Unit 2 How often do you exercise 同步练(教师版+学生版)人教版八年级上册

Unit 2 How often do you exercise
 Section A (1a-2d)
基础必会练强基固本 枝伸叶展
1.Julia often (exercise) in the park in the morning.
2.He goes to see his grandmother (two) a month.
3.I went to the Disneyland six (time) a year.
4.I want (learn) something about the Belt and Road(一带一路).
5.My sister likes going (shop).
I play the piano .
My father works in Canada, so I see him.
— do you practice Tai Chi
—Twice a week.
After hearing the exciting news, she got so excited that her eyes are tears.
I can’t play basketball because I look after my sick grandma.
综合提升练提质赋能 扬帆远航
Many people today like exercise.Some like to run,and some like to walk.Others dance or play balls.They do different kinds of exercise.Why do people like exercising Because it’s good for their health. 1.
You may like to run.2. Make sure you have the right shoes.Some people like to run on roads,but they must watch out for cars.
Walking is good exercise.You may take a long walk in the park.It’s more fun if you don’t go alone. 3. You two may have a great time.
Some people like to swim. 4. If you like this kind of exercise,make sure that someone is watching you.You must always take care when you are in the water.Jumping a rope(跳绳)or riding a bike is also good exercise.There are many other kinds of exercise.Find out what you like. 5. Some people often do exercise,and they can help you.Do exercise every day,and you will know what it makes you feel.
A.Go with a friend.
B.You may need help at first.
C.If you do,take care of your feet.
D.But others don’t like to go into the water.
E.And exercise helps make them tired,so they sleep better at night.
F.It’s easy for you to find out the right exercise in a short time.
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?
Section A (3a-3c)
基础必会练强基固本 枝伸叶展
1.—How often do you use the Internet
— (one) a day.
2.My grandparents like making dumplings. And we can eat dumplings (two) a week.
3.—When do your parents usually go to the (movie)
—On Saturdays.
4.There are at (little) ten chickens in the house.
5.You should eat some fruit and vegetables to keep (health).
—What do they often do at home on weekends
—They often housework.
—Do you often
—Yes,I do.
He has a healthy lifestyle,and he always early.
We can for our favorite program this evening.
5.我们学校至少有1 500名学生。
There are 1,500 students in our school.
综合提升练提质赋能 扬帆远航
Do you love fast food Why How often do you eat it 200 people joined our survey.And here is the result.
Chart 1: How often do you eat fast food
Chart 2: do you love fast food
( )1._______ of the 200 people eat fast food once a week.
A.14% B.28% C.44%
( )2.Which of the following can be put in
A.Why B.What C.How
( )3._______ of the people like fast food because they can take it away.
A.12% B.14% C.22%
( )4.What can we learn from the result
A.All people love fast food.
B.Fast food makes people fat.
C.Some people don’t know what food is healthier.
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?
Section B (1a-2e)
基础必会练强基固本 枝伸叶展
1.With less pollution, our planet will become greener and our (healthy) will be better.
2.We Chinese feel sad that the father of hybrid rice, Yuan Longping (die) in May, 2021.
3.Here (be) some magazines on the desk.
4.Only forty percent of the students in our school (be) boys last year.
5.My son spent one hour (play) computer games last night.
My grandfather often spends much time exercising in order to .
I usually on weekends.
3.虽然他八十岁了, 但是他非常健康。
he is eighty years old, he’s very .
Hamburgers are a kind of . I never eat hamburgers.
Players competed in more than forty sports, swimming, table tennis and volleyball in the 19th Asian Games.
综合提升练提质赋能 扬帆远航
A.programs B.None C.or D.in E.But F.always G.strong
A magazine says that about 50.5 percent of people are not 1. good health because they hardly ever exercise. 2. of us should forget that exercising is good for our body and mind.
A writer was very healthy at first, but he 3. sat in the same way for too long to write stories, often used the Internet to find some information, and watched all kinds of 4. on the television. As a result, he died less than forty years old. However, a dentist was weak (虚弱的) at first, but he exercised at least once 5. twice a day and did housework almost more than an hour a day. His body is very 6. now.
  Taking more exercise is really a good way to stay healthy.
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?
 Section B (3a-Self Check)
基础必会练强基固本 枝伸叶展
1.Yesterday I lost three (point) for that fall, so I lost the game.
2.Students have (little) homework than before because of the “double reduction”policy(“双减”政策).
3.It was a good habit for us (eat) an apple every day.
4.The best way (learn) English is speaking every day.
5.How about (read) The Book of Songs
My brother is see a dentist.
It’s good to relax soccer games.
He late to prepare for the exam.
It’s very important English well.
5.四合院是一种有着3 000多年的历史的传统建筑。
Siheyuan is a kind of traditional building with a history of 3,000 years.
综合提升练提质赋能 扬帆远航
A Survey Report
In order to study the middle school students’ ideas of life,some people surveyed 7,304 students in 156 middle schools in China,Japan,the Republic of Korea and the United States.Here are the results:
Result One: The survey showed that more than half of the students in China,Japan and the Republic of Korea cared about their looks,but only 33.4 percent of American students did so.The survey also found that most Chinese and American students were happy.But in Japan and the Republic of Korea,not so many students were happy.
Result Two: The survey showed that 73.7 percent of Chinese students took an interest in social problems.Fewer students in the other three countries did so.
Result Three: The survey also showed that more Chinese students had active attitudes towards life and worked hard to succeed than those in the other three countries.
Korean students were the most independent(独立的).Most of them wanted to make their own decisions about life.Only 72.4 percent of students in China thought so.And it was the lowest in the four countries.
Purpose(目的)of the survey To study middle school students’ 1. .
Persons surveyed Many students from 2. middle schools.
Results Most American students were happy and they didn’t care about 3. . Most Chinese students were interested in 4. . Chinese students had active attitudes towards life but weren’t so independent.
Do you think you are independent enough What will you do 5.
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?
频度副词 意义及用法 例句
always 表示动作重复、状态继续,表示 “一直、总是”,其反义词为never Li Ping is not always late for school.李平上学并不总是迟到。
usually 意为“通常”,表示习惯性动作或状态,很少有例外 We usually go to school at seven.我们通常七点上学。
often 意为“经常,时常”,表示反复性的动作或状态,中间有间断,不如usually那么频繁 It often rains here in April.这儿四月份经常下雨。
sometimes 意为“有时”,频率不及often,表示动作偶尔发生,间断时间较长 I sometimes watch TV in the evening.我有时晚上看电视。
seldom/ never seldom意为“很少”;never意为“从不”。这两个副词都表示否定意义,seldom指动作几乎不会发生,never指动作不会发生 He seldom eats breakfast. 他很少吃早餐。
I am always busy with my work.
3.当对频度副词及表示事件发生频率的短语提问时,常用how often,意为“多久一次”。例如:
—How often does Tom go to the movies
sometimes, never, usually, always, hardly
1.Miss Gao is very popular with her students. Her classes are lively and interesting.
2.Although he knows that junk food is bad for his health, he eats a little.
3.He goes to the library on weekends, but sometimes he stays at home to relax.
4.I don’t like tomatoes, so I ever eat them.
5.He isn’t good at English because he works hard.
( )1.— _______do you play volleyball, Amy
—Three days a week.
A.How long    B.How soon C.How often
( )2.—Would you like some coffee
—No, thanks.I _______drink it.I think water is the best.
A.often B.hardly C.usually
( )3.I _______go to the art museum because I like painting.
A.often B.hardly C.never
( )4.Although he failed many times, he _______gave up his dream.
A.nearly B.never C.often
( )5.Michael is afraid of heights (高度), so he _______takes trips by plane.
A.hardly ever    B.always C.often
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?
It’s good to enjoy food, but sometimes the dangers of eating certain things can be hard to digest.
As we know, most children to eat junk food.It’s hard to turn down (拒绝) , French fries, potato chips and so on. , eating too much junk food can harm their bodies, particularly if they’re between the ages of 10 and 19.
Junk food can impair (损害) ability to think, learn and remember.It also make it harder to control impulsive behavior (冲动行为).
Junk food is delicious, and many children can’t help eating it every day.All parents should the children that they shouldn’t eat potato chips, French fries all the time.
So, what’s the best to say no to junk food Researchers suggest .When we exercise, the brain’s reward system becomes less sensitive (敏感的) to food cues (暗示).Exercise also helps the body to make a protein that helps brain cells grow.So we could a right choice and control our impulsive behavior.
Meanwhile, it’s clear that processed (加工的) foods are not the most nutritious (营养的) things.So we should eat fruit and vegetables.
( )1.A.help B.like  C.give
( )2.A.hamburgers   B.fruit C.food
( )3.A.So B.However C.And
( )4.A.my B.its C.their
( )5.A.can B.have to C.should
( )6.A.speak B.say C.tell
( )7.A.book B.way C.money
( )8.A.sleeping B.eating C.exercising
( )9.A.make B.decide C.wait
( )10.A.less B.more C.much
Being healthy is a state of a person who eats well,gets enough time for sports and keeps a healthy weight.Here are some suggestions if you want to be healthy.Follow these suggestions,and you will be a healthy kid.
First,eat different kinds of foods,such as fruit and vegetables.You may have your favorite food,but you’d better eat something different.If you eat different foods,you will get more nutrients(营养物) your body needs.
Second,drink water and milk as often as possible.When you are really thirsty,water is the No.1 choice.Milk is great.It can give you calcium(钙) your body needs.
Third,listen to your body.How do you feel when you are full When you are eating,notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full.Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and will make you fat.
Fourth,limit(限制) your screen time.Screen time is the time when you watch TV or use a computer.It is better to get enough time for sports,such as playing basketball,bike riding and swimming.It is to watch TV for more than two hours a day.
( )1.Which of the following can give you calcium
A.Juice. B.Milk. C.Water.
( )2.What does the underlined word “harmful” mean
A.Useful. B.Smart. C.Bad.
( )3.What’s the best structure of the passage (①=Paragraph 1)
( )4.Which is the best title for the passage
A.How to Keep a Healthy Weight
B.How to Be a Healthy Kid
C.How to Be a Popular Kid
Teeth are a key part of your body.Strong and healthy teeth help you chew(咀嚼)all kinds of foods that help you grow.They help you speak clearly.That’s why it’s necessary to take great care of your teeth.The following advice can help you have healthy teeth for life.
One is to brush your teeth at least twice a day,more often if possible.You’d better brush your teeth after every meal,which is the best way to protect(保护)against tooth disease.It’s necessary to clean the front,back and top surfaces(表面)of all your teeth.
Another step you can take to protect your teeth is floss(牙线).Floss is a thin thread(丝线)that moves between teeth to take out food that your toothbrush can’t reach.
You should know what you eat.Eating foods that are high in sugar can lead to tooth disease.That’s because germ that causes tooth disease loves sugar.You can eat fruit and vegetables instead,which are good for your body as well as your teeth.
Healthy teeth will always bring you happiness.Do you want to have white and healthy teeth Please take care of your teeth!
1.Strong and healthy teeth help people chew all kinds of foods and .
2.We had better brush our teeth to protect against tooth disease.
3.Eating can reduce tooth disease.
4.The passage mainly tells us to .
5.Can you follow these advice Why or why not
3.本单元教学,授课教师所设计的活动都能落实到位,学生除了完成所设计的活动任务外,还在过程中锻炼了他们的语言运用能力,而且整个单元教学过程的设计都是围绕课题中心展开,达到教学目的。Unit 2 How often do you exercise
 Section A (1a-2d)
基础必会练强基固本 枝伸叶展
1.Julia often exercises(exercise) in the park in the morning.
2.He goes to see his grandmother twice(two) a month.
3.I went to the Disneyland six times (time) a year.
4.I want to learn(learn) something about the Belt and Road(一带一路).
5.My sister likes going shopping(shop).
I play the piano once a week.
My father works in Canada, so I hardly ever see him.
—How often do you practice Tai Chi
—Twice a week.
After hearing the exciting news, she got so excited that her eyes are full of tears.
I can’t play basketball because I have to look after my sick grandma.
综合提升练提质赋能 扬帆远航
Many people today like exercise.Some like to run,and some like to walk.Others dance or play balls.They do different kinds of exercise.Why do people like exercising Because it’s good for their health. 1. E 
You may like to run.2. C  Make sure you have the right shoes.Some people like to run on roads,but they must watch out for cars.
Walking is good exercise.You may take a long walk in the park.It’s more fun if you don’t go alone. 3. A  You two may have a great time.
Some people like to swim. 4. D  If you like this kind of exercise,make sure that someone is watching you.You must always take care when you are in the water.Jumping a rope(跳绳)or riding a bike is also good exercise.There are many other kinds of exercise.Find out what you like. 5. B  Some people often do exercise,and they can help you.Do exercise every day,and you will know what it makes you feel.
A.Go with a friend.
B.You may need help at first.
C.If you do,take care of your feet.
D.But others don’t like to go into the water.
E.And exercise helps make them tired,so they sleep better at night.
F.It’s easy for you to find out the right exercise in a short time.
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?
Section A (3a-3c)
基础必会练强基固本 枝伸叶展
1.—How often do you use the Internet
—Once(one) a day.
2.My grandparents like making dumplings. And we can eat dumplings twice(two) a week.
3.—When do your parents usually go to the movies (movie)
—On Saturdays.
4.There are at least (little) ten chickens in the house.
5.You should eat some fruit and vegetables to keep healthy(health).
—What do they often do at home on weekends
—They often help with housework.
—Do you often go shopping
—Yes,I do.
He has a healthy lifestyle,and he always goes to bed early.
We can stay up for our favorite program this evening.
5.我们学校至少有1 500名学生。
There are at least 1,500 students in our school.
综合提升练提质赋能 扬帆远航
Do you love fast food Why How often do you eat it 200 people joined our survey.And here is the result.
Chart 1: How often do you eat fast food
Chart 2:  ▲  do you love fast food
(C)1._______ of the 200 people eat fast food once a week.
A.14% B.28% C.44%
(A)2.Which of the following can be put in  ▲ 
A.Why B.What C.How
(A)3._______ of the people like fast food because they can take it away.
A.12% B.14% C.22%
(C)4.What can we learn from the result
A.All people love fast food.
B.Fast food makes people fat.
C.Some people don’t know what food is healthier.
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?
Section B (1a-2e)
基础必会练强基固本 枝伸叶展
1.With less pollution, our planet will become greener and our health(healthy) will be better.
2.We Chinese feel sad that the father of hybrid rice, Yuan Longping died(die) in May, 2021.
3.Here are(be) some magazines on the desk.
4.Only forty percent of the students in our school were(be) boys last year.
5.My son spent one hour playing(play) computer games last night.
My grandfather often spends much time exercising in order to keep healthy.
I usually go online on weekends.
3.虽然他八十岁了, 但是他非常健康。
Although/Though he is eighty years old, he’s very healthy.
Hamburgers are a kind of junk food. I never eat hamburgers.
Players competed in more than forty sports, such as swimming, table tennis and volleyball in the 19th Asian Games.
综合提升练提质赋能 扬帆远航
A.programs B.None C.or D.in E.But F.always G.strong
A magazine says that about 50.5 percent of people are not 1. D  good health because they hardly ever exercise. 2. B  of us should forget that exercising is good for our body and mind.
A writer was very healthy at first, but he 3. F  sat in the same way for too long to write stories, often used the Internet to find some information, and watched all kinds of 4. A  on the television. As a result, he died less than forty years old. However, a dentist was weak (虚弱的) at first, but he exercised at least once 5. C  twice a day and did housework almost more than an hour a day. His body is very 6. G  now.
  Taking more exercise is really a good way to stay healthy.
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?
 Section B (3a-Self Check)
基础必会练强基固本 枝伸叶展
1.Yesterday I lost three points(point) for that fall, so I lost the game.
2.Students have less(little) homework than before because of the “double reduction”policy(“双减”政策).
3.It was a good habit for us to eat(eat) an apple every day.
4.The best way to learn(learn) English is speaking every day.
5.How about reading(read) The Book of Songs
My brother is afraid to see a dentist.
It’s good to relax by watching soccer games.
He stayed up late to prepare for the exam.
It’s very important to learn/study English well.
5.四合院是一种有着3 000多年的历史的传统建筑。
Siheyuan is a kind of traditional building with a history of more than 3,000 years.
综合提升练提质赋能 扬帆远航
A Survey Report
In order to study the middle school students’ ideas of life,some people surveyed 7,304 students in 156 middle schools in China,Japan,the Republic of Korea and the United States.Here are the results:
Result One: The survey showed that more than half of the students in China,Japan and the Republic of Korea cared about their looks,but only 33.4 percent of American students did so.The survey also found that most Chinese and American students were happy.But in Japan and the Republic of Korea,not so many students were happy.
Result Two: The survey showed that 73.7 percent of Chinese students took an interest in social problems.Fewer students in the other three countries did so.
Result Three: The survey also showed that more Chinese students had active attitudes towards life and worked hard to succeed than those in the other three countries.
Korean students were the most independent(独立的).Most of them wanted to make their own decisions about life.Only 72.4 percent of students in China thought so.And it was the lowest in the four countries.
Purpose(目的)of the survey To study middle school students’ 1.ideas of life.
Persons surveyed Many students from 2.156 middle schools.
Results Most American students were happy and they didn’t care about 3.their looks. Most Chinese students were interested in 4.social problems. Chinese students had active attitudes towards life but weren’t so independent.
Do you think you are independent enough What will you do 5.(答案不唯一,根据文本言之有理即可)
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?
频度副词 意义及用法 例句
always 表示动作重复、状态继续,表示 “一直、总是”,其反义词为never Li Ping is not always late for school.李平上学并不总是迟到。
usually 意为“通常”,表示习惯性动作或状态,很少有例外 We usually go to school at seven.我们通常七点上学。
often 意为“经常,时常”,表示反复性的动作或状态,中间有间断,不如usually那么频繁 It often rains here in April.这儿四月份经常下雨。
sometimes 意为“有时”,频率不及often,表示动作偶尔发生,间断时间较长 I sometimes watch TV in the evening.我有时晚上看电视。
seldom/ never seldom意为“很少”;never意为“从不”。这两个副词都表示否定意义,seldom指动作几乎不会发生,never指动作不会发生 He seldom eats breakfast. 他很少吃早餐。
I am always busy with my work.
3.当对频度副词及表示事件发生频率的短语提问时,常用how often,意为“多久一次”。例如:
—How often does Tom go to the movies
sometimes, never, usually, always, hardly
1.Miss Gao is very popular with her students. Her classes are always lively and interesting.
2.Although he knows that junk food is bad for his health, he sometimes eats a little.
3.He usually goes to the library on weekends, but sometimes he stays at home to relax.
4.I don’t like tomatoes, so I hardly ever eat them.
5.He isn’t good at English because he never works hard.
(C)1.— _______do you play volleyball, Amy
—Three days a week.
A.How long    B.How soon C.How often
(B)2.—Would you like some coffee
—No, thanks.I _______drink it.I think water is the best.
A.often B.hardly C.usually
(A)3.I _______go to the art museum because I like painting.
A.often B.hardly C.never
(B)4.Although he failed many times, he _______gave up his dream.
A.nearly B.never C.often
(A)5.Michael is afraid of heights (高度), so he _______takes trips by plane.
A.hardly ever    B.always C.often
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?
It’s good to enjoy food, but sometimes the dangers of eating certain things can be hard to digest.
As we know, most children  1  to eat junk food.It’s hard to turn down (拒绝)  2 , French fries, potato chips and so on. 3 , eating too much junk food can harm their bodies, particularly if they’re between the ages of 10 and 19.
Junk food can impair (损害)  4  ability to think, learn and remember.It  5  also make it harder to control impulsive behavior (冲动行为).
Junk food is delicious, and many children can’t help eating it every day.All parents should  6 the children that they shouldn’t eat potato chips, French fries all the time.
So, what’s the best  7  to say no to junk food Researchers suggest  8 .When we exercise, the brain’s reward system becomes less sensitive (敏感的) to food cues (暗示).Exercise also helps the body to make a protein that helps brain cells grow.So we could  9  a right choice and control our impulsive behavior.
Meanwhile, it’s clear that processed (加工的) foods are not the most nutritious (营养的) things.So we should eat  10  fruit and vegetables.
(B)1.A.help B.like  C.give
(A)2.A.hamburgers   B.fruit C.food
(B)3.A.So B.However C.And
(C)4.A.my B.its C.their
(A)5.A.can B.have to C.should
(C)6.A.speak B.say C.tell
(B)7.A.book B.way C.money
(C)8.A.sleeping B.eating C.exercising
(A)9.A.make B.decide C.wait
(B)10.A.less B.more C.much
Being healthy is a state of a person who eats well,gets enough time for sports and keeps a healthy weight.Here are some suggestions if you want to be healthy.Follow these suggestions,and you will be a healthy kid.
First,eat different kinds of foods,such as fruit and vegetables.You may have your favorite food,but you’d better eat something different.If you eat different foods,you will get more nutrients(营养物) your body needs.
Second,drink water and milk as often as possible.When you are really thirsty,water is the No.1 choice.Milk is great.It can give you calcium(钙) your body needs.
Third,listen to your body.How do you feel when you are full When you are eating,notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full.Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and will make you fat.
Fourth,limit(限制) your screen time.Screen time is the time when you watch TV or use a computer.It is better to get enough time for sports,such as playing basketball,bike riding and swimming.It is harmful to watch TV for more than two hours a day.
(B)1.Which of the following can give you calcium
A.Juice. B.Milk. C.Water.
(C)2.What does the underlined word “harmful” mean
A.Useful. B.Smart. C.Bad.
(A)3.What’s the best structure of the passage (①=Paragraph 1)
(B)4.Which is the best title for the passage
A.How to Keep a Healthy Weight
B.How to Be a Healthy Kid
C.How to Be a Popular Kid
Teeth are a key part of your body.Strong and healthy teeth help you chew(咀嚼)all kinds of foods that help you grow.They help you speak clearly.That’s why it’s necessary to take great care of your teeth.The following advice can help you have healthy teeth for life.
One is to brush your teeth at least twice a day,more often if possible.You’d better brush your teeth after every meal,which is the best way to protect(保护)against tooth disease.It’s necessary to clean the front,back and top surfaces(表面)of all your teeth.
Another step you can take to protect your teeth is floss(牙线).Floss is a thin thread(丝线)that moves between teeth to take out food that your toothbrush can’t reach.
You should know what you eat.Eating foods that are high in sugar can lead to tooth disease.That’s because germ that causes tooth disease loves sugar.You can eat fruit and vegetables instead,which are good for your body as well as your teeth.
Healthy teeth will always bring you happiness.Do you want to have white and healthy teeth Please take care of your teeth!
1.Strong and healthy teeth help people chew all kinds of foods and speak clearly.
2.We had better brush our teeth after every meal to protect against tooth disease.
3.Eating fruit and vegetables can reduce tooth disease.
4.The passage mainly tells us to protect our teeth.
5.Can you follow these advice Why or why not
Yes, I can. Because I want to keep away from tooth disease./No, I can’t. Because I don’t like using floss.(答案不唯一,言之有理即可。)



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