Unit1 Friends 暑假预习检测题(含答案)译林版八年级上册

2024年译林版Module 1 Unit1 Friends暑假预习检测题
1.Oh, she smiles! She nods! She understands! We ve got _____ dog in the world.
A. a cleverer B. the cleverest C. a shyer D. the shyest
2.—What do you think of the film My Motherland and I
—Wonderful! The people in the film were ________ and they made a great contribution(贡献)to our country.
A. polite B. hard-working C. unhappy D. social
3.—Would you mind my sitting here
—Of course not. ________.
A. Don t be silly B. I ve no idea
C. Go ahead D. It s hard to say
4.—What s the ________ of no myopia(近视)in Wantang Primary School in Yunnan —A teacher at the school says that each student is required to play outdoors for over 3 hours a day.
A. secret B. choice C. power D. interest
5.The elderly find it _____ to get into public places like hospitals than before because they don t know how to operate smart machines.
A. easy B. easier C. hard D. harder
6.Beethoven began to lose his ____ of hearing at the age of 26, but it didn t stop him from making great music.
A. power B. taste C. sense D. hope
7.—How much work have you finished to prepare for the coming exam
—In fact, not ________ is done, but I think I m ready for it.
A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything
8.Be careful not to knock anything ____ the floor when you _____ the bookshelf.
A. off; pass B. down; passed C. onto; pass D. onto; past
9.Max, ____ 11-year-old boy, is such ____ honest student that we all like him.
A. an; an B. a; an C. /; an D. the; an
10.Our monitor always helps students ____ their lessons and he never says bad words ____ others.
A. in; with B. to; about C. with; about D. with; in
Once, several children in a country were hurt at war, including an 8-year-old girl. People from the village (11) medical help from a nearby hospital. Soon, a doctor and some (12) arrived. They found out the girl was the most (13) injured(受伤). Without a quick blood transfusion(输血), she would die of blood loss. A quick (14) showed that none of the adults had the correct type, (15) several of the uninjured orphans(孤儿)did. The doctor tried to explain to the frightened children that unless the girl could be given some blood, she would certainly die. Then he asked if (16) wanted to give blood to help. Everybody was silent.
After a while, a little boy slowly (17) his hand, dropped it back down, and then raised it again. He was Heng. (18) Heng was laid on a bed. A needle(针)was put into his arm. After a moment, he began to cry, quickly covering his (19) with his free hand. When the doctor asked him if the needle (20) him, he shook his head. But soon he cried in silence. Something seemed (21) . The doctor spoke to the boy softly and then, the (22) stopped crying and a look of happiness could be seen on his face. The doctor said to the nurses, “He thought he was (23) . He misunderstood me. He thought I had asked him to give all his blood so the little girl could live.”
“ But (24) would he be willing to do that ” one of the nurses asked. The doctor repeated the question to the boy, who answered (25) , “Because she s my friend.”
11.A. invited B. asked C. told D. gave
12.A. workers B. nurses C. teachers D. children
13.A. easily B. carefully C. seriously D. sincerely
14.A. method B. way C. test D. study
15.A. if B. and C. or D. but
16.A. anyone B. no one C. everyone D. each one
17.A. put up B. put away C. put on D. put down
18.A. Heavily B. Strangely C. Quickly D. Clearly
19.A. head B. hand C. arm D. face
20.A. worked B. cared C. lost D. hurt
21.A. wrong B. right C. secret D. possible
22.A. girl B. child C. doctor D. parent
23.A. lying B. sleeping C. leaving D. dying
24.A. why B. how C. what D. when
25.A. angrily B. simply C. excitedly D. exactly
Eve was having a party! She invited all her friends for a special competition evening. The best singer would win a prize of a huge box of her delicious home-made cakes.
Everyone came along: Helen, Jane, and Peter. Peter looked a bit nervous. “Don t worry, Peter. We re only here to have some fun. I m certainly no pop singer, either!” Eve said kindly. Jane was the first on stage. The minute she began to sing, everyone could tell she had been practising! Next, it was Helen s turn. Her voice was not as strong as Jane s, but she had a great sense of rhythm(节奏感). All the girls took turns singing. There were a few mistakes, but all in all, everyone had a wonderful time.
“Come on, Peter. It s your turn now!” said the girls. But Peter shook his head. “No, thanks. I can t do it,” he said. “Don t be afraid. If you like, we can sing together,” said Eve. Finally Peter gave in. He and Eve shared the microphone(麦克风)and they began to sing a rock song. At first, they could hardly hear the voice of the shy boy, but later, he was holding the microphone on his own and singing his heart out! He got everyone to sing along as he danced around the stage like a real rock star.
At the end of the song, Eve stepped forward and handed him the big box of home-made cakes. “Peter, we all agree that you ve won the prize!” she said. “You may not sing like a singer, but you really know how to put on a show!” Everyone laughed as Peter passed the cakes around to all his friends.
26.How was Jane s singing voice
A. Strong. B. Sweet. C. Funny. D. Quiet.
27.Which of the following can best describe the girls show
A. Boring. B. Excellent.
C. Full of mistakes. D. Generally good.
28.Why did Eve share the microphone with Peter
A. Because the girls asked her to do so.
B. Because there were no other microphones.
C. Because she would help Peter get over his nervousness(紧张).
D. Because Peter was too nervous to hold the microphone.
29.How did Peter probably feel at the end of his show
A. Shy. B. Happy. C. Surprised. D. Worried.
30.Why was Peter given the box of cakes
A. Because he had the best voice.
B. Because he loved eating cakes.
C. Because he helped the girls a lot.
D. Because he held the stage very well.
The school talent show was coming. And I had a good idea—I planned to put on a show with my cat, Mimi!
However, my best friend Grace showed up, “Kelly, we should do an act together!”
I was going to tell her my idea, but she quickly interrupted me.
“We will discuss the act after school,” she said. “I ll see you at 6 when we practise ping-pong.”
We always did what Grace wanted. She picked the sport we played. We watched comedies because she liked them. Sometimes I felt unhappy about how our friendship worked. However, Grace always seemed so sure that I couldn t say anything.
After school, Grace was excited about her plan, “I learned this from a TV show. We can do a magic trick together.”
“That s great,” I said. “Do you think maybe we can put Mimi in our show ”
“Kelly, you know I am not good with animals,” said Grace.
When I got home, Mum asked me why I was so quiet. I told her about the talent show.
“Kelly, you can t always follow your friend around,” Mum smiled. “Grace is a very good friend, but you should be yourself and help your friend see it.”
That evening, I called Grace and told her I really wanted to do the show with Mimi. After I hung up, I spent the night worrying it could be the end of our friendship.
The next morning at school, something surprising happened. Grace told me about a new act. She also planned to go by herself! After class, we played tennis, my favourite sport, instead of ping-pong!
The talent show was a month ago. Grace and I are still good friends. I am happy that I spoke up for myself.
31.The underlined word “interrupted” probably means “________”.
A. like to share something with someone
B. make sb stop what they are saying
C. say goodbye to someone
D. invite someone to a conversation
32.Kelly was unhappy about their friendship because ________.
A. Grace made decisions for both of them
B. Kelly couldn t say anything to Grace
C. Kelly didn t like comedies at all
D. Grace was not good with her cat
33.What advice did Mum give Kelly
A. To tell the family about the talent show.
B. To surprise Grace with a new idea.
C. To put a cat in their show.
D. To tell Grace what she thought.
34.What might be the best title for this passage
A. Share with Grace B. Speak Up for a Friend
C. Learn to be Myself D. Still Good Friends
Good luck need friends one more became
A: Hey, how's it going
B: Oh, all right. I'm trying to make (1) .
A: Oh, that's great! Everyone needs friends.
B: Would you please give me some advice(建议)
A: Yes. I think you should talk more often with the people who you want to make friends with.
B: Okay, thanks for your advice. I have (2) question.
A: Go ahead, please. I am happy to help you.
B: Should I try to get their phone numbers
A: Yes, of course. Friends (3) to communicate(交流) with each other.
B: Then I won't be shy to ask for their phone numbers. What kinds of friends should I make
A: You can make friends with any kinds of persons. I (4) a friend of an old man and a young kid.
B: Wow, that's amazing. I didn't know making friends would be easy. Thanks a lot.
A: (5) on that. Goodbye.
B: Goodbye.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
36.If you want to build a stronger friendship, please read the following suggestions. First, remember to be (1) (honesty) and open with your friends, and let your friends know your habits and (2) (interested). Second, life is full (3) ups and downs. When your friends are (4) (happy), you can tell something funny to cheer (5) (they) up. You can play small tricks (6) your friends and you are not in agreement. Third, it s always meaningful to contact your friends often. Every important day in your (7) (friend) life counts. Make sure the dates you remember are exactly your friends (8) (importance) days. What s more, organize some activities and invite your friends (9) (join) you.
In (10) word, the tips above can work, and your friendship will last forever.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
37.A (笔直的)line is the shortest distance(距离)between two points.
38.Andy felt so u because he ran slowest again.
39.Daniel s aunt is an e teacher. Her students like her very much.
40.In the writing c , Simon got the first place.
41Jim, don t tell lies. You must be h .
42.Entertainment Weekly is one of the most popular (杂志)in the USA.
43.Max likes telling funny (joke) when we chat with him.
44.It s said that men have a stronger direction (感觉)than women.
We decided .
the best teacher in our school
What do you think
Kids should learn to understand and .
Their school library than .
50.假设你校Buddy Club正在举行“Who is an all-round(全能的)buddy in your heart ”活动,你认为你的朋友李亮是你心目中的全能伙伴。请你用英语写一篇80词左右的短文,向Buddy Club的其他同学介绍李亮。
My favourite all-round buddy
I will choose my friend Li Liang as my favourite all-round buddy. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
35.【答案】【小题1】friends 【小题2】one more【小题3】need
【小题4】became【小题5】Good luck
36.【答案】【小题1】honest 小题2】interests 【小题3】of 【小题4】unhappy
【小题5】them 【小题6】when 【小题7】friends 【小题8】important 【小题9】
to join 【小题10】a
45.【答案】to keep the secret for each other
46.【答案】Who would you choose as
47.【答案】makes a good baseball player
48.【答案】care about their parents
49.【答案】is much smaller ours
50.【答案】One possible version:
My favourite all-round buddy
I will choose my friend Li Liang as my favourite all-round buddy. He has big eyes and a round face. He is honest, polite and hard-working. What s more, he is a helpful boy. He is willing to help people in need any time. Last week, he helped a little girl find her way home. He likes playing chess, so he joined the Chess Club last year. Besides, he is good at playing basketball. He spends an hour practising playing basketball with his classmates after school every day. When he grows up, he wants to be a teacher.
Therefore, Li Liang is not only my best friend but also an all-round buddy in my heart.



