
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a hotel. B. At home. C. In a museum.
2. What does the man say about water pollution
A. It is a complex problem. B. It receives global attention. C. It threatens many industries.
3. What had Grandma been doing this afternoon
A. Doing the gardening. B. Surfing the Internet. C. Having a cooking class.
4. What does the woman want the man to do
A. Move this weekend. B. Visit her new apartment. C. Keep her goldfish temporarily.
5. When will the woman start her singing practice
A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00.
6. What is the woman
A. A student. B. A music teacher. C. A famous singer.
7. What did the woman probably do during The Music Weekend
A. She got her songs released.
B. She played the violin in a band.
C. She sang with professional musicians.
8. What makes the man worried
A. Chris’ physical health. B. Chris’ attendance at school. C. Chris’ addiction to games.
9. What is the relationship between the man and Chris
A. Close friends. B. Father and son. C. Teacher and student.
10. Why did the woman go to Boston
A. To work. B. To travel. C. To study.
11. How did the turning point affect the woman
A. It improved her family relationship.
B. It increased her confidence in English.
C. It enabled her to work as a saleswoman.
12. When was the man’s turning point
A. When he was helped by a doctor.
B. When he volunteered in a hospital.
C. When he looked after his sick mother.
13. What is the most important to Ann’s survival in the woman’s opinion
A. Making a fire. B. Finding drinking water. C. Leaving the “help” sign.
14. What happened to Victoria during her trip
A. She couldn’t sleep. B. She lost her way. C. She got injured.
15. What is the woman’s suggestion for those traveling alone
A. Learn to drive. B. Tell others their plans. C. Prepare enough food.
16. What does the woman recommend in the end
A. A club. B. A book. C. A camp.
17. What did the speaker study in college
A. Design. B. Acting. C. Management.
18. What does the speaker’s job mainly involve
A. Writing for a magazine. B. Moving things on stage. C. Setting schedules for actors.
19. What does the speaker dislike about her job
A. The working time. B. The pay. C. The environment.
20. How does the speaker feel about the future of her career
A. Uninterested. B. Hopeful. C. Worried.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Craft Memorable Characters
In this lively interactive course, you’ll learn:
How to craft an emotionally engaging protagonist (主角)
How to make your supporting characters original and multi-dimensional
How to use conflicting motives to drive a more dynamic story
How to keep all your character relationships fresh and unpredictable
How to use character relationships as your story engine
This two-week course is fast-paced and fun; it’s a mix of brief lectures from professional instructors followed by individual and team writing exercises where you get to apply the skills you’re learning right away. There’s no need to take notes, as each class includes materials you can keep for reference later.
You will be able to participate in live class meetings via Zoom videoconference. To attend classes, you’ll need a phone, tablet or computer and access to the Internet. Before class, you’ll receive an email from The Writing Salon with more information about Zoom and your remote class. If you have any question about remote learning, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at hello@.
Cancellation Policy
2 days or less before the start date for the course, the registrant will not receive a refund (退款).
3—9 days before the start date for the course, the registrant will receive a refund minus (减去) a 30% fee.
10 days or more before the start date for the course, the registrant will receive a refund minus a 20% fee.
21. What are you expected to do in the course
A. Take notes carefully. B. Deliver some lectures.
C. Play different characters. D. Practice writing in a team.
22. What is a must for the classes
A. Answering some phone calls. B. Emailing The Writing Salon.
C. Getting access to the Internet. D. Preparing three digital devices.
23. How much will be given back to you if you cancel the course six days before it starts
A. A 20% fee. B. A 30% fee. C. A 70% fee. D. An 80% fee.
While many of us have only become familiar with AI over the past year or so, artist Refik Anadol has been using the technology for years to create immersive installations (沉浸式装置). Now, his studio is releasing its most ambitious project yet: the Large Nature Model, the world’s first open-source generative AI model focusing on nature.
Under development for DATALAND, Refik Anadol Studio’s future museum and Web3 platform devoted to data visualization and AI art, the Large Nature Model is trained on billions of open-source nature images. Interestingly, the model isn’t just for visuals; it can also produce sound and scent elements.
“Blending art, technology, and nature, our model aims to raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire innovative solutions by finding connections among isolated archives (隔离档案),” shared Anadol. “By engaging people on multiple sensory levels, the outputs of the model make the abstract concept of environmental conservation easily acceptable, encouraging a collective responsibility to act.”
Anadol presented the model at the NVIDIA GTC AI Conference, where he transformed a 65-foot by 131-foot wall into a live AI data sculpture. Fed with 2.5 million sourced nature images, the wall exploded with visuals that show the model’s endless creative possibilities, amazing people present at the conference.
The conference is not the only place where the Large Nature Model is on display. At London’s Serpentine Gallery, Anadol’s Echoes of the Earth: Living Archive shows his years-long experimentation with data on coral reefs and rainforests. On view until April 7, the display deepened visitors’ love of nature.
“Anadol’s artworks made me fully understand the unseen yet incredible role of data in our world,” shared art critic Hans Ulrich Obrist in an interview. “I felt enveloped by the data, the richness of information and the beauty found within nature.”
“This project is not about coping or replacing nature; it’s about appreciating, loving and respecting nature. We’re not replacing nature; we’re preserving it,” said Anadol.
24. What can the Large Nature Model do according to the text
A. Train a number of famous artists. B. Offer multi-sensory art experiences.
C. Track global immersive installations. D. Identify outdated nature images quickly.
25. What is the Large Nature Model mainly designed for
A. Making art products available to the public.
B. Inspiring more artists to get close to nature.
C. Contributing to environmental conservation.
D. Boosting the development of local museums.
26. What’s the function of paragraphs 4—5 in the text
A. To prove the studio’s model is incredible. B. To tell the inspiration for Anadol’s dream.
C. To show environmental issues are serious. D. To highlight the barrier to using the model.
27. What did Hans Ulrich Obrist see from Anadol’s works
A. The power of data. B. The key role of a gallery.
C. The cooperation of humans. D. The trend of replacing nature.
At a time when Americans consume more than half of their daily calories from ultra-processed (超加工的) foods, there is increasing evidence showing that eating too much of these foods can make us sick. A recent study published in the British Medical Journal finds people who consume high amounts of these foods have an increased risk of anxiety, depression, and certain cancers. The data come from more than 9 million people who participated in dozens of studies.
Ultra-processed foods are ubiquitous in our food supply. Among the most common are highly refined breads, fast food, sugary drinks, cookies, and other packaged snacks. They are often high in salt, sugar, fat and calories and low in fiber and micro-nutrients such as vitamins.
Although no evidence proves that consumption of ultra-processed foods can directly cause anxiety, cancer or other health conditions, a growing body of evidence shows that ultra-processed foods contribute to the development of these conditions.
A study published last year found people in the habit of consuming high levels of ultra-processed foods were about three times more likely to develop cancer, compared to those who consumed the least. When it comes to mood and mental health conditions, a French study showed that adults who maintained an unhealthy diet had more depressive symptoms. “We saw a roughly 20 to 50% increased risk of depressive symptoms in people who had diets that were high in ultra-processed foods,” says Wolfgang Marx, a researcher.
A panel of advisors is currently evaluating all the latest diet and nutrition studies as part of a process to update the country’s Dietary Guidelines. It is possible that they could recommend limits on ultra-processed foods. On the regulatory side, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is moving ahead to finalize a new definition of the term “healthy”. The FDA says a “healthy” claim on food labels could help consumers identify healthier choices with a quick look and may encourage food companies to improve their products.
28. What does the underlined word “ubiquitous” in paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Nutritious. B. Widespread. C. Cheap. D. Profitable.
29. What are the studies in paragraph 4 mainly intended to show about ultra-processed foods
A. They are linked to some health problems. B. They become more popular among adults.
C. They directly lead to depressive symptoms. D. They should be consumed in a proper way.
30. What is the last paragraph mainly about
A. Food companies’ future plans. B. New guidelines for food sales.
C. Limits on ultra-processed foods. D. Responses to ultra-processed foods.
31. Where does the text most probably appear
A. In a health magazine. B. In a biology textbook.
C. In a medical guideline. D. In a food advertisement.
Behind a large house, six tigers pace around inside an enclosure. It’s morning in northern Viet Nam’s hilly Thai Nguyen province. The strangers in the backyard—a team comprising animal experts from the Hanoi Wildlife Rescue Center, alongside representatives from the forest protection department—are here to move the tigers to their new home.
It’s a sad moment for their owner. “For nearly 20 years, I have treated them as my own children,” the middle-aged man said. “But I’m getting older, so our family has decided to voluntarily hand over the tigers to a trustworthy place.”
That place is the Hanoi Wildlife Rescue Center. The state-run facility is one of the 23 animal rescue centers in Viet Nam and the only one equipped to offer a shelter to both surrendered (交出) tigers like these and those confiscated (没收) by authorities.
Tigers are an endangered species, and it is illegal to hunt, keep or sell them in Viet Nam. Still, the tiger trade develops fast in some parts of Asia, driven by a demand that sees all parts of the tiger used, including bones that are used in traditional medicine to cure bone-related illnesses or to make glue that is mixed with wine for consumption, and teeth and skin that are prized as decorative items.
When tigers are confiscated from the illegal trade or voluntarily surrendered by owners, they are transported to the Hanoi Wildlife Rescue Center where they are cared for, alongside other rescued animals. Since it opened its doors in 1996, the center has rescued and received more than 32,000 individuals comprising over 100 different species.
“Rescued animals are usually not in a very healthy state,” says center director Luong Xuan Hong. So professionals give new arrivals a thorough check-up to detect any injuries or diseases, before coming up with a suitable program to help them recover.
On a recent summer afternoon, a handful of tigers drank water from concrete pools, slept in large leaf-filled enclosures or patted bunches of leaves hanging from cage tops in the midst of quiet surroundings. Once their quarantine (隔离期) period is over, the six tigers from Thai Nguyen will join their fellow big cats.
32. Why did the middle-aged man feel unhappy
A. He saw his tigers badly treated. B. He had no one but tigers to rely on.
C. He had to say goodbye to his tigers. D. He was punished by an official agent.
33. What can be known about the Hanoi Wildlife Rescue Center
A. It only takes in unhealthy animals.
B. It has seen the drop of tiger trades in Asia.
C. It allows individuals to adopt rescued animals.
D. It has made achievements in saving species.
34. What can we learn about the six tigers from the last paragraph
A. They will be released into the wild very soon.
B. They will live a comfortable life in the center.
C. They will be quarantined for a longer period.
D. They are living in harmony with other species.
35. Which of the following is the best title of the text
A. A Rescue Center Is Taking Off B. Six Tigers Find a New Home
C. Many Tigers Are in Danger in Viet Nam D. New Arrivals Adapt Quickly in a Shelter
As a teenager, I read unpredictable science fiction books, insightful history books, interesting popular science books, and so on… 36 . When I enjoy books, they also bring me many benefits.
Reading allows me to gain more knowledge. For example, in my Chinese class, I read the chapter called “Cicadas” in Book of Insects by French naturalist Jean-Henri Casimir Fabre. I wanted to learn more about cicadas’ stories, such as why they leave their holes, and other insects introduced in the book. To satisfy my growing curiosity, I read another book titled Encyclopedia (百科) of Insects. 37 .
Another virtue of reading that I have realized is that it helps me perform better academically. 38 , which are necessary for understanding a text’s meaning accurately and answering relevant questions quickly. That has directly led to higher grades in some exams. In order to comprehend a book with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of words, I must gather my thoughts and concentrate on reading. 39 . As a result, I can get better scores at school.
What matters most is that reading gives me a sense of spiritual contentment. I truly enjoy the novel The Miracles of the Namiya General Store. By reading this book, I understand that we should take care of people around us, and believe that there is always sincerity, goodness and beauty in the world. 40 . History books often tell me that life is full of ups and downs, while science fiction books often help me understand the principle of respecting nature and life.
A. This book opened up the world of literature to me
B. Being focused contributes a lot to efficient learning
C. Reading a lengthy book requires more than attention
D. Most of my questions were answered after I read the book
E. All of them deeply attract me and make me fall in love with reading
F. My love of reading helps me develop reading comprehension abilities
G. In addition to novels, other types of books can also provide me with spiritual help
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I’ve been interested in diving. I wanted to experience it but was 41 by the fear of deep water. Last year, encouraged by a diving enthusiast, I decided to 42 my fear. I signed up for a diving course.
After a few days of theory sessions, I surprisingly 43 all the theory exams. But then followed the biggest 44 . I was visibly 45 underwater. My instructor asked me to do a few more dives with him to 46 my confidence. However, I could see a huge 47 between what I thought I’d be doing and what the course 48 required.
Over the next few weeks, I looked back on the past and thought about what I could have done differently to have had a more pleasant 49 . It was a 50 game! If I could win, I would be able to 51 this course.
A week before the end of the diving course, I went to complete two dives with my instructor. I knew that if I didn’t give it another 52 , I would always carry the fear with me, and it would only get 53 with time. As I revised the 54 and put on my gear (装备), I thought to myself, “This is it!” I took a deep breath, held my mask in place with my fingers, and did a back roll into the sea.
Three hours later, I became a 55 diver. I finally overcame my fear!
41. A. picked out B. settled down C. held back D. brought up
42. A. overcome B. hide C. ignore D. share
43. A. failed B. avoided C. cleared D. assessed
44. A. gift B. challenge C. promise D. surprise
45. A. terrified B. rude C. ashamed D. angry
46. A. show B. build C. shake D. cover
47. A. mismatch B. solution C. connection D. wonder
48. A. secretly B. accidentally C. directly D. actually
49. A. holiday B. discussion C. suggestion D. experience
50. A. card B. mind C. health D. word
51. A. write down B. seek for C. sail through D. check on
52. A. item B. try C. name D. record
53. A. worse B. longer C. less D. darker
54. A. innovations B. comments C. fundamentals D. choices
55. A. highly-paid B. competitive C. well-known D. qualified
With impressive noses and staring eyes, bronze masks and figures 56 (display) during a digital tour of Chinese artifacts (史前古器物) amazed British school students.
57 virtual tour of China’s Sanxingdui Museum was held on Thursday in Central London during an event in celebration of Chinese Language Day of this year, which 58 (attend) by about 100 students from four schools.
Despite 59 (recognize) as one of the world’s greatest archaeological findings of the 20th century, the Sanxingdui Ruins, whose remnants (遗迹) date back 4,500 to 3,000 years, were unfamiliar 60 many students, including Devina Mistry from Queen Mary’s High School.
Mistry said that it was the first time that she had been introduced to Sanxingdui, and the bronze figure of a tiger left a strong 61 (impress) on her. She has been learning Chinese, 62 events like this have always been entertaining and educational for her.
“Learning Chinese is more than acquiring a new way to communicate,” she said, adding that the experiences of learning the language gave her an opportunity to connect with people and enriched her understanding and appreciation of a culture 63 is both ancient and alive today.
“Cultural 64 (exchange) are really important in education,” said Katharine Carruthers, director of IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society’s Confucius Institute for Schools. “Chinese children learning English and British children learning Chinese will be the bedrock of the relationship between the two countries, and it’s important for them 65 (find) out they have more in common.”
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Peter,
Li Hua
“Only a couple hours to go,” I told myself. We’d made it to northern Indiana after driving all afternoon and evening, heading home from a family vacation in Wisconsin. We’d gotten a late start packing up, none of us wanting to leave our lakeside hotel before we had to. Now we were paying the price. It would be past midnight when we got home.
My wife Jeannie, who was always thoughtful and positive, drove for some time to allow me to take a break from driving. Now I took the turn. However, I wasn’t so alert (警觉的).
I turned on the radio, softly, so as not to disturb my wife, who was sleeping beside me. I was on a two-lane state highway. It was slower than the interstate, but less stressful. I generally didn’t mind driving late at night, though I really could have used a cup of coffee. I had a look at my three sleeping children, ages 14,10, and 3, in the back seat. “Keep alert!” I said to myself.
The voice of my 3-year-old son, Jon, broke the silence. “I have to go to the bathroom, Dad.” I couldn’t stop in the middle of the highway in the dark. But right up ahead was a building. A diner. Maybe a chance to get that coffee. I pulled into the parking lot. The restaurant was closed.
I looked around and saw the tall grass surrounding the lot. That would have to do for Jon. I led Jon there. As he took care of business, I tried to drive away a mosquito that flew out of the grass. Then another. And another. I urged Jon to hurry. We ran back to the car and closed the doors. Jeannie, our oldest daughter Amy, and Jennifer who still wore her hat were wide awake.
I felt a mosquito touch down on my neck. I said, “I sure picked the wrong place to stop.” Jeannie patted me on the arm and attempted to catch the mosquito.
I switched on the light in the car. The children were screaming, “They’re everywhere!”
“You do the driving,” Jeannie quickly said to me with a smile. “Let us take care of the mosquitoes.”
The children readily agreed.
I started the car and my family started to fight against the mosquitoes. _______________________________
As their voices of victory continued, I became totally alert. ________________________________________
(Text 1)
W: Since we’re leaving for home this afternoon, we should go and take a look at that museum.
M: I don’t think we can. We have to pack our personal belongings and check out by noon.
(Text 2)
W: I think we should be aware of the problem of water pollution.
M: Yes. Some rivers and lakes are being polluted in some way by businesses, farms, homes, industries, and other sources. It’s a complicated problem to solve.
(Text 3)
W: I went to visit Grandma today. Believe it or not, she’d been surfing the Internet all afternoon. Normally, if she’s not cooking, she’s gardening, like normal grandmas!
M: Wow! She’s moving with the times!
(Text 4)
W: Hi, Hunter. I’m moving this weekend, so I’ll be busy taking everything over to my new apartment. Would it be OK if I left my goldfish at your place for the weekend
M: Sure. I’ll be around all weekend.
(Text 5)
M: What time will your singing practice begin tonight
W: At 7:30.
M: Are you sure I thought you said it was starting at 8:00, because there’ll be a wedding in the hall at 7:00.
W: Oh, you’re right! I’m glad you remembered that, otherwise I’d have been waiting around for half an hour.
(Text 6)
W: Oh, I really liked The Music Weekend that my school provided.
M: What’s that
W: It’s for high school students who are interested in playing an instrument.
M: What did you do there
W: We joined students from other schools and formed a whole band. We felt like professional musicians.
M: Sounds great!
W: Yes. After that weekend, I decided that playing the violin was what I wanted to do as my career. I love writing songs, so I could play my own music.
(Text 7)
M: You know, I’m really worried about Chris.
W: Why
M: I took him to the movies yesterday and during the whole movie he was playing games on his phone. He spends too much time on the Internet. I suggested we go to the mountains this weekend, and he said no. He said there isn’t WiFi service in the mountains.
W: Oh, most children of his age like playing games.
M: But he can’t concentrate on his schoolwork after that.
W: That’s pretty bad. Well, there is a lecture about the parent-child relationship next Monday in our center. I think you could go to it and you would learn a lot from it.
(Text 8)
M: Marie, did you have any turning points Those moments when something happens in our lives and afterward we’re never quite the same.
W: Of course. I went to Boston on a student exchange in my final year. I had studied English, but had never practiced with anyone.
M: Oh, it must have been very hard.
W: Yeah. One day, I had to buy a new phone. I was nervous, but the salesperson understood my first question and I understood his answer! The moment that happened, I knew I was going to be OK with my English. So that was my turning point with my English.
M: Your English sounds great now.
W: Thanks! What about you
M: I’m a doctor now, but I didn’t know that was going to be my career. My mother was in hospital and I took care of her. That was when I knew I wanted to help people like her.
(Text 9)
M: Elisa, you’re a survival expert; what do you think of Ann’s story
W: It’s a miracle she survived. She used some important survival techniques, like making sure she drank enough water and leaving the “help” sign. In fact, Ann wouldn’t have survived if she hadn’t known how to start a fire, so I think that’s the most important skill.
M: Yeah. Have other people survived similar situations
W: Er… A woman named Victoria survived three nights in the desert with a broken leg. She was hiking alone when she fell.
M: What did she do
W: Well, she stayed awake all night and slept during the day, because it was so cold at night.
M: Do you have any advice for our listeners if they are in a similar situation
W: Yes. First, if you’re traveling alone, tell someone where you’re going. The rescue team would have found Victoria sooner if she’d told someone about her plans. Second, if you’re driving, make sure you have enough gas. Last, learn some survival skills.
M: Yeah, these skills are helpful.
W: Definitely. Well, there is Survival Skills Club I started a few months ago. So you’re welcome to join our club.
(Text 10)
W: Today I’ll talk about my job. I studied design at university. One day, I saw an ad for the post of assistant stage manager in a magazine. “That’s what I always wanted to do,” I thought. Then I contacted the theatre. I was lucky because the stage manager there needed an assistant. The stage manager Mr. David is always busy. He spends his day answering questions from people— actors, writers, and everyone else who works there. Mr. David tells me what actors need to do. Then it’s my job as an assistant stage manager to design a suitable schedule for each actor. Most people don’t understand my job, including my parents. They think it’s all about moving heavy things on and off stage. Actually, it isn’t! My parents want me to get a better-paid job. I like working behind the scenes. But one thing that annoys me is how late I get off work. You know, some original schedules have to be changed because of some emergencies. I have been an assistant for five years and I believe I’ll become a stage manager in the near future.
1~5 AABCC 6~10 ABCBC 11~15 BCACB 16~20 AACAB
本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了Craft Memorable Characters (创作令人难忘的人物)这一课程的相关情况。
21. D 细节理解题。根据第二段“… followed by individual and team writing exercises…”可知,在这个课程中,你需要进行团队写作练习。
22. C 细节理解题。根据第三段“To attend classes, you’ll need a phone, tablet or computer and access to the Internet.”可知,联网是上课所必需的。干扰项D项意思是“必须准备三个数码设备”,而原文意思是三者有其一即可,故D项可排除。
23. C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二行“3—9 days before the start date for the course, the registrant will receive a refund minus (减去) a 30% fee.”可知,如果提前6天取消这个课程,你会得到70%的退款。
本文是一篇新闻报道。Refik Anadol的工作室开发出了人工智能大自然模型。这个模型旨在提高人们的环保意识和找到解决环境问题的方法,同时向人们展示了数据的重要性。
24. B 推理判断题。根据第一段、第二段“… data visualization and AI art, the Large Nature Model is trained on billions of open-source nature images. Interestingly, the model isn’t just for visuals; it can also produce sound and scent elements.”及第三段“‘By engaging people on multiple sensory levels…’”可推断,大自然模型能够提供多种感官的艺术体验。
25. C 细节理解题。根据第三段的内容可知,Anadol的工作室开发大自然模型主要是为了环境保护。
26. A 推理判断题。根据第四段“Fed with 2.5 million sourced nature images, the wall exploded with visuals that show the model’s endless creative possibilities, amazing people present at the conference.”及第五段“On view until April 7, the display deepened visitors’ love of nature.”可知,Anadol在两个地方展示了这个大自然模型并受到了好评。由此可推断,这两段的作用是证明这个大自然模型很强大。
27. A 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,Hans Ulrich Obrist通过Anadol的作品看到了数据的强大力量。
28. B 词义猜测题。根据画线词后“Among the most common are highly refined breads, fast food, sugary drinks, cookies, and other packaged snacks.”可知,画线词与common和widespread的意思接近。
29. A 细节理解题。根据第三段“… a growing body of evidence shows that ultra-processed foods contribute to the development of these conditions.”及第四段的内容可知,第四段的两个研究主要表明,超加工食品和健康问题是有关系的。
30. D 段落大意题。通读最后一段可知,本段主要介绍顾问小组和美国食品和药物管理局采取的一些行动以应对目前超加工食品带来的健康问题。
31. A 文章出处题。本文主要介绍了食用超加工食品对健康的影响。由此可推断,本文最有可能出现在健康杂志中。
32. C 细节理解题。根据第二段“‘But I’m getting older, so our family has decided to voluntarily hand over the tigers to a trustworthy place.’”可知,老虎的主人感到难过是因为他不得不与自己养了将近20年的老虎告别。第一段描述的并不是虐待老虎,而是救助人员试图将老虎运到救助中心,故可排除A项。
33. D 细节理解题。根据第五段“Since it opened its doors in 1996, the center has rescued and received more than 32,000 individuals comprising over 100 different species.”可知,它在拯救物种方面取得了一定的成就。根据倒数第二段的第一句话可排除A项。
34. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句话的描述可知,动物们在这个救助中心的生活很舒适。第二句话提到这六只老虎在隔离期结束之后也会加入其中。由此可推断,这六只老虎会在这个救助中心过上舒适的生活。根据最后一段可知,六只老虎目前还在隔离期内,故D项可排除。
35. B 标题判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了位于越南首都的河内野生动物救助中心,它为刚刚上交的六只老虎提供避难所,它们将在这里得到很好的照料。干扰项A项只提到了文中的一个主体,没有提到老虎,故可排除。
36. E 根据空前“… unpredictable science fiction books, insightful history books, interesting popular science books, and so on…”及空后“… enjoy books…”可知,E项“所有这些都深深地吸引了我,让我爱上了阅读”符合。E项中的them指代空前列举的各种书籍,fall in love with reading与空后的enjoy books呼应。
37. D 根据空前“I wanted to learn more about cicadas’ stories, such as why…. To satisfy my growing curiosity, I read another book titled Encyclopedia (百科) of Insects.”可知,D项“读完这本书后,我的大部分问题都得到了回答”符合。
38. F 根据空后“which are necessary for understanding a text’s meaning accurately and answer relevant questions quickly.”可知,F项“我对阅读的热爱培养了我的阅读理解能力”符合。
39. B 根据空前“…I must gather my thoughts and concentrate on…”及空后提到的良好结果可知,B项“专注对高效学习很有帮助”符合。干扰项C项中的a lengthy book看似与空前关联,但C项的重点不是much attention且与空后衔接不起来,故可排除。
40. G 空前提到的是一本小说对作者精神世界的影响,后面提到其他类型的书籍能够带来同样的影响,故G项“除了小说,其他类型的书也可以给予我精神上的帮助”符合。本段首句中的spiritual contentment和第二句中的the novel是关键信息。
41. C 根据空后“Last year, encouraged by a diving enthusiast… I signed up for a diving course.”可推断,作者一直想体验潜水,但是被对深水的恐惧所阻碍(held back)。picked out挑选;settled down稳定下来;brought up养育。
42. A 根据空后“I signed up for a diving course.”可推断,作者决定克服(overcome)恐惧。
43. C 经过几天的理论课学习,“我”意外地通过了(cleared)所有理论考试。
44. B 但随之而来的是最大的挑战(challenge)——“我”在水下明显很恐惧(terrified)。
45. A 见上题解析。
46. B “我”的教练让“我”和他一起多做一些潜水练习以帮助“我”增强(build)信心。
47. A 然而,“我”能看到“我”以为“我”正在做的和课程实际上(actually)对“我”的要求不匹配(mismatch)。
48. D 见上题解析。
49. D 根据空前“…I looked back on the past…”可知,作者在回想之前,如果之前能有不一样的表现,那么作者可能会有一个更愉快的体验(experience)。
50. B 这是思想(mind)上的斗争。如果“我”能赢的话,“我”就能顺利通过(sail through)潜水实操考察。write down写下,记下;seek for寻找;check on检查。
51. C 见上题解析。
52. B 如果“我”不再试(try)一下,“我”将会一直带着这个恐惧。而且,随着时间的推移,情况会变得更糟糕(worse)。
53. A 见上题解析。
54. C “我”回顾了潜水原则(fundamentals)并穿上了装备。此处fundamental作名词,意为“原理,基本原则”。
55. D 三个小时后,“我”成为了一名合格的(qualified)潜水员。
56. displayed 考查非谓语动词。分析句子成分可知,该空填非谓语动词,动词display与其逻辑主语bronze masks and figures存在动宾关系,故此处用所给动词的过去分词;displayed during a digital tour of Chinese artifacts是过去分词短语,作后置定语。
57. The 考查冠词。此处指上文提到的a digital tour of Chinese artifacts,故用定冠词,又因为该空位于句首,故所填词首字母需大写。(首字母小写的不得分。)
58. was attended 考查动词的时态和语态。根据空前“… was held on Thursday…”可知,此处用一般过去时,又因为主语是an event,且与动词attend存在被动关系,故此处用一般过去时的被动语态。
59. being recognized 考查非谓语动词。此处用所给动词的动名词作介词Despite的宾语,又因为动词recognize与其逻辑主语the Sanxingdui Ruins存在动宾关系,故此处用动名词的被动式。(此处填being recognised也可以。)
60. to 考查介词。“sth. be unfamiliar to sb.”意为“某人对某物不熟悉”,为固定用法。
61. impression 考查词形转换。根据空前修饰限定词a strong可知,此处用所给动词的名词。
62. and/ so 考查连词。此处可以填and表示并列关系或填so表示因果关系。
63. that/ which 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,该空引导的是一个限制性定语从句,从句缺少主语,先行词是a culture,指物,故此处填关系代词that或which。
64. exchanges 考查名词复数。根据系动词are可知,此处填名词复数。exchanges意为“交流”。
65. to find 考查非谓语动词。此处用所给动词的不定式作主语,it是形式主语。
One possible version:
Dear Peter,
I’m back in China safe and sound. I appreciate your help during my stay in London, which made my trip smooth and enjoyable.
When I arrived there, I felt at a loss. Thankfully, you made a detailed travel plan for me. More importantly, you were a good travel companion, who led me to famous scenic spots and took wonderful pictures of me. Without you, I wouldn’t have fully enjoyed the breathtaking scenery or experienced the engaging local culture.
To return your kindness, I would like to show you around my city. I’m looking forward to your coming to China.
Li Hua
One possible version:
I started the car and my family started to fight against the mosquitoes. Jeannie began methodically clapping the mosquitoes between her hands. Amy took charge of the back seat crew and attacked the mosquitoes happily. Jennifer also successfully trapped some with her hat. Jon laughed, determined to keep up with his sisters. Jeannie began announcing each one she vanquished. “One, two, three,” she counted off. The kids joined in, the number of victories growing rapidly. “Nine, ten, eleven.”
As their voices of victory continued, I became totally alert. The effect was better than drinking a cup of coffee. “Fifteen!” Clap. “Sixteen!” I laughed at how excited they had become. Only at 39, when the last mosquito was taken care of, did things settle down. By the time I pulled into our driveway, Jeannie and the kids were sound asleep again, the car blissfully silent. I paused for a moment to reflect on the last leg of the trip and smiled.




下一篇:鲁科版五四制物理八年级上册 期末综合素质评价(含解析)