外研版(三起)四年级上册Module 4模块综合测试——提高卷(含答案含听力原文无音频)

Module 4 巩固提高卷
时间:40分钟 满分:100 分
题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 等 级
得 分
( )1. A. I'm making noodles. B. He is making noodles.
C. I'm making dumplings.
( )2. A. Six yuan for ten. B. It's one yuan.
C. The flower is ten yuan.
( )3. A. Can I help you B. Can we help you
C. Can you help me
( )4. A. Do you want some noodles B. Do you want some milk
C. Do you want some rice
( )5. A. Noodles with tomato and egg, please.
B. Here are noodles with tomato and egg.
C. Here are noodles with meat and potato.
( )1. A. Do you want some rice B. Do you want some noodles
( )2. A. What is he doing B. What is she doing
( )3. A. He's making eggs. B. He is making fish.
( )4. A. How much is it B. Can we help you
( )5. A. Can I help you B. Here you are.
( )1. A. Yes, please. B. Yes,I can.
( )2. A. Seven yuan. B. Of course.
( )3. A. Yes,I am. B. Yes,I do.
( )4. A. I want some apples. B. Here you are.
( )5. A. He's making noodles. B. She's making cakes.
( )1. noodles
A. milk B. dumplings C. water
( )2. want
A. drink B. clock C. boat
( )3. milk
A. juice B. cake C. fish
( )4. make
A. food B. buy C. flower
( )5. egg
A. meat B. want C. help
( )1.— Can we help you
A. Yes,I am B. Of course C. No,I don't
( )2.— What are you doing, Mum
—I'm making .
A. dumpling B. dumplings C. dumplinges
( )3.— Do you want some apples
— No, .
A. thank you B. OK C. please
( )4. How much the rice
A. am B. is C. are
( )5. I reading a book about China.
A. am B. is C. are
( )1. Daming is making dumplings.
( )2. I like noodles with tomato and egg.
( )3. We want some potatoes.
( )4. Do you want some juice
( )5. Look, Ann. Chinese fast food!
Mum:I'm making cakes.
Lingling: Can I help you
Mum:I want some eggs. 2.
Lingling: Of course.
Lingling:I want some eggs. 4.
Waitress: Eight yuan for ten.
Lingling: Ten, please.
Waitress: Here you are.
A. Can you go to buy some eggs
B. Can I help you
C. How much are they
D. What are you doing, Mum
E. Thank you.
十、根据表格提供的信息判断对错,对的打“ ”,错的打“×”。(10分)

( )1. Sam wants some milk and bananas.
( )2. Daming wants some dumplings.
( )3. Amy wants some fish.
( )4. Lingling wants some fish and dumplings.
( )5. Sam and Daming want some fish.



上一篇:外研版(三起)四年级上册Module 2模块综合测试——提高卷(含答案含听力原文无音频)

下一篇:初中数学人教版八年级上册 11.2.1三角形的内角(无答案)