Unit 2 Great minds 单元话题语法填空练习(含解析)2024-2025九年级英语上册单元重难点易错题精练(牛津深圳版)

Unit 2 Great minds
Zong Qinghou was the founder of China’s drinks giant Hangzhou Wahaha Group. He was born in 1945 in wartime China. He grew up very poor in Hangzhou and was often 1 (hunger).
Before starting Wahaha, Zong worked on farms and set up 2 electric fan factory. These efforts led to his future success. At the age of 42, he started his own business.
Zong saw a chance in the children’s nutrition market. Through hard work and wise 3 (decide), Wahaha was a bestseller in China. In 2002, Wahaha’s production became the 4 (nine) largest in the world.
Having becoming rich and famous, Zong thought it was his duty 5 (make) society better. Due to his own experiences 6 being poor, he fully understood and cared for those who were 7 (little) lucky. In 2020, Wahaha spent 942 million yuan building more than 1, 360 apartments for 8 (it) workers in the Shangcheng district (地区) of Hangzhou.
Zong passed away on the morning of February 25. Flowers 9 (put) in front of the building of the Hangzhou Wahaha Group. Zong is gone now, 10 his stories will continue to inspire people in China.
In a video online, a man is walking along the street when a girl passes by, jumping happily. Influenced by 11 (she), the man can’t help copying her movements and looks as joyful as a child. Most people just watched the video for fun, while Qiu Jinpeng recorded the 12 (touch) moment with his paintbrush. And it became one of his most popular artworks.
Qiu started creating this kind of works 13 September 2022. He works for an organization that encourages people 14 (make) their lives more colorful through art. Whenever he finds a heartwarming short video, Qiu paints the scene (情景) and shares it online. So far, he 15 (create) nearly 200 works and each tells a story about common Chinese people. His works get popular, with more than 2 million 16 (follower).
During the process (过程) of painting, Qiu has also made his childhood dream come true. Showing an interest in painting, Qiu studied oil painting in college. 17 he didn’t become a painter after graduating.
“I opened 18 restaurant and didn’t paint for almost two years,” Qiu recalled. One day a customer noticed a painting on the wall of the restaurant. He 19 (amaze) by the painting that I painted and encouraged me to keep painting. Since then, Qiu has been painting in his spare time. And his paintings are 20 (wide) liked for passing happiness.
Looking forward, Qiu hopes to produce a picture book to keep these precious (珍贵的) moments and warm hearts of more people.
Museum are full of stories. Antiques (文物) don’t speak, but actually they have a lot to say. Who can speak for antiques How can we understand them better Let’s get to know a special translator of antiques:
Dong Zhen.
Dong Zhen is a radio host in Zheijang Province. He also works as a volunteer docent (讲解员) in museums during weekends and holidays. There, he introduces antiques to 21 (visit) in interesting Ways.
22 , this isn’t enough for Dong Zhen. He wants to get more people 23 (interest) in antiques, so he turns to the Internet. In 2020 Dong Zhen made his 24 (one) short video, it talks about The Bronze Zun with four Ramp (四革方尊). After the video 25 (put) online, it gained great attention online and this encouraged him to make and share more short videos about antiques. He often tells stones about antiques and introduces lesser-known culture relics and history. His words are humorous and easy 26 (understand). So his short videos are liked by people of different ages.
It is not easy to speak for antiques. Dong Zhen often goes to museums or ask help from experts. I don’t rest at weekends, but I never feel tired, 27 I feel very happy,” He said. He thinks 28 (he) as a treasure hunter in museums.” I will devote my life to 29 (work) as a translator or antiques. I want to help more people really understand them and fall in love 30 Chinese history.”
Qian Xuesen is a great 31 (science). He was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in December 1911. After he graduated 32 Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934, he got 33 chance to study in the USA.A few years 34 (late), he became a teacher as well as a researcher that studies rockets and missile (导弹) theories.
When he was 44, he returned to 35 (we) country and the county space research was almost a blank. In 1956, he set up the 36 (one) research institute (研究所) of rockets and missiles. He made 37 important contributions to the missile and space programs that he was honored as “The Father of China’s Missiles”. He passed away in October, 2009, but all the 38 (China) people will remember him forever. His devotion to our country was 39 (express) in his saying, “My career (事业) is in China, my 40 (succeed) is in China and my destination (终点) is in China!”
Zhang Guimei is famous as the headmaster of Huaping High School for Girls. She has tried her best 41 (provide) education for girls from poor families.
It was 42 (difficulty) to set up a school, but Zhang never gave up. It 43 (take) her a long time to raise money for the school. In 2008, she set up the Huaping High School for Girls in Lijiang, Yunnan Province. It is the 44 (one) high school for poor girls to study for free. Zhang spends most of her money 45 (help) her students. She regards the school as her home. Although she has serious 46 (healthy) problems, she always takes morning classes with her students.
47 (thank) to her efforts, many girls have entered universities after finishing studies in her school. They can get more knowledge and live 48 (good) lives in the future.
Millions of people are deeply 49 (move) by Zhang’s spirit. What she has done will encourage 50 (we) to follow her example. She is “the Role Model of the Times” and she has been a role model for teachers in China.
Gabrielle Coco Chanel (加布里埃·可可·香奈儿) was 51 famous fashion designer (时装设计师) who led women fashion. She was 52 important that she was the only designer named in Times magazine’s list of the 100 53 (many) influential (有影响力的) people of the 20th century.
Chanel was born in France in 1883. She had a very poor family. Two people helped her open her 54 (one) store in Paris in 1910. At that time, Chanel made her hats become much-loved among rich women. In the 1920s, Chanel 55 (rise) to become Paris’ top fashion designer.
She designed modern and simple clothes that were often based on menswear. Her 56 (comfortably), yet elegant (优雅的) clothes were popular across Europe. In 1922, Chanel introduced her perfume (香水), Chanel No. 5, which still wins much praise 57 its fantastic smell. Her famous Chanel suit 58 (stand) the test of time so far and is part of the modern woman’s wardrobe (衣橱) as well.
She worked until she died at the age of 88. Her 59 (creative) in adversity (逆境) was amazing and she always loved herself. As she herself said, “If there is one thing that must 60 (do), love yourself well first.”
Ma Baoli is a pilot with the Dalian branch of China Southern Airlines, in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province. He has won the name “poetic captain” for his love for poems.
While 61 (fly) over the Yellow River, he thinks of this verse (诗): “Do you not see the Yellow River come from the sky, rush into the sea, and never come back ” Above the Yangtze River, he recites (吟诵): “Wave after wave, the Yangtze River roars east, sweeping away with it all our 62 (hero).”
In 2023, he 63 (win) first place in the Chinese Poetry Conference, a popular poetry-themed quiz show. This is the second time he 64 (take) part in the show as a contestant since 2019. For Ma, classical poetry is 65 (beautiful) than any other language in the world. “I like reading poetry in my spare time. Once I pick up a book of poetry, I can’t 66 (put) it down—it’s a bit like those who can’t stop 67 (watch) short videos on social media these days,” says Ma.
Ma was born in 1988 in a village in Pizhou, East China’s Jiangsu Province. His father, who worked hard to feed the family through farming and 68 (fish), used to paint on the white walls of their house and write poems 69 (match) the paintings.
“I enjoyed watching my father do these things and listening to him recite poems. The poems encouraged 70 (I) to run after the dream of ‘reading ten thousand books and traveling ten thousand miles’,” Ma recalls.
Weifang in Shandong Province is known as the birthplace of kites. Kites are 71 (make) from bamboo. There are 72 (tradition) Chinese paintings on them. In 2006, Weifang kite-mak ng was included in the national-level intangible cultural heritage list (国家级非物质文化遗产名录). The International Kite Festival 73 (hold) in Weifang each year.
Master’s story
Yang Hongwei, 56, was born into a kite-making family in Weifang. She learned to make kites from her grandfather at the age of 16. After 74 (practise) the skill for 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992.
“Many places around the world have a tradition of flying kites,” Yang said. “but I think the cultural idea behind our kites is special.”
On Yang’s kites, people can see not only patterns like butterflies and birds, but also some prints telling Chinese 75 (story). For example, she once made a kite showing a phoenix (凤凰). On each side of the phoenix, there 76 (be) pictures of 50 famous women from Chinese history.
Each woman’s picture is a little 77 (difference) from the others. Yang spent lots of time 78 (read) history books. In 79 (she) free time, she also travels to different countries 80 (tell) people stories of Chinese kites. “It is an important job of mine, to spread our heritage around the world and on to the next generation,” she said.
On April 25, 2024, China 81 (successful) sent the Shenzhou-18 spaceship with astronauts on board. This marked another great success in China’s space exploration manding the mission (指挥任务) was Ye Guangfu, 82 astronaut with rich experience and leadership skills.
Ye grew up in a small village in Sichuan. He 83 (inspire) by the strength of his mother, who took on the responsibility of raising Ye and his sister after their father passed away early.
Ye recalled how hard it was for his family 84 (find) enough money, even just fifty yuan, for him to try out to become an air force pilot. 85 the journey didn’t start smoothly, his love for flying and hard work got him into the Air Force Aviation University of China. This 86 (decide) changed his life. In 2009, Ye decided to reach even 87 (high) and applied to be an astronaut. The journey wasn’t easy. He had to go through hard training, like surviving in the wild for 48 hours. He even trained in caves in Europe, where he had to find his way through dark, wet caves. This made him the 88 (one) Chinese person to finish this training.
Becoming an astronaut, one must face many 89 (challenge) and disappointments. But Ye never gave up on his dream. His hard work paid off when he flew into space on the Shenzhou-13 mission on October 16, 2021. Ye was thankful for all the difficult times because they helped him keep going and stick 90 his dreams.
Perhaps Lhapa Dondrup is the shortest photographer in Xizang, China. Having brittle bone disease (脆骨病), he is less than one meter in 91 (high). However, his disease has not prevented him becoming a great photographer.
Lhapa Dondrup was born into 92 farming family in the countryside of Lhasa. His mother died when he was young, and he was raised by his relatives. At the age 93 5, he was found to have brittle bone disease, so he had to stay at home to keep safe. He usually considered 94 (he) as a burden (负担) to both his family and society.
Things started to change in 2018. He 95 (offer) a place at the Lhasa care center for people with disabilities. At first, his family didn’t allow him 96 (go) because they worried about his health condition, but 97 (final) they agreed. He studied and worked there for three years. During the period, he not only improved his skills in Tibetan calligraphy and Putonghua writing, 98 also learned photography.
In 2021, Lhapa Dondrup 99 (meet) Jole, a businessman with disabilities. And later he joined Jole’s company. Taking photos for the company and managing online operations, Lhapa Dondrup can get 2,500 yuan monthly. In his spare time, he visits Barkhor Street, a famous place in Lhasa, and takes photos of 100 (animal) and people there.
Lhapa Dondrup’s connection with photography enables him to enjoy the beauty of life.
1.hungry 2.an 3.decisions 4.ninth 5.to make 6.of 7.less 8.its 9.were put 10.but
1. 句意:他在杭州长大,家里很穷,经常挨饿。空处作表语,应用“hunger”的形容词“hungry”。故填hungry。
5.句意:在变得富有和出名之后,宗庆后认为让社会变得更好是他的责任。此句中“it”是形式主语,后面应用动词不定式“to make”,作真正的主语。故填to make。
7.句意:由于他自己的贫穷经历,他完全理解和关心那些不那么幸运的人。根据“…being poor”并结合语境可知他关心那些没那么幸运富起来的人,应用“little”的比较级“less”。故填less。
8. 句意:2020年,娃哈哈斥资9.42亿元在杭州上城区为其员工建造了1360多套公寓。此空修饰后面的名词“workers”,应用“it”的形容词性物主代词“its”。故填its。
9.句意:杭州娃哈哈集团大楼前摆满了鲜花。分析句子可知,主语“Flowers”和动词“put”之间是被动关系,结合“the morning of February 25.”可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是复数,be动词用“were”。故填were put。
10. 句意:虽然宗庆后已经去世,但他的故事将继续激励中国人民。“Zong is gone now”和“his stories will continue to inspire people in China.”是转折关系,因此此处应用连词“but”。故填but。
11.her 12.touching 13.in 14.to make 15.has created 16.followers 17.But 18.a 19.was amazed 20.widely
13.句意:邱于2022年9月开始创作这类作品。根据“September 2022”可知,空处用时间介词in,故填in。
14.句意:他为一个鼓励人们通过艺术使生活更加丰富多彩的组织工作。encourage sb to do sth“鼓励某人做某事”,故填to make。
15.句意:到目前为止,他已经创作了近200个作品,每个作品都讲述了一个关于普通中国人的故事。根据“So far”可知,时态是现在完成时,主语是第三人称单数,所以助动词用has,后跟动词的过去分词created。故填has created。
16.句意:他的作品很受欢迎,有200多万粉丝。2 million后应跟follower的复数形式,故填followers。
17.句意:但是他毕业后没有成为画家。空前“Qiu studied oil painting in college”与空后“he didn’t become a painter after graduating”在句意上是转折关系,所以用but连接,句首单词首字母大写,故填But。
19.句意:他对我画的画很惊讶,并鼓励我继续画下去。根据“ by the painting that I painted ”可知,此处用被动语态,且时态是一般过去时,所以此处用一般过去时的被动语态,结构是:was/were done,主语是he,be动词用was,后跟过去分词amazed,故填was amazed。
21.visitors 22.However 23.interested 24.first 25.was put 26.to understand 27.instead 28.himself 29.working 30.with
21.句意:在那里,他以有趣的方式向游客介绍古董。introduce sth to sb“向某人介绍某事物”,空处应为可数名词复数表示一类人, visit的名词为visitor“游客”。故填visitors。
22.句意:然而,这对董臻来说还不够。根据“this isn’t enough for Dong Zhen.”可知,此处表转折,空后有逗号,应用副词however。故填However。
23.句意:他想吸引更多的人对古董感兴趣,所以他转向互联网。get sb interested in sth“让某人对某事感兴趣”。故填interested。
24.句意:2020年,董臻制作了他的第一个短视频,讲述了四革方尊的铜尊。根据“his … short video”可知,此处应为序数词。故填first。
25.句意:视频上传到网上后,在网上引起了极大的关注,这鼓励他制作和分享更多关于古董的短视频。主语the video与谓语动词put为被动关系,句子应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语为第三人称单数,be动词用was。故填was put。
26.句意:他的话很幽默,容易理解。be easy to do sth“做某事容易”,空处用动词不定式。故填to understand。
27.句意:我周末不休息,但我从不觉得累,反而觉得很开心。根据“but I never feel tired, … I feel very happy,”可知前后构成相反关系,instead“相反”,副词。故填instead。
29.句意:我将毕生致力于翻译或古董工作。devote sth to doing sth“把时间(钱,精力等)献给某事物”,固定搭配。故填working。
30.句意:我想帮助更多的人真正了解他们,爱上中国历史。fall in love with sth“爱上某事物”,固定搭配。故填with。
31.scientist 32.from 33.a 34.later 35.our 36.first 37.such 38.Chinese 39.expressed 40.success
32.句意:1934年,他从上海交通大学毕业后,有机会去美国留学。graduate from“从……毕业”。故填from。
37.句意:他为导弹和航天事业做出了重要贡献,被誉为“中国导弹之父”。根据“important contributions to the missile and space programs that he was honored as...”可知,此处是结构“such adj. n. that...”,意为“如此……的……以至于”。故填such。
39.句意:他的话表达了他对祖国的忠诚。此处主语His devotion和谓语express之间是被动关系,故此处用过去分词。故填expressed。
41.to provide 42.difficult 43.took 44.first 45.helping 46.health 47.Thanks 48.better 49.moved 50.us
41.句意:她尽力为贫困家庭的女孩提供教育。provide“提供”,动词原形,try one’s best to do sth“尽力做某事”,空处用动词不定式形式。故填to provide。
45.句意:张把大部分钱花在帮助学生上。help“帮助”,spend money (in) doing sth“花钱做某事”,空处应用动名词形式。故填helping。
46.句意:尽管她有严重的健康问题,但她总是和学生一起上早课。healthy“健康的”,形容词,health problem“健康问题”,固定搭配,空处应用名词形式。故填health。
47.句意:由于她的努力,许多女孩在完成学校的学业后进入了大学。根据“(thank) to her efforts”可知,空处应表达多亏了她的努力,thanks to“多亏了”,固定搭配,句首字母大写。故填Thanks。
51.a 52.so 53.most 54.first 55.rose 56.comfortable 57.for 58.has stood 59.creativity 60.be done
52.句意:她是如此的重要以致于她是美国《时代》杂志20世纪最具影响力的100人中的唯一一个设计师。根据“She was...important that she was the only designer”可知此处是so...that“如此……以致于”引导的结果状语从句。故填so。
53.句意:她是如此的重要以致于她是美国《时代》杂志20世纪最具影响力的100人中的唯一一个设计师。根据“of the 100...influential (有影响力的) people”可知此处表示“最具影响力的100人”,应用最高级形式,many最高级为most。故填most。
54.句意:1910年,有两个人帮助她在巴黎开了第一家店。根据“open her...store”可知是指开了第一家店,应用序数词first“第一”表示顺序。故填first。
55.句意:20世纪20年代,香奈儿一跃成为巴黎顶级时装设计师。根据“In the 1920s”可知时态为一般过去时,动词rise应用过去式rose。故填rose。
57.句意:1922年,香奈儿推出了她的香水,香奈儿5号,这款香水因其奇妙的气味赢得了很多赞誉。根据“which still wins much praise...its fantastic smell”可知香奈儿5号是因其奇妙的气味赢得了赞誉,介词for“因为,由于”符合语境。故填for。
58.句意:她的著名的香奈儿套装至今经受住了时间的考验,也是现代女性衣橱的一部分。根据“so far”可知时态为现在完成时“have/has done”,主语是三单,助动词用has,stand过去分词为stood。故填has stood。
60.句意:如果有一件事是必须要做的,那就先好好爱自己。主语one thing与动词do构成被动关系,应用含有情态动词的被动语态“must be done”。故填be done。
61.flying 62.heroes 63.won 64.has taken 65.more beautiful 66.put 67.watching 68.fishing 69.to match 70.me
63.句意:2023年,他在中国诗歌大会上获得第一名,这是一个流行的诗歌主题智力竞赛节目。根据“In 2023”可知,本句是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填won。
64.句意:这是他自2019年以来第二次以选手身份参加该节目。根据“since 2019”可知,本句是现在完成时,主语是三单,助动词用has,故填has taken。
65.句意:对马来说,古典诗歌比世界上任何其他语言都美丽。根据“than”可知,此处应用比较级,故填more beautiful。
67.句意:这有点像现在那些无法停止在社交媒体上观看短视频的人。此处是短语can’t stop doing“不能停止做某事”,为固定短语,故填watching。
69.句意:他的父亲努力工作,通过务农和捕鱼养活一家人,他经常在他们家的白墙上画画,并写诗与这些画相匹配。分析句子可知,写诗是为了和这些画匹配,应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to match。
71.made 72.traditional 73.is held 74.practising 75.stories 76.were 77.different 78.reading 79.her 80.to tell
71.句意:这里的风筝是用竹子做的。be made fom“由……制成”,故填made。
72.句意:上面有中国传统绘画,此空修饰名词“Chinese paintings”,要用形容词,tradition对应的形容词是traditional“传统的”。故填traditional。
73.句意:国际风筝节每年在潍坊举行。“The International Kite Festival”与“hold”构成被动关系,由“each year”可知,该句用一般现在时被动语态,其构成为:be+过去分词,主语“The International Kite Festival”为单数,所以be动词用is,hold的过去分词为held。故填is held。
76.句意:凤凰的两侧各有50位中国历史上著名女性的照片。该句是there be句型,根据上文“once”可知,此处的句子用一般过去时,主语women是复数形式,be动词用were,故填were。
77.句意:每个女人的照片都与其他的有点不同。be different from“与……不同”,故填different。
78.句意:杨花了很多时间阅读历史书籍。spend+时间+doing sth.“花费时间做某事”,故填reading。
80.句意:在她的空闲时间,她还去不同的国家旅行,告诉人们中国风筝的故事和传统的制作方法。根据“she also travels to different countries...people stories of Chinese kites.”可知,去其他国家的目的是为了宣传风筝这种文化,用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to tell。
81.successfully 82.an 83.was inspired 84.to find 85.Although/Though 86.decision 87.higher 88.first 89.challenges 90.to
81.句意:2024年4月25日,中国成功发射搭载航天员的神舟十八号宇宙飞船。根据文中“On April 25, 2024, China…sent the Shenzhou-18 spaceship with astronauts on board.”可知,此处表达为成功发射,successful“成功的”,其副词形式successfully“成功地”,用来修饰动词sent符合语境。故填successfully。
82.句意:指挥这次任务的是叶光富,他是一位经验丰富、具有领导才能的宇航员。根据文中“Commanding the mission was Ye Guangfu, …astronaut with rich experience and leadership skills.”可知,此处指一个宇航员,应用不定冠词表泛指。又因“astronaut”是以元音音素开头,故填an。
83.句意:他被母亲的力量所鼓舞,在父亲过早去世后,母亲承担起了抚养叶和妹妹的责任。根据文中“He…by the strength of his mother,”及所给词可知,他被鼓舞,此处应填谓语动词的被动语态:be done。又因“who took on the responsibility of raising Ye and his sister after their father passed away early”可知,句子为一般过去时,主语为he,was inspired符合语境。故填was inspired。
84.句意:叶回忆说,他的家人很难找到足够的钱,哪怕只有50元,让他尝试成为一名空军飞行员。根据文中“Ye recalled how hard it was for his family…enough money,”及所给词可知,固定句式It is+形容词+for sb. to do sth.“对某人来说做某事是……的”,to find符合语境。故填to find。
85.句意:尽管旅程开始并不顺利,但他对飞行的热爱和勤奋使他进入了中国空军航空大学。根据文中“…the journey didn’t start smoothly, his love for flying and hard work got him into the Air Force Aviation University of China.”可知,此处表达为尽管,although/though引导让步状语从句,且位于句首,首字母大写。故填Although/Though。
86.句意:这个决定改变了他的生活。根据文中“This…changed his life.”可知,此处指这个决定,指示代词this后跟单数名词作主语。动词decide“决定”,其名词decision“决定”符合语境。故填decision。
87.句意:2009年,叶决定更上一层楼,申请成为一名宇航员。根据文中“In 2009, Ye decided to reach even…and applied to be an astronaut.”可知,叶想达到一个更加高的高度。even“甚至”后跟形容词的比较级。high“高的”,其比较级“higher”符合语境。故填higher。
88.句意:这使他成为第一个完成这项训练的中国人。根据文中“This made him the…Chinese person to finish this training.”可知,叶成为第一个完成这项训练的中国人。one“一个”,其序数词first“第一”,the first“第一个”符合语境。故填first。
89.句意:成为一名宇航员,必须面对许多挑战和失望。根据文中“Becoming an astronaut, one must face many…and disappointments.”及所给词可知,此处表达为许多挑战。many“许多”后跟可数名词复数,名词challenge“挑战”,其复数形式challenges符合语境。故填challenges。
90.句意:叶感谢所有的困难时刻,因为它们帮助他继续前进,坚持他的梦想。根据文中“Ye was thankful for all the difficult times because they helped him keep going and stick…his dreams.”可知,此处表达为坚持他的梦想。固定短语stick to“坚持”符合语境。故填to。
91.height 92.a 93.of 94.himself 95.was offered 96.to go 97.finally 98.but 99.met 100.animals
91.句意:他患有脆骨病,身高不足一米。根据“he is less than one meter in...”可知,in后接名词,此处应用名词形式,故填height。
93.句意:在5岁的时候,他被发现患有脆骨病,所以他不得不待在家里以保证安全。此处是短语at the age of“在……岁时”,故填of。
94.句意:他通常认为自己是家庭和社会的负担。根据“as a burden (负担) to both his family and society.”可知,此处指的是“他自己”,应用反身代词,故填himself。
95.句意:他在拉萨残疾人护理中心得到了一个位置。根据“He...a place at the Lhasa care center for people with disabilities.”可知,主语he与动词offer之间是被动关系,结合“in 2018”可知,此处应用一般过去时的被动,be动词用was,故填was offered。
96.句意:起初,他的家人不允许他去,因为他们担心他的健康状况。此处是短语allow sb to do sth“允许某人做某事”,空处用不定式形式,故填to go。
98.句意:在此期间,他不仅提高了藏文书法和普通话写作的技巧,还学习了摄影。根据“not only”以及空后的“also”可知,此处是结构not only...but also...,是固定结构,故填but。
99.句意:2021年,拉帕·顿德鲁普遇到了残疾商人Jole。根据“In 2021”可知,介绍过去的事情,动词用过去式,故填met。



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