上海市浦东新区(鲁科版 五四制 )2023-2024六年级下学期英语期末试卷

上海市浦东新区(鲁科版 五四制 )2023-2024学年六年级下学期英语期末试卷
一、Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)Spell the word according to the given phonetic sound.(看音标写单词)(共5分)
1.(2024六下·浦东期末)   [p h ps] there will be more flyovers in Shanghai in 10 years' time.
2.(2024六下·浦东期末)The wind became a typhoon and blew     ['f (r)sli].
3.(2024六下·浦东期末)There will be a    [ k mp t n] between the two teams for the first prize.
4.(2024六下·浦东期末)Firefighters took action quickly
and put out the fire     [ mi di tli].
5.(2024六下·浦东期末)People have     [r memb d] the great man because he died for the country.
【解析】【分析】句意:人们已经___这位伟人,因为他为国捐躯。根据句意及音标提示,可知是记住remembered,have done现在完成时。故答案为remembered。
二、Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共 15 分)
6.(2024六下·浦东期末) Mr. Smith is writing a notice to all new students. ____ notice is about their uniforms.
A.A B.An C.The D./
7.(2024六下·浦东期末) Mrs. Zhu teaches ____ Chinese, and we all like her lessons so much.
A.we B.us C.our D.ourselves
8.(2024六下·浦东期末)There are many books on the shelf, but ________ of them is about transportation.
A.all B.none C.most D.many
【解析】【分析】句意:书架上有许多书,但没有一本是关于运输的。all(三者以上)都;none(三者或三者以上)都不;most大多数;many很多。根据"There are many books on the shelf...of them is about transportation"可知虽然有很多书,但是没有关于运输的,表示否定用none。故选B。
9.(2024六下·浦东期末)Alice has already got some ____ about water on the Internet.
A.answer B.picture C.information D.quiz
10.(2024六下·浦东期末) Bob saw a girl ____ in the next door when he walked by just now.
A.to dance B.dances C.dancing D.danced
【解析】【分析】句意:鲍勃刚才经过的时候看见了一个女孩在隔壁……。A动词不定式,B动词的第三人称单数,C动词的现在分词,D动词的过去式。根据题干when he walked by just now(当他刚刚路过的时候),可知是女孩正在跳舞,see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事,故选C。
【点评】本题考查动词的现在分词。注意识记固定搭配see sb doing sth的用法。
11.(2024六下·浦东期末)People get cotton ____ plants and use it ____ clothes.
A.from, to make B.from, make
C.for, to make D.as, making
【解析】【分析】句意:人们___植物上得到棉花,然后使用它___衣服。根据题意可知是从植物上得到棉花,get sth from从……获取某物,故第一空填from;use sth to do用某物做某事,固定搭配,根据题意可知是制作make,故第二空填to make。故选A。
【点评】考查固定搭配和动词不定式,注意牢记固定搭配get sth from,use sth to do的用法。
12.(2024六下·浦东期末) Alice would rather ____ a book at home on such a rainy day.
A.read B.reading C.to read D.reads
【解析】【分析】句意:在这样的下雨天,爱丽丝宁愿在家看书。would rather do sth宁愿做某事,固定搭配,看书read a book,故选A。
【点评】考查动词原形,注意牢记would rather do sth的用法。
13.(2024六下·浦东期末)Billy is one of ____ in our class. We all like him.
A.intelligent student B.most intelligent student
C.the intelligent students D.the most intelligent students
【解析】【分析】句意:比利是我们班____的一员,我们都喜欢他。根据题中的one of之一,可知要用形容词的最高级,最高级用于三者及三者以上,名词student要用复数形式stuedents。intelligent聪明的,为多音节词,最高级形式是the most intelligent。故选D。
14.(2024六下·浦东期末)When a typhoon comes, we ________ close the windows to keep safe.
A.can B.need C.may D.should
15.(2024六下·浦东期末) If Joe ____ too much spicy food, he will have a stomach ache.
A.will eat B.eat C.eats D.to eat
16.(2024六下·浦东期末)Our summer holidays ____ there in two weeks' time and we can hardly wait.
A.were B.have been C.are D.will be
【解析】【分析】句意:我们的暑假____在两周的时间,我们迫不及待了。A过去式,B现在完成时,C一般现在时,D一般将来时,根据题干中的 in two weeks' time and we can hardly wait两周后,而且我们迫不及待了,可知句子要用一般将来时,故选D。
17.(2024六下·浦东期末)He can swim really fast ________ he practices swimming every early morning.
A.when B.because C.before D.until
【解析】【分析】句意:他游泳游得很快,因为他每天早上都练习游泳。when当……时候;because因为;before在……之前;until直到。空格前的句子"He can swim really fast"和空格后的句子"he practices swimming every early morning"存在着因果关系,故用连词because。故选B。
18.(2024六下·浦东期末) —____ do you play computer games
— Never.
A.How long B.How soon C.How much D.How often
【解析】【分析】句意:—你……玩电脑游戏?—从不。A多长时间;B多久;C多少钱;D多久一次。答语用频度副词,可知问句询问对方多久玩一次电脑游戏,用How often引导。故选D。
19.(2024六下·浦东期末)____ interesting outdoor activity climbing the mountain is!
A.How B.What C.What an D.What a
【解析】【分析】句意:爬山是一项多么有趣的户外活动啊!根据句意可知句子是一个感叹句。感叹句句型:How+形容词或副词+主语+位于!What+名词+主语+位于! interesting outdoor activity是名词,而且是可数名词的单数,interesting以元音音素开头,前面用an修饰,故选C。
20.(2024六下·浦东期末) —Would you like me to bring you a cup of hot coffee
A.I don't like coffee. B.Yes, please.
C.It's a pleasure D.Yes, I'd like to.
【解析】【分析】句意:—你想让我给你端杯热咖啡吗?—……。A我不喜欢咖啡。B是的,请。C很高兴。D是的,我愿意。根据问句询问是否想要端杯热咖啡,肯定回答Yes, please. 否定回答,表示不要也要感谢对方。故选B。
三、Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can be used only once.(将下列单词填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共 4 分)
(2024六下·浦东期末)Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can be used only once.(将下列单词填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
A. harder B. save C. help D. easier E. worrying
Blue jackets, white shirts and black pants. The school uniform just looks out of fashion. Like many of you, I don't like it. However, if I had a chance, I wouldn't throw my school uniform away.
Uniforms show that we are part of a school. Wearing them says we are all in this school together. Some people think that uniforms can  21.   learning. I totally agree with them. Uniforms make the classroom a more serious environment. We will find it  22.  to focus (专注) on our schoolwork. Most importantly, a uniform means we don't have to worry about peer pressure (同龄人间的压力). When everyone is dressed the same, we stop 23.   about our appearance(外貌). There is no need for being dressed in the latest fashion. This can  24.   our parents a lot of money.
【解析】【分析】A.harder更难的 B.save节约 C.help帮助 D.easier更容易的 E。worrying担心的
21.句意:一些人认为校服可以___学习。根据题意可知是校服可以帮助学习,help doing sth帮助做某事,故选C。
23.句意:当每个人都穿的一样的时候,我们停止___关于我们的外貌。根据句意可知是穿着一样大家就不要有外貌焦虑,worry担心,stop doing sth停止做某事,故答案为worrying,故选E。
四、Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共 7 分)
25.(2024六下·浦东期末) Jack's mother was a bus    . She collected money from the passengers. (conduct)
26.(2024六下·浦东期末)The lady sings a beautiful
song     and the baby falls asleep in her arms. (gentle)
27.(2024六下·浦东期末) The doctor suggests David that he should watch     (little) TV.
28.(2024六下·浦东期末) His     made everyone happy and brought laughter to the room. (arrive)
29.(2024六下·浦东期末)People feel comfortable to stay in an     room in summer. (air-conditioner)
30.(2024六下·浦东期末) This is a     scarf, so it is very soft. (wool)
31.(2024六下·浦东期末) My grandma bought a lot of fresh     fruit for my brother and me. (season)
五、Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)Complete the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求完成句子)(共 12 分)
32.(2024六下·浦东期末)Ships and boats sank in the sea during a typhoon. (改成否定句)
Ships and boats        in the sea during a typhoon.
33.(2024六下·浦东期末)Lucy has already bought some seafood. (改为一般疑问句)
    Lucy bought any seafood    
34.(2024六下·浦东期末)Kitty didn't have a barbecue
with her family. She saw a film last weekend. (保持句意基本不变)
Kitty saw a film       
having a barbecue last weekend.
【解析】【分析】句意:基蒂没有和家人一起吃烤肉。她上周末看了一部电影。根据原句以及改写句的空格可知,原句可以变为:上周末,基蒂没有去烧烤,而是去看了电影。考查instead of doing sth"代词做某事",故填instead;of。
35.(2024六下·浦东期末)We use water to wash our hands. (对划线部分提问)
    do we use water to    
【解析】【分析】句意:我们使用水去洗手。划线的是活动,提问用what,剩余部分变成一般疑问句,含有实义动词的肯定句变成一般疑问句把助动词提到句首,其它照搬,use water to do为动词不定式,表示目的,故答案为What,do。
36.(2024六下·浦东期末)The silk scarf feels soft and smooth. (对划线部分提问)
       the silk scarf feel
【解析】【分析】句意:这条丝巾摸起来又软又滑。划线部分是soft and smooth,可知是询问这条丝巾摸起来怎么样,用how提问,句子时态为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,助动词用does,故答案为How,does。
37.(2024六下·浦东期末) many students, because, keep warm , it, like running, helps them.(连词成句)
【答案】Many students like running because it helps them keep warm.
【解析】【分析】many students许多学生,because因为,keep warm保持温暖,it它,like running喜欢跑步,helps them帮助他们。根据所给句号可知句子是一个陈述句,根据句意可以连成句子:许多学生喜欢跑步因为它帮助他们保持温暖。故答案为:Many students like running because it helps them keep warm.
六、Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分阅读与写作)Reading comprehension.
(2024六下·浦东期末)Choose the best answer.(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)
Teacher Needed The English Study Centre needs an English teacher. You must: ▲ be good at English. ▲ be good with children. ▲ be over the age of 26. ▲ work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekends. Call Mrs. Jin at 3042-5509 for more information.
Babysitter Wanted We have two daughters. We need a babysitter. The pay is $10 an hour. You must: ▲ look after them. ▲ read for them. ▲ play with them. ▲ do some housework in our house. ▲ work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays. Please call Mrs. Smith at 9064-2573 or9203-3675.
Cook Wanted Our restaurant serves noodles, dumplings, rice and different kinds of food. We need three cooks. You must: ▲ be a man over the age of 30. ▲ have over three years' cooking experience(经验). ▲ work from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (six days a week). For more information, you can call 3762-7035 or come to our restaurant at 23, Centre Street.
38.Jenny wants to be the English teacher. She should call ____.
A.3042-5509 B.9203-3675 C.3762-7035 D.9064-2573
39.Wilson is an English teacher in the English Study Centre. She may give a lesson at ____ .
A.9:00 a.m. on Monday B.2:00 p.m. on Wednesday
C.8:30 a.m. on Saturday D.3:00 p.m. on Sunday
40.The babysitter can get ____ a day.
A.$70 B.$140 C.$350 D.$490
41.The babysitter won't ____.
A.take care of the children
B.do some homework in the house
C.do some reading for the children
D.work on Saturday
42.From the third table (表格), we can't know ____.
A.what the restaurant serves B.the work time of the cooks
C.how much a cook can get D.the address of the restaurant
43.We can probably find the above material in ____.
A.a story book B.a newspaper
C.a travel guide D.a dictionary
38.句意:珍妮想当英语老师。她应该打电话给____。根据Teacher Needed中的Call Mrs. Jin at 3042-5509 for more information.可知如果想当英语老师,可以打电话给3042-5509,故选A。
39.句意:威尔逊是英语学习中心的一名英语老师。她可以在____上课。A星期一上午九点。B星期三下午2点。C星期六上午八点半。D星期天下午三点。根据Teacher Needed中的work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekends.周末从上午9点工作到下午4点半。可知上课时间在周末的上午九点到下午四点半,选项D符合题意,故选D。
40.句意:保姆每天可以得到____。A70美元,B140美元,C350美元,D490美元,根据Babysitter Wanted中的We have two daughters. We need a babysitter. The pay is $10 an hour.我们有两个女儿,我们需要一个保姆,工资是每小时10美元。以及work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays.工作时间为工作日上午九时至下午四时。可知一周工作五天,每天七个小时,每小时10美元,那一天70美元,故选A。
41.句意:保姆不用___。A照顾儿童,B在家里做一些作业,C为孩子们读点书,D在星期六工作。根据Babysitter Wanted中的Look after them.read for them.play with them. do some housework in our house. work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays 照顾好他们。为他们朗读。和他们一起玩。在我们家做些家务。工作时间为工作日上午九时至下午四时。可知不需要在星期六工作,故选D。
42.句意:从第三个表格,我们不能知道___。A这家餐厅供应什么,B厨师的工作时间,C厨师能挣多少钱,D餐馆的地址。根据Cook Wanted中的Our restaurant serves noodles, dumplings, rice and different kinds of food.我们餐厅供应面条、饺子、米饭和各种各样的食物。 work from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (six days a week).从上午十时工作至晚上十时(每周六天)。For more information, you can call 3762-7035 or come to our restaurant at 23, Centre Street.欲知详情,请致电3762-7035或亲临我们位于中央街23号的餐厅。可知我们不能知道厨师的工资,故选C。
(2024六下·浦东期末)Choose the best answer and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)
James and Jennifer were driving from Nevada to Idaho with their five-month-old son. Shortly after their leaving home it began to snow. The snow was soon so 44. that it became a blizzard (暴风雪). The blizzard went on for many hours. By the time it was over, there was about 1.5 meters deep of snow on the road and it was 45. to drive. They looked around for a house to stay in, but they could see nothing. They looked for another 46. but there wasn't one to travel on. They had to stay where they were. They stayed there for five days. They had very little to eat or drink. They ate some cookies they had in the car, and they even had snow for water. Jennifer was able to feed her baby herself.
After five days , they knew they could no longer stay in their car. James made a large 47. in the snow for Jennifer and the baby to stay in, and he started the long walk to get help. In 22 hours he walked over 45 kilometers. At last he got to the town of Vya. James was very tired and could not even speak, but he was able to tell the people in the town 48. Jennifer and his son were. The people in the town hurried to save Jennifer and her baby. When they found them, the baby was crying loudly. They took them to hospital, where the doctors looked after them.
Many people thought it was a miracle (奇迹) that the family didn't die in such a blizzard.
44.A.thin B.strong C.cold D.white
45.A.safe B.quick C.dangerous D.easy
46.A.town B.person C.street D.road
47.A.house B.hole C.snowman D.home
48.A. how B. what C. where D. that
46.句意:他们又找了另外一___,但没有一个人在路上。A城镇,B人,C街道,D路,根据James and Jennifer were driving from Nevada to Idaho with their five-month-old son. 詹姆斯和詹妮弗带着他们五个月大的儿子从内华达州开车去爱达荷州。可知是他们在路上,他们又看了另外的路上有没有人,故选D。
(2024六下·浦东期末)Fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)
Children are often interested in fire. They like to play with matches. If they are not c 49.  , they start fires at home. They hide under beds or just cry with fear. 20%—25% of all fire deaths are children, so all children should learn about the danger of fire.
Most fires start out small, but after a few minutes they can be b 50.  . The most important thing to do is to hide all matches. Of course, young children should never be left alone in the home. Even if they don't play with fire, they may start a fire b 51.  trying to cook in the wrong way.
It's also important for children to learn how to crawl(爬) on the floor and below the smoke to get out of the house and ask for help from another place. Don't try to put out the fire yourself. Call119 and tell where you are and w 52.  is on fire.
Remember not to go back into the home for your pets or your favourite t 53.  . Firefighters will do this. Don't use the lift. Always use the stairs. The lift may go wrong and keep you inside.
51.句意:即使他们不玩火,他们也可能___尝试错误的烹饪方法而引起火灾。根据句意及首字母提示可知是by,通过,by doing sth,故答案为by。
(2024六下·浦东期末) Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答问题)
A Free Meal
"I'm hungry," Pat said to his friend, Mike. "Let's have a meal somewhere."
They walked down the road until(直到)they came to an expensive restaurant. "This will be fine," Pat said. "Just the place we want." He opened the door and they went inside.
A waiter came up to them at once. "A table for two, gentlemen " he asked. "Yes. The best table you have." He took them to a table near a window. He gave them the menu and went away. Pat and Mike looked at the menu carefully, then ordered the most expensive dishes and a bottle of very good wine.
An hour later, they had almost finished their meal. It was one of the best meals they had ever had, and now they were eating their dessert(甜点). Suddenly Pat looked carefully at his dish. "What's this " he cried and pointed at something small and black in the dessert. The waiter hurried to their table. "Look at this!" Pat said to him in a very loud voice. "There's a dead fly(苍蝇) in my dessert. How terrible(可怕的)! I thought this was a good restaurant, but I was wrong."
The waiter was very embarrassed. "Please, sir, do not speak so loud. I am so sorry about the fly. I'm afraid accidents happen sometimes, even in the best restaurants. We shall not, of course, charge(收费)you for your meals."
Soon after this, Mike and Pat were walking past a hotel. "Let's go in and have a drink," Pat said. "I've got one fly left(剩余)."
54.Did Pat and Mike go to a cheap restaurant or an expensive one for a meal .
55.What did they order
56.What did Pat find in his dessert
57.Why is the story called "A free meal"
58.What would they do in the hotel
59.What do you think of Pat and Mike
【答案】54.An expensive restaurant.
55.The most expensive dishes and a bottle of very good wine.
56.Because the waiter didn't pay them for their meals.
57.A dead fly.
58.They would put the other fly into the wine.
59.They are shameless.
54.句意:帕特和迈克去便宜的餐馆吃饭还是去贵的餐馆吃饭 根据They walked down the road until(直到)they came to an expensive restaurant. "This will be fine," Pat said. "Just the place we want." He opened the door and they went inside. 他们沿着这条路走,直到来到一家昂贵的餐馆。"这家应该会很好,"帕特说。"正是我们想要的地方。"他打开门,他们走了进去。可知他们去了一家贵的餐馆,故答案为An expensive restaurant.
55.句意:他们点了什么?根据 then ordered the most expensive dishes and a bottle of very good wine.然后点了最贵的菜和一瓶上好的酒。可知他们点了最贵的菜和一瓶上好的酒。故答案为The most expensive dishes and a bottle of very good wine.
56.句意:帕特在他的甜点里发现了什么 根据 Pat said to him in a very loud voice. "There's a dead fly(苍蝇) in my dessert. How terrible(可怕的)! 帕特大声对他说。"我的甜点里有一只死苍蝇。太可怕了!可知帕特在他的甜点里发现了一只死苍蝇。故答案为A dead fly.
57.句意:为什么这个故事叫"免费的一餐" 根据The waiter was very embarrassed. "Please, sir, do not speak so loud. I am so sorry about the fly. I'm afraid accidents happen sometimes, even in the best restaurants. We shall not, of course, charge(收费)you for your meals."服务员很尴尬。"先生,请不要这么大声说话。苍蝇的事我很抱歉。即使是在最好的餐馆,我也担心事故时有发生。当然,我们不会向您收取餐费。可知服务员没有收取他们的费用。故答案为Because the waiter didn't pay them for their meals.
58.句意:他们在旅馆里会做什么 根据Soon after this, Mike and Pat were walking past a hotel. "Let's go in and have a drink," Pat said. "I've got one fly left(剩余)."不久之后,迈克和帕特路过一家旅馆。"我们进去喝一杯吧,"帕特说。"我还剩一只苍蝇。可知他们会把另外一只苍蝇放进去,故答案为They would put the other fly into the wine.
59.句意:你觉得帕特和迈克怎么样 根据帕特和迈克想通过在食物中偷放苍蝇从来被免单的行为可知他们很无耻,故答案为They are shameless.
七、Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分阅读与写作)Writing(作文)(共 10 分)
60.(2024六下·浦东期末)Write a passage of at least 50 words on the topic "________ is/ are important". 请以"......很重要"为题写一篇不少于60词的短文。
1. What do you think is/are important to us in our life
2. Why do you think so
3. What should we do to protect it/ them
【解析】【分析】这是一篇命题作文,要求以___ is/ are important为题,写一写你认为在我们的生活中什么是重要的,为什么这样认为,我们应该如何做,注意时态为一般现在时,词数不少于六十。首先可以先写你认为在我们的生活中水是重要的,表明自己的观点。接着写一些你认为重要的原因,它可以给我们带来什么好处。比如水是生命之源,没有水就没有生命,我们需要水来打扫卫生、洗衣做饭等。最后写为了保护它,我们应该做些什么。比如我们可以节约用水,缩短洗澡时间和及时关掉水龙头等,
上海市浦东新区(鲁科版 五四制 )2023-2024学年六年级下学期英语期末试卷
一、Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)Spell the word according to the given phonetic sound.(看音标写单词)(共5分)
1.(2024六下·浦东期末)   [p h ps] there will be more flyovers in Shanghai in 10 years' time.
2.(2024六下·浦东期末)The wind became a typhoon and blew     ['f (r)sli].
3.(2024六下·浦东期末)There will be a    [ k mp t n] between the two teams for the first prize.
4.(2024六下·浦东期末)Firefighters took action quickly
and put out the fire     [ mi di tli].
5.(2024六下·浦东期末)People have     [r memb d] the great man because he died for the country.
二、Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共 15 分)
6.(2024六下·浦东期末) Mr. Smith is writing a notice to all new students. ____ notice is about their uniforms.
A.A B.An C.The D./
7.(2024六下·浦东期末) Mrs. Zhu teaches ____ Chinese, and we all like her lessons so much.
A.we B.us C.our D.ourselves
8.(2024六下·浦东期末)There are many books on the shelf, but ________ of them is about transportation.
A.all B.none C.most D.many
9.(2024六下·浦东期末)Alice has already got some ____ about water on the Internet.
A.answer B.picture C.information D.quiz
10.(2024六下·浦东期末) Bob saw a girl ____ in the next door when he walked by just now.
A.to dance B.dances C.dancing D.danced
11.(2024六下·浦东期末)People get cotton ____ plants and use it ____ clothes.
A.from, to make B.from, make
C.for, to make D.as, making
12.(2024六下·浦东期末) Alice would rather ____ a book at home on such a rainy day.
A.read B.reading C.to read D.reads
13.(2024六下·浦东期末)Billy is one of ____ in our class. We all like him.
A.intelligent student B.most intelligent student
C.the intelligent students D.the most intelligent students
14.(2024六下·浦东期末)When a typhoon comes, we ________ close the windows to keep safe.
A.can B.need C.may D.should
15.(2024六下·浦东期末) If Joe ____ too much spicy food, he will have a stomach ache.
A.will eat B.eat C.eats D.to eat
16.(2024六下·浦东期末)Our summer holidays ____ there in two weeks' time and we can hardly wait.
A.were B.have been C.are D.will be
17.(2024六下·浦东期末)He can swim really fast ________ he practices swimming every early morning.
A.when B.because C.before D.until
18.(2024六下·浦东期末) —____ do you play computer games
— Never.
A.How long B.How soon C.How much D.How often
19.(2024六下·浦东期末)____ interesting outdoor activity climbing the mountain is!
A.How B.What C.What an D.What a
20.(2024六下·浦东期末) —Would you like me to bring you a cup of hot coffee
A.I don't like coffee. B.Yes, please.
C.It's a pleasure D.Yes, I'd like to.
三、Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can be used only once.(将下列单词填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共 4 分)
(2024六下·浦东期末)Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can be used only once.(将下列单词填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
A. harder B. save C. help D. easier E. worrying
Blue jackets, white shirts and black pants. The school uniform just looks out of fashion. Like many of you, I don't like it. However, if I had a chance, I wouldn't throw my school uniform away.
Uniforms show that we are part of a school. Wearing them says we are all in this school together. Some people think that uniforms can  21.   learning. I totally agree with them. Uniforms make the classroom a more serious environment. We will find it  22.  to focus (专注) on our schoolwork. Most importantly, a uniform means we don't have to worry about peer pressure (同龄人间的压力). When everyone is dressed the same, we stop 23.   about our appearance(外貌). There is no need for being dressed in the latest fashion. This can  24.   our parents a lot of money.
四、Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共 7 分)
25.(2024六下·浦东期末) Jack's mother was a bus    . She collected money from the passengers. (conduct)
26.(2024六下·浦东期末)The lady sings a beautiful
song     and the baby falls asleep in her arms. (gentle)
27.(2024六下·浦东期末) The doctor suggests David that he should watch     (little) TV.
28.(2024六下·浦东期末) His     made everyone happy and brought laughter to the room. (arrive)
29.(2024六下·浦东期末)People feel comfortable to stay in an     room in summer. (air-conditioner)
30.(2024六下·浦东期末) This is a     scarf, so it is very soft. (wool)
31.(2024六下·浦东期末) My grandma bought a lot of fresh     fruit for my brother and me. (season)
五、Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分语音、语法和词汇)Complete the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求完成句子)(共 12 分)
32.(2024六下·浦东期末)Ships and boats sank in the sea during a typhoon. (改成否定句)
Ships and boats        in the sea during a typhoon.
33.(2024六下·浦东期末)Lucy has already bought some seafood. (改为一般疑问句)
    Lucy bought any seafood    
34.(2024六下·浦东期末)Kitty didn't have a barbecue
with her family. She saw a film last weekend. (保持句意基本不变)
Kitty saw a film       
having a barbecue last weekend.
35.(2024六下·浦东期末)We use water to wash our hands. (对划线部分提问)
    do we use water to    
36.(2024六下·浦东期末)The silk scarf feels soft and smooth. (对划线部分提问)
       the silk scarf feel
37.(2024六下·浦东期末) many students, because, keep warm , it, like running, helps them.(连词成句)
六、Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分阅读与写作)Reading comprehension.
(2024六下·浦东期末)Choose the best answer.(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)
Teacher Needed The English Study Centre needs an English teacher. You must: ▲ be good at English. ▲ be good with children. ▲ be over the age of 26. ▲ work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekends. Call Mrs. Jin at 3042-5509 for more information.
Babysitter Wanted We have two daughters. We need a babysitter. The pay is $10 an hour. You must: ▲ look after them. ▲ read for them. ▲ play with them. ▲ do some housework in our house. ▲ work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays. Please call Mrs. Smith at 9064-2573 or9203-3675.
Cook Wanted Our restaurant serves noodles, dumplings, rice and different kinds of food. We need three cooks. You must: ▲ be a man over the age of 30. ▲ have over three years' cooking experience(经验). ▲ work from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (six days a week). For more information, you can call 3762-7035 or come to our restaurant at 23, Centre Street.
38.Jenny wants to be the English teacher. She should call ____.
A.3042-5509 B.9203-3675 C.3762-7035 D.9064-2573
39.Wilson is an English teacher in the English Study Centre. She may give a lesson at ____ .
A.9:00 a.m. on Monday B.2:00 p.m. on Wednesday
C.8:30 a.m. on Saturday D.3:00 p.m. on Sunday
40.The babysitter can get ____ a day.
A.$70 B.$140 C.$350 D.$490
41.The babysitter won't ____.
A.take care of the children
B.do some homework in the house
C.do some reading for the children
D.work on Saturday
42.From the third table (表格), we can't know ____.
A.what the restaurant serves B.the work time of the cooks
C.how much a cook can get D.the address of the restaurant
43.We can probably find the above material in ____.
A.a story book B.a newspaper
C.a travel guide D.a dictionary
(2024六下·浦东期末)Choose the best answer and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)
James and Jennifer were driving from Nevada to Idaho with their five-month-old son. Shortly after their leaving home it began to snow. The snow was soon so 44. that it became a blizzard (暴风雪). The blizzard went on for many hours. By the time it was over, there was about 1.5 meters deep of snow on the road and it was 45. to drive. They looked around for a house to stay in, but they could see nothing. They looked for another 46. but there wasn't one to travel on. They had to stay where they were. They stayed there for five days. They had very little to eat or drink. They ate some cookies they had in the car, and they even had snow for water. Jennifer was able to feed her baby herself.
After five days , they knew they could no longer stay in their car. James made a large 47. in the snow for Jennifer and the baby to stay in, and he started the long walk to get help. In 22 hours he walked over 45 kilometers. At last he got to the town of Vya. James was very tired and could not even speak, but he was able to tell the people in the town 48. Jennifer and his son were. The people in the town hurried to save Jennifer and her baby. When they found them, the baby was crying loudly. They took them to hospital, where the doctors looked after them.
Many people thought it was a miracle (奇迹) that the family didn't die in such a blizzard.
44.A.thin B.strong C.cold D.white
45.A.safe B.quick C.dangerous D.easy
46.A.town B.person C.street D.road
47.A.house B.hole C.snowman D.home
48.A. how B. what C. where D. that
(2024六下·浦东期末)Fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)
Children are often interested in fire. They like to play with matches. If they are not c 49.  , they start fires at home. They hide under beds or just cry with fear. 20%—25% of all fire deaths are children, so all children should learn about the danger of fire.
Most fires start out small, but after a few minutes they can be b 50.  . The most important thing to do is to hide all matches. Of course, young children should never be left alone in the home. Even if they don't play with fire, they may start a fire b 51.  trying to cook in the wrong way.
It's also important for children to learn how to crawl(爬) on the floor and below the smoke to get out of the house and ask for help from another place. Don't try to put out the fire yourself. Call119 and tell where you are and w 52.  is on fire.
Remember not to go back into the home for your pets or your favourite t 53.  . Firefighters will do this. Don't use the lift. Always use the stairs. The lift may go wrong and keep you inside.
(2024六下·浦东期末) Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答问题)
A Free Meal
"I'm hungry," Pat said to his friend, Mike. "Let's have a meal somewhere."
They walked down the road until(直到)they came to an expensive restaurant. "This will be fine," Pat said. "Just the place we want." He opened the door and they went inside.
A waiter came up to them at once. "A table for two, gentlemen " he asked. "Yes. The best table you have." He took them to a table near a window. He gave them the menu and went away. Pat and Mike looked at the menu carefully, then ordered the most expensive dishes and a bottle of very good wine.
An hour later, they had almost finished their meal. It was one of the best meals they had ever had, and now they were eating their dessert(甜点). Suddenly Pat looked carefully at his dish. "What's this " he cried and pointed at something small and black in the dessert. The waiter hurried to their table. "Look at this!" Pat said to him in a very loud voice. "There's a dead fly(苍蝇) in my dessert. How terrible(可怕的)! I thought this was a good restaurant, but I was wrong."
The waiter was very embarrassed. "Please, sir, do not speak so loud. I am so sorry about the fly. I'm afraid accidents happen sometimes, even in the best restaurants. We shall not, of course, charge(收费)you for your meals."
Soon after this, Mike and Pat were walking past a hotel. "Let's go in and have a drink," Pat said. "I've got one fly left(剩余)."
54.Did Pat and Mike go to a cheap restaurant or an expensive one for a meal .
55.What did they order
56.What did Pat find in his dessert
57.Why is the story called "A free meal"
58.What would they do in the hotel
59.What do you think of Pat and Mike
七、Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分阅读与写作)Writing(作文)(共 10 分)
60.(2024六下·浦东期末)Write a passage of at least 50 words on the topic "________ is/ are important". 请以"......很重要"为题写一篇不少于60词的短文。
1. What do you think is/are important to us in our life
2. Why do you think so
3. What should we do to protect it/ them
【解析】【分析】句意:人们已经___这位伟人,因为他为国捐躯。根据句意及音标提示,可知是记住remembered,have done现在完成时。故答案为remembered。
【解析】【分析】句意:书架上有许多书,但没有一本是关于运输的。all(三者以上)都;none(三者或三者以上)都不;most大多数;many很多。根据"There are many books on the shelf...of them is about transportation"可知虽然有很多书,但是没有关于运输的,表示否定用none。故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:鲍勃刚才经过的时候看见了一个女孩在隔壁……。A动词不定式,B动词的第三人称单数,C动词的现在分词,D动词的过去式。根据题干when he walked by just now(当他刚刚路过的时候),可知是女孩正在跳舞,see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事,故选C。
【点评】本题考查动词的现在分词。注意识记固定搭配see sb doing sth的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:人们___植物上得到棉花,然后使用它___衣服。根据题意可知是从植物上得到棉花,get sth from从……获取某物,故第一空填from;use sth to do用某物做某事,固定搭配,根据题意可知是制作make,故第二空填to make。故选A。
【点评】考查固定搭配和动词不定式,注意牢记固定搭配get sth from,use sth to do的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:在这样的下雨天,爱丽丝宁愿在家看书。would rather do sth宁愿做某事,固定搭配,看书read a book,故选A。
【点评】考查动词原形,注意牢记would rather do sth的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:比利是我们班____的一员,我们都喜欢他。根据题中的one of之一,可知要用形容词的最高级,最高级用于三者及三者以上,名词student要用复数形式stuedents。intelligent聪明的,为多音节词,最高级形式是the most intelligent。故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:我们的暑假____在两周的时间,我们迫不及待了。A过去式,B现在完成时,C一般现在时,D一般将来时,根据题干中的 in two weeks' time and we can hardly wait两周后,而且我们迫不及待了,可知句子要用一般将来时,故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:他游泳游得很快,因为他每天早上都练习游泳。when当……时候;because因为;before在……之前;until直到。空格前的句子"He can swim really fast"和空格后的句子"he practices swimming every early morning"存在着因果关系,故用连词because。故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:—你……玩电脑游戏?—从不。A多长时间;B多久;C多少钱;D多久一次。答语用频度副词,可知问句询问对方多久玩一次电脑游戏,用How often引导。故选D。
【解析】【分析】句意:爬山是一项多么有趣的户外活动啊!根据句意可知句子是一个感叹句。感叹句句型:How+形容词或副词+主语+位于!What+名词+主语+位于! interesting outdoor activity是名词,而且是可数名词的单数,interesting以元音音素开头,前面用an修饰,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:—你想让我给你端杯热咖啡吗?—……。A我不喜欢咖啡。B是的,请。C很高兴。D是的,我愿意。根据问句询问是否想要端杯热咖啡,肯定回答Yes, please. 否定回答,表示不要也要感谢对方。故选B。
【解析】【分析】A.harder更难的 B.save节约 C.help帮助 D.easier更容易的 E。worrying担心的
21.句意:一些人认为校服可以___学习。根据题意可知是校服可以帮助学习,help doing sth帮助做某事,故选C。
23.句意:当每个人都穿的一样的时候,我们停止___关于我们的外貌。根据句意可知是穿着一样大家就不要有外貌焦虑,worry担心,stop doing sth停止做某事,故答案为worrying,故选E。
【解析】【分析】句意:基蒂没有和家人一起吃烤肉。她上周末看了一部电影。根据原句以及改写句的空格可知,原句可以变为:上周末,基蒂没有去烧烤,而是去看了电影。考查instead of doing sth"代词做某事",故填instead;of。
【解析】【分析】句意:我们使用水去洗手。划线的是活动,提问用what,剩余部分变成一般疑问句,含有实义动词的肯定句变成一般疑问句把助动词提到句首,其它照搬,use water to do为动词不定式,表示目的,故答案为What,do。
【解析】【分析】句意:这条丝巾摸起来又软又滑。划线部分是soft and smooth,可知是询问这条丝巾摸起来怎么样,用how提问,句子时态为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,助动词用does,故答案为How,does。
37.【答案】Many students like running because it helps them keep warm.
【解析】【分析】many students许多学生,because因为,keep warm保持温暖,it它,like running喜欢跑步,helps them帮助他们。根据所给句号可知句子是一个陈述句,根据句意可以连成句子:许多学生喜欢跑步因为它帮助他们保持温暖。故答案为:Many students like running because it helps them keep warm.
38.句意:珍妮想当英语老师。她应该打电话给____。根据Teacher Needed中的Call Mrs. Jin at 3042-5509 for more information.可知如果想当英语老师,可以打电话给3042-5509,故选A。
39.句意:威尔逊是英语学习中心的一名英语老师。她可以在____上课。A星期一上午九点。B星期三下午2点。C星期六上午八点半。D星期天下午三点。根据Teacher Needed中的work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekends.周末从上午9点工作到下午4点半。可知上课时间在周末的上午九点到下午四点半,选项D符合题意,故选D。
40.句意:保姆每天可以得到____。A70美元,B140美元,C350美元,D490美元,根据Babysitter Wanted中的We have two daughters. We need a babysitter. The pay is $10 an hour.我们有两个女儿,我们需要一个保姆,工资是每小时10美元。以及work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays.工作时间为工作日上午九时至下午四时。可知一周工作五天,每天七个小时,每小时10美元,那一天70美元,故选A。
41.句意:保姆不用___。A照顾儿童,B在家里做一些作业,C为孩子们读点书,D在星期六工作。根据Babysitter Wanted中的Look after them.read for them.play with them. do some housework in our house. work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays 照顾好他们。为他们朗读。和他们一起玩。在我们家做些家务。工作时间为工作日上午九时至下午四时。可知不需要在星期六工作,故选D。
42.句意:从第三个表格,我们不能知道___。A这家餐厅供应什么,B厨师的工作时间,C厨师能挣多少钱,D餐馆的地址。根据Cook Wanted中的Our restaurant serves noodles, dumplings, rice and different kinds of food.我们餐厅供应面条、饺子、米饭和各种各样的食物。 work from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (six days a week).从上午十时工作至晚上十时(每周六天)。For more information, you can call 3762-7035 or come to our restaurant at 23, Centre Street.欲知详情,请致电3762-7035或亲临我们位于中央街23号的餐厅。可知我们不能知道厨师的工资,故选C。
46.句意:他们又找了另外一___,但没有一个人在路上。A城镇,B人,C街道,D路,根据James and Jennifer were driving from Nevada to Idaho with their five-month-old son. 詹姆斯和詹妮弗带着他们五个月大的儿子从内华达州开车去爱达荷州。可知是他们在路上,他们又看了另外的路上有没有人,故选D。
51.句意:即使他们不玩火,他们也可能___尝试错误的烹饪方法而引起火灾。根据句意及首字母提示可知是by,通过,by doing sth,故答案为by。
【答案】54.An expensive restaurant.
55.The most expensive dishes and a bottle of very good wine.
56.Because the waiter didn't pay them for their meals.
57.A dead fly.
58.They would put the other fly into the wine.
59.They are shameless.
54.句意:帕特和迈克去便宜的餐馆吃饭还是去贵的餐馆吃饭 根据They walked down the road until(直到)they came to an expensive restaurant. "This will be fine," Pat said. "Just the place we want." He opened the door and they went inside. 他们沿着这条路走,直到来到一家昂贵的餐馆。"这家应该会很好,"帕特说。"正是我们想要的地方。"他打开门,他们走了进去。可知他们去了一家贵的餐馆,故答案为An expensive restaurant.
55.句意:他们点了什么?根据 then ordered the most expensive dishes and a bottle of very good wine.然后点了最贵的菜和一瓶上好的酒。可知他们点了最贵的菜和一瓶上好的酒。故答案为The most expensive dishes and a bottle of very good wine.
56.句意:帕特在他的甜点里发现了什么 根据 Pat said to him in a very loud voice. "There's a dead fly(苍蝇) in my dessert. How terrible(可怕的)! 帕特大声对他说。"我的甜点里有一只死苍蝇。太可怕了!可知帕特在他的甜点里发现了一只死苍蝇。故答案为A dead fly.
57.句意:为什么这个故事叫"免费的一餐" 根据The waiter was very embarrassed. "Please, sir, do not speak so loud. I am so sorry about the fly. I'm afraid accidents happen sometimes, even in the best restaurants. We shall not, of course, charge(收费)you for your meals."服务员很尴尬。"先生,请不要这么大声说话。苍蝇的事我很抱歉。即使是在最好的餐馆,我也担心事故时有发生。当然,我们不会向您收取餐费。可知服务员没有收取他们的费用。故答案为Because the waiter didn't pay them for their meals.
58.句意:他们在旅馆里会做什么 根据Soon after this, Mike and Pat were walking past a hotel. "Let's go in and have a drink," Pat said. "I've got one fly left(剩余)."不久之后,迈克和帕特路过一家旅馆。"我们进去喝一杯吧,"帕特说。"我还剩一只苍蝇。可知他们会把另外一只苍蝇放进去,故答案为They would put the other fly into the wine.
59.句意:你觉得帕特和迈克怎么样 根据帕特和迈克想通过在食物中偷放苍蝇从来被免单的行为可知他们很无耻,故答案为They are shameless.
【解析】【分析】这是一篇命题作文,要求以___ is/ are important为题,写一写你认为在我们的生活中什么是重要的,为什么这样认为,我们应该如何做,注意时态为一般现在时,词数不少于六十。首先可以先写你认为在我们的生活中水是重要的,表明自己的观点。接着写一些你认为重要的原因,它可以给我们带来什么好处。比如水是生命之源,没有水就没有生命,我们需要水来打扫卫生、洗衣做饭等。最后写为了保护它,我们应该做些什么。比如我们可以节约用水,缩短洗澡时间和及时关掉水龙头等,



