外研版(三起)英语六年级下册Module 2 同步练习(含解析)

Module 2
一、选出下列单词中不同类的一项(10 分)
1. ( )A. clean B. wash C. room
2. ( )A. had B. finish C. cook
3. ( )A. stayed B. played C. want
4. ( )A. bored B. happy C. helped
5. ( )A. slept B. drank C. eat
6. ( )A. yesterday B. tomorrow C. last week
7. ( )A. funny B. sunny C. windy
8. ( )A. magazine B. film C. book
9. ( )A. headache B. fever C. ill
10. ( )A. better B. worse C. good
二、单项选择(10 分)
1. ( )I ______ my room yesterday.
A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning
2. ( )He ______ a cold last week.
A. has B. had C. have
3. ( )Did you ______ your clothes
A. wash B. washed C. washing
4. ( )I ______ at home and slept.
A. stay B. stayed C. staying
5. ( )He played football and ______ some water.
A. drink B. drank C. drinks
6. ( )—Was it fun —______
A. Yes, it was. B. No, it was. C. Yes, it is.
7. ( )I'm ______ than you.
A. strong B. stronger C. the strongest
8. ( )______ did you do last weekend
A. What B. Where C. How
9. ( )I want to ______ a magazine.
A. buy B. bought C. buying
10. ( )My mother ______ ill yesterday.
A. is B. was C. were
三、用所给单词的适当形式填空(10 分)
1. He ______ (watch) TV last night.
2. I ______ (have) a cold yesterday.
3. She ______ (read) a book last weekend.
4. They ______ (play) football last Saturday.
5. We ______ (go) to the park last Sunday.
6. My sister ______ (do) her homework yesterday evening.
7. He ______ (see) a film last week.
8. I'm ______ (tall) than my brother.
9. She is ______ (thin) than me.
10. This box is ______ (heavy) than that one.
四、给下列句子选择合适的答语(10 分)
1. ( )Did you go to the park
2. ( )What did you do yesterday
3. ( )How was your weekend
4. ( )Did he see a film
5. ( )Was she at home
6. ( )What did she do last night
7. ( )How are you
8. ( )Do you like music
9. ( )Can you swim
10. ( )Are you happy
A. Yes, I did.
B. I read a book.
C. It was good.
D. No, he didn't.
E. Yes, she was.
F. She washed her clothes.
G. I'm fine, thank you.
H. Yes, I do.
I. No, I can't.
J. Yes, I am.
五、连词成句(10 分)
1. did, what, you, do, weekend, last ( )
a, had, I, cold (.)
he, did, homework, his, do ( )
was, how, your, holiday ( )
better, I'm, you, than (.)
**六、阅读理解(20 分)
Hello! I'm Amy. I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room. In the afternoon, I did my homework. It was a little difficult. On Sunday morning, I visited my grandparents. They were happy to see me. In the evening, I watched TV with my parents. I had a good time.
1. ( )Amy had a free weekend.
2. ( )Amy cleaned her room on Saturday morning.
3. ( )Amy did her homework on Sunday afternoon.
4. ( )Amy's grandparents were happy to see her.
5. ( )Amy watched TV with her friends on Sunday evening.
Mike is my friend. He was very busy last weekend. He visited his grandparents on Saturday morning. It was his grandpa's birthday. They had a big dinner. In the afternoon, he played football with his friends. On Sunday morning, he washed his clothes and cleaned his room. In the afternoon, he did his homework. He was so tired but he was very happy.
1. ( )Mike was ______ last weekend.
A. free B. busy C. sad
2. ( )On Saturday morning, Mike ______.
A. visited his grandparents B. played football C. did his homework
3. ( )It was ______ birthday.
A. Mike's B. Mike's grandma's C. Mike's grandpa's
4. ( )Mike ______ with his friends on Saturday afternoon.
A. played football B. played basketball C. played ping-pong
5. ( )Mike ______ on Sunday morning.
A. washed his clothes B. watched TV C. played football
**七、写作(20 分)
以“My Last Weekend”为题,写一篇不少于 50 个单词的英语短文,描述你上周末的活动。

1. (C) 解析:A 打扫,B 洗,都是动词,C 房间,是名词,不同类。
2. (A) 解析:B 完成,C 做饭,都是动词原形,A 有,是过去式,不同类。
3. (C) 解析:A 停留,B 玩,都是过去式,C 想要,是动词原形,不同类。
4. (C) 解析:A 无聊的,B 开心的,都是形容词,C 帮助,是动词过去式,不同类。
5. (C) 解析:A 睡觉,B 喝,都是过去式,C 吃,是动词原形,不同类。
6. (B) 解析:A 昨天,C 上周,都是过去的时间,B 明天,是未来的时间,不同类。
7. (A) 解析:B 晴朗的,C 有风的,都是描述天气的形容词,A 有趣的,不是描述天气,不同类。
8. (B) 解析:A 杂志,C 书,都是阅读材料,B 电影,不同类。
9. (C) 解析:A 头疼,B 发烧,都是具体的疾病名称,C 生病的,是形容词,不同类。
10. (C) 解析:A 更好的,B 更坏的,都是比较级,C 好的,是原级,不同类。
1. (B) 解析:yesterday 是过去时间,动词用过去式,clean 的过去式是 cleaned,故选 B。
2. (B) 解析:last week 是过去时间,动词用过去式,have 的过去式是 had,故选 B。
3. (A) 解析:Did 开头的一般疑问句,后面的动词用原形,故选 A。
4. (B) 解析:and 连接两个并列成分,slept 是过去式,stay 也要用过去式 stayed,故选 B。
5. (B) 解析:and 连接两个并列成分,played 是过去式,drink 也要用过去式 drank,故选 B。
6. (A) 解析:Was 开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答是 Yes, it was. 否定回答是 No, it wasn't. 故选 A。
7. (B) 解析:than 是比较级的标志,strong 的比较级是 stronger,故选 B。
8. (A) 解析:A 什么,B 哪里,C 怎样,根据句意“你上周末做什么了?”用 What,故选 A。
9. (A) 解析:want to do sth. 想要做某事,用动词原形,故选 A。
10. (B) 解析:yesterday 是过去时间,be 动词用过去式,my mother 是第三人称单数,用 was,故选 B。
1. watched 解析:last night 是过去时间,watch 的过去式是 watched。
2. had 解析:yesterday 是过去时间,have 的过去式是 had。
3. read 解析:last weekend 是过去时间,read 的过去式还是 read。
4. played 解析:last Saturday 是过去时间,play 的过去式是 played。
5. went 解析:last Sunday 是过去时间,go 的过去式是 went。
6. did 解析:yesterday evening 是过去时间,do 的过去式是 did。
7. saw 解析:last week 是过去时间,see 的过去式是 saw。
8. taller 解析:than 是比较级的标志,tall 的比较级是 taller。
9. thinner 解析:than 是比较级的标志,thin 的比较级是 thinner。
10. heavier 解析:than 是比较级的标志,heavy 的比较级是 heavier。
1. (A) 解析:Did you... 的肯定回答是 Yes, I did. 否定回答是 No, I didn't. 故选 A。
2. (B) 解析:What did you do... 回答做的事情,I read a book. 符合,故选 B。
3. (C) 解析:How was your weekend 回答周末的情况,It was good. 符合,故选 C。
4. (D) 解析:Did he... 的肯定回答是 Yes, he did. 否定回答是 No, he didn't. 故选 D。
5. (E) 解析:Was she... 的肯定回答是 Yes, she was. 否定回答是 No, she wasn't. 故选 E。
6. (F) 解析:What did she do... 回答她做的事情,She washed her clothes. 符合,故选 F。
7. (G) 解析:How are you 回答 I'm fine, thank you. 故选 G。
8. (H) 解析:Do you... 的肯定回答是 Yes, I do. 否定回答是 No, I don't. 故选 H。
9. (I) 解析:Can you... 的肯定回答是 Yes, I can. 否定回答是 No, I can't. 故选 I。
10. (J) 解析:Are you... 的肯定回答是 Yes, I am. 否定回答是 No, I'm not. 故选 J。
1. What did you do last weekend 解析:这是一个特殊疑问句,What 开头,did 是助动词,you 是主语,do 是谓语,last weekend 是时间状语。
2. I had a cold. 解析:这是一个主谓宾结构的句子,I 是主语,had 是谓语,a cold 是宾语。
3. Did he do his homework 解析:这是一个一般疑问句,Did 开头,he 是主语,do 是谓语,his homework 是宾语。
4. How was your holiday 解析:这是一个特殊疑问句,How 开头,was 是谓语,your holiday 是主语。
5. I'm better than you. 解析:这是一个主系表结构的句子,I 是主语,am 是系动词,better 是表语,than you 是比较状语。
1. (F) 解析:根据“I had a busy weekend.”可知 Amy 周末很忙,不是空闲的,此题错误。
2. (T) 解析:根据“On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room.”可知 Amy 周六早上打扫房间了,此题正确。
3. (F) 解析:根据“In the afternoon, I did my homework.”可知 Amy 周六下午做作业了,不是周日下午,此题错误。
4. (T) 解析:根据“They were happy to see me.”可知爷爷奶奶见到她很高兴,此题正确。
5. (F) 解析:根据“In the evening, I watched TV with my parents.”可知 Amy 周日晚上和父母看电视了,不是和朋友,此题错误。
1. (B) 解析:根据“He was very busy last weekend.”可知 Mike 上周末很忙,故选 B。
2. (A) 解析:根据“He visited his grandparents on Saturday morning.”可知 Mike 周六早上看望爷爷奶奶了,故选 A。
3. (C) 解析:根据“It was his grandpa's birthday.”可知是爷爷的生日,故选 C。
4. (A) 解析:根据“In the afternoon, he played football with his friends.”可知 Mike 周六下午和朋友踢足球了,故选 A。
5. (A) 解析:根据“On Sunday morning, he washed his clothes and cleaned his room.”可知 Mike 周日早上洗衣服和打扫房间了,故选 A。
My Last Weekend
I had a great weekend last week. On Saturday morning, I got up early and did my homework. In the afternoon, I went to the park with my friends. We played football and had a lot of fun.
On Sunday, I stayed at home in the morning and read an interesting book. In the afternoon, I helped my mother do some housework. We cleaned the rooms and washed the clothes.
I was tired but happy last weekend. (仅供参考,您可根据实际情况修改)




下一篇:外研版(三起)英语六年级上册Module 7 同步练习(含解析)