人教版(2024)七年级上册英语Starter Units 1-3 综合提高测试卷(含答案)

七年级上册英语Starter Units 1-3 综合提高测试卷
(满分:120分 时间:120分钟)
第一部分 听力
1.( )A. a bottle B. a yard C. a carrot
2.( )A. spell it B. count geese C. greet teachers
3.( )A. a nice yard B. a big farm C. a small eraser
4.( )A. It's time for school. B. The teacher is coming. C. The school is over.
5. ( )A. Your house is old. B. You need to keep your room tidy.
C. You must clean your room.
6. ( )A. L-U-C-Y. B. My name is Peter. C. Good morning, Jill.
7. ( ) A. No, it isn't. B. I'm fine. C. It's an apple.
8. ( ) A. It's a cap. B. This is my cap. C. I have a cap.
9.( )A. It's white. B. It's not a house. C. I live in the house.
10.( )A. Is the farm interesting B. Do you like farm C. What is fun on the farm
( )11. What does Tara have every day
A. B. C.
( )12. What do Jane's parents do every day
A. B. C.
( )13. What does Helen have in her bag
A. A ruler. B. An eraser. C. A pencil.
( )14. Whose pencil is this
A. Eric's. B. Helen's. C. Jim's.
( )15. What colour is the pencil box
A. Black. B. Red. C. Yellow.
( )16. How old is Jerry
A. Twelve. B. Thirteen. C. Fourteen.
( )17. Where is Jerry from
A. America. B . Australia. C. Canada.
( )18. What does Jerry think about the school
A. Big. B. Beautiful. C. Fun.
( )19. What is on the table
A. A schoolbag. B. A computer. C. A dictionary.
( )20. Where is the football
A. Under the bed. B. Under the chair. C. Behind the door.
( )21. When does Ella clean the room
A. Every Saturday morning. B. Every Saturday afternoon. C. Every Sunday afternoon.
( )22. Where does Helen's mother work
A. On a farm. B. In a school. C. In a bookshop.
( )23. What colour is the pencil box
A. White. B. Brown. C. Green.
( )24. What's in the pencil box
A. An eraser and a pen. B. Two erasers and a pen. C. An eraser and two pens.
( )25. What does Helen like
A. Singing. B. Dancing. C. Reading.
Information Sheet
When: On 26. .
Where: On a 27. .
Who: Xiao Ming and his 28. .
What: Feed the little animals and learn about 29. .
How: Feel 30. about the trip
第二部分 语言运用
My name is Jack. I work in New York. Some people think it is a big city(城市). But I don't like living here. I don't have much 31 to buy a house. So I have to rent(租) one. The 32 is across from the train station. I can see 33 come and go from my house.It's 34 all day. I can't 35 well at night.
The traffic(交通) here is not so good too. There 36 too many cars on the street. So it's 37 for me to drive to work. There are also many 38 on the bus and in the subway.
I 39 lots of money to live here. To get more money, I 40 go out to work at night.
I 41 my life in the village.The 42 is clean and the life is quiet. I can't get much money, 43 I can live with my family. I can see many kinds of 44 there, like dogs and cats. I really want to go back to the 45 soon.
( )31.A. money B. food C.time D. water
( )32.A. school B. house C. classroom D. farm
( )33.A.planes B. trains C. roads D.trees
( ) 34. A. quiet B.busy C. rainy D. noisy
( )35.A.eat B. climb C.sleep D.skate
( ) 36.A.are B.is C. am D.be
( )37.A. relaxing B. easy C. difficult D.busy
( )38.A.people B. buses C. food D.vegetables
( ) 39.A. take B. need C.bring D.count
( )40.A.never B. often C. still D. only
( )41.A.forget B. study C. keep D. like
( )42.A. mountains B.fruit C. air D. weather
( )43.A. but B.and C. so D. because
( )44. A.books B. rivers C. parks D. animals
( )45.A. room B. village C. class D. party
I'm Sally. I am 46tidy girl. In my room,the pens are always 47. the desk. 48.
(I)green computer game is always there too. My shoes 49. (be)always under the bed. My black schoolbag is always on the sofa. I am tidy, 50. my dog Lucky is not. Look at my room. Lucky 51. (make)it messy. The 52. (book) are not on the desk. They are here and there-on the bed, on the sofa and under the desk. My computer game is on the bed.53. (that) dirty shoes are on the sofa. Oh,where is 54. (Lucky) shoes Oh, they are under the bed. Where is Lucky Is he under the bed Is he under the sofa No, he 55. (be not)in the room now.
第三部分 阅读
Hello, I am Peter Smith. You can call me Peter.I'm a little pig. I am two years old. I live on a farm. I don't have brothers or sisters, but I have some friends.Tom Green is a dog. He is very brave(勇敢的). Grace Brown is a little cat. She is so lovely that we all like her.
Oh, there is a horse over there. His name is Jim Black.He is tall and handsome, isn't he They are all my friends. We live together(一起). We often play happily in the field(田野).
( )56. What's the name of the cat
A. Peter. B. Tom. C. Grace. D. Jim.
( )57. Where do the animals live
A. On a farm. B. In a house.
C. In a town(城镇). D. In the field.
( )58. Who is tall and handsome
A. Peter Smith. B. Tom Green. C. Grace Brown. D. Jim Black.
Welcome to Xiangshan Town!
Xiangshan Town is an interesting place to visit. It isa beautiful little town with many old houses.
First, look at the Xiangshan Town Hotel(旅馆). It is on the corner of Main Street and Park Road. It is about 150 years old. There is an interesting old house across from the hotel. It was an old hospital. Now it is a shop for books and videos. There are many restaurants on Main Street. You can have lunch or dinner in one of these restaurants. There is a park between Main Street and Bridge Street. You can sit on a bench(长凳) in the park.It is nice and quiet, and you can enjoy the trees and flowers.
You can also take a walk on Park Road, and take a look at the old houses and interesting little shops on this street.
( )59. Where is the shop for books and videos
A. Across from the hotel. B. On the corner of Main Street.
C. On Park Road. D. Behind the park.
( )60. What can you see on Park Road
A. Hotels. B. Hospitals.
C. New houses and quiet parks. D. Old houses and interesting little shops.
( )61. Which of the following is NOT true
A. The hotel is on the corner of Main Street and Park Road.
B. The Xiangshan Town Hotel is about 150 years old.
C. The hotel is a beautiful and new house.
D. There are many restaurants on Main Street.
Dear friends,
My name is Mandy. I live in Ottawa, Canada, and I want to make a pen friend from China. Now, I am a middle school student. I have thirty classmates in my class. Some of my classmates have pen friends in China too. They tell me a lot about China. I think China is an interesting country, and I think Chinese people are very kind. So I want to have a Chinese pen friend.
I am fourteen years old now. I have a nice family. I have a brother, Paul and a sister, Nancy. They have penfriends in America and England. My father works on a farm and my mother is a nurse. I love my family.
On Sundays, I often go to the farm with my father.There are many vegetable plants there. I help my father with his work. The vegetables from the plants are great. I love the life there. Please write to me soon.
( )62. Why does Mandy want a Chinese pen friend
A. Because she wants to study in China.
B. Because many of her friends are Chinese.
C. Because she thinks Chinese people are kind.
D. Because many of her classmates are Chinese.
( )63. How many people are there in Mandy's family
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.
( )64. What does Mandy do on the farm
A. Play with the animals. B. Help her father.
C. Visit her friends. D. Water the flowers.
( )65. Why does Mandy write the letter
A. To make a pen friend. B. To show her school life.
C. To tell something about China. D. To tell something about her family.
This Sunday, my family and I go to the countryside(乡村). Everything here makes me feel fresh because it's the first time for me to come here. I see so many kinds of plants, tall trees, colourful flowers, and green fields.Here, I also see many lovely little animals. There are baby chickens and dogs playing in the yard. The geese swim in the river. In the vegetable garden, there are some vegetable plants. My mother likes the carrot plants. She has some carrots there. She says they are very nice. I like the river. The river water is clear, and there are many fish in it. I walk into the river. The water is so cool.
This trip to the countryside brings me lots of fun. I wish to come here often.
( )66. When do they go to the countryside
A. On Thursday. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday. D. On Sunday.
( )67. What animals do they see
①chickens ②dogs ③ducks ④geese
A.①②③ B.①②④ C. ②③④ D.①②③④
( )68. What does the mother like in the countryside
A. The lovely animals. B. The tall trees.
C. The carrot plants. D. The river.
( )69. What does the underlined word "fresh"mean
A. Fast. B. Hard. C. Busy. D. New.
( )70. What's the best title of the text
A. The Animals in the Countryside B. The Vegetables and Animals
C. My Family and I D. A Trip to the Countryside
Hello, I'm Kate. I'm 12. I'm a student of Yucai Middle School.
This is my room. What is on the wall You can see a photo of my family. There are five people in my family.They are my parents, my two brothers and me. My room is tidy because I put my things well. My bed is here. It's blue. An English book is on it. I like reading. Many books are on my desk. My desk is near my bed and it's blue too. I also like sports and I have three baseballs.Where are they Look! They are under my bed. Oh,where is my watch Haha, it's on the desk, too.
71. Kate is years old.
72. is on the wall.
73. How many brothers does Kate have
74. Where are Kate's baseballs
75. Do you like Kate's room Why or why not
第四部分 情景交际
A: Good morning!
B: Good morning!
A: I'm Linda.76.
B: My name is Jenny.
A: 77. !
B: Nice to meet you too!
A: Is the lady over there our new English teacher
B: 78. She is our new English teacher.
A: 79.
B: Her name is Mary.
A: Let's go to greet her.
B : 80. .
第五部分 写作
No. 1. Can you see a yard on the farm
No. 2. How do you help your grand-father count the geese
No. 3. Jim has a small eraser in his pencil box.
No. 4. It's seven o'clock. Let's go to school.
No. 5. You must put your things well in your room.
No. 6. How do you spell your name
No. 7. How are you, Mr Green
No. 8. What do you have in your school-bag
No. 9. What colour is the house
No. 10. If you want to know the interesting things on the farm, what will you say
M: This is my sister, Tara.
W: Oh, how old is she
M: She is twelve.
W: Oh, she is really tall.
M: Yeah, she loves vegetables and eats carrots every day.
Question No. 11. What does Tara have every day
M: Where do your parents live, Jane
W: They live in a quiet yard.
M: Do they like the life there
W: Yes. They have many animals and lots of beautiful flowers. They clean the yard every day.
Question No. 12. What do Jane's parents do every day
M: Good morning, Helen!
W: Good morning, Eric.
M: Helen, what do you have in your bag
W: I have a ruler.
M: What colour is the ruler
W: It's yellow. Eric, is this your pencil
M: Yes, it is. And is that your ruler
W: No, it's Jack's.
M: What about the red pencil box on the desk
W: Sorry, I don't know. Is it Jim's
M: Let's ask him.
W: OK.
Question No. 13. What does Helen have in her bag
Question No. 14. Whose pencil is this
Question No. 15. What colour is the pencil box
M: Hello, Ms Zhao.
W: Hi, may I have your name
M: My name is Jerry Brown.You can call me Jerry.
W: OK, Jerry. How old are you
M: I'm thirteen.
W: Where are you from
M: I am from Australia.
W: Do you like our school
M: Yeah, really. Our school is big. The teachers are nice. And my classmates help me a lot.
W: I'm happy to hear that.
Question No. 16. How old is Jerry
Question No. 17. Where is Jerry from
Question No. 18. What does Jerry think about the school
Hi, I'm Ella. Welcome to my room!Let me show my room to you. This is my computer. It's on the table. I sometimes do homework on the computer. That's my football. It's under the bed. I often play it with my friends after school. There are some beautiful pictures on the wall. My hat is on the chair. It's blue. What are these Oh, they are my books. My cat is under the table. It's black and white.I clean my room every Saturday afternoon.Question No. 19. What is on the table Question No. 20. Where is the football Question No. 21. When does Ella clean the room
Hello! I'm Helen Green. Let me tell you some of my information. I am an English girl. My father is a teacher of a middle school. His students like him very much.My mother works in a bookshop. And this is a pencil box. It's mine. It's white.What's in it An eraser and two pens are in it. The eraser is white. It's my eraser.The pens are red. They are my sister's.Red is her favourite colour. My favourite colour is green. I go to my mother's bookshop to read books on Sunday. I like reading. My mum says I'm a good girl.
Question No. 22. Where does Helen's mother work
Question No. 23. What colour is the pencil box
Question No. 24. What's in the pencil box
Question No. 25. What does Helen like
Today is Saturday. It's sunny. Xiao Ming and his sister come to the Redstar Farm. The farm is very big and beautiful.There are nice flowers, green grass and trees. The little animals on the farm are cute. Xiao Ming feeds the pigs,sheep, and cows. He also sees the farmers working hard on the farm and he learns a lot about planting. Here, Xiao Ming feels happy. He says he loves this trip to the farm. He wants to come here again next month.
1~5 BBCAB 6~10ABCAC 11~ 12 BA 13~15AAB 16~18BBA 19~21 BAB
22~25 CACC 26. Saturday 27. farm 28.sister 29. planting 30.happy
31-35 ABBDC 36-40 ACABB 41-45 DCADB 46. a 47. on 48. My 49. are
50. but 51. makes 52. books 53. Those 54. Lucky's 55. is not/isn't
56-58 CAD 59-61 ADC 62-65 CCBA 66-70 DBCDD
71.12/twelve 72. A photo of Kate's family 73. She has two brothers.
74. They are under her bed.
75. Yes. Because it's tidy.(答案一,合理即可)
76. What's your name 77. Nice to meet you 78.Yes 79. What's her name 80. OK
81. One possible version:
I'm Peng Chao. My uncle has a big farm. There are many trees and flowers on the farm. They are beautiful. There is a red house on the farm.And 20 pigs and 30 chickens live in it. I like to come to the farm and play with the animals on Sunday. There is also a big lake in the middle of the farm. 40 ducks swim in the lake.
What a nice farm!
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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