外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module 7 同步练习(含解析)

Module 7
一、选出下列单词中不同类的一项(10 分)
1. ( )A. spaceship B. plane C. travel
2. ( )A. interested B. bored C. world
3. ( )A. son B. daughter C. earth
4. ( )A. proud B. famous C. someday
5. ( )A. Russia B. China C. national
6. ( )A. came B. went C. bring
7. ( )A. model B. flag C. happy
8. ( )A. into B. back C. about
9. ( )A. taikonaut B. astronaut C. wonderful
10. ( )A. fly B. spend C. give
二、单项选择(10 分)
1. ( )I'm very interested ______ space travel.
A. in B. on C. at
2. ( )My father ______ me a book about space yesterday.
A. give B. gave C. giving
3. ( )Daming is very proud ______ his father.
A. in B. of C. for
4. ( )—______ was your holiday —It was very good.
A. How B. What C. Where
5. ( )The spaceship took the man ______ space.
A. into B. on C. to
6. ( )She wants to be a ______ in the future.
A. taikonaut B. doctor C. teacher
7. ( )They decided ______ football this afternoon.
A. to play B. play C. playing
8. ( )My brother ______ a model of a spaceship last week.
A. make B. made C. makes
9. ( )Look! The bird is ______.
A. fly B. flying C. flies
10. ( )______ you finish your homework yesterday
A. Did B. Do C. Does
三、用所给单词的适当形式填空(10 分)
1. Yang Liwei is the first ______ (fly) into space in China.
2. I'm very ______ (interest) in English.
3. My mother ______ (buy) a new dress for me last week.
4. He ______ (spend) two hours on his homework yesterday.
5. They ______ (have) a great time last weekend.
6. Look! The girls ______ (dance).
7. She wants ______ (go) shopping tomorrow.
8. We ______ (visit) the Great Wall last year.
9. The boy is ______ (excite) about the film.
10. My sister ______ (read) a book now.
四、给下列句子选择合适的答语(10 分)
1. ( )What did you do yesterday
2. ( )Did you see a film
3. ( )Was it a nice day
4. ( )How was your holiday
5. ( )Where did you go
6. ( )What is he doing
7. ( )Are you happy
8. ( )Do you like music
9. ( )Can you swim
10. ( )How many apples are there
A. I went to the zoo.
B. No, I didn't.
C. Yes, it was.
D. It was great.
E. I played football.
F. He is reading a book.
G. Yes, I am.
H. Yes, I do.
I. No, I can't.
J. Ten.
五、连词成句(10 分)
1. into, Shenzhou V, space, flew (.)
was, very, he, proud (.)
3. interested, I'm, very, in, space travel (.)
4. a, made, of, model, spaceship, he (.)
5. did, what, you, yesterday, do ( )
阅读理解(20 分)
Yang Liwei is from Liaoning, China. He was born in 1965. He is a taikonaut. In 2003, he flew into space in Shenzhou V. He spent about twenty-one hours in space. He was the first Chinese man to fly into space. We are all proud of him.
1. ( )Yang Liwei is from China.
2. ( )He flew into space in 2005.
3. ( )He spent about twenty hours in space.
4. ( )He was the first Chinese man to fly into space.
5. ( )We are not proud of him.
Hello! I'm Sam. I'm very interested in space. I have many books about space. I know a lot of things about space. I want to be an astronaut in the future. I want to fly to the moon.
1. ( )Sam is very interested in ______.
A. space B. music C. sports
2. ( )Sam has many books about ______.
A. animals B. space C. history
3. ( )Sam wants to be a(n) ______ in the future.
A. doctor B. astronaut C. teacher
4. ( )Sam wants to fly to the ______.
A. moon B. sun C. earth
5. ( )Does Sam know a lot of things about space
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. We don't know.
七、写作(20 分)
以“My Dream”为题,写一篇不少于 50 个单词的英语短文,描述你的梦想,以及你为实现梦想所做的努力。

1. (C) 解析:A“宇宙飞船”,B“飞机”,都是交通工具,C“旅行”是动词,不同类。
2. (C) 解析:A“感兴趣的”,B“无聊的”,都是形容人的感受的形容词,C“世界”是名词,不同类。
3. (C) 解析:A“儿子”,B“女儿”,都是家庭成员,C“地球”是天体,不同类。
4. (C) 解析:A“骄傲的”,B“著名的”,都是形容词,C“某天”是副词,不同类。
5. (C) 解析:A“俄罗斯”,B“中国”,都是国家名,C“国家的”是形容词,不同类。
6. (C) 解析:A“来”,B“去”,都是过去式,C“带来”是动词原形,不同类。
7. (C) 解析:A“模型”,B“旗帜”,都是名词,C“高兴的”是形容词,不同类。
8. (C) 解析:A“进入”,B“回来”,都是表示方向的词,C“关于”是介词,不同类。
9. (C) 解析:A“中国宇航员”,B“宇航员”,都是职业名词,C“精彩的”是形容词,不同类。
10. (A) 解析:B“花费”,C“给”,都是及物动词,A“飞”既可以作及物动词也可以作不及物动词,还可以作名词,不同类。
1. (A) 解析:“be interested in”是固定短语,意为“对......感兴趣”,故选 A。
2. (B) 解析:由“yesterday”可知要用一般过去时,give 的过去式是 gave,故选 B。
3. (B) 解析:“be proud of”是固定短语,意为“为......感到骄傲”,故选 B。
4. (A) 解析:根据回答“It was very good.”可知问的是假期怎么样,用 How,故选 A。
5. (A) 解析:“take...into...”是固定短语,意为“把......带入......”,故选 A。
6. (A) 解析:根据语境,未来想成为的职业,A“中国宇航员”更符合,B“医生”,C“老师”,故选 A。
7. (A) 解析:“decide to do sth.”是固定用法,意为“决定做某事”,故选 A。
8. (B) 解析:由“last week”可知要用一般过去时,make 的过去式是 made,故选 B。
9. (B) 解析:由“Look!”可知是现在进行时,用 be + 动词 -ing 形式,fly 的 -ing 形式是 flying,故选 B。
10. (A) 解析:由“yesterday”可知要用一般过去时,一般疑问句用 Did 开头,故选 A。
1. to fly 解析:“the first to do sth.”表示“第一个做某事的”,用动词不定式,故填 to fly。
2. interested 解析:“be interested in”是固定短语,意为“对......感兴趣”,故填 interested。
3. bought 解析:由“last week”可知要用一般过去时,buy 的过去式是 bought,故填 bought。
4. spent 解析:由“yesterday”可知要用一般过去时,spend 的过去式是 spent,故填 spent。
5. had 解析:由“last weekend”可知要用一般过去时,have 的过去式是 had,故填 had。
6. are dancing 解析:由“Look!”可知是现在进行时,主语是 The girls,be 动词用 are,dance 的 -ing 形式是 dancing,故填 are dancing。
7. to go 解析:“want to do sth.”是固定用法,意为“想要做某事”,故填 to go。
8. visited 解析:由“last year”可知要用一般过去时,visit 的过去式是 visited,故填 visited。
9. excited 解析:“be excited about”是固定短语,意为“对......感到兴奋”,故填 excited。
10. is reading 解析:由“now”可知是现在进行时,主语是 My sister,be 动词用 is,read 的 -ing 形式是 reading,故填 is reading。
1. (E) 解析:“What did you do yesterday ”问昨天做了什么,回答应该是做的事情,E“我踢足球了。”符合,故选 E。
2. (B) 解析:“Did you see a film ”是一般疑问句,用 Yes 或 No 回答,B“不,我没有。”符合,故选 B。
3. (C) 解析:“Was it a nice day ”是一般疑问句,用 Yes 或 No 回答,C“是的,它是。”符合,故选 C。
4. (D) 解析:“How was your holiday ”问假期怎么样,回答应该是对假期的评价,D“它很棒。”符合,故选 D。
5. (A) 解析:“Where did you go ”问去了哪里,回答应该是地点,A“我去了动物园。”符合,故选 A。
6. (F) 解析:“What is he doing ”问他正在做什么,回答应该是正在进行的动作,F“他正在读书。”符合,故选 F。
7. (G) 解析:“Are you happy ”是一般疑问句,用 Yes 或 No 回答,G“是的,我是。”符合,故选 G。
8. (H) 解析:“Do you like music ”是一般疑问句,用 Yes 或 No 回答,H“是的,我喜欢。”符合,故选 H。
9. (I) 解析:“Can you swim ”是一般疑问句,用 Yes 或 No 回答,I“不,我不会。”符合,故选 I。
10. (J) 解析:“How many apples are there ”问有多少个苹果,回答应该是数量,J“十个。”符合,故选 J。
1. Shenzhou V flew into space. 解析:这是一个主谓结构的句子,Shenzhou V 作主语,flew into 作谓语,space 作宾语。
2. He was very proud. 解析:这是一个主系表结构的句子,He 作主语,was 是系动词,very proud 作表语。
3. I'm very interested in space travel. 解析:I'm = I am,be interested in 是固定短语,space travel 作宾语。
4. He made a model of spaceship. 解析:He 作主语,made 作谓语,a model of spaceship 作宾语。
5. What did you do yesterday 解析:这是一个特殊疑问句,What 作疑问词,did 是助动词,you 作主语,do 作谓语,yesterday 作时间状语。
1. (T) 解析:根据“Yang Liwei is from Liaoning, China.”可知杨利伟来自中国,所以此题正确。
2. (F) 解析:根据“In 2003, he flew into space in Shenzhou V.”可知他在 2003 年飞入太空,不是 2005 年,所以此题错误。
3. (F) 解析:根据“He spent about twenty-one hours in space.”可知他在太空度过了大约 21 个小时,不是 20 个小时,所以此题错误。
4. (T) 解析:根据“He was the first Chinese man to fly into space.”可知他是第一个飞入太空的中国人,所以此题正确。
5. (F) 解析:根据“We are all proud of him.”可知我们都为他感到骄傲,不是不骄傲,所以此题错误。
1. (A) 解析:根据“I'm very interested in space.”可知 Sam 对太空感兴趣,故选 A。
2. (B) 解析:根据“I have many books about space.”可知 Sam 有很多关于太空的书,故选 B。
3. (B) 解析:根据“I want to be an astronaut in the future.”可知 Sam 未来想成为一名宇航员,故选 B。
4. (A) 解析:根据“I want to fly to the moon.”可知 Sam 想飞到月球,故选 A。
5. (A) 解析:根据“I know a lot of things about space.”可知 Sam 知道很多关于太空的事情,故选 A。
My Dream
Everyone has a dream. My dream is to be a doctor.
I think doctors are great. They can help people get well and stay healthy. To make my dream come true, I study hard at school. I learn all the subjects carefully. I also read many books about medicine.
In my free time, I often play doctor-patient games with my friends. I try to learn how to deal with different situations.
I know it's not easy to be a doctor, but I will never give up. I believe my dream will come true one day. (仅供参考,您可根据实际情况修改)



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