
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. C
11. B
12. A
13. C
14. A
15. A
16. B
17. A
18. D
19. B
20. C
21. D
22. A
23. D
24. B
25. B
26. A
27. A
28. A
29. C
30. D
31. C
32. A
33. E
34. B
35. C
36. A
37. D
38. B
39. E
40. important
41. feel
42. help
43. us
44. danger
45. healthy
50. something
51. windy
52. were eating
53. to help
54. shouted
55. house
56. when
57. outside
58. scared
59. Luckily
60. He got a job to cut down trees.
61. 18 trees.
62. Yes, he did.
63. Because he had no time.
64. We should learn new skills and think about the best way to do our job.
70. help me clean
71. get on well with
72. was having
73. as soon as
74. instead of

One afternoon at 3:45, there was a car accident on Qingcheng Road near Huasheng Supermarket. The weather was cloudy and windy. A car collided with a motorcycle. The motorcyclist was seriously injured and people sent him to the hospital.
The accident was caused by the motorcyclist's failure to obey traffic rules and his driving too fast. At that time, Li Ming was shopping in the supermarket. When he saw the accident happen, he felt very scared and worried about the rider.
Li Ming realized that everyone should obey the rules and pay attention to safety. Such accidents could be avoided if people were more careful. He hoped that everyone could learn from this incident and drive safely on the road.
This experience made Li Ming more aware of the importance of following rules and taking care of himself and others. He decided to always be cautious and responsible when it comes to traffic safety.2023-2024学年第一学期期中检测
11.What does Sam think of chores
A.He likes them.
B.He hates them.
C.They are boring.
12.What does Sam do on Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays
A.He takes out the trash.B.He washes his father's car.
C.He cleans his room

13.Who does Sam have to look after sometimes

A.His brother.
B.His sister.
C.His little brother and sister.
1.Which story does the woman tell
14.Does Kumar do chores at home
A.Nu Wa Repairs the Sky.
B.Yu Gong Moves a Mountain
A.Yes,he does.
C.Hou Yi Shoots the Suns.
B.No,he doesn't.
C.We don't know.
2.What will Hansel drop along the way
15.Does Kumar feel lucky
A.Some stoncs.
B.Some sticks.
C.Some candies
A.Yes,he does.
B.No,he doesn't.
C.We don't know.
3.What does the Colorado River look like as it passes through the rocks
A.A silver stream.
B.A golden stream.
C.A silver rock.
4.How long does the woman need

A.Fourteen minutes.B.Less than half an hour.
C.Forty minutes.

5.What time will the plane take off
6.Where will Wei Hua spend her summer holiday

A.In West China
B.In Beijing.
C.In Jiangxi.
One day,a mother duck and her ducklings were on their way to a lake.All of a sudden,the
7.How is Wei Hua going to spend her summer holiday
mother duck saw a fox.She became 16 and shouted,"Children,hurry to the lake
A.She will stay in Beijing.
B.She will go back to her hometown.
There's a fox!*
C.She will study abroad.
The ducklings hurried 17 the lake.The mother duck-began to walk back and forth,
8.Why don't Wei Hua's grandparents live with her family
dragging (one of her18 along the ground.When the fox saw her,he was quite
A.They are very busy.
B.They are too old to move.
pleased.He said to himself,"It looks like she's hurt and can't fly!I can 19 catch and
C.They don't like living in the noisy city.
cat her!"He ran towards her.
9.How is Wei Hua going to her hometown
The mother duck led the fox away from the lake.The fox 20 her.Now he wouldn'
A.By train.
B.By bus
C.By air.
10.When are Wei Hua and her family going to leave
be able to harm her ducklings.The mother duck21her ducklings and saw that they
A.This afternoon.
had reached the lake..She was relieved ()She stopped and took22.The fo:
C.The day after tomorrow



上一篇:【高分攻略·能力突破】2025年高考化学大一轮复习--第05讲 离子反应 离子方程式(特训)(含解析)
