Unit 1 You and Me 综合提高测试卷(含答案+听力书面材料)人教版(2024)七年级上册

七年级上册英语Unit 1综合提高测试卷
(满分:120分 时间:120分钟)
第一部分 听力
( )1.A. a library B. a band C. a school
( )2.A. make friends B. draw pictures C. play tennis
( )3.A. full name B. class teacher C. new classmate
( )4. A. Tina can't play the guitar. B. Tina likes playing the guitar.
C. Tina would like to play the guitar.
( )5.A. Lisa and Kate are twins. B. Lisa is Kate's new friend.
C. Kate doesn't have a twin sister.
( ) 6. A. Fine. B. Football. C. Thirteen.
( )7. A. Yes, they don't. B. No, they can't. C. No, they're not.
( )8. A. I'm from America. B. I'm in Class Two. C. I'm 12 years old.
( )9.A. OK. B. You are right. C. That's interesting.
( )10.A. What is his first name B. What's her first name C. What's your name
( )11. What's Jane's favourite food
A. B. C.
( )12. What does Tina want to buy
A. B. C.
( )13. What colour is Dave's hat
A. Blue. B. Black. C. Brown.
( )14. Which class is Dave in
A. Class 3. B. Class 4. C. Class 5.
( )15. Who has a football
A. Lucy. B. Dave. C. Eric.
( )16. What colour is Emma's dress
A. It's yellow. B. It's green. C. It's red.
( )17. What class is Emma in
A. She is in Class 7. B. She is in Class 10. C. She is in Class 12.
( )18. Who are good friends
A. Lucy and Frank. B. Emma and Frank. C. Emma and Lucy.
( )19. What's Peter's last name
A. Green. B. King. C. White.
( )20. Who is Peter's class teacher
A. Mr Li. B. Miss White. C. Mr Green.
( )21. What is in Li Lei's schoolbag
A. Books. B. Pencils. C. A pencil box.
( )22. Which class is Mike in
A. Class One. B. Class Three. C. Class Four.
( )23. How many students are there in Mike's class
A. 18. B. 33. C. 35.
( )24. What does Mr Green look like
A. He is short and has short black hair. B. He is tall and has short black hair.
C. He is tall and has long brown hair.
( )25. Who likes maths
A. Tommy. B. John. C. Mike.
Information Sheet
Age : 26. .
From: 27. .
School: Sunshine Junior High School
Look: 28. hair, a round face, a small nose and big eyes
Clothes: A brown 29. and brown shoes
Other things: A cute 30. is black and white
第二部分 语言运用
Jim is from London, England. He comes to China 31 his father and mother. His 32 come here to work.His father is a PE teacher in a primary school and his mother is a 33 in a hospital. Jim comes here to 34 .
He is in No. 5 Middle School. He gets up 35 every day. He isn't late for school. He studies 36 .He can 37 and write English well. He often 38 us with our English and we help him with his Chinese. 39 class, he finishes homework and then plays football,swims, runs 40 rides. He also likes to 41 here.I'm one of his friends. We are 42 to stay with him.
On Sundays Jim often helps his mother clean the house, mend(修理) something or do the 43 .He likes Chinese 44 very much. His mother often makes it for him. Do you want to know more 45 about Jim
Come to meet him.
( ) 31. A. for B.about C.with D.at
( )32.A.friends B. teachers C. classmates D. parents
( )33.A.nurse B. woman C. baby D. farmer
( )34.A.play B.study C. exercise D.help
( ) 35. A.late B.fast C. early D. well
( ) 36. A. over B.here C.up D. hard
( )37.A. read B. listen C. draw D. tell
( )38.A.learns B. lives C.helps D. wants
( )39.A.After B.In C.On D. Before
( ) 40. A. and B.but C. or D.so
( )41. A. play sports B. make friends C. tell stories D. cook meals
( )42.A.happy B. easy C.busy D. new
( )43.A.reading B. swimming C. cleaning D. shopping
( ) 44. A.eggs B.milk C. food D. books
( )45.A.questions B. answers C. information D.photos
My name is Jenny. I'm a student. I have two good 46. (friend )at school. Let's get 47. (know)them. Jack Smith 48. (be)my good friend. He is twelve years old. 49. (he)telephone number is 7325-8649. He's in Class One, Grade Seven. We are in 50. same class. He is clever.51. (we)class teacher is Mr Brown. He likes Jack a lot.
Anna Black is my good friend too. She's thirteen.52. she's in Class Two, Grade Eight. We live 53. Happy Community(社区)neighbour-hood. She is very nice. We often go home together. Her English is very good. She often 54. (help) me study English. Do you want 55. (be)friends with them
第三部分 阅读
I'm Jim Green. I'm from America.I'm12. My favourite colour is blue. My computer and my schoolbag are blue. I always wear a blue hat. I like it very much. My telephone number is 236-6517.
My name is Jenny Brown. I'm an English girl. I'm 8. My favourite colour is red.My schoolbag, my pencil box and my watch are all red. I have a dog. Its name is Xiaobao. My telephone number is 258-9812.
My name is Frank Smith. I'm 10. My favourite colour is yellow. My watch, my radio and my bookcase are all yellow. I always wear a yellow shirt(衬衫). You can call me at 239-1237.
( )56. How old is Jenny
A. Seven. B. Eight. C. Ten. D. Twelve.
( )57. What's Frank's last name
A. Smith. B. Green. C. Brown. D. Miller.
( )58. Which of the following is NOT true
A. Jim is from America. B. Jenny's telephone number is 258-9812.
C. Frank has a dog. D. Frank's bookcase is yellow.
Who is she Her family name is Xu. Her given name is Jiru. Her English name is Gillian. She is from Nanjing, Jiangsu. She is tall. She has big eyes and longhair. She looks very nice. Now, she is a student in the US. She works very hard. She likes English very much. She often speaks English with her friends and they know a lot about China from her. Now she is good at English. Many Chinese know her for her speech(演讲)"China is strong, young is strong". Many students like her and learn a lot from her. She says she loves China very much. China is strong and we are proud of(为...而自豪)being Chinese.
( )59. What does she look like
A. Her mouth is wide. B. Her eyes are small.
C. She is strong. D. Her hair is long.
( )60. Why is she good at English
A. She speaks English little. B. She works hard and often speaks English.
C. She is tall. D. She knows much about China.
( )61. Why are we proud of being Chinese
A. We are young. B. China is strong.
C. The girl is a good speaker. D. We learn a lot from the girl.
Most English people have three names: a first name,a middle name and a family name. For example(例如),my full name is Ann Alan Green. Green is my family name. Ann is my first name and Alan is my middle name.Ann and Alan are my given names. People don't use their middle names. So we can say Miss Green or Mrs Green.But we can't say Miss Ann or Mrs Ann. Of course, if the person is almost the same age as you, you can call him/her first name directly(直接地).
It's different from Chinese names. In China the first name is the family name and the last name is the given name.
( )52. What is the first name in China
A. Given name. B. Family name.
C. Middle name. D. Last name.
( )53. What is the last name in England
A. Given name. B. Family name.
C. Middle name. D. First name.
( )54. Your cousin's name is John Alan King. What can you call him
A. Mr John. B. Mr King. C. John. D. Mr John King.
( )65. The teacher's name is Mary Joan Read. What can you call her
A. Miss Read. B. Miss Mary. C. Miss Joan. D. Miss teacher.
Look at the photo. They are my good friends. The boy is Jim. He is twelve. His family name is Green. He comes from America. He is tall. He likes blue. The girl in the photo is Betty White. She has big eyes. Her favourite colour is white.
They are in Beijing now. They study in No. 4 Junior High School. Jim is in Class 6. His Chinese teacher is Miss Wang. Betty is in Class 2. Her Chinese teacher is Mr Zhang. We are at the same age. I help them to understand Chinese. And I can learn English from them too. I am their Chinese teacher, and they are my English teachers.
( )66. What's the boy's name
A. Jim Green. B. Jim White. C. Jim Wang. D. Jim Zhang.
( )67. What are Jim's and Betty's favourite colours
A. Blue and pink. B. Pink and white.
C. Blue and white. D. Black and pink.
( )68. Who is Jim's Chinese teacher at school
A. Mr Zhang. B. Miss Zhang. C. Mr Wang. D. Miss Wang.
( )69. How old is Betty
A. 11. B. 12. C.13. D. 14.
( )70. What is the meaning of the underlined word "understand"
A. Know about. B. Think about. C. Help with. D. Hear of.
I'm a girl. My name is Jenny. I'm in Shanghai with my family. I like drawing. Look at my pencils. They are red. green. brown. orange and yellow. My favourite colours are blue and yellow. I draw pictures with my pencils. I colour the room and the bookcase blue. I col-our the table yellow.
I have two friends in China. They are Li Ming and Liu Qian. Li Ming is in No. 12 Middle School. He likes reading. He often goes to the library. Black is his favourite colour. Look! He's in a black jacket. His computer and watch are black too. Liu Qian is a girl. She likes music. The player on the desk is hers. And the CDs are hers too.
71. Jenny colours the yellow.
72. Li Ming often goes to .
73. What does Li Ming like
74. Where is Liu Qian's player
75. What is your hobby
第四部分 情景交际
A: 76. .
B: Nice to meet you too, Dale.
A: 77.
B: Oh, she is my friend, Amy.
A: 78.
B: She is from the UK.
A: Oh, Gina. She looks like Judy.
B: 79. .They are twins.
A: Are they in the same grade
B: Yes. But they're in different classes. Amy is in Class Three. Judy is in Class Four.
A: 80.
B: No, she isn't. But I hope she can be my friend one day.
第五部分 写作

Name: Mary Brown
Age: 14 years old
Country: the US
School: No. 8 Middle School
Favourite colour: red
Pet: parrot
No. 1. My brother Jim is in a music band.
No. 2. Do you want to play tennis with Tom
No. 3. What's your teacher's full name
No. 4. Tina wants to play the guitar after school.
No. 5. My friend Lisa has a twin sister.Her name is Kate.
No. 6. What's your hobby, Helen
No. 7. Are Jim and Tom in the same class
No. 8. What class are you in, Peter
No. 9. Let's get to know our new friends.
No. 10. If you want to know the first name of a girl, what will you ask
M: Hi, Jane, where are you from
W: I'm from Hebei.
M: Oh, what food do you like
W: Tofu, that's my favourite.
Question No. 11. What's Jane's favourite food
W: Do you have a pet at home, Frank
M: Yes, I have a cat. What about you,Tina
W: I don't have one. I want to buy a pet.Do you have any ideas
M: Well. A pet parrot sounds good. It's interesting and it can talk.
W: Great. I like parrots too. I'll buy one.Question No. 12. What does Tina want to buy
M: Hi, Lucy, do you know the boy in the brown hat
W: Yes, he is Dave. He is my friend.
M: What class is Dave in
W: He is in Class 3.
M: Do you know anything else about him
W: Yes. He plays football very well. Do you want to play football with him
M: Yes, but I don't have one.
W: Well, I have a football, Eric. Let's go to the classroom to get it.
M: Let's go now.
Question No. 13. What colour is Dave's hat
Question No. 14. Which class is Dave in
Question No. 15. Who has a football 请听第四组对话,回答第16至18题。
W: Hello, Frank.
M: Hi, Lucy.
W: Frank, do you know Emma She is in Class Ten, Grade Seven.
M: Sorry, I don't know. What does she look like
W: She's not tall. She has a round face and long brown hair.
M: What does she wear
W: She always wears a red dress, and her pants are green.
M: How old is she
W: She is twelve years old.
M: Oh, I see. Are you good friends
W: Yes. You are right.
Question No. 16. What colour is Emma's dress
Question No. 17. What class is Emma in Question No. 18. Who are good friends
Look at this boy. He is an English boy. His full name is Peter King. This is his school. His school number is201198717. His class teacher is Miss White. Miss White is a good teacher. Li Lei is his good friend at school. He is a good student. Look! What's that It's Li Lei's schoolbag. It's black. He has his books in it. But where's his pencil box I don't know.
Question No. 19. What's Peter's last name
Question No. 20. Who is Peter's teacher
Question No. 21. What is in Li Lei's schoolbag
My name is Mike. I'm in Class Four,Grade Seven. There are eighteen boys and seventeen girls in our class. We all study hard. My favourite subject is English. I don't think it is very difficult. Mr Green is our English teacher. He is tall and has short black hair. He is kind to us. His lessons are very interesting. I have two good friends in my class. They are John and Tommy. John is clever, and his favourite subject is maths. Tommy learns history well and he often reads many history books. In our free time, we often play football. I'm happy to have these friends.Question No. 22. Which class is Mike in
Question No. 23. How many students are there in Mike's class
Question No. 24. What does Mr Green look like
Question No. 25. Who likes maths
Hello, my name is Nick. Today let me tell you something about my friend Oscar. He is from the UK. And he studies in Sunshine Junior High School. He is 14years old. He has a good look. He has long hair, a round face, a small nose,and his eyes are big. He likes brown very much, so he is often in a brown hat and brown shoes. Oscar has a cute dog.Its colour is black and white.
1~5 BCACA 6~10 BCBAB 11~12 AB 13 ~15 CAA 16~18 CBC 19~21 BBA
22~25 CCBB 26. 14/Fourteen 27. The UK 28. Long 29. hat 30. dog 31-35 CDABC 36-40 DACAA 41-45 BADCC 46. friends 47. to know 48. is 49. His 50. the 51. Our 52. And 53. in 54. helps 55. to be 56-58 BAC 59-61 DBB 62-65 BBCA 66-70 ACDBA 71. table 72. the library 73. He likes reading. 74. It's on the desk.
75.I like dancing.(答案不唯一,合理即可) 76. Nice to meet you
77. Who is that girl/she 78. Where is she from 79. Yes 80. Is Judy your friend too
81. One possible version
I'm Wang Kai. I am a student of Grade Seven. I have a friend from abroad.Now let me introduce her to you. She is a beautiful girl. Her name is Mary Brown.She is 14 years old. She comes from the US.She studies in No. 8 Middle School. Her favourite colour is red. She likes salad best. She has a pet parrot at home. She likes it a lot.
This is my friend. Do you want to make friends with her
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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