Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 同步练习(学生版+教师版)

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of
Section A (1a-2d)
【基础必会练 强基固本 枝伸叶展】
1.(2022·贵阳中考)Huangguoshu waterfall is widely(wide) known to people from home and abroad.
2.The topic of environmental protection(protect) is always given a lot of attention.
3.Alice has lived in China for many years and she’s been used to using chopsticks
4.The factory produces(produce) two thousand lamps every week.
5.Dandong is known(know) for its rice and seafood.
6.Miss Green advised us to decorate a card for each other with those leaves (leaf).
Lily is famous/known for her sweet voice in her school.
As far as I know,my hometown Zunyi is also famous for tea.
The ring is made in Thailand.
Girl students in some schools are not allowed to have long hair.
5.(2024·贵州一模) 龙被中国人视为祥瑞的象征。
Dragons are seen/regarded/considered as a symbol of good luck by Chinese people.
【综合提升练 提质赋能 扬帆远航】
A.but  B.an C.began D.longer E.same F.its G.photos
Have you ever seen a hitchhiker(搭便车的旅行者)standing by the side of a road Now drivers in Canada might see 1. B  unusual hitchhiker: a hitchhiking robot.
One of its inventors, David Harris Smith, has hitched across Canada three times. Smith and a friend, Frauke Zeller, have built Hitchbot because they wanted to see if people would stop and give the robot a lift and talk to it. The robot can chat about things it has learned, and about 2. F  trip. You might think it’s a joke, 3. A  Smith and Zeller’s experiment has a serious point: can robots and people get along
Hitchbot 4. C  its journey in Nova Scotia in July. It has already completed a third of its 6,000-mile trip to Victoria. More than 57,000 people are following its journey closely on the Internet, and travelers have posted lots of 5. G  on the websites. Hitchbot has also done some shopping, eaten motor oil, and had fun with travelers. Nobody knows when it will finish its journey. It might be 6. D  than expected, but Zeller and Smith want Hitchbot to get as many rides as it can. It hasn’t been in a self-driving car yet, but anything is possible!
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of
Section A (3a-4c)
【基础必会练 强基固本 枝伸叶展】
1.My daughter didn’t want to buy the watch made (make) in America.
2.The company is good at making high-technology products (produce), such as drones(无人机) and NEVs(新能源汽车).
3.The capital of France (French) is Paris, a beautiful and lively city.
4.One of the bosses (boss) donated one million dollars in the show.
5.—Whose gloves (glove) are these They aren’t mine.
—They’re Lucy’s.
6.Mary was born in a small town in Germany (German).
7.(2023·达州中考)The old saying “A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.” means we should learn from mistakes and avoid making (make) the same mistakes again.
Even though/if he has the same age as me, he is much wiser than me.
Mind maps are very useful and are widely used/used widely in our English class.
You should avoid making the same mistakes in the next exam.
No matter where you go, study is the most important.
Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains.
【综合提升练 提质赋能 扬帆远航】
Most people have flown a kite or have seen one fly in strong spring wind. 1. F  The ancient Chinese were making and flying kites even before they were writing. A long time ago, the Chinese made kites to be used in wars. 2. B  The kites were fixed so that they made sounds. 3. E  They thought those strange sounds were made by the god in the sky. The ancient Chinese also flew kites to bring good luck and to make their crops grow rich and tall. 4. D Then they would fly the kites over water, letting the hooks(钩子)hang down to catch fish. 5. C  Some of these kites look like animals or birds; others look like trees or houses.
A.They used kites to attract lightning.
B.They would fly these war kites in the dark.
C.The Chinese use sticks, strings and paper for their kites.
D.Sometimes they tied long strings(绳子)and hooks to their kites.
E.Men who were at war with them would hear these sounds and ran away.
F.Not so many people know that kites were first made in China thousands of years ago.
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of
Section B (1a-1e)
【基础必会练 强基固本 枝伸叶展】
1.Linda hasn’t learned how to make(make) dumplings yet.
2.A big sports meeting is held(hold) in our school in May every year.
3.This little boy is lovely(love) as well as healthy.
4.Zhang Jie beat the other competitors(compete) and won the first prize in the speech competition.
5.What materials(material)are used to make kites
No matter what we do,we should try our best.
The International Kite Festival is held in April every year.
That big room can be painted light blue.
Laura wants to learn how to fly kites.
Some of the kites are made of paper and wood.
【综合提升练 提质赋能 扬帆远航】
Have you ever watched the dragon dance How much do you know about the dragon dance Today we will say something about it.
Dragons are a(n)  1  of China and the dragon dance is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture.In the dance, a team of people  2  the dragon and perform wonderful dances.Like the lion dance, the dragon dance is most often seen in festivals and celebrations.
 3 , the dragons are made of wood, bamboo and a special kind of cloth.So they are always quite  4 .However, in modern times, the dragons are much lighter because they are made of much lighter  5 .A dragon can be of different lengths(长度).It can be from 25 to 35 meters for acrobatic(杂技的) acts, and up to 50 to 70 meters long for quite large parades(游行).People  6  that the longer the dragon is, the more luck it will bring.Usually, a small group cannot  7  a very long dragon.When the dragon is long, it becomes heavy, too.At this time, the dragon dance  8  great strength and special skills.
The dragon dance began during the Han Dynasty and was started by the Chinese who had great respect for dragons.The dragon dance was already a popular  9  by Song Dynasty.At that time, people could often see it during important festivals.In the Qing Dynasty, the Dragon Dance Team of Fuzhou was invited to give a  10  in Beijing, which gave the emperor great satisfaction!
(A)1.A.symbol  B.animal  C.character
(C)2.A.bring B.hide C.carry
(B)3.A.Actually B.Traditionally C.Suddenly
(A)4.A.heavy B.short C.small
(C)5.A.projects B.products C.materials
(A)6.A.believe B.wonder C.promise
(C)7.A.trade B.check C.control
(C)8.A.returns B.reminds C.requires
(C)9.A.course B.exam C.event
(B)10.A.speech B.performance C.message
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of
Section B (2a-2e)
【基础必会练 强基固本 枝伸叶展】
These things are seen as a symbol of good luck.
People who are in trouble should believe that happiness is created by working hard.
It is said that 80 percent of the hill is covered with trees.
As long as he works hard, he’ll turn into a top-class player.
Please put on your coat and send the letters out.
【综合提升练 提质赋能 扬帆远航】
Paper cutting is a kind of traditional Chinese art.The bright colors of red, green or light blue paper cutting create a happy atmosphere(氛围).So it is often found on weddings or festivals in China.
A thousand years ago, paper cutting was used for decoration.Women in the Tang Dynasty used paper cutting as the headdress(头饰).In the Song Dynasty, it was the decoration of the gifts.People put it on windows or doors or used it as decorations on walls, mirrors or lanterns.
Paper cutting is all made by hand.Learners only need a knife and some paper.For craftsmen, they need knives and different gravers(雕刻刀) to make special patterns.Simple patterns are cut with a knife.For complicated(复杂的) patterns, people first pasted(粘贴) the pattern on the paper and then used different kinds of knives to make it.No mistake should be made during the process, or the work would not succeed.
In the past, women living in the countryside stayed together in their free time to make paper cutting.As society develops, fewer and fewer people learn this skill.At present, there are factories and organizations for paper cutting in China.Sometimes shows and exchanges are held.Paper cutting has changed from decoration to a kind of art.At the same time, paper cutting also appears in cartoons, magazines or TV series.
(C)1.Why is paper cutting with bright colors often found on weddings or festivals
A.Because it is beautiful.
B.Because it is not common to see.
C.Because it makes people feel happy.
(A)2.What does the underlined word “it” refer to
A.Paper cutting.
B.The Tang Dynasty.
C.The headdress.
(C)3.What’s the second paragraph mainly about
A.How paper cutting started.
B.Paper cutting has a long history in China.
C.What paper cutting was used for in ancient times.
(B)4.Why did the writer write the passage
A.To teach us how to make paper cutting.
B.To introduce a traditional art—paper cutting.
C.To encourage us to learn paper cutting.
先讲后做 融会贯通
Lots of students love this English song.(主动语态,句子的主语Lots of students是动作love的执行者)
This English song is loved by lots of students.(被动语态,句子的主语This English song是动作love的承受者)
句式 构成 例句
肯定 句 主语+am/is/are+及物动词的过去分词(+其他). English is widely used all over the world.
否定 句 主语+am/is/are+not+及物动词的过去分词(+其他). The uniforms are not worn by students every day.
一般 疑问句 Am/Is/Are+主语+及物动词的过去分词(+其他) Are you asked to stay at home alone
(1)动词短语如talk about,pay attention to,take care of等在变为被动语态时,其中的介词不可漏掉。
1.English is learned(learn) as a foreign language in most of Chinese schools.
2.The dogs are taken(take) good care of by my mother.
3.Usually,my homework isn’t done(not do) in the afternoon.
4.Are the flowers watered(water) every day
5.Computers don’t sell(not sell) well in that shop.
Recorders are often used by English teachers.
2.你的手机是在中国制造的吗 (make)
Is your mobile phone made in China
Our classroom is cleaned every day.
These shirts are made of silk.
The book is liked by everyone.
细读巧练 节节升高
Red is the color of China.Among all the  1  , red is most easily seen.The color red is fresh and pure, and in China we call it “China Red”.Chinese people are attracted by the color red not only because it makes people excited, but also because it has  2  meaning in Chinese culture and history.
No country in the world has ever used a color in such a way as China.Here, red is a symbol.It gives color to the soul(灵魂)of the nation.In the past, red represented dignity(尊严)and mystery.Even now, Chinese people  3  the color much more than we used to.It can be said that “China Red” is an everlasting theme for China, and an  4  color for the Chinese people.“China Red” has become a very popular phrase, attracting the world’s attention.
Finding red-colored things in China is very easy, as you can see the color everywhere.All traditional red things have been playing special  5  in China, such as the walls of ancient palaces, the  6  flag, Chinese knots, lanterns, traditional paper-cuts, and even red tanghulu.
Red is the color of health, harmony, happiness, peace, richness and so on.Only real things and events can fully  7  and explain its beauty.The color can be  8  and meaningful only when it’s connected with people.
In China, red is more than just a color.It carries the ancient history and  9  of the Chinese nation.“China Red” is  10  with mysterious charm beyond description and it is right here in China waiting for you to feel, to discover!
(A)1.A.colors   B.news   C.paper
(B)2.A.poor B.rich C.simple
(C)3.A.need B.dislike C.love
(C)4.A.interesting   B.expensive C.important
(A)5.A.roles B.games C.cards
(A)6.A.national B.international C.local
(B)7.A.believe B.show C.talk
(C)8.A.large B.quiet C.alive
(B)9.A.art B.culture C.business
(C)10.A.happy B.crowded C.filled
  An exhibition (展览) about the Grand Canal (大运河) ended at the National Museum of China in Beijing on March 1st.
  The Grand Canal is more than 2,500 years old.It is made up of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the Sui and Tang Grand Canal, and the Zhedong Canal.At nearly 3,200 kilometers long, it is the world’s longest man-made waterway. It has influenced the development of Chinese economics (经济) and culture for hundreds of years.
  Before it was built, people in ancient China used horses and oxen (公牛), or simply traveled on foot, to trade goods (货物).It was impossible to transport (运输) large-sized goods.After the Grand Canal connected the north and the south, business and cultural exchanges were able to develop further.
  In fact, the Grand Canal played an important role in the building of the Forbidden City (紫禁城).Materials from different parts of the country were sent to Beijing through the canal, including bricks (砖) fired in Shandong and Jiangsu and wood cut in Hunan.People even owe the beginning of Beijing duck to the canal.White lake ducks in the south were shipped to Beijing.They were then kept to make Beijing duck.People from all walks of life preferred to get together along the canal.They shared their experiences, traditions and culture with others.
(B)1.Paragraph 2 is written to _______.
A.describe the exhibition
B.introduce the Grand Canal to readers
C.describe the Forbidden City
(C)2.Before the Grand Canal was put into use, it was impossible to _______between the north and the south.
A.trade goods   
C.ship large-sized goods
(A)3.The underlined word “owe” in Paragraph 4 means _______.
A.归功于  B.运送  C.欠债
(C)4.What’s the main idea of the passage
A.The Grand Canal helps to create new jobs.
B.The Grand Canal makes western culture develop.
C.The Grand Canal influences China’s development.
China has accepted western fashion and technology as it has developed these years, but a lot of young people are turning to the past for their clothes choices and putting on traditional “hanfu”.
As the government encourages the renaissance (复兴) of traditional culture, hanfu is getting more and more popular with the teenagers. Every year, we can enjoy different hanfu shows around the cities. We learn more about the history, culture and beauty from them.
Hanfu hasn’t been in the same style since Han Dynasty. However, this kind of clothes has something in common. They all have large soft robes (袍子), with sleeves that hang down to the knees, so the hands can’t be seen.
In modern China, the hanfu lovers are from history fans, cartoon fans to clothes fans.
“Clothes are the basic part of culture, so both the traditional clothes and modern clothes play the same role in culture,” said Zhang Jun, a famous reporter. “If the people and the country do not even understand our traditional clothes or don’t wear them, how can we talk about other important parts of our culture ”
(C)5.Hanfu is getting more and more popular because _______.
A.China has accepted western fashion
B.China has accepted western technology
C.the government encourages traditional culture
(C)6.Who are hanfu lovers in China nowadays
A.History fans. 
B.Cartoon fans.
C.Both A and B.
(B)7.What does the underlined word “sleeves” mean
A.衣领  B.衣袖  C.钮扣
When you use a knife and fork, you have to take the knife with your right hand and the fork with your left hand, or you can’t put food into your mouth.But with chopsticks, you can solve the eating problems with just one hand.1. A 
Chopsticks were called zhu or jia in ancient China.It is said that they were invented by Da Yu, who successfully controlled the heavy flood.One day he was busy dealing with the flood.In order to save time when eating, he used two sticks from a tree to take the hot food.That was how chopsticks came into use.2. C 
In fact, the earliest chopsticks found in China were made of bronze(青铜), which were unearthed from Yinxu in Anyang City, Henan Province.
Many people probably haven’t realized the cultural meanings of chopsticks.
3. D  Do you notice that one end of chopsticks is square and the other end is round So, why According to our ancestors, the round end symbolized(象征)Heaven and the square end symbolized Earth.4. B  In Chinese culture, it shows the perfect combination(结合) of yin and yang.
The influence of Chinese culture has stretched(延伸)far and wide.5. E So it’s unbelievable that foreigners cannot use chopsticks.
A.It’s convenient and efficient(有效率的).
B.Besides, chopsticks are used in pairs.
C.It was one of the legends(传说)about chopsticks.
D.They are regarded as one of the symbols of Chinese food culture.
E.At least 1.8 billion people are using chopsticks around the world.
F.Chopsticks are usually made of wood or bamboo, some even from ivory.
Pan Yunfeng is a bamboo weaver(编竹人) in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.He is 1.known (know) to people through short videos.They were posted on the Internet, showing his talent for 2.making (make) pot brushes, umbrellas and other objects out of bamboo.In the most popular video, Pan made a pot brush out of bamboo.Pan’s perfect skills made 3.him (he) popular.
Pan was trained to be a bamboo weaver 4.when he was a teenager.He found craft(手工艺) work was no longer popular when he was ready to work.Bamboo products can be made 5.by machines. Finding it difficult to make a living by his skills, Pan left his village and 6.became (become) a worker in the 1990s.
However, one day Pan saw 7.a bamboo weaving short video on the Internet.He thought he could make even 8.better (good) bamboo objects.So he decided to return to his hometown.He learned how to make videos.At first, Pan planned to sell products through the Internet.But he got more than he expected.
Pan’s videos have widely spread the 9.traditional (tradition) craft around the world.He begins to think about some new 10.ideas (idea) out of bamboo.More and more people begin to see the value of bamboo weaving.He hopes more people will love, learn and pass down this traditional craft.
2.授课教师着重谈论产品由什么制成以及产地,主要就这个话题进行练习,延伸到被动语态的用法,学生们对被动语态的掌握和运用还需提高。因为被动语态是本单元教学重点,我们可以用被动语态的句子提问,多创造机会让学生感知其用法和意义,给学生创设各种情景进行操练。Unit 5 What are the shirts made of
Section A (1a-2d)
【基础必会练 强基固本 枝伸叶展】
1.(2022·贵阳中考)Huangguoshu waterfall is (wide) known to people from home and abroad.
2.The topic of environmental (protect) is always given a lot of attention.
3.Alice has lived in China for many years and she’s been used to using (chopstick).
4.The factory (produce) two thousand lamps every week.
5.Dandong is (know) for its rice and seafood.
6.Miss Green advised us to decorate a card for each other with those (leaf).
Lily is her sweet voice in her school.
I know,my hometown Zunyi is also famous for tea.
The ring is Thailand.
Girl students in some schools are not allowed long hair.
5.(2024·贵州一模) 龙被中国人视为祥瑞的象征。
Dragons as a symbol of good luck by Chinese people.
【综合提升练 提质赋能 扬帆远航】
A.but  B.an C.began D.longer E.same F.its G.photos
Have you ever seen a hitchhiker(搭便车的旅行者)standing by the side of a road Now drivers in Canada might see 1. unusual hitchhiker: a hitchhiking robot.
One of its inventors, David Harris Smith, has hitched across Canada three times. Smith and a friend, Frauke Zeller, have built Hitchbot because they wanted to see if people would stop and give the robot a lift and talk to it. The robot can chat about things it has learned, and about 2. trip. You might think it’s a joke, 3. Smith and Zeller’s experiment has a serious point: can robots and people get along
Hitchbot 4. its journey in Nova Scotia in July. It has already completed a third of its 6,000-mile trip to Victoria. More than 57,000 people are following its journey closely on the Internet, and travelers have posted lots of 5. on the websites. Hitchbot has also done some shopping, eaten motor oil, and had fun with travelers. Nobody knows when it will finish its journey. It might be 6. than expected, but Zeller and Smith want Hitchbot to get as many rides as it can. It hasn’t been in a self-driving car yet, but anything is possible!
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of
Section A (3a-4c)
【基础必会练 强基固本 枝伸叶展】
1.My daughter didn’t want to buy the watch (make) in America.
2.The company is good at making high-technology (produce), such as drones(无人机) and NEVs(新能源汽车).
3.The capital of (French) is Paris, a beautiful and lively city.
4.One of the (boss) donated one million dollars in the show.
5.—Whose (glove) are these They aren’t mine.
—They’re Lucy’s.
6.Mary was born in a small town in (German).
7.(2023·达州中考)The old saying “A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.” means we should learn from mistakes and avoid (make) the same mistakes again.
he has the same age as me, he is much wiser than me.
Mind maps are very useful and are in our English class.
You should the same mistakes in the next exam.
where you go, study is the most important.
Tea plants on the sides of mountains.
【综合提升练 提质赋能 扬帆远航】
Most people have flown a kite or have seen one fly in strong spring wind. 1. The ancient Chinese were making and flying kites even before they were writing. A long time ago, the Chinese made kites to be used in wars. 2. The kites were fixed so that they made sounds. 3. They thought those strange sounds were made by the god in the sky. The ancient Chinese also flew kites to bring good luck and to make their crops grow rich and tall. 4. Then they would fly the kites over water, letting the hooks(钩子)hang down to catch fish. 5. Some of these kites look like animals or birds; others look like trees or houses.
A.They used kites to attract lightning.
B.They would fly these war kites in the dark.
C.The Chinese use sticks, strings and paper for their kites.
D.Sometimes they tied long strings(绳子)and hooks to their kites.
E.Men who were at war with them would hear these sounds and ran away.
F.Not so many people know that kites were first made in China thousands of years ago.
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of
Section B (1a-1e)
【基础必会练 强基固本 枝伸叶展】
1.Linda hasn’t learned how (make) dumplings yet.
2.A big sports meeting (hold) in our school in May every year.
3.This little boy is (love) as well as healthy.
4.Zhang Jie beat the other (compete) and won the first prize in the speech competition.
5.What (material)are used to make kites
what we do,we should try our best.
The Kite Festival is in April every year.
That big room can light blue.
Laura wants to learn fly kites.
Some of the kites are paper and wood.
【综合提升练 提质赋能 扬帆远航】
Have you ever watched the dragon dance How much do you know about the dragon dance Today we will say something about it.
Dragons are a( ) of China and the dragon dance is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture.In the dance, a team of people the dragon and perform wonderful dances.Like the lion dance, the dragon dance is most often seen in festivals and celebrations.
, the dragons are made of wood, bamboo and a special kind of cloth.So they are always quite .However, in modern times, the dragons are much lighter because they are made of much lighter .A dragon can be of different lengths(长度).It can be from 25 to 35 meters for acrobatic(杂技的) acts, and up to 50 to 70 meters long for quite large parades(游行).People that the longer the dragon is, the more luck it will bring.Usually, a small group cannot a very long dragon.When the dragon is long, it becomes heavy, too.At this time, the dragon dance great strength and special skills.
The dragon dance began during the Han Dynasty and was started by the Chinese who had great respect for dragons.The dragon dance was already a popular by Song Dynasty.At that time, people could often see it during important festivals.In the Qing Dynasty, the Dragon Dance Team of Fuzhou was invited to give a in Beijing, which gave the emperor great satisfaction!
( )1.A.symbol  B.animal  C.character
( )2.A.bring B.hide C.carry
( )3.A.Actually B.Traditionally C.Suddenly
( )4.A.heavy B.short C.small
( )5.A.projects B.products C.materials
( )6.A.believe B.wonder C.promise
( )7.A.trade B.check C.control
( )8.A.returns B.reminds C.requires
( )9.A.course B.exam C.event
( )10.A.speech B.performance C.message
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of
Section B (2a-2e)
【基础必会练 强基固本 枝伸叶展】
These things are seen as of good luck.
People who are should believe that happiness is created by working hard.
It is said that 80 percent of the hill is trees.
As long as he works hard, he’ll a top-class player.
Please put on your coat and the letters .
【综合提升练 提质赋能 扬帆远航】
Paper cutting is a kind of traditional Chinese art.The bright colors of red, green or light blue paper cutting create a happy atmosphere(氛围).So it is often found on weddings or festivals in China.
A thousand years ago, paper cutting was used for decoration.Women in the Tang Dynasty used paper cutting as the headdress(头饰).In the Song Dynasty, was the decoration of the gifts.People put it on windows or doors or used it as decorations on walls, mirrors or lanterns.
Paper cutting is all made by hand.Learners only need a knife and some paper.For craftsmen, they need knives and different gravers(雕刻刀) to make special patterns.Simple patterns are cut with a knife.For complicated(复杂的) patterns, people first pasted(粘贴) the pattern on the paper and then used different kinds of knives to make it.No mistake should be made during the process, or the work would not succeed.
In the past, women living in the countryside stayed together in their free time to make paper cutting.As society develops, fewer and fewer people learn this skill.At present, there are factories and organizations for paper cutting in China.Sometimes shows and exchanges are held.Paper cutting has changed from decoration to a kind of art.At the same time, paper cutting also appears in cartoons, magazines or TV series.
( )1.Why is paper cutting with bright colors often found on weddings or festivals
A.Because it is beautiful.
B.Because it is not common to see.
C.Because it makes people feel happy.
( )2.What does the underlined word “it” refer to
A.Paper cutting.
B.The Tang Dynasty.
C.The headdress.
( )3.What’s the second paragraph mainly about
A.How paper cutting started.
B.Paper cutting has a long history in China.
C.What paper cutting was used for in ancient times.
( )4.Why did the writer write the passage
A.To teach us how to make paper cutting.
B.To introduce a traditional art—paper cutting.
C.To encourage us to learn paper cutting.
先讲后做 融会贯通
Lots of students love this English song.(主动语态,句子的主语Lots of students是动作love的执行者)
This English song is loved by lots of students.(被动语态,句子的主语This English song是动作love的承受者)
句式 构成 例句
肯定 句 主语+am/is/are+及物动词的过去分词(+其他). English is widely used all over the world.
否定 句 主语+am/is/are+not+及物动词的过去分词(+其他). The uniforms are not worn by students every day.
一般 疑问句 Am/Is/Are+主语+及物动词的过去分词(+其他) Are you asked to stay at home alone
(1)动词短语如talk about,pay attention to,take care of等在变为被动语态时,其中的介词不可漏掉。
1.English (learn) as a foreign language in most of Chinese schools.
2.The dogs (take) good care of by my mother.
3.Usually,my homework (not do) in the afternoon.
4.Are the flowers (water) every day
5.Computers (not sell) well in that shop.
Recorders often by English teachers.
2.你的手机是在中国制造的吗 (make)
Is your mobile phone China
Our classroom every day.
These shirts silk.
The book by everyone.
细读巧练 节节升高
Red is the color of China.Among all the , red is most easily seen.The color red is fresh and pure, and in China we call it “China Red”.Chinese people are attracted by the color red not only because it makes people excited, but also because it has meaning in Chinese culture and history.
No country in the world has ever used a color in such a way as China.Here, red is a symbol.It gives color to the soul(灵魂)of the nation.In the past, red represented dignity(尊严)and mystery.Even now, Chinese people the color much more than we used to.It can be said that “China Red” is an everlasting theme for China, and an color for the Chinese people.“China Red” has become a very popular phrase, attracting the world’s attention.
Finding red-colored things in China is very easy, as you can see the color everywhere.All traditional red things have been playing special in China, such as the walls of ancient palaces, the flag, Chinese knots, lanterns, traditional paper-cuts, and even red tanghulu.
Red is the color of health, harmony, happiness, peace, richness and so on.Only real things and events can fully and explain its beauty.The color can be and meaningful only when it’s connected with people.
In China, red is more than just a color.It carries the ancient history and of the Chinese nation.“China Red” is with mysterious charm beyond description and it is right here in China waiting for you to feel, to discover!
( )1.A.colors   B.news   C.paper
( )2.A.poor B.rich C.simple
( )3.A.need B.dislike C.love
( )4.A.interesting   B.expensive C.important
( )5.A.roles B.games C.cards
( )6.A.national B.international C.local
( )7.A.believe B.show C.talk
( )8.A.large B.quiet C.alive
( )9.A.art B.culture C.business
( )10.A.happy B.crowded C.filled
  An exhibition (展览) about the Grand Canal (大运河) ended at the National Museum of China in Beijing on March 1st.
  The Grand Canal is more than 2,500 years old.It is made up of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the Sui and Tang Grand Canal, and the Zhedong Canal.At nearly 3,200 kilometers long, it is the world’s longest man-made waterway. It has influenced the development of Chinese economics (经济) and culture for hundreds of years.
  Before it was built, people in ancient China used horses and oxen (公牛), or simply traveled on foot, to trade goods (货物).It was impossible to transport (运输) large-sized goods.After the Grand Canal connected the north and the south, business and cultural exchanges were able to develop further.
  In fact, the Grand Canal played an important role in the building of the Forbidden City (紫禁城).Materials from different parts of the country were sent to Beijing through the canal, including bricks (砖) fired in Shandong and Jiangsu and wood cut in Hunan.People even the beginning of Beijing duck to the canal.White lake ducks in the south were shipped to Beijing.They were then kept to make Beijing duck.People from all walks of life preferred to get together along the canal.They shared their experiences, traditions and culture with others.
( )1.Paragraph 2 is written to _______.
A.describe the exhibition
B.introduce the Grand Canal to readers
C.describe the Forbidden City
( )2.Before the Grand Canal was put into use, it was impossible to _______between the north and the south.
A.trade goods   
C.ship large-sized goods
( )3.The underlined word “owe” in Paragraph 4 means _______.
A.归功于  B.运送  C.欠债
( )4.What’s the main idea of the passage
A.The Grand Canal helps to create new jobs.
B.The Grand Canal makes western culture develop.
C.The Grand Canal influences China’s development.
China has accepted western fashion and technology as it has developed these years, but a lot of young people are turning to the past for their clothes choices and putting on traditional “hanfu”.
As the government encourages the renaissance (复兴) of traditional culture, hanfu is getting more and more popular with the teenagers. Every year, we can enjoy different hanfu shows around the cities. We learn more about the history, culture and beauty from them.
Hanfu hasn’t been in the same style since Han Dynasty. However, this kind of clothes has something in common. They all have large soft robes (袍子), with that hang down to the knees, so the hands can’t be seen.
In modern China, the hanfu lovers are from history fans, cartoon fans to clothes fans.
“Clothes are the basic part of culture, so both the traditional clothes and modern clothes play the same role in culture,” said Zhang Jun, a famous reporter. “If the people and the country do not even understand our traditional clothes or don’t wear them, how can we talk about other important parts of our culture ”
( )5.Hanfu is getting more and more popular because _______.
A.China has accepted western fashion
B.China has accepted western technology
C.the government encourages traditional culture
( )6.Who are hanfu lovers in China nowadays
A.History fans. 
B.Cartoon fans.
C.Both A and B.
( )7.What does the underlined word “sleeves” mean
A.衣领  B.衣袖  C.钮扣
When you use a knife and fork, you have to take the knife with your right hand and the fork with your left hand, or you can’t put food into your mouth.But with chopsticks, you can solve the eating problems with just one hand.1.
Chopsticks were called zhu or jia in ancient China.It is said that they were invented by Da Yu, who successfully controlled the heavy flood.One day he was busy dealing with the flood.In order to save time when eating, he used two sticks from a tree to take the hot food.That was how chopsticks came into use.2.
In fact, the earliest chopsticks found in China were made of bronze(青铜), which were unearthed from Yinxu in Anyang City, Henan Province.
Many people probably haven’t realized the cultural meanings of chopsticks.
3. Do you notice that one end of chopsticks is square and the other end is round So, why According to our ancestors, the round end symbolized(象征)Heaven and the square end symbolized Earth.4. In Chinese culture, it shows the perfect combination(结合) of yin and yang.
The influence of Chinese culture has stretched(延伸)far and wide.5. So it’s unbelievable that foreigners cannot use chopsticks.
A.It’s convenient and efficient(有效率的).
B.Besides, chopsticks are used in pairs.
C.It was one of the legends(传说)about chopsticks.
D.They are regarded as one of the symbols of Chinese food culture.
E.At least 1.8 billion people are using chopsticks around the world.
F.Chopsticks are usually made of wood or bamboo, some even from ivory.
Pan Yunfeng is a bamboo weaver(编竹人) in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.He is 1. (know) to people through short videos.They were posted on the Internet, showing his talent for 2. (make) pot brushes, umbrellas and other objects out of bamboo.In the most popular video, Pan made a pot brush out of bamboo.Pan’s perfect skills made 3. (he) popular.
Pan was trained to be a bamboo weaver 4. he was a teenager.He found craft(手工艺) work was no longer popular when he was ready to work.Bamboo products can be made 5. machines. Finding it difficult to make a living by his skills, Pan left his village and 6. (become) a worker in the 1990s.
However, one day Pan saw 7. bamboo weaving short video on the Internet.He thought he could make even 8. (good) bamboo objects.So he decided to return to his hometown.He learned how to make videos.At first, Pan planned to sell products through the Internet.But he got more than he expected.
Pan’s videos have widely spread the 9. (tradition) craft around the world.He begins to think about some new 10. (idea) out of bamboo.More and more people begin to see the value of bamboo weaving.He hopes more people will love, learn and pass down this traditional craft.



上一篇:Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 同步练习(学生版+教师版)
