
第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共80分)
第一节 情景对话(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
1.— You look really beautiful in the new sweater!
— ______.
A.It’s OK B.Thank you
C.You are right D.You are welcome
2.— Could I borrow your Journey to the West
—OK, ______.
A.take them B.I’m busy
C.it’s broken D.here you are
3.— May I speak to Mr. Wang
— Sorry! ______.
A.This is Mr. Wang B.Speaking please
C.You have the wrong number D.That is Mr. Wang
4.—I will take a trip to Nyingchi next week.
— ______.
A.Bad news B.Well done C.Have fun D.No problem
5.— This watch is cool! ______ is it
—198 yuan.
A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How old
6.— It is healthy for us to do sports.
— ______. I go swimming every day.
A.I agree B.I disagree
C.I hope not D.I don’t think so
7.— Can you cut tomatoes into thin pieces
— ______. Let me show you.
A.Yes, I can B.No, I can’t
C.Yes, I do D.No, I don’t
8.— Would you like to attend my graduation ceremony tomorrow
— ______.
A.Good luck B.Yes, please C.Yes, I do D.I’d like to
9.— Good news! Your favourite singer will hold a concert this Sunday.
—I have to study for an exam at that time. ______!
A.Great B.Wonderful C.No way D.What a pity
10.— This question is too difficult, would you mind helping me
— ______. Let’s do it now.
A.Sure B.Not at all C.Of course D.Certainly
第二节 补全对话(共5 小题,每小题1分,满分5分)
Zhuoma: Hello, Miss Tan. Long time no see.
Miss Tan: Hi, Zhuoma. Yes, I was on vacation last month.
Zhuoma: Oh! 11
Miss Tan: Jiuzhaigou.
Zhuoma: Wow! 12
Miss Tan: Because it has many colorful lakes and wonderful waterfalls.
Zhuoma: Cool! That sounds good! 13
Miss Tan: 14 Five Flowers Lake presents light yellow, dark green, dark blue and navy blue(藏青色)colors.
Zhuoma: Did you take photos Let me have a look.
Miss Tan: Yes, I did! 15 How about enjoying them this afternoon
Zhuoma: Sure! Great! See you then.
A.That’s for sure. B.Who did you go with C.How did you go there D.Did you see Five Flowers Lake E.Where did you go on vacation F.But I don’t have the photos now. G.Why did you choose this place
16.Zhan Tianyou is ______ engineer and he is called the “Father of China’s Railroad”.
A./ B.a C.an D.the
17.There are many famous ______ in the Chinese history.
A.woman hero B.women heroes C.women hero D.woman heroes
18.You ______ eat too much food before you go to bed, or it’s bad for you.
A.can B.could C.shouldn’t D.would
19.It takes ______ 23 minutes to get to the library by subway.
A.she B.he C.her D.his
20.He ______ have breakfast because he woke up late this morning.
A.does B.did C.doesn’t D.didn’t
21.Harbin holds the “Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival” ______ January 5th every year.
A.at B.on C.in D.to
22.Although he is new in this city, he doesn’t feel lonely because he has ______ friends.
A.a few B.few C.a little D.little
23.______ of the students are in the art club.
A.Two third B.Two thirds C.Third two D.Thirds two
24.Don’t forget you are a Chinese, ______ you go.
A.no matter what B.no matter how C.no matter where D.no matter when
25.Huahua is one of ______ pandas.
A.cute B.cuter C.cutest D.the cutest
26.Human beings should ______ the nature.
A.deal with B.come up with
C.catch up with D.get along well with
27.They are good at drawing, but ______ painting is the best
A.whose B.whom C.what D.who
28.By nature, men are ______ similar; by practice, they get to be wide apart(性相近,习相远).
A.near B.nearly C.close D.far
29.______ father works in the police station.
A.Eric and Helen’s B.Eric and Helen C.Eric’s and Helen D.Eric’s and Helen’s
30.He can use Chat GPT-4 by ______ without my help.
A.him B.her C.himself D.herself
31.I think ______ resolutions at the beginning of a year is a good way to improve our lives.
A.making B.make C.makes D.made
32.______ amazing magic show I saw yesterday!
A.How B.What C.What an D.What a
33.Red Star Over China(《红星照耀中国》)is a great book. I ______ it three times already.
A.read B.reads C.has read D.have read
34.Although my grandfather is over 90 years old, he still remembers the people ______ he met when he was young.
A.who B.when C.where D.which
35.Miss Zhang wonders ______ next Monday.
A.where she will go swimming
B.where will she go swimming
C.where she would go swimming
D.where would she go swimming
During the World Elephant Day on Thursday, Chinese and foreign experts gathered in one online forum(论坛). They discussed 36 to protect elephants better based on the migration(迁徙)of 15 wild elephants in Southwest China’s Yunnan Province. This shows how Chinese people care about the protection 37 these huge friends.
The 15 wild Asian elephants finally returned to 38 habitat(栖息地)after touring for17 months in Yunnan Province The case was taken by the experts as a 39 example on how to protect and guide the migration of wild elephants.
Dr. Zhu, Secretary(秘书)of the China Green Development Foundation(基金会), mentioned an idea which focused on 40 wild animals survive(幸存)by reducing the harm to nature and wildlife in our daily lives.
Dr. Lin, the leader of the Beijing Zoo, who introduced some measures(措施)taken by Chinese zoos to 41 elephants, said that there were around 150 elephants 42 in zoos around China.
Humans 43 animals share nature. To protect elephants 44 to protect our planet. In the future, we can work with other countries so that we 45 protect wild animals better.
36.A.way B.ways C.road D.roads
37.A.at B.in C.of D.with
38.A.our B.his C.your D.their
39.A.good B.bad C.well D.badly
40.A.help B.helps C.to help D.helping
41.A.take part in B.take pride in C.take a message D.take care of
42.A.live B.lived C.living D.were living
43.A.and B.but C.or D.so
44.A.am B.is C.are D.be
45.A.will B.will not C.could D.could not
Traditional Chinese Ants Training Center
Chinese Painting Introduction: Chinese painting is one of the oldest artistic traditions in the world. Traditional painting is done with a brush dipped(蔽)in black or colored ink. The most popular materials on
Class paintings are paper and silk. Traditional Chinese painting includes landscape(山水风景) painting, figure(人物), bird and flower. Time: 9:00-11:00 am. Sunday Place: Room 101, Building 18 Price: 35 yuan an hour
Chinese Kite Class Introduction: Kite making is a traditional Chinese folk handicraft(工艺). They are made of thin bamboos and paper or silk. The traditional kites are with pictures of animals, fishes and so on. Time:9:00—11:00a. m., Saturday Place: Room 101, Building 18 Price: 30 yuan an hour
Chinese Lantern Class Introduction: Chinese lantern is a kind of ancient lamps(灯)of China. Chinese lantern includes the arts of painting, paper- cut, paper bundling(纸扎)and knitting(针织). Lanterns come in different shapes, such as the shape of birds, animals, flowers and fishes. Time:15:00—17:00 p. m., Saturday Place: Room 103, Building 8 Price:45 yuan an hour
46.From the passage, which class needs a brush
A.Chinese Kite Class B.Chinese Writing Class
C.Chinese Lantern Class D.Chinese Painting Class
47.You can make a Chinese traditional kite in _______.
A.Room 101, Building 8 B.Room 101, Building 18
C.Room 103, Building 18 D.Room 103, Building 8
48.If you have 68 yuan, you can go to _______.
A.Chinese Kite Class B.Chinese Writing Class
C.Chinese Lantern Class D.Chinese Painting Class
49.According to the passage, Chinese lantern includes _______ kinds of arts.
A.three B.four C.five D.six
50.Where is the passage probably from
A.A novel B.A bill C.A poster D.A menu
Li Shizhen(1518-1593), was a famous Chinese medical scientist, pharmacist(药学家)and naturalist(博物学家)of the Ming Dynasty. Li Shizhen’s grandfather was a medical practitioner(从业人员)who travelled the countryside, and his father, Li Yanwen, was also a famous local doctor. Grown up in a medical family like this, he was really fond of medicine since he was a kid. However, his father wanted him to study for the imperial examinations(科举考试)and did not encourage him to practise medicine due to the low social status(地位)at the time. However, Li Shizhen didn’t give up studying medicine.
When Li Shizhen was young, he enjoyed traditional Chinese medicine and began to read medical books. He
found many mistakes in those books. He worried these mistakes would cause serious problems or death. So Li Shizhen decided to write a new book. He travelled everywhere to look for herbs(药草)and do research. And he talked with farmers, doctors and patients. He even tested herbs on himself and almost lost his life many times. Li Shizhen collected and recorded over 1,890 herbs. He also read about 900 medical books. He worked day and night Finally the valuable work, Compendium of Materia Medica or Bencao Gangmu, came out.
Today Materia Medica has been translated into many foreign languages. It is widely read not only in China but also in many other countries around the world.
51.From the passage, Li Shizhen is a(an)_______.
A.artist B.doctor C.traveller D.farmer
52.Which is Li Shizhen’s famous work
A.《茶经》 B.《千金方》 C.《本草纲目》 D.《伤寒杂病论》
53.Why did Li Shizhen write Compendium of Materia Medica
A.He wanted to be famous. B.He wanted to be a great writer.
C.He wanted to save more people. D.He wanted to make enough money.
54.Which is TRUE according to the passage
A.Li Shizhen didn’t like herbs.
B.Li Shizhen’s grandfather was a farmer.
C.Li Shizhen’s father encouraged him to be a doctor.
D.Li Shizhen found many mistakes in the medical books.
55.Which is the best title(标题)for the passage
A.A Story of The Herbs.
B.Li Shizhen and His Family.
C.A Medical Scientist of The Song Dynasty.
D.Li Shizhen and Compendium of Materia Medica.
Lion dance is one of the most widespread folk dances in China.
The lion dance is usually performed during the Chinese New Year and other traditional festivals. It may also be performed at important occasions(场合)such as business opening events, special celebrations or wedding ceremonies. It means bringing good luck in the coming year.
“The lions” dance to the beat of a drum, but they are not real lions. They are dancers in lion costumes. In the dance usually two people act as a lion: one waving the lion head and the other waving the lion body and tail; or one performer acts as a cub(幼崽), while the other holds a silk ball to play with it. They dance in tempo(节奏)to the musical melody(曲调).
In the past, lion dance was performed mostly in China. But it has changed today. It is popular all over the world.
56.Lion dance is the most important folk dance in China.
57.The lion dance is only performed during the Chinese New Year.
58.People use real lions in the lion dance.
59.In the lion dance, two people usually act as a lion.
60.Lion dance is performed not only in China.
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共40分)
61.You can get to the zoo easily, just _______ _______(右转)at the next crossing.
62.We should pay _______ _______(注意,关注)the pronunciation of the words when we learn English.
63.He volunteers at the old people’s home _______ _______(准时)every Saturday.
64.I _______ _______(收到……的来信)my pen pal three times a month.
65.The old teacher will _______ _______(捐赠)all of his money to the children in need.
66.Last year, my brother _______(finish)high school and we went camping by a lake.
67.My grandparents enjoy _______(practice)Tai chi in the yard every morning.
68.1 _______(read)stories to my sister while my mother was cooking.
69.You must clean your room. Could you please _______(not throw)your books everywhere
70.His English- Chinese dictionary is different from _______(I).
71.Many of the students never leave the hometown, it’s these _______(teenager)dream to visit the Palace Museum.
72.Usually, paper cuttings _______(put)on walls, windows and doors at wedding ceremonies or festivals.
73.China _______(plan)to export(出口)railway technology to countries along the Belt and Road(一带一路)so far.
74.After three months of training, I could sing much _______(beautiful).
75.Everyone should play a part in protecting _______(danger)wild animals.
76.Don’t standing under trees when it thunders(打雷).()_______
77.There are some beef and apples on the table.()_______
78.National Day will come for two months.()_______
79.If my cousin doesn’t go to the movies, so will I.()_______
80.Mary has little work to do, hasn’t she ()_______.
教师是学生的良师益友,是人类灵魂的工程师。在第四十个教师节即将到来之际,我校举办“最美教师”征文活动,请参考所给图示。以“The Most Beautiful Teacher in My Heart”为题写一篇英语短文.
The Most Beautiful Teacher in My Heart
There are many excellent teachers in our school. I think ___________________________________________
一1-5 BDCCB 6-1011DDB 11-15 EGDAF
二16-20 CBCCD 21-25 DABCD 26-30DABAC 31-35ACDAA
三36-40 BCDAD 41-45DBABC
四 46-50 DBABC 51-55 BCCDD 56-60FFFTT
五61 turn right 62 attention to 63 on time 64 hear from 65 give away
六 66 finished 67 practicing 68 was reading 69 not throw 70 mine
71 teenagers’ 72 are put 73 have planed 74 beautifully 75 endangered
七 76 A stand 77 A is 78 C in 79 D won’t 80 does



