外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module 10 同步练习(含解析)

Module 10
一、选出下列单词中不同类的一项(10 分)
1. ( )A. lantern B. mooncake C. dumpling D. restaurant
2. ( )A. the Mid-Autumn Festival B. the Spring Festival C. Christmas D. food
3. ( )A. visit B. come C. family D. get
4. ( )A. about B. for C. with D. happy
5. ( )A. peanut B. sweet C. meat D. festival
6. ( )A. sing B. dance C. lantern D. eat
7. ( )A. China B. English C. America D. Australia
8. ( )A. big B. small C. nice D. present
9. ( )A. at B. on C. in D. are
10. ( )A. we B. they C. he D. their
二、单项选择(10 分)
1. ( )The Spring Festival is ______ important festival in China.
A. a B. an C. the
2. ( )We have a big family dinner ______ the Spring Festival.
A. at B. on C. in
3. ( )People eat mooncakes ______ the Mid-Autumn Festival.
A. on B. at C. in
4. ( )My father ______ songs at Christmas.
A. sings B. sing C. singing
5. ( )We ______ presents at Christmas.
A. give B. gives C. giving
6. ( )______ the Spring Festival, we have peanuts and sweets.
A. On B. At C. In
7. ( )I like ______.
A. dance B. dancing C. dances
8. ( )Merry Christmas ______ you!
A. for B. to C. of
9. ( )Here's a book ______ you.
A. for B. to C. of
10. ( )They are ______ the Christmas tree.
A. on B. at C. under
三、用所给单词的适当形式填空(10 分)
1. We eat ______ (dumpling) at the Spring Festival.
2. Look! The children ______ (have) a good time.
3. My mother ______ (make) a cake now.
4. He ______ (like) Christmas very much.
5. They ______ (go) to the zoo last Sunday.
6. I can ______ (dance) very well.
7. Let's ______ (sing) and dance.
8. My sister ______ (get) presents at Christmas.
9. She ______ (not like) peanuts.
10. What do you do at ______ (festival)
四、给下列句子选择合适的答语(10 分)
1. ( )What do you do at the Spring Festival
2. ( )Do you like the Spring Festival
3. ( )What's your favourite festival
4. ( )Merry Christmas!
5. ( )Here's a present for you.
6. ( )Do they eat peanuts at Christmas
7. ( )What do you eat at the Mid-Autumn Festival 8. ( )Does your father sing songs at Christmas 9. ( )Can you dance
10. ( )Is it the Mid-Autumn Festival
A. We have a big family dinner.
B. Yes, I do.
C. The Mid-Autumn Festival.
D. Merry Christmas!
E. Thank you.
F. Yes, they do.
G. We eat mooncakes.
H. No, he doesn't.
I. Yes, I can.
J. No, it isn't.
五、连词成句(10 分)
1. is, Christmas, favourite, my, festival (.)
at, we, Christmas, presents, give (.)
like, you, do, peanuts ( )
is, the Spring Festival, coming (.)
they, a, dinner, big, have, family (.)
六、阅读理解(20 分)
The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important festival in China. It is usually in September or October. On that day, people usually eat mooncakes. They are round and look like the moon. Families often get together and have a big dinner. Some people also watch the moon at night.
1. ( )The Mid-Autumn Festival is not important in China.
2. ( )The Mid-Autumn Festival is usually in September or October.
3. ( )People eat dumplings at the Mid-Autumn Festival.
4. ( )Families often have a big dinner at the Mid-Autumn Festival.
5. ( )Some people watch the moon in the morning.
Christmas is coming. The children are very happy. They decorate the Christmas tree. They give presents to each other. They sing songs and dance. They have a big dinner on Christmas Day. They eat turkey and Christmas pudding.
1. ( )Christmas is ______.
A. coming B. come C. comes
2. ( )The children are ______.
A. sad B. happy C. angry
3. ( )They decorate the ______.
A. house B. Christmas tree C. room
4. ( )They have a big dinner on ______.
A. Christmas Eve B. Christmas Day C. New Year's Day
5. ( )They eat ______ on Christmas Day.
A. turkey and Christmas pudding B. mooncakes C. dumplings
七、写作(20 分)
以“My Favourite Festival”为题,写一篇不少于 50 个单词的英语短文,介绍你最喜欢的节日,包括节日的时间、活动和你喜欢它的原因。

1. (D) 解析:A“灯笼”,B“月饼”,C“饺子”,都是节日相关的食物或物品,D“餐馆”,不同类。
2. (D) 解析:A“中秋节”,B“春节”,C“圣诞节”,都是具体的节日,D“食物”,不同类。
3. (C) 解析:A“拜访”,B“来”,D“得到”,都是动词,C“家庭”,是名词,不同类。
4. (D) 解析:A“关于”,B“为了”,C“和......一起”,都是介词,D“高兴的”,是形容词,不同类。
5. (D) 解析:A“花生”,B“糖果”,C“肉”,都是食物,D“节日”,不同类。
6. (C) 解析:A“唱歌”,B“跳舞”,D“吃”,都是动词,C“灯笼”,是名词,不同类。
7. (B) 解析:A“中国”,C“美国”,D“澳大利亚”,都是国家名,B“英语”,不同类。
8. (D) 解析:A“大的”,B“小的”,C“美好的”,都是形容词,D“礼物”,是名词,不同类。
9. (D) 解析:A“在......”,B“在......上”,C“在......里”,都是介词,D“是”,是动词,不同类。
10. (D) 解析:A“我们”,B“他们”,C“他”,都是人称代词主格,D“他们的”,是形容词性物主代词,不同类。
1. (B) 解析:“important”是以元音音素开头的单词,不定冠词用“an”,故选 B。
2. (A) 解析:“at the Spring Festival”表示“在春节”,固定搭配,故选 A。
3. (B) 解析:“at the Mid-Autumn Festival”表示“在中秋节”,固定搭配,故选 B。
4. (A) 解析:主语“My father”是第三人称单数,动词用第三人称单数形式“sings”,故选 A。
5. (A) 解析:主语“We”是复数,动词用原形“give”,故选 A。
6. (B) 解析:“at the Spring Festival”表示“在春节”,固定搭配,故选 B。
7. (B) 解析:“like doing sth.”表示“喜欢做某事”,故选 B。
8. (B) 解析:“Merry Christmas to you!”表示“祝你圣诞节快乐!”,固定用法,故选 B。
9. (A) 解析:“Here's a book for you.”表示“这是给你的一本书。”,“for”表示“给”,故选 A。
10. (C) 解析:“under the Christmas tree”表示“在圣诞树下面”,符合语境,故选 C。
1. dumplings 解析:“dumpling”常用复数形式“dumplings”。
2. are having 解析:“Look!”表明是现在进行时,结构是“be + 动词 -ing”,主语“the children”是复数,be 动词用“are”,“have”的 -ing 形式是“having”。
3. is making 解析:“now”表明是现在进行时,主语“My mother”是第三人称单数,be 动词用“is”,“make”的 -ing 形式是“making”。
4. likes 解析:主语“He”是第三人称单数,动词用第三人称单数形式“likes”。
5. went 解析:“last Sunday”表明是一般过去时,动词用过去式“went”。
6. dance 解析:“can”是情态动词,后接动词原形。
7. sing 解析:“Let's”后接动词原形。
8. gets 解析:主语“My sister”是第三人称单数,动词用第三人称单数形式“gets”。
9. doesn't like 解析:主语“She”是第三人称单数,否定形式用“doesn't like”。
10. festivals 解析:“festival”常用复数形式“festivals”。
1. (A) 解析:“What do you do at the Spring Festival ”询问在春节做什么,回答“We have a big family dinner.”(我们有一个大型家庭聚餐。),故选 A。
2. (B) 解析:“Do you like the Spring Festival ”是一般疑问句,用“Yes, I do.”或“No, I don't.”回答,故选 B。
3. (C) 解析:“What's your favourite festival ”询问最喜欢的节日,回答“The Mid-Autumn Festival.”(中秋节。),故选 C。
4. (D) 解析:“Merry Christmas!”的回应是“Merry Christmas!”,故选 D。
5. (E) 解析:“Here's a present for you.”应该表示感谢,“Thank you.”,故选 E。
6. (F) 解析:“Do they eat peanuts at Christmas ”是一般疑问句,用“Yes, they do.”或“No, they don't.”回答,故选 F。
7. (G) 解析:“What do you eat at the Mid-Autumn Festival ”询问在中秋节吃什么,回答“We eat mooncakes.”(我们吃月饼。),故选 G。
8. (H) 解析:“Does your father sing songs at Christmas ”是一般疑问句,用“Yes, he does.”或“No, he doesn't.”回答,故选 H。
9. (I) 解析:“Can you dance ”是一般疑问句,用“Yes, I can.”或“No, I can't.”回答,故选 I。
10. (J) 解析:“Is it the Mid-Autumn Festival ”是一般疑问句,用“Yes, it is.”或“No, it isn't.”回答,故选 J。
1. Christmas is my favourite festival. 解析:这是一个主系表结构的句子,“Christmas”作主语,“is”是系动词,“my favourite festival”作表语。
2. We give presents at Christmas. 解析:这是一个主谓宾结构的句子,“We”作主语,“give”作谓语,“presents”作宾语,“at Christmas”作时间状语。
3. Do you like peanuts 解析:这是一个一般疑问句,“Do”是助动词,“you”作主语,“like”作谓语,“peanuts”作宾语。
4. The Spring Festival is coming. 解析:这是一个主系表结构的句子,“The Spring Festival”作主语,“is coming”作谓语。
5. They have a big family dinner. 解析:这是一个主谓宾结构的句子,“They”作主语,“have”作谓语,“a big family dinner”作宾语。
1. (F) 解析:根据“The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important festival in China.”可知中秋节在中国很重要,此题错误。
2. (T) 解析:根据“It is usually in September or October.”可知中秋节通常在九月或十月,此题正确。
3. (F) 解析:根据“On that day, people usually eat mooncakes.”可知人们在中秋节吃月饼,不是饺子,此题错误。
4. (T) 解析:根据“Families often get together and have a big dinner.”可知家庭通常在中秋节聚餐,此题正确。
5. (F) 解析:根据“Some people also watch the moon at night.”可知有些人在晚上看月亮,不是早上,此题错误。
1. (A) 解析:“Christmas is coming.”表示“圣诞节即将来临。”,A 选项“coming”是正确的,B 选项“come”是动词原形,C 选项“comes”是第三人称单数形式,都不符合句子结构,故选 A。
2. (B) 解析:根据“The children are very happy.”可知孩子们很高兴,A 选项“sad”(悲伤的),C 选项“angry”(生气的)都不符合,故选 B。
3. (B) 解析:根据“They decorate the Christmas tree.”可知他们装饰圣诞树,A 选项“house”(房子),C 选项“room”(房间)都不符合,故选 B。
4. (B) 解析:根据“They have a big dinner on Christmas Day.”可知他们在圣诞节那天吃大餐,A 选项“Christmas Eve”(平安夜),C 选项“New Year's Day”(元旦)都不符合,故选 B。
5. (A) 解析:根据“They eat turkey and Christmas pudding on Christmas Day.”可知他们在圣诞节吃火鸡和圣诞布丁,B 选项“mooncakes”(月饼)是中秋节吃的,C 选项“dumplings”(饺子)不是圣诞节的食物,故选 A。
My Favourite Festival
My favourite festival is the Spring Festival. It usually comes in January or February.
Before the festival, we clean our houses and buy new clothes. Families get together and have a big dinner on New Year's Eve. We eat dumplings, fish and many delicious dishes. We also watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV.
During the festival, we visit our relatives and friends. Children can get lucky money. I like the Spring Festival because I can have a good time with my family and friends. (仅供参考,您可根据实际情况修改)



上一篇:外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module 7 同步练习(含解析)
