人教版(2024)七年级上册Starter Unit 1 Hello AB课时练 (含答案)

Starter Unit 1 Hello! AB课时精练
Section A How do you greet people
第一课时 Section A (1a~2d)& Pronunciation
1. boy in my class can play basketball.
2 Rebecca, can you the girl in Chinese
3. How many starter are there in this book
4. Helen likes beautiful dresses, just like girls.
5. Not in my class likes basketball. Some like football.
, please
my black cap, Mum
, Cindy.
Peter, welcome to my home. Please .
Lily is my good friend, and we always help .
“ Good morning, everyone! I'm Sarah Clark, 1 class teacher.”
“ Good 2 , Ms Clark,” the class say.
“ Can you say something 3 yourself(你自己) ” Ms Clark asks a boy.
“ My name 4 Peter. I'm 12. I like playing 5 . If(如果) you like basketball too, we can play it after school,” the boy says.
“ How about you ” Ms Clark asks a girl.
The girl answers,“ Er… I'm Kate. I'm also 6 years old. I like red. You can see my dress and my schoolbag are 7 .”
“ Very good. Now I want to ask two students to 8 each other. How about you two ” Ms Clark asks.
“ Hello, I'm Jack. 9 is your name ”
“ Hi, Jack. I'm Helen. Nice to meet you.”
“ Nice to meet you 10 , Helen.”
“ Thank you, Jack and Helen. Now class, please greet each other,” Ms Clark says.
( )1. A. your B. his C. her
( )2. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening
( )3. A. of B. for C. about
( )4. A. am B. is C. are
( )5. A. football B. ping- pong C. basketball
( )6. A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen
( )7. A. red B. blue C. yellow
( )8. A. tell B. know C. greet
( )9. A. What B. Who C.Where
( )10. A. now B. too C. also
Section How do you start a conversation
第二课时 Section B (1a~2c)
1. Nice ( meet) you, Ben.
2. Ms Miller ( start) her lesson with a story today.
3. My name is Katherine Smith. You can call (I) Kate.
4. I often have ( conversation) with my friends in English.
5. Leo, let's ( play) basketball with our friends this afternoon.
6. Can you the word“ eraser”
7. Jack runs out of the classroom when the rings.
8. It's 6:50 e on! The football game will at 7:00.
9. Amy and Alice be in the school library, but I'm not sure.
10. When you are not happy, you can have a with your parents.
I your name
It is 12:00 now. lunch.
It's a nice day today. to the zoo.
14.蒂娜,你怎样拼写“ classmate”这个单词
Tina, you the word“ classmate”
—— , Laura
— , thanks.
Hello! My name is Lin Tao. Frank is my 16. name. I am in Class 3, Grade 7 in No. 1 Middle School.
It is 8:00 17. the morning. At the gate(大门) of the school, I meet my good friend Wang Peng. 18. we say hello to each other, we go to the classroom together(一起). He is in Class 3, Grade 7 too.
Ms Chen is our English teacher. She teaches(教) well. Now 19. in our class can say“ Good morning!”,“ Nice to meet you!” and“ How are you ” in English to 20. each other. Ms Chen is nice to us. We think she is a good teacher. And we all like her.
◎主题 人与自我·恰当的学习方法与策略 ◎素材 如何查词典
When you are reading English stories, you may often meet a new word. What's the best way to know it Guess(猜测) it Ask others Use a computer No. You should look up(查阅) the word in an English- Chinese dictionary. It can tell you how to read this word, what it means(意思是) in Chinese and how to use it. But how can you find the word in a dictionary
First, all the English words are in the alphabetical order. In the dictionary you can first see the words beginning with the letter A, then B, C, D… That means, if there are two words,“ bell” and“ spell”,“ bell” must be before“ spell”. Then if there are two words both beginning with the same letter, like“ section” and“ start”, you should look at the second letter, then the third, the fourth…
The dictionary will be your good friend, and you can learn a lot from it. I hope(希望) you can use it often in your English learning.
( )21.What can we get from the English- Chinese dictionary
①how to read a word ②a word's Chinese meaning
③how to use a word ④where a word is from
A. ①②③ B. ①③④ C. ②③④
( )22. What do the words“ alphabetical order” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese
A. 拼写顺序 B.字母顺序 C. 前后顺序
( )23. Which group of words is in the right order in the English- Chinese dictionary
A. Perhaps, produce, plenty. B. Straight, subject, surprise.
C. Century, centre, business.
( )24.Which can be the best title(标题) for the text
A. How to Learn English Well B. How to Buy a Dictionary
C. How to Use a Dictionary
Section A
1.Each 2.greet 3.units 4.other 5.everyone
1.What's your name 2.Where is 3.Nice to meet you 4.sit down 5.each other
1-5 AACBC 6-10 BACAB
Section B
1.to meet 2.starts 3.me 4.conversations 5.play
6.spell 7.bell 8.start 9.may 10.conversation
11.May;have/ know 12. It's time for 13.Let's go 14. how do;spell
15.How are you;I'm fine/ great/OK
16-20 CFDAE
21-24 ABBC



上一篇:人教版(2024)七年级上册 2.3.1 乘方测试卷2 (含解析)
