牛津译林版八年级上册 Unit 1 Friends 单元检测(含解析)

Unit 1 Friends 单元检测
( )1. — Is Tony honest boy — Yes. I think he is most helpful boy in our class.
A. a; the B. an; an C. an; the D. the; an
( )2. Please don't say bad words your friend. It's .
A. in; polite B. about; patient C. about; impolite D. in; impatient
( )3. Daniel is a with a strong .He never asks others for advice on his business.
A. personal; personality; person B. person; personal; personality
C. person; personality; personal D. personality; person; personal
( )4. While watching the film yesterday, I couldn't stop laughing at some moments.
A. humorous B. challenging C. dangerous D. surprising
( )5.— Do you think the dish is delicious
— Sorry, I've had too much and I’ve lost my of taste.
A. secret B. sense C. power D. interest
( )6. My uncle is humorous. He often funny jokes and always makes us .
A. tells; laughing B. talks; laugh C. says; laughing D. tells; laugh
( )7.— What your father — He's helpful and generous.
A. is; like B. does; like C. does; look like D. does; do
( )8.— How was your recent trip to Thailand —I’ve never had one before.
A. the more pleasant B. a more pleasant C. a most pleasant D. the most pleasant
( )9.— Do you know China is larger than in Asia (亚洲)
— Yes, our country is also becoming stronger and stronger.
A. any country B. any other country C. the other country D. another country
( )10.— China is over 5,000 years old. It's one of countries in the world.
— Yes. It has a history than the USA.
A. old; long B. older; longer C. the oldest; longest D. the oldest; longer
Everyone needs friends. But do you know 11 to find real friendship and keep it An American writer 12 Sally tells young students some good ways to make 13 .
Sally says finding friendship is just like 14 a tree. You plant the seed and 15 it to make it grow.
She says you should first choose someone who can be a 16 friend. It doesn't matter whether he has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and 17 . If you have a bad day, a good friend should
18 your complaints (抱怨) and try his 19 to help you. If you want to make a friend, you should make each other 20 . But things cannot always be happy. 21 the best friends may have quarrels. What should you do when you 22 with your friend You may try to have an honest talk with him face to face. If he 23 want to talk, you can write a letter to tell him how you are feeling.
Sally also tells us some small but important things, 24 example, celebrating your friend's success. Remember that friendship is important in your 25 . Life is great if you have friends!
( )11. A. how B. what C. when D. which
( )12. A. call B. calls C. name D. named
( )13. A. girls B. teachers C. friends D. classmates
( )14. A. watering B. planting C. cutting D. decorating
( )15. A. take off B. take away C. take care D. take care of
( )16. A. bad B. well C. shy D. good
( )17. A. beautiful B. helpful C. thankful D. wonderful
( )18. A. look at B. look C. listen to D. listen
( )19. A. good B. well C. better D. best
( )20. A. happy B. happily C. unhappy D. unhappily
( )21. A. Even B. Though C. If D. Ever
( )22. A. talk B. speak C. quarrel D. agree
( )23. A. doesn't B. don't C. didn't D. isn't
( )24. A. to B. for C. in D. at
( )25. A. school B. home C. country D. life
Looking for good and long-lasting friends I am very interested in meeting good friends from France, the UK and other European countries. I am a loving, caring, understanding and outgoing guy and I hope to get to know people, cultures and languages in other countries. I check emails often and I am good at English and French. So I will welcome all emails. nibangwa@ Thanks for stop ping by. Tracy
Looking for a Japanese penfriend for my language classes I am a Japanese teacher in Australia, looking for a penfriend for my classes in Japan. I have 2 classes of 26 students, so 52 in total, who I would like to find a penfriend for. Please contact me if you can help. love123@ Thanks. Simon
Looking for a kind friend from the USA Hi all, My name is Li Fang. I am a girl aged 22, loving, caring, sporty and musical. I am planning to go for my studies in the United States, so I need someone who can show me the way and how to do things and be a friend when I am there. I am Chinese and hope to hear from you. Thank you so much. jelbit@
Searching for secondary school penfriends Hello, we are from Spain, near Barcelona. Our students are 12—16 years old and they would like to build friendships with a school with similar age characteristics. They need to practise English. They speak Spanish and Catalan as mother languages. We are expecting to hear from you. Tel:13912371550 Branka Foreign Languages Department
( )26. According to the information above, we know can speak French.
A. Tracy B. Li Fang C. Branka D. Simon
( )27. are looking for penfriends for their students.
A. Tracy and Simon B. Simon and Branka C. Tracy and Branka D. Li Fang and Simon
( )28. If you are an American and you need a Chinese penfriend, you can contact .
A.nibangwa@ B.love123@
C.jelbit@ D. 13912371550
( )29. We know from the passage that .
A. Tracy is planning to go for studies in the USA
B. Li Fang is going to Australia to be a teacher
C. Branka wants to find some adult penfriends
D. Simon has two classes with 52 students in total
( )30. You may see the information above .
A. in a film B. on a website C. in a play D. on a map
“ Class, this is John Evans,” Mrs Parmele introduced him to us, trying to give him a warm welcome. We saw a boy in old clothes. John looked around and smiled, hoping somebody would smile back. Nobody did. He kept on smiling anyway.
I held my breath, hoping Mrs Parmele wouldn't notice the empty desk next to mine. She did, and pointed him in that direction. He looked at me as he sat down, but I looked away.
By the end of his first week, John was at the bottom of our class's stair. I told my mother one evening at dinner,“ He hardly even knows how to count.”
As I ate lunch with him the next day and listened to him, however, I realized that it was pleasant to be with him. After lunch, I decided that I would be John's friend.
One night, as Mother came into my bedroom, I said,“ Mum, tomorrow is John's birthday, and he's not going to get anything. Nobody even cares.”
“ Don't worry,” Mum said. “I'm sure everything will be fine.”
I wished John a happy birthday in the morning, and his smile showed me that he was glad I had remembered.
By mid- afternoon I had almost decided that birthdays weren't that important. Then, as Mrs Parmele was writing on the blackboard, I heard a familiar (熟悉的) voice singing the birthday song.
Moments later, Mother came through the door with a tray (托盘) of cakes. She was also taking a present in her hand.
Mrs Parmele joined in. Mother found John stood there like a rabbit caught in headlights. She put the cakes and the gift on his desk and said,“ Happy birthday, John.”
John kindly shared his cakes with the class, taking the tray from desk to desk.
John Evans moved away soon, and I never heard from him again. But I always remember the happiness in the boy's eyes, and the taste of the sweetest cake.
( )31. Why did the writer hold his breath when Mrs Parmele introduced John
A. He wanted to meet his new classmate.
B. He didn't want John to sit next to him.
C. He was curious about why John kept on smiling.
D. He hoped Mrs Parmele would notice the empty desk next to his.
( )32. Why did the writer decide to become John's friend
A. He liked spending time with John.
B. His teacher asked him to be nice to John.
C. He found that he could learn a lot from John.
D. His mother would buy a birthday cake for John.
( )33. What does the underlined part “ John was at the bottom of our class's stair” mean
A. John liked climbing the stairs.
B. John was popular in his class.
C. John sat at the back of the class.
D. John fell behind the other students.
( )34. When John was“ like a rabbit caught in headlights”, he probably felt .
A. sad and hurt B. worried and bored C. proud but unhappy D. surprised but happy
( )35. What is the passage mainly about
A. The great love of a mother.
B. A special day for a special friend.
C. How two friends helped each other.
D. How a good teacher influenced her students.
36.— What is the (weigh) of the little tortoise — It is only 150 grams.
37. Soon the two little boys forgot the (happy) moment and played with each other again.
38. Mary is the tallest girl in our class and she is 1.75 metres in (high).
39. Cindy is very nice and she always (help) her friends with English.
40. The weather is too bad and it's reported that it will be even (bad) later on.
Han Mei is a Grade 8 student in a middle school in Taizhou. She has a 41. r face and big eyes. She is very tall and slim. Her long legs don't 42. f well under the desk.
Han Mei is a smart girl, and she is always the 43. f to answer the teachers’ questions in class. Her classmates like to be with her, because she has a good 44. s of humour. Her 45. j
make them laugh and they never feel 46. b with her.
Han Mei has a good 47. v . We all enjoy listening to her singing. She is also an 48. h girl. Her friends all believe her words. She likes reading books and 49. m . She thinks she can learn more about the world by reading. She wants to be a 50. s worker and help people with their problems in the future.
51.你们班本学期的英语老师是来自美国的年轻女老师 Linda White。为了进一步了解你们,她让你把你最好的朋友 Jack介绍给她 Jack的情况见下表:
姓名 Jack 年龄 14
外貌 圆脸;明亮的眼睛;身高1.65米
个性 乐于助人(举1例);幽默(举1 例);有耐心;替朋友保守秘密;从不说他人的坏话
爱好 对打羽毛球感兴趣;喜欢阅读,长大后想 要成为一名杰出的作家
Let me introduce my best friend Jack to you.
1. C 第一空表示泛指, honest是发音以元音音素开头的单词,故用不定冠词 an; 形容词最高级前面用定冠词 the。故选C项。
2. C句意为:请不要说你朋友的坏话。这是不礼貌的。第一个空表示“关于”,应用 about;由 say bad words 可知,说朋友坏话是不礼貌的,故选C项。
3. C 第一空处表示一个人,故应该用 person; strong 是形容词,修饰名词,第二空处表示有很强的个性,故应该用 personality;第三空后的 business是名词,应用形容词修饰,故应该用 personal。
4. A humorous 意为“幽默的”; challenging 意为“有挑战性的”; dangerous 意为“危险的”; surprising 意为“令人惊讶的”。根据I couldn't stop laughing 可知,此处表示幽默的片段。故选 A 项。
5. B 根据I' ve had too much 可知,此处表示吃得太多,失去了味觉。 sense of taste 意为“味觉”,故选 B 项。
6. D 第一个空表示“讲笑话”,应用 tell jokes, 可排除 B、C 两项;使役动词 make 后接省略 to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,即 make sb do sth,因此第二个空应用 laugh。故选D项。
7. A 句型“What is sb like ”意为“某人怎么样 ”其常用来询问某人的性格、品质,符合语境。故选 A。
8. B根据语境可知此处应用比较级来表示最高级的含义;此处泛指“一次更加令人愉快的旅行”,故选 B。
9. B句意为:——你知道中国比亚洲其他任何国家都大吗 ——知道,我们的国家也正变得越来越强大。根据语境及常识可知中国比亚洲其他任何国家都大,表示在同一范围内的“任何其他的”用 any other。
10. D 根据固定结构“ one of+ the+形容词的最高级+可数名词复数”可知,第一空应用 the oldest;根据 than the USA 可知,第二空应该用 long的比较级 longer。故选 D 项。
完形填空·语篇导读 本文介绍了美国作家萨莉提供的一些找到真正的友谊的方法。
11. A 根据 Sally tells young students some good ways可知,此处表示“如何”。故选A项。
12. D 根据 An American writer 和 Sally 可知,此处应用过去分词作后置定语修饰 writer。故选D 项。
13. C根据短文第一句可知,此处表示“交朋友"。故选 C 项。
14. B 根据下文中的 You plant the seed 可知, 此处表示寻找友谊就像植树。故选 B 项。
15. D take off意为“脱下;起飞”; take away 意为“拿走”; take care 意为“当心”; take care of意为“照顾”。根据 to make it grow 可知,此处表示“照顾”。故选D项。
16. D句意为:她说你首先应该选择能成为一个好朋友的人。结合语境及下文,故选D 项。
17. B 由“ If you have a bad day, a good friend...”可知,此处表示好朋友应该是善良并且乐于助人的。 helpful 意为“有帮助的;乐于助人的”,符合语境。故选 B 项。
18. C 根据空后的 your complaints 可知,此处表 with与……交示倾听你的抱怨。 listen 是不及物动词,后 朋友接宾语时应加介词 to。故选C项。
19. D try one's best to do sth 为固定短语,意为“尽某人最大努力做某事”。故选D项。
20. A 根据“ But things cannot always be happy.”可知,此处表示你如果想交到朋友,就应当让彼此高兴。“ make sb+ adj.”意为“让某人……”,为固定结构,符合语境。故选 A 项。
21. A句意为:甚至最好的朋友也可能会发生争吵。 even 意为“甚至”,符合语境。故选A 项。
22. C 根据上文中的 may have quarrels可知,此处应用短语 quarrel with sb,意为“与某人争吵”。故选 C 项。
23. A本句为含有 If 引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句,主句含有情态动词,从句时态通常用一般现在时,从句主语为 he,结合空后的实义动词 want 及语境,故应用 doesn't。故选 A 项。
24. B for example 是固定短语,意为“例如”,符合语境。
25. D 根据“ Life is great if you have friends!”可知,此处表示友谊在你的生活中是重要的。 life 意为“生活”,符合语境。故选 D 项。
阅读A篇·语篇导读 本文是四则交友广告。
26. A细节理解题。根据第一则广告中的“I check emails often and I am good at English and French.”可知选 A 项。
27. B细节理解题。根据第二则广告中的“I am a… for a penfriend for my classes in Japan.”和第四则广告中的“ Our students… with a school with similar age characteristics. "可知,西蒙和布兰卡在为他们的学生们寻找笔友,故选 B 项。
28. C细节理解题。根据第三则广告的内容可知选C 项。
29. D细节理解题。根据第二则广告中的“I have 2 classes of 26 students, so 52 in total…”可知,西蒙的两个班共有52 名学生。故选 D 项。
30. B推理判断题。本文是四则交友广告,可能出现在一个网站上。故选 B项。
阅读B篇·语篇导读 本文讲述了作者和班里的新同学约翰·埃文斯之间的故事。
31. B细节理解题。由第二段第一句可知,作者屏住呼吸是因为不想让约翰坐在自己旁边,故选 B 项。
32. A细节理解题。由第四段可知,作者觉得和约翰在一起很愉快,所以决定和他成为朋友,故选 A 项。
33. D 词义猜测题。由第三段中的“ He hardly even knows how to count."可知,约翰的成绩不好,故选 D 项。
34. D 推理判断题。由最后一段中的 But I always remember the happiness in the boy's eyes 可知,这里表示约翰非常开心,故选D项。
35. B主旨大意题。通读全文可知,约翰来到新学校后没有人喜欢他,但是作者和他成了朋友,约翰的生日没有别人知道,但作者的妈妈和老师给他准备了一个惊喜。这个生日对于约翰来说是特别的,而约翰对于作者来说也是一个特别的朋友,故选 B项。
36. weight 短语 the weight of 意为“……的重量”,符合语境。故填 weight。
37. unhappy 句意为:不久,这两个小男孩就忘记了不快的时刻,又和彼此玩起来。此处应用形容词修饰 moment。结合语境,故填 unhappy。
38. height 固定搭配 in height 意为“在高度方面”。
39. helps 根据 is可知,此处为一般现在时,主语为 she,故填 helps。
40. worse 句意为:天气太糟糕了,据报道晚些时候甚至会更糟糕。 even 修饰形容词的比较级形式。故填 worse。
语篇导读 本文介绍了韩梅(音译)的个人情况。
41. round 结合首字母可知此处表示“圆脸”,故用形容词 round 修饰名词 face。
42.fit don't 后接动词原形,动词 fit意为"可容 fit 的详细讲 纳”,符合语境。故填 fit。
43. first 根据语境可知,此处指“第一个回答老师的问题的人”,结合定冠词 the,故填 first。
44. sense have a good sense of humour 意为“很有幽默感”。故填 sense。
45. jokes joke 是可数名词,意为“玩笑”,符合语境;结合 make 可知,此处应用复数形式。故填 jokes。
46. bored 此处表示“感到厌烦”,形容人的感受用- ed结尾的形容词,故填 bored。
47. voice 根据后文“ We all enjoy listening to her singing.”可知,她有一副好嗓子。故填 voice。
48. honest 根据后文“ Her friends all believe her words.”可知,她是一个诚实的女孩子。故填 honest。
49. magazines 根据 reading books 和语境可知,此处应用复数名词 magazines。
50. social 根据 help people with their problems 和语境可知,此处应用 social构成名词短语 social worker,意为“社会工作者”。
Let me introduce my best friend Jack to you. He's 14 years old. He has a round face with bright eyes, and he is much taller than me. He is 1.65 metres in height. Jack is willing to keep secrets for me. He is my true friend, so I can tell him everything. He is good at Maths. He is helpful and often helps classmates with hard Maths problems. He is patient with everything. And he never says bad words about others. At the same time, he is very humorous. He always tells funny jokes and makes me laugh. He is interested in playing badminton, and he likes reading. He wants to be an outstanding writer in the future.



