人教版(PEP) 河北省威县三升四转学学生分班试卷 (无答案)

班级 姓名 成绩
一、语音。判断下列各组词中划线处的读音,相同的在题前括号内打钩“ √ ”,
不同的打叉“×”。(12 分)
( ) 1. farm mother ( )2.mother nice
( ) 3. dog robot ( ) 4. eat bag
( ) 5. seven this ( ) 6. talk hurry
( ) 7. eat time ( ) 8. pie boy
( ) 9. Bob Paul ( ) 10. mother family
( ) 11. red run ( ) 12. stand cousin
二、选出下列各组词中与例词属于同类的项。(5 分)
( ) 1. 例词 grandpa A. cousin B. eat C. milk
( ) 2. 例词 that A. woman B. these C. sleep
( ) 3. 例词 beautiful A. lovely B. shout C. eleven
( ) 4. 例词 five A. hurry B. three C. panda
( ) 5. 例词 duck A. beautiful B. down C. bird
三、英汉互译。(12 分)
1. 关窗 2. 这位男士
3. 那些铅笔 4. 八个苹果
5. 在农场上 6. 十二只玩具鸟
7. come in 8. beside the door
9. Make a wish.
10. Turn round and round.
11. Hurry up. 12. Sit down.
四、从右栏中找出左栏中相对应的句子,并将序号填入题前括号内。(10 分)
( ) 1. How old is your father A. Yes, Miss Yang.
( ) 2. Hurry up! It’s time for class. B. He’s 40.
( ) 3. What’s that under the tree C. It’s a dog.
( ) 4. Look! This is my robot. D. Thank you.
( ) 5. Your skirt is very beautiful. E. How lovely!
五、在下列句子前写上序号,给下列句子排序。 (8 分)
( 1 ) Look! This is a picture of a farm.
( ) Oh,how beautiful!
( ) Pigs What are those
( 3 ) Look! They are pigs.
( ) They are chickens.
( 6 ) Yes, they’re nice chickens.
( ) No, they are apple trees.
( 7 ) Are they pear trees
六、选择填空(10 分)
( ) 1. --- This is a cake. It’s for you. --- .
A. All right. B. That’s right. C. Thank you
( ) 2. --- Is that woman your aunt --- .
A. Yes, you’re right B. Yes,he is C. OK! Here you are
( ) 3. --- Don’teat and drink in the library. --- .
A. Yes, that is B. I’m sorry C. Thank you
( ) 4. --- It’s seven o’clock, Tim. Hurry up. --- .
A. Yes, I hurry B. I’m Helen C. Yes, mum ( ) 5. --- your pencil case --- It ’s in my schoolbag.
A. Where’s B. Who’s C. What’s
( ) 6. --- are these --- They’re .
A. Who, robots B. Where, trees C. What, cows
( ) 7. --- How old is John --- .
A. He’s nine B. He’s lovely C. It’s eight.
( ) 8. It’s nine o’clock. It’s time .
A. for breakfast B. for bed C. to class ( ) 9. --- Are those --- No, they’re .
A. pens, rulers B. pigs, cow C. duck, chickens ( ) 10. --- Who’s that --- He’s my .
A. girl, cousin B. boy, sister C. man, father
七、根据所给情境,选择正确的句子(8 分)
( ) 1. 早上妈妈叫你起床,她说:
A. Wake up. B. Hurry up. C. It’s time for breakfast. ( ) 2. 你想说这不是你的橡皮,你说:
A. It’s my rubber. B. This is my rubber. C. This isn’t my rubber. ( ) 3. 体育课该练习跑步了,体育老师说:
A. Time to sleep. B. Time to run. C. Time to meet.
( ) 4. 你想知道对方是不是双胞胎兄弟,你问:
A. Are you twin sisters B. Are you twin brothers C. We’re twin brothers. ( ) 5. 同学给你送来了午餐盒,你说:
A. Here’s your lunchbox. B. Is that your lunchbox C. Thank you. ( ) 6. 你想要一辆玩具小汽车,你说:
A. This is my toy car. B. I want a toy car. C. I want a toy. ( ) 7. 你想知道对方的年龄,你问:
A. How are you B. How old are you C. But how
( ) 8. 你上课迟到了,老师会说:
( )

Would you like some sweets
) (
) 4.

This isn

t my pencil case. D.
) (

Thank you. Are these chickens
lovely, too

Yes, they are.
) 3.

What time is it
) (
) 2.

Look at my pictures.
A. Don’t be late for class again. B. I’m sorry. C. What time is it
八、看图完成句子,在句子的空白处填上一个正确的单词。 (4 分)
1. What are those
They are .
2. Is that a chicken
No, it’s a .
3. Wake up, Sam. It’s time breakfast.
4. Who is this girl
is my friend, Su Hai.
九、为对话选择合适的图片,将序号填在题前括号内。(4 分)
—No, thank you.
—Drink some milk, please.
—How nice! This cow is lovely!


s for lunch
)—It’s 12:00 o’clock. Time for lunch.
—Rice(米饭), duck and vegetables(蔬菜).
—What colour is your pencil case
—It’s green.
—Look! It’s beside my schoolbag. Here you are.
十、朗读下列句子,并排列成完整的对话。(4 分)
A. Shh! Don’t shout, Mike.
B. No,thank you. Don’t drink in the library.
C. Sorry. Would you like some milk, Liu Tao
D. Hi, Liu Tao. C
E. I’m sorry.
十一、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。 (8 分)
1. to, Welcome, Robot, Museum (.)
2. nice, a, What, jacket (!)
3. your, new, English, Here’s, book (.)
4. that, little, Who’s, girl ( )
十二、根据图片和上下文意思,完成下列对话,每空一词。(10 分)
1. A: Where is the robot
B: It’s the .
A: Oh, I see. And I can’t find(找不到) my doll.
B: Look! It’s the now.
A: Thank .
2. A: This is a picture of my family.
B: Who is this
A: is my cousin. His is Tony.
B: they your father and mother
A: No. They’re my uncle and aunt.
B: Who’s this old
A: She’s my grandma.
相符的用“F”表示。(5 分)
Bill:Hello, e and meet my new friend, Linda.
Mike: Nice to meet you, Linda.
Linda: Nice to meet you, too. ( ) 1. Linda is Bill’s new friend.
( ) 2. Linda has four baby dogs.
)Bill: Linda has three baby dogs(狗).
Mike: What colour are they
Linda: One dog is black. Two dogs are brown. ( ) 3. The baby dogs are brown.
Oh,time to feed(喂) the dogs now. ( ) 4. It’s time to feed the baby dogs.
Do you want to see(看) my baby dogs ( ) 5. Bill and Mike want to see the baby Bill & Mike: Great! dogs.



上一篇:第二单元 认识物质的构成—九年级上册化学鲁教版(2024)单元质检卷(B卷)(答案)

下一篇:外研(新标准)版九年级上册Module 1 Unit 1 It's more than 2,000 years old.课外作业练习题 (含答案)