Unit 4 Lesson 5 I love my family练习 2(含答案)冀教版英语七年级上册

Unit 4 My family
Lesson 5 I love my family!
policeman, look at, write, on weekends, saleswoman
1. My father is a________, and he often writes many good stories for kids.
2. The________are working hard in the supermarket.
3.________,I enjoy reading books in the library.
4. The________help the lost child find his parents.
5. Please________me when I’m talking to you.
6. 我们喜欢共度时光。(汉译英)
We love to________ ________together.
7. 在困难时期,他们互相支持。(汉译英)
They support________ ________during the difficult times.
8. 我的朋友关心我的感受。(汉译英)
My friend________ ________my feelings.
9. We have a good time together. (同义句转换)
We have a________ ________ ________together.
10. What does your brother do? (同义句转换)
________ ________your brother?
11.________is covered with(被……覆盖)snow after the snow.
12. Come on, everybody. I have________important to tell you.
13. —Can you do________special for me?
— Sure. What is it?
14. —How do you like your life in Grade7?
—It was a little difficult at first, but________is fine now.
15. We didn’t find________in the box.
16. I look out of the window but I see .
17. Parents give________to teenagers but want nothing in return(作为回报).
look out, look for, look up, look like, look at
18.________, Betty! A dog is coming.
19. Susan is very beautiful. She________a film star.
20. I________my key everywhere, but I still can’t find it.
21. She often________new words in the dictionary.
22.________the picture. Can you see the cat?
23. Be careful! The milk is so hot!(同义句转换)
________ ________! The milk is so hot!
24. 看看窗外,多么美好的春天呀!(汉译英)
________ ________ _________the window. How nice the spring is!
25. She’s very good at taking care of herself.(同义句转换)
She’s very good at________ ________herself.
26. The________(three) question in the exam is very difficult.
27. My weekly shopping list________(include) milk, eggs, and bread.
28. David in English means “________(luck)”.
29. The box is for storage(储存)________(purpose).
30. The Chinese name________(carry) the hope of a family for a baby.
一、1. writer 2. saleswomen 3. On weekends4. policemen 5. look at
二、6. spend time 7. one another 8. cares about9. lot of fun 10. What is
三、11. Everything 12. something 13. something14. everything 15. anything 16. nothing 17. everything
四、18. Look out 19. looks like 20. look for21. looks up 22. Look at
五、23. Look out 24. Look out of 25. looking after
六、26. third 27. includes 28. lucky 29. purposes 305. carries



上一篇:Unit 2 Great minds 单元话题语法填空练习(含解析)2024-2025九年级英语上册单元重难点易错题精练(牛津深圳版)

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