near her home after work. She doesn’t like to watch TV, but she likes 64 books. She is a nice woman. I am happy 65 games with her.
polite be he always glass
66.The boy with is my new classmate, Tommy.
67.Han Mei and Yuan Yuan my good friends.
68.It’s to eat food on the subway (地铁).
69.Kitty is kind to others.
70.Look! There is a new book in hand.
1.(f)eel 2.(n)ew 3.(f)riends 4.(b)ecause 5.(w)orried 6.(s)ubjects 7.(c)lubs 8.(w)ay 9.(s)ame 10.(e)njoy
1.句意:这些天我感到很紧张。根据“very nervous”及首字母可知,是感到紧张,feel“感到”,且由these days可知是一般现在时,主语是I,动词用原形。故填(f)eel。
2.句意:那是因为一切对我来说都是新的。根据“my first day of school”及首字母可知,第一天上学一切都是新的,new“新的”,形容词作表语。故填(n)ew。
3.句意:我将再次成为一个新的孩子,我不得不交新朋友。根据“ make new...”及首字母可知,此处是make friends“交朋友”,固定短语。故填(f)riends。
4.句意:我不是独自一人,因为我们所有进入初中的人都在同一条船上。根据“I am not alone (独自一人) ... all of us going into the junior high school are in the same boat.”可知,前后是因果关系,属于前果后因,用because“因为”引导原因状语从句。故填(b)ecause。
5.句意:事实上,作为一名初中生,我并不担心。根据“am not w...about ”及首字母可知,此处是固定短语be worried about“担忧”。故填(w)orried。
7.句意:我的新学校有很多俱乐部。根据“I think I might join the Film making Club.”可知,是指俱乐部,a lot of后跟复数名词clubs“俱乐部”。故填(c)lubs。
8.句意:爸爸告诉我,结交新朋友的一个好方法是认识和你有共同爱好的人。根据“a good w...to make new friends is to meet people who share your hobbies.”可知,是指交新朋友的好方法,应用单数名词way“方法”。故填(w)ay。
9.句意:我也知道,我可以和我的老朋友聊天,即使我们不再去同一所学校。根据“I can talk with my old friends even if we no longer go to the s...school.”及首字母可知,即使不在同一个学校,也可以和老朋友聊天。same“相同的”符合题意。故填(s)ame。
10.句意:我想我终究会享受并热爱做一名初中生。根据“and love”及首字母可知,此处应是与love并列的动词,表示“喜欢”的意思,enjoy“喜欢、享受”符合语境;且be going to后加动词原形。故填(e)njoy。
11.(r)abbits 12.(w)hat 13.(c)ute 14.(s)econd 15.(n)ever 16.(c)an’t 17.(o)ne 18.(l)earn 19.(S)o 20.(y)our
11.句意:几乎每个人都喜欢兔子。根据“Lots of people choose to keep rabbits as their pets.”可知,几乎每个人都喜欢兔子,rabbit“兔子”符合题意,此处用其复数表示泛指。故填(r)abbits。
12.句意:第一个是关于它们的长相。根据“The first one is about w... they look like.”可知,人们喜欢养兔子的原因之一是其外貌。根据“w... they look like”可知,是因为它们的长相,what符合题意。故填(w)hat。
13.句意:它们是如此的可爱和美丽。根据“They have white fur and look pretty.”并结合单词首字母c可知,它们很可爱,cute“可爱的”符合题意。故填(c)ute。
14.句意:第二个原因是兔子很安静,从不制造噪音。根据“The first one is about ...”可知,此处在介绍第二个原因,second“第二”符合题意。故填(s)econd。
15.句意:第二个原因是兔子很安静,从不制造噪音。根据“rabbits are quiet”可知,兔子从不制造噪音,never“从不”符合题意。故填(n)ever。
16.句意:他们受不了噪音。根据“They say that they need quiet pets,because they ... stand the noise.”可知,人们受不了噪音,can’t stand“无法忍受”。故填(c)an’t。
17.句意:最后一点是它们是干净的动物。根据“The first one”可知,此处在介绍最后一点原因。the last one“最后一个”。故填(o)ne。
18.句意:兔子可以学习使用猫砂盒。根据“It takes time to train the rabbit to use a litter box.”可知,兔子可以学习使用猫砂盒,只是需要时间去训练。learn“学习”符合题意。故填(l)earn。
19.句意:所以你应该对你的宠物兔子有耐心。根据“It takes time to train the rabbit to use a litter box.”以及“you should be patient”可知,前文解释了原因,so“因此”符合题意。故填(S)o。
20.句意:所以你应该对你的宠物兔子有耐心。根据“you should be patient with ... pet rabbits.”可知,此处指“你的宠物”,形容词性物主代词your符合题意。故填(y)our。
21.am 22.my 23.because/and 24.books 25.an 26.that 27.playing 28.interested 29.of 30.see
21.句意:现在,我在第一中学。根据“I...in No. 1 Middle School.”可知,主语是“I”,时态是现在时,be动词用am。故填am。
23.句意:它是蓝色的,因为我非常喜欢这个颜色。/它是蓝色的,而且我非常喜欢这个颜色。根据“It’s blue... I like the color”可知,because“因为”/and“而且” 符合语境,故填because/and。
25.句意:你可以看到里面有一些书、一本英语词典和一个铅笔盒。根据“... English dictionary”可知,此处是泛指一本英语词典,“English”以元音音素开头,不定冠词用an。故填an。
27.句意:我的爱好是打篮球。根据“My hobby is...basketball”可知,此处用动名词作表语。故填playing。
28.句意:我对比赛很感兴趣。根据“I’m.....in the games”可知,be interested in表示“对……感兴趣”。故填interested。
29.句意:是的,这是一张我的家庭照片。根据“a photo...my family”可知,a photo of...表示“ 一张……的照片”。故填of。
30.句意:你可以看到我的奶奶,我的父母和我在里面。根据“You can...my grandma”可知,情态动词can后跟动词原形。故填see。
31.(H)is 32.(a)lways 33.(f)riends 34.of 35.are 36.(g)randparents 37.(d)aughter 38.(i)sn’t 39.(n)ice 40.(l)ikes
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了“我”以及“我”的朋友Alan White和“我”的家人。
34.句意:这是一张我的家庭照。由于“photo”和“my family”之间是所属关系,因此此处应是介词of。故填of。
35.句意:在中间的是我的爸爸和我的妈妈,这是我的祖父母。根据提示词be、“ my father and my mother”以及语境可知,此处须填are。故填are。
37.句意:他是我叔叔的女儿,但是她不是学生。根据上文“This girl is my cousin Lingling.”可知,此处应是daughter表示“女儿”。故填(d)aughter。
38.句意:他是我叔叔的女儿,但是她不是学生。根据下文“She is only three.”和首字母“i”可推测,此处应是isn’t表示“不是”。故填(i)sn’t。
40.句意:我们家里的每一个人都很喜欢她。根据上文“She is a cute and nice girl.”可推测,此处是like表示“喜欢”,且主语是“Everyone”,要用like的第三人称单数形式。故填(l)ikes。
41.to meet 42.first 43.an 44.is 45.and 46.grandpa’s 47.Its 48.These 49.Where 50.for
41.句意:很高兴见到你!根据Nice和you可知,此处是在打招呼,Nice to meet you!“很高兴见到你!”是打招呼的固定用语。故填to meet。
42.句意:张是我的姓,朝阳是我的名。根据“Zhang is my last name and Chaoyang”可知,此处指“朝阳是名字”,此处应用基数词one的序数词形式first,first name“名字”为固定搭配。故填first。
43.句意:我是一位英语老师。根据“English teacher”可知,空格处应填一冠词修饰English teacher表示“一个”,English以元音音素开头,应用不定冠词an。故填an。
44.句意:我最喜欢的颜色是黑色。根据“My favorite color”和“black”可知,此处应填一系动词。主语“My favorite color”为第三人称单数,故用be动词的is形式。故填is。
45.句意:你可以看到我的包和夹克是黑色的。根据空前的“my bag”和空后的“jacket”可知,此处应填一并列连词,表示“和”。故填and。
49.句意:玩具车在哪里?根据“I can’t find it now.”可知,此处问玩具车在哪儿,where“在哪里”符合句意,位于句首,首字母要大写。故填Where。
50.句意:感谢收看我的视频博客。根据“watching my vlog”可知,此处应填一介词。thank you for doing sth.“谢谢你做某事”为固定搭配。故填for。
51.(C)hinese 52.(n)ame 53.(W)hat’s 54.(M)r 55.(E)nglish 56.(T)oday 57.(a)fternoon 58.(r)ight 59.(Y)ou 60.(T)hank
51.句意:嗨,我是一个中国男孩。根据“Hi, I am a C...boy.”可知,是一个中国男孩,Chinese“中国的”,作定语修饰boy,故填(C)hinese。
52.句意:我叫艾伦。根据“My n...is Alan.”可知,名字是艾伦,name“名字”符合语境,故填(n)ame。
53.句意:他叫什么名字?根据“W...his name His name is Nick.”可知,询问名字是什么,What’s“什么是”符合语境,故填(W)hat’s。
54.句意:李先生是我的英语老师。根据“M...Li is my English teacher. He is very good.”可知,是一位男老师,Mr“先生”符合语境,故填(M)r。
55.句意:他教我英语。根据“He teaches me E...”可知,他教英语,English“英语”符合语境,故填(E)nglish。
56.句意:今天是星期天。根据“T...is Sunday.”可知,今天是星期天,Today“今天”符合语境,故填(T)oday。
57.句意:下午好!根据“Good a...”可知,是下午好,afternoon“下午”符合语境,故填(a)fternoon。
58.句意:这是不对的。根据“It’s not r...”可知,这是不对的,right“对的”,在句中作表语,故填(r)ight。
59.句意:你应该说“早上好!”根据“Y...should say ‘Good morning!’”可知,跟对方说的话,用You“你”,故填(Y)ou。
60.句意:谢谢你,李先生。根据“T...you, Mr Li.”可知,在感谢老师,Thank“感谢”符合语境,故填(T)hank。
61.is 62.hobbies 63.talking 64.reading/to read 65.to play
61.句意:她三十岁了。根据“She...thirty years old.”可知,此处表达婶婶的年龄,用一般现在时态,主语是单三,be用is。故填is。
62.句意:她有许多爱好。“hobby”是可数名词,“a lot of”后接可数名词复数。故填hobbies。
63.句意:她有时喜欢下班后和家附近的人聊天。 enjoy doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”,动词短语;talk to sb.意为“和某人交流”,此处表示和附近的人聊天。故填talking。
64.句意:她不喜欢看电视,但是她喜欢读书。根据“books”可知,此处表示读书,read符合语境。like doing sth./like to do sth. 都表示“喜欢做某事”。故填reading/to read。
65.句意:和她一起玩游戏,我很开心。be happy to do sth. 意为“做某事很开心”,play games with sb. 意为“与某人玩游戏”,均为固定搭配。故填to play。
66.glasses 67.are 68.impolite 69.always 70.his
【解析】66.句意:戴眼镜的男孩是我的新同学,汤米。根据“The boy with”及备选词汇可知,此处表示“戴眼镜的男孩”;表示“眼镜”时常用复数名词glasses。故填glasses。
67.句意:韩梅和圆圆是我的好朋友。空格处应填系动词作谓语,结合语境可知,句子是一般现在时,且主语“Han Mei and Yuan Yuan”为人称复数,be动词应用复数形式。故填are。
68.句意:在地铁上吃东西是不礼貌的。空格处应填形容词作表语,根据“to eat food on the subway”可知,在地铁上吃东西是不礼貌的;设空处应用polite的反义词impolite“不礼貌的”。故填impolite。
69.句意:基蒂对别人总是很好。分析句子可知,设空处应用副词always 表示“总是”。故填always。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:Unit 1 Friends 语法选择 专练(含解析)-- 八年级英语上册 牛津译林版

下一篇:Unit 2 Hobbies 词汇、句型 专练(含解析)-- 七年级英语上册 译林版(2024)